Thee Making of Thee Ring, Volumes iv & v

Was she ever able to see this video?

The English language backwards did this to warn me what what might too sleeezy... NOT HER? What did Instagram and Twitch do to that girl? I would love to meet her and find out! I would love to take a lie detector test that I did not want Trump to be shot dead. Where she might feel like she is the guilty one she actually does not know what men did to her to keep her blind!

Something added/changed daily until this is done!

When I come across another online it is not easy to ignore how they respond to me with perfect timing proving to have access to my memory while I measure what enters my brain coming from colonies of bacteria living inside or found East because of the planet moving, insects heard, or animals and manmade distractions using synchronicity to program me with the sound or music heard.


I call it levitating when a woman comes to me in spirit that can provide an experience more intimate than sex that is like making love with her soul. Witnessing proof of not being alone while giving a portion of the mind as an observer to another is addictive! The more a person is important, attractive, or famous would be the more it is noticed so once you discover how this is real yourself get used to others calling you crazy out of jealousy when you share what happens.


- pick a random color found the most in a specific location for the next post by another on your birthday in the past and when it is not found try to find the reason in the content shared.

Thanks to having a good memory I know that every person that I become familiar with echoed into my childhood as if they were always somehow familiar so there are ways to measure a child and find out more about who the toys will become that are played with.

This is what one of my full acoustic guitar sets sounds like if you come watch me perform someday?

I was touring the country and living on the road  handing out free samples of my music at every goth dance club in every city to get more of a feel for where I might want to spend my future the most while finding quiet locations for recording music.

Thee Ring, Volumes iv & v, will soon be coming out!

I am usually very shy but unlike others I may act as if people can see me from the other side of pictures and videos because they are constantly proving to me or others close by that they can as their gaze always connects to something meaningful found on the other side you will also find if you run some tests yourself.

I am able to record myself on camera to prove how I always get what I ask for with my mind from the other side of the next picture, artwork, or maybe video that I come across without failing or I will use a random number generator to prove I did not cheat from memorizing anything before hand? People with me will constantly witness what is supposed to be impossible as my surroundings tend to try and synchronize with whatever is going on with me. 

While doing something like giving someone a ride when they would play music for me I would prove that the musician was attempting to connect with me by asking for specific things that would be heard next in the song to help me prove that it was really happening to my company.

When I am getting dressed I will do things like cover up the faces of others seen in pictures with towels or whatever works so that I may have privacy and no one sees me naked... I found it startling or embarrassing when a woman on the other side of a video actually pointed at where my lube was located while saying something only I would understand.. and when someone finally convinced me to show her nudity I was punished for it in various ways when I came across the next woman.

One of them blocked me with such meaningful timing as if she knew what I did for another and when she came online still found with those I followed on twitch she looked like she might cry as she was saying something about a "gross stick" while I was briefly there to hit the button to stop following her . .. although I planned on meeting her someday before this happened since we knew the same people I found it a bit more uncomfortable to open up with her as much as I did with others even though her conscious mind would not have been aware of the sexy exchange or can I even say that is true anymore?

From the perspective of maybe someone working for a website it might look like the female is rejecting me when in reality the "dream date" may not have gone so well as she knew that I did not want to be with her for whatever reason I found while looking into who she was... not sure why rejecting me somehow makes someone feel better? A lot of the time they are not supposed to like me or maybe did something extreme to be single so do not want to be caught for it?

Recording began on the road as I left the Seattle area making the birds and insects sound much better from coming across my mind but just in case I have my website up called for people to let me know where the birds were being racist or abusive so that I may 'fix' them before another victim is found from our not doing anything about the dangerous origins of thought people may wake up to with bad timing leading to things such as going postal... 

I made a remix of an old Nintendo Entertainment System video game as shown here and available for download among other loved nostalgic hits!

I came into California witnessing what was supposed to be impossible on a completely different kind of high from witnessing reality.. impossibly accurate synchronization queued to my mind others with me witnessed coming from everyone that I looked up to while growing up or complete strangers found in captured light and sound such as a musician at a dance club that would time things in a way that answered my questioning mind guiding me to do something such as follow on Spotify for them?

