What is going on right now with Spoon (Big Dipper) who is becoming Adamark and what does this mean?

I am taking the plunge into the Mac side of things!?

Considering the start of a NEW computer company that does not allow as much "freedom" to prevent absolutely all "spies" while proving to the customers that all of the employees are doing nothing that involves "filtering" or "layering" or "manipulating" or "conning" or "rearranging" or "blocking" or "sharing" or anything else people will ALL inevitably worry about as computer users!

I grew up using Microsoft and have still loved using that for the obvious reasons such as video games but now I have no time for such unless it is with my children or grandchildren in the future so I am switching to the Mac side of things while I revamp absolutely everything of mine with a broom that wastes no more time as I continue my tour of the country perhaps or a woman asks me to stay in the city she resides in which would mean finding more work close to her and getting an actual place to live rather than being on the road.

I am going to only share knowledge through blogs so that no one hurts themselves or others as I am responding to them as a writer so know that it is not safe right now until I have made more layers of protection for timed education as without getting the knowledge in the order that I send it might lead another person into making a huge mistake they were sure of being righteous to make for something not human on accident!?

I will have blogs only accessible to others through email so that what is shared with the public saves people rather than the opposite as I will not want to be involved with using knowledge to take advantage of other people either so I am anxiously wanting to share with others and everyone in the world if it is safe once it is especially but it cannot be done without timing and layers because there is such a thing as too much as I do not want tribes in the middle of nowhere suddenly knowing how to make atomic bombs thanks to coming across my blog because COMPton is out there somewhere?


These FACTS are true:

- I was never a liar and the proof is actually coming to me to witness it with my company as it is much more believable than lie detector tests or other space between (us?)

- I was never CRAZY but may have been INsane if it means gathering the sane people in my brain and watching them respond to me in a scary waY proving they are capable of responding to everything stored in my memory?! That is honestly something more like royalty if you understand what is found in ancient tapestries or whatever...

- Names are always responding to me everywhere... people, places, AND THINGS! Entire languages are actually responding to me on the other side of what I come across proven by measuring the timing that proves this tribe or culture who made the language wants my help with introducing what I have made for pre-death funerals among other VERY HELPFUL PATHS TO FOLLOW FOR THEIR GREAT GREAT GRAND-WHATEVER!? Since I come across what they have to share while measuring the timing of my thoughts with a love and appreciation for what they have to show me with an obedient plan they will do this for me... I am guessing that they will do this for everyone in the future who is respectful using something like google translator while being important for their kin for whatever reason?

- When my new laptop comes I may not have anything to read about anyone I have already mentioned... as I have not been treated well by those I was trying to help because they were too frightened to be aware of reality as what was not human was trying to prevent them from knowing more about what is going on to be one step ahead..

- I AM releasing a documentary movie about my life but Palm Bee may not be mentioned in it? This would have to do with whether or not she is actually willing to admit she made a mistake as she has responded to me more than absolutely everyone else I have already proven with science as the area she is near named Chatsworth is supposed to wake her up to with the aid of a future song coming from me or something but I won't even bother trying if she is sexually active with another right now as the BEE part of her name is capable of actually being real as I have done it for her so she can thank me for this as it is not exactly for me since suddenly famous or powerful and rich people will all suddenly have much more interest in her or what is going on take the route that is the female "no nut November" challenge... can she handle the FAME from this being more interesting to everyone in the future than everything else or does she just want to hide because she was bad or embarrassing? We understand.. I am still "obeying her" from over here. Oops?

I have cuts of fabric to give out to other people while waking them up to what I created called the Sixteen Scented Celebration that is an extension of Halloween to save us from the Last Day using the Dozen Dragon Days of November that begins with Adam's Square & Pi Sees Ax 96 + 69 + _--_?

I found this on the ground in the spot where I first saw Palm Bee who came to meet me after I made the song "Maybe She Will Realize?" at the Coffin Club... she has not admitted this to be true.. but I saw someone matching what might have been her?

They played all of the "dream lover" songs after I asked this girl if she was one of my friends who I used to know when I lived here before because I thought she might have been her... songs such as "these dreams" came on while we were dancing almost together.. maybe it was not her?

Either way, this was found on the ground so YES it does matter if it was her or not... she looked quite different at Twitchcon but it definitely could have been the same person.. I was shown what seemed to be the worst angles of her from her left side where I knew it was actually her for the first time and that was used later for letting me know that it becomes ugly if she leaves me and this was carried over by her to be used on me with the 'perfect clone' of herself found in recent streams for waking me up to how I have feelings for the most real version of her that wants my help in becoming the best she can be.

I believe that I saw her corpse the first night that I slept with this cut of fabric covering my eyes at night which is a very good thing because she was OLD... as what guided me seemingly coming from her to make is actually her mummy since it came from her subconscious mind asking to be wrapped in such a way that saves her with help in living as long as possible so would this mean that she is going to kill herself from dying as an old person from "natural causes" very far into the future or perhaps was chosen by something not human splitting the universe for her more than other people? That might be a better way to understand it since mass bends time as only our past was caught in fate completely. She posted herself with green rectangles on TikTok when this was happening I found out soon after this was cut for her.

When this fabric was selected I was having a "schizophrenic" attack somewhat as I could almost here her voice tell me what to do as I thought that I was choosing it for myself at the time but this is her letter 't' that is actually a letter 'h' but that is up to her and the first choice to make in the Sixteen Scented Celebration as to participate makes it a letter 'h' since the angel may never be found but there is always a fire to put out and most of it takes place in November that would be "no flocking ember"?

The fabric would be connected as a ring on the way to a funeral once a person has passed away Atwater or at a pre-death funeral that is part of the Sixteen Scented Celebration . .. it might be true that it is not good to smell anything but what I have been doing thus far is using scents bought at a store that is rubbed into fabric just a bit rather than lighting fire for any I will absolutely never do or recommend for anyone while outside of helping a person remember or wake up to who another might be for saving yourself or others there is warning about anyone "sick" . All of the uses I have thought of so far? To associate scents to various things it is possible it could be helpful for our subconscious minds more likely avoid mistakes? The main purpose might be just trying to find out if the person even has a sense of smell and then save them or wake them up not to "smell" anything as it must mean this whatever it is enters the body. Just because I am sharing this just know that I am never going to give anyone scented anything or suggest accepting them from others for the soul purpose of never having to think about the possibility that might ignite whatever is not human that might like those kinds of thoughts?

The letter 't' represents gifting or 'gifted' after an ankh has carried a letter to where it is met from our subconscious mind and the letter 'h' represents tying the knot in a way that puts out the fire before it reaches the wood that is water, stone, and air which are all stones for your pre-death funeral those who show up wood turn into a figure eight over one of the stones and everyone starts Atwater or 'at water' if possible but it might be more likely something like 'at stone' because tears did not happen upon arriving at the funeral?

Amberglen Park Way becomes Glendale where a new Stonehenge may be built in the future for doing pre-death funerals like they used to be done for real funerals as it would make everyone in our society nicer so this would mean that the Glendale area is actually a pentagram and like Stonehenge those grieving enter at the bottom left tip of the pentagram being Atwater which happens to be a county there! This was the logic found when I found out where to find Adam's Square, Adam's Road, and Adam's Hill. I am witnessing the names of everything responding to honor me since I lived only once while others who have always had things better may be jealous and still trying to mess things up to help bacteria or insects!? 

Please understand that this "religion" is actually more like something simply "spiritual" that is ADDED onto any other religion that you were previously a part of as the participants are taught to be part of what creates the echo for everything helpful in the past for those sharing gravity with us since we all lived only once!