In the bay area, I used to stay in guest rooms of various friends from the dance club every weekend since I used to live about an hour or two drive away but this time I had a bunch of nice stuff in my car so I did not want to risk someone breaking into it as they were not always in the best neighborhood. Although I had everything chained and locked up some people would have broken a window just for a chance of finding something worth twenty dollars!

While clubbing sometimes every night, I would have fun being able to demonstrate miracles and show people things that should be impossible to witness.

A poly couple one night had asked me to perform at a party and while exchanging information I asked him to choose a color and location on a square and then a random person that was not linked to me like one of his friends picked a number which all happened almost immediately giving me no time to cheat in any way as we found in his Instagram that the number selected a photo that was the only one of his with that color in the location he chose the most while the reason or meaning found thanks to the timing and nature of my thoughts was most convincing, of course...

Another night after the club we were eating together and I turned on my Twitch to prove to my company that the streamers could somehow see us from the other side so I asked out loud as if the guy we were watching was aware of us and he answered back to his chat while totally unaware of us saying, "everything that this mans says is true" . .. then we did some of these tests using Ozzy Osbourne's pictures after being welcomed in to be taking turns asking him questions using the next picture seen as the answer and for some of them he was looking at words written on the wall behind us from the other side of the photo or video giving the most incredible answer!

Witnesses with me actually cried out loud their shock how they were always proving to be aware on the other side of the photos and videos somehow!?

Whenever I would come across a clump of photos from new people online I would notice that if I used the same "rules" that I came up with for "dream dating" as shown in a previous blog post the women would give me a spiritually romantic experience from somehow responding to my mind on the other side as if aware of my thoughts just as my demonstrations are supposed to prove to be real like those found in the dating websites but outside of there was not somewhere I am going to try to message anyone... but still they know how to answer all of the questions that really are going to matter when it comes to whether or not I would consider the person as a mate.. coming across women on Twitch is a magical experience that can be better than sex because of how they will respond to my mind and noticeably say things under their breath to enhance my experience or convince me to get off of the other women for a shot at a certain one should certain kinks be worked out between us as there will almost always be several reasons I would not date the girl but they almost always seem to promise change or will have a way of negotiating or testing my minds limits to find out what I would be willing to accept or what might make me run fast as fast as possible?

The Sixteen Scented Celebration came and it was amazing seeing all of the women online that seemingly posted content that followed the themes of the days as if they already knew about it somehow and had something to share with me regarding where they might be found and on the Day of Air being November 8th that is for the hand wrapping ceremony I had a vivid romantic dream of Violent Vickie so I woke up knowing that somewhere out there she likely had the same dream...

The dozen dragon days that is an extension of Halloween begins with the Day of Darkness asking us to go just one day without electricity...

(See the end of 'Thee Making of Thee Ring, Volumes iii & Pi' blog post to witness proof or more about how to understand how I get the meaning from what I come across that is always math or science over anything fake as you might have suspected...)

I made a song with the birds calling me a turtle like my car was my shell in San Rafael where the target store would let me sit in the back after the coffee place closed to use their Wi-fi until almost midnight so this became a fun spot to work late after everything else closed sometimes to sip on my favorite flavored chai tea spending more money than I would like to admit. 

From the moment I woke in the morning I would be hard at work making sure to have something like a music video to share every day and I was getting a lot more done than I would if I was staying in one location renting but I must admit that I did waste a lot of time and hundreds of dollars on certain addictive phone games like Epic Heroes or Hero Clash.

Whenever I checked out someone new, I had the same routine of only adding them if they synchronized with what might be my future echo by giving me red and green closest to my birthday on the "yes" side when using my ex-girlfriend's ouija board shirt to measure and these colors are usually found in the bottom right of what is shared after my birthday or the top left of something before it...

(Hahaha... Yeah right!? Just getting started!?!)

I was walking out to my car in a Target parking lot when I found Palm Bee for the first time on playing a video game called World of Warcraft where she was attacking turtles as a character in a well known video game playing online with other people who would watch her and talk to her in chat I could use as well on her channel that is something like a show for her collective of fans or fellow gamers...

[The red on her lips is found in the location that would mean "saving it for later..." or the upper left which is always for the right mind or the air element that represents marriage to our ancestors and seemingly to our subconscious mind typically showing what I get in the end?]

[Is she giving me a warning look? I absolutely love that hair! The bottom of a photograph is closer to the observer than the top... while the bottom may be now as the top is for what is found later?]

[I use the third picture to ask for where the conflict is found where she shows her left ear so would this mean that hearing me leave would be a problem?]

The game developers paying her would have lost money from my existence perhaps as I have played video games that favor player vs player online and when games would have a dying population I would try and convince players in forums for World of Warcraft to try something new and I was very well known for this on as I did it for years while multitasking at work and my posts would have probably inspired developers all over the world with a lot of soul put into them. I was seen as a sort of staple in the player vs player online community.

This might be why they had her attacking turtles because I was being compared to Rafael who is known as the meanest Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtle so is that like asking how long it would take until I became angry with her? By adding a letter 'd' that has the origin from Egypt that would mean 'passing along the freshest or best' to San becomes sand like what would be found in an hourglass. Maybe the purpose would be for reminding her about how nice I always am and how she would be able to play the game even if I did not want her too?

Games I used to check out from those forums had hidden gems for me to find such as an avatar for one of the characters obviously coming from one of my pictures! Magic the Gathering Online did this for me and around this time a local card dealer sold me a special deck with a label that was backwards containing a card that was seemingly made FOR ME that was a human shaman that turned into a werewolf around the same time that a famous goth song came out depicting me as a werewolf because of my discovering porphyria in my family line?

[I usually ask for what we a green upon in the fourth picture in the upper left if we are a good fit so I am thankful to see her lips located there!? How magical it was to come across these photos while listening to her talk to my mind in a way that should be impossible but somehow always happens to me?! Something someone may not believe to be real since a person might have to be aware of my thoughts as well as my memory for measuring how she would be responding with perfect timing from her soul trapped in the captured light and sound as if I was the most important person to ever come across her since she would have responded to everybody...?]

My latest creations have a beautiful way of combining my new extreme stereo technique that I have called 'deep stare' like the drums as heard in the video above along with acoustic soft sung love songs... To prepare for the largest audience I am completely revamping absolutely everything! 

Thee Ring has been about how I made the discovery regarding my ex girlfriend responding to me on the other side of pictures and videos but these volumes (iv & v) are going to be focused on waking up strangers that I have had romantic dreams of online! Hopefully somehow I will be able to give back a similar experience as to what was given to me? A person might have to measure the timing of every thought to find it the miracle side of it? Going through a person's content can give a sort of high that makes it hard to sleep while making the brain feel like a muscle that has been over worked?

[Four thought clouds would mean "for thought" or 'out of time' when using the language of math that our subconscious minds always follow... She wears a beautiful check-her pattern as the festivities I came up with all start with a square to check out ourselves, what would be the ideal mate, and all of the goals for our lifetime to accomplish.. glad to see that the WINDow is open as the air element ties to rewards such as marriage?]

[This would typically mean, "how would I be open to marriage?" since the blue does not start in the bottom left... as explained in a previous blog post near the end about 'dream dating'..?]

[Third photo I typically have used to ask where any problem may be found and the letters "n" for a liftingⁿ snake representingⁿ the act of lovingⁿ a person or eatingⁿ food and "g" is for ⁿguidingⁿ a route or journey are found in the spot where she sends fire if she were to walk like an Egyptian which makes sense if she is actually a monster known as the red eaten? The person who made the Faerie Tale seems to have helped me with introducing my celebration to this girl if she understands what the Belt of Orion would become that changes every year at some point in a person's life when the need for what is negative to be countered comes up and more people realize that we need heaven somewhere now? The resolution for the conflict has been the upper right so it is nice seeing the WINDow there but is it closed? So, maybe it is reminding me that she is not married?]

Example of girl responding to the Sixteen Scented Celebration? Here is an example of how someone responded to the theme days by some miracle...

[This LONG video above shows an example of how women will post things having to do with the theme days for the celebration that I have come up with... unfortunately it may take watching several hours of 'boring' video before catching onto what Palm Bee and others did to me but it is definitely worth taking the time to catch up enough to witness as it was such an expression like an artist making a painting that has a way of making the person much more beautiful but unfortunately everyone else was not able to see them from this light I ride?]

Shown below was taken on November 7th which is the Day of Water for pre-death funerals in the Sixteen Scented Celebration so she sits before what looks to be a coffin-shaped rectangle where there is a man wearing pants laced up the sides like I happened to be the only man who will wear that style as I used to make my own clothes that looked identical using tight velvet laced together over fishnets beneath...

[I always ask for red in the 1st picture of a clump to show me how attracted to me she might be beyond worry of consequences... so the tiny bit of red found in the "we are different" spot being the lower left means something but it is mostly found in the upper left which would mean, "saving it for later"? thankfully!?]

Out of his chest is where his largest echo would be found and it goes behind her to fit my artist name which is Spoon (means "Big Dipper" or the "Ark of the Covenant" so it the opposite of something supporting drugs as people might think when they first see it?)...

On my way to a date with Leah Metallic I took a video of myself asking any girl with feelings for me to put yellow on her chest or in front of it to let me know how she felt so that I would know that it matters and this picture clump was taken by this time so the yellOW on her chest is meaningful for that special reason...

[I ask for blue in the bottom left of the second picture to show me what to do for the water element that is a tease which she did... so for orders shown in the water element blue is found on the monitor where a palm tree is found as if joking about doing something that might sting the hand eventually?]

[3rd picture I ask for the conflict to be shown with the resolution in the top right which appears to be unwelcomed men coming to her as she is praying to a red robe maybe to get them off like in the story I had shared on my Facebook...?]

When I moved in with my last girlfriend I was having dreams of other women having sex with me several times per night for a couple weeks so I was praying to her red robe to get them off of me and years later the sex dream with who may have been Palm Bee taught me how the black robe meant poly but she is not wearing a robe here...

Part of the celebration on the Day of Air or November 8th hooks up some women with a line-up of men who take turns placing an object at her feet and then go back in line for taking turns pointing at one until she picks the winner that would both remove their wrist ring bracelets to wrap their hands so when I see this jewelry on someone it has this meaning especially when it is found on her right arm.

[I ask for what we a green on in the upper left of the fourth photo and this is the area of a photo that would be the air element showing what would be the best thing for me to find so long as her ring is removed to be wrapped around our hands... sure makes the extended hand more meaningful as shown below..?]

[The red and green is found on the "no" side for the wood element which I use the fifth picture for to ask whether or not she wants children but with a green in the bottom left and red in the top right it would mean "not agreeing to never" so it is a 'yes' without agreeing or being ready hopefully as I want children?!]


[I ask for the sixth picture to show what endangers her... and no one looks threatened to me here!?]

Where the bracelet fabric ring would unwrap from the wrist a tattoo of a Scorpio astrological symbol would be revealed which happens to be my sign so during the ancient wedding ceremony where hands would be joined this is especially meaningful and it happens to be found immediately after another girl before this I had romantic dreams of seemingly shown herself with a tattoo as well with a ton of meaning going along with my name Adam?

Nice diamonds to match my astrological symbol!?

I needed a stinger to be born as a Scorpio since my Mother's blood type is AB- and my Father's is O+ as I was the second born and with everything that I have witnessed it seems very likely that they responded to me when the Scorpio sign was made a very long time ago as I have been able to figure out many things coming from history while proving that relics such as ancient tapestries are responding to me in the past.

With the 2nd & the 7th being the only days found of the Sixteen Scented Celebration where she posted something so it combines the numbers "2" with "7" which would mean "know direction" when put together according to the language of math and while thinking of this I had a borderline schizophrenic attack as I could hear her voice talk at a very low level reminding me that I was going the wrong direction which was South away from Portland where she lived at the time... I try not to think but when it happens I measure so it will appear to come from other people seemingly possessing my mind enough to guide it..?

Whenever I checked my favorite music video channel the latest video posted would have to do with what was going on with me at the time so I felt so fortunate for those who followed my story and from having friends online where I would share everything as it happened... especially when it came from famous talented people it really meant a lot to me!

I started watching Palm Bee for a couple hours at a time on a website called Twitch using a mini window on my phone while playing a game beneath it where I led one of the top unions as a leader and honestly wasted too much time doing this and hundreds of dollars as well...

During this time she was still categorized as impossible for there to ever be "us" as I thought that I read that she was only twenty two somewhere but feared that it could have been nineteen as her Twitch profile seemingly removed where her age used to be found unless I just confused her with another girl?

Unlike the others found online this girl did not have an OnlyFans page or tattoos or other signs of my future echo not being there while she also lived in Portland which was where I kept going off and on many times in my adult life but thanks to what my last girlfriend did to me I was wanting to avoid it and run away knowing that by going back there I would have to face everything negative and fix it as I have always been liked by people everywhere and since I have not argued with anyone since school or said something bad about another behind their back it really should be easy to fix?

When I do things such as enter a supermarket I time my thoughts respectfully so that a woman's body is less likely to "call me" as sometimes they do on accident which is pretty embarrassing? Like Mickey Mouse I sometimes will feel the need to press my finger against something when there is a woman nearby so that I do not accidentally "trigger" her body to want to go into heat?

While touring the country I probably would have saved money from renting a place to live in the Bay area because of the amount of gas money I spent but I had so much fun going out dancing almost every night sometimes and I was spending a lot of money at restaurants and shopping... the bridge was crossed many times and they liked to ticket me a lot parking somewhere just a few minutes late even!

During Christmas of 2023 I spent it alone, as usual, and watched this young lady read stories from a book  which brought tears to me as I have wanted this holiday back all of my life since I lost it when my parents split up and I would fail in trying to bring my family together to bring it back as I was the only person who got along with all of them so the only real way to celebrate it would be to have children of my own for too long now so I am aiming for someone younger that would be most grateful for my investment into the Tweeting 20s and become "the top" of wherever she goes with me as maybe a singer or something creative...

Heaven was separated from the Earth by a fallen star fragment stroked against a loved one enough times that a magnet was created thus pointing to the direction of the sky using what would be the very first compass... for me, this means that I must have children of my own if I am to have an afterlife as there will be nothing else coming from me remaining outside of what would not be eternal life but merely part of my powerful echo that lived only once.. as I listened to this girl read this story I knew the person who wrote it responded to the both of us coming across it today so I am grateful that she may have tried to help me introduce my celebration to her for bringing her the absolute best experience as the red-eaten found in the story may have actually been Palm Bee in a funny way symbolically with each head representing the kind of animal eaten if she kept to lean gym diet food?

Would the red eaten have a chicken and turkey head? During ancient times it seems that maybe a dragon with several heads may represent every type of animal connected through the diet influencing the head of the person like the origin of the letter 'e' being thought coming from the belt of Orion?

If you think about what I just said while watching her you might notice her get annoyed by it under her breath saying things like "get off me.." like I would have .

She seemingly knows the thoughts of ALL the people who ever came across the video so you can hear her laughing into the book as she might be blushing a little bit as she is assuring that she is not a monster but more of a.... Lean white-eaten!?

Approved by gyms and healthy normal people of the year 2024... most of my life I favored the same meat.. sticking to lean meats over what was red and perhaps "baaaaad" to eat according to the lamb outside?

I love to cook healthy vegan creamy and crispy dishes better than any restaurant as I will do things during the prep others would not have the time for so more flavor is soaked in...

[The red is shown where my right foot enters the photo letting me know that the water I pray to might be irresistible compared to what might come from who else is interested in her?]

[The blue found on the chAIR rhymes with you and brings my left foot to be sent away only to return when accepted in the end being your right mind which is found at the top left of the photo?]

[As usual the third picture is for showing me the conflict so I love seeing the placement of the leaves being my artist name is Spoon and there are leaves behind her while there is bright yellow light where it is shown in front of her chest]

Funny how it seemed to be cleaner while on the road because I would bring a jug of water into the public bathroom with me whenever I used it not only to clean up after everyone else with any water that hit the floor but also to wash myself with soap since I never used toilet paper. I would usually wash a different section of my body with each bathroom visit so that I was not overdoing it anywhere but some bathrooms would allow me to wash my entire body easily and there were public showers to use found all over the place. When living in a place I might sit for days playing games or working without washing?

I am a bit too stubborn to ask for help from other people and am not the type of person someone should worry about when it comes to inviting me in because I always clean up whatever I use or will do someone's load of dishes in exchange for giving me an hour to cook rice or something and not want to stay for long. My car is extremely comfortable and a bit better than sleeping in a hotel or most guest beds because there are no bugs or noise as I can somehow always feel the nearest television and I absolutely hate the buzz that wants to follow my brain like one of those zappers for flies to hit themselves with. The only real hassle might be using an electric razor to shave or do my hair that might take a lot of effort because of the designs I will do in the back that can take a very long time to perfect but in any area that I am not familiar with there surely would be a bum found somewhere who would know where they are all found nearby like a hamburger restaurant or something?

I have rented only short-term while on the road! I picked up the garbage wherever I went and if I went to a restaurant or bar they would be thankful if I used the bathroom since it would be cleaned. When seeing dirty dishes in a residence I usually wash them without thinking. I cannot ignore garbage so in shady parts of town I may spend some time filling five garbage bags or more while doing squats because of going somewhere. I try to stop at the store at least once a day for boiling water to clean the carpet's floor. It is important to me that I find the very best dance clubs or maybe start my own in a city that has the best of other luxuries? My Mother was a flight attendant for over fifty years so I am used to traveling or living on the road and it is good practice for going to other countries.

I found someone on Facebook in my area who was very beautiful and when I had a dream date with her I was almost hearing her voice as she told me what I needed to do to meet her. It was not hearing a voice as much as it was measuring my thoughts and I have proven with science that they are aware of what enters my head as it feels like I am giving others a part of my imagination whenever I come across them.

Unfortunately, I am not able to believe that it is really them because of all the factors that are found like all of the nonhuman influences that are capable of giving us thoughts. Do not let this alarm you as I have not argued since school and if it ever went towards a negative direction I would not follow. I would never do anything to hurt myself or others or want to force anything onto another...

Leah Metallic is a pinup model posing in front of cars and vintage photos that I went through along with a "dream date" since she was advertising herself as single. During a borderline schizophrenic episode she told me that she wanted to meet me and was seeing some guy who was older but kind of poor as she deserved something more so I followed what was seemingly her echo as she instructed me to go to a parade in Santa Rosa so we could meet but she didn't want to have kids and had concerns of being judged for things so was not coming on as strongly as the others. Her instructions worked like a charm as she asked to ride with me in the parade but I messed up from being late so she rode with someone else but when I arrived I was able to at least get some videos for what would be a music video I made the next day. 

On my way to her I made a video of myself asking for anyone who felt jealous or hurt from my going out with this girl to put "yell ow" on their chest or in front of it and then surprisingly almost every single person did that I came across on every social media site except just one girl from an ad! It was unbelievable how about twenty posts or so ALL had yellow like I had asked for with knowing looks or other meaningful imagery!

I knew that by some margin the names of streets were having to do with me as I could not ignore the impossibly helpful timing when coming across them having to do with my moment in a way that would be suggesting help or waking me up to a potential threat or motivation to rush faster for working harder now?

I was planning on making a children friendly story in the future about what was happening to me now regarding how Santa rose from a dream where he may have been clawed from a jealous angry wife echo coming from the future so he cruised to the Box that is a goth event in Santa Cruz on Sunday to prepare for the tree that would come for her over any testing that he knew may not be the best pick as he believe that somewhere out there someone saw him as the top who was capable of making sure she was as well so it made sense to take full advantage of the tremendously huge opportunity coming from my story being real and proven easily by showing demonstrations to the public the science behind it such as using a random number generator to prove how to witness the past changing from what our next choices are now?

Since I was very family oriented in my mind it felt like there was tremendous understanding found from others everywhere that I shared gravity with... when I woke up to how people were aware of me from the other side of captured light I knew that I would always be favored over other people because of luck partially but let me just say that everyone knowing absolutely everything about what I did while thinking that I was private makes them proud to be my neighbor compared to what they may have done?

For years I felt forced to exercise the timing of my thoughts while feeling mind raped by the public wherever I went... they would align what I came across to let me know that my absolute worse evils or shameful secrets were absolutely impossible to hide from the people of the future thanks to what is not known enough now as captured souls in electric light are capable of finding the truth using only thought and blank paper easily in thousands of years from now inevitably leading to the importance of living in a way that is proud of what others would discover where they are not conscious or aware of NOW!

Lucky me or is a despicable person going to spend too much time thinking West of bacteria somewhere long enough to feel threatened by this and put a stop to my giving others the absolute best experience possible since this IS heaven according to all of the sources that I have checked since the heavens were separated by a fallen star fragment used as the first compass.

Making the Aztecs Gods and Goddesses of the Sky before they had descended to Earth to find the Sun being the tip of Antarctica a very long time ago... where do the people go when they die on Earth if that is Mexico? Do they go to San(+d) DieGO where the gates of heaven would be found according to ancient customs? We as Americans are sharing gravity with people that had ways similar to Adam and a God of Egypt that killed Abel with an illusion to teach Kain a lesson regarding how he had to obey or else others could be hurt as well. Of course, only Abel was completely favoring giving his first born to God in this case!? 

Somewhere in the past there are magic tricks and illusions going on to make sure that the people were trained with traditions that saved them such as a holiday to eat people to make sure that no person was eaten!? This would allow the Aztecs to do things which led to what would become a child hiding among trade as if sneaking across a border of another country but in this other time period it was to convince a sibling that the pig eaten was actually human flesh so they would behave as the victim went to school with the Gods and Goddesses of the Sky for some time until going back to rise again much like Christ would have done while the poor misbehaving child woke up to how much his or her people actually loved him or her and had this tradition to do the opposite of eating children!?

During the discovery of the Aztecs the Spanish people were likely tricked into thinking that they really ate people when in reality spies were sent to another country to warn the most distant tribe of foreigners coming... how is THIS still happening today? Are we caught in what repeats whatever works to feast upon our flesh? Are immigrants still sneaking into the heavens from earth to warn people of an invasion from another country? Maybe such activity going on with others sharing gravity we should do more to wake up to before we are swept into the same decisions that were bad made by other people we do not need to pay for anymore but might should we ignore the origins of thought while going along with trusting ourselves.

My name has letter A's placed where the ankh would know to carry the importance of the letter 'd' for me to avoid the dangers coming as shown in the letter 'm' at the end of Adam so this is so spiritual to wake up to the birds and ancient monk hymns calling me a real angel as I come across words such as San that are crying out from my soul to hold onto something somehow! What brought me here is over a million years old and I know that having children is the only way to stay alive as part of me was my parents and theirs before them... like memories being passed down a human host when in reality every seven years replaced every cell in the body like a snake shedding it's skin? I suffered as many people and worked for too long to allow my seed to be wasted as the next generation for me and the bodies I have inhabited thus far might be the absolute best one and what made the lives where I was previously tortured or whatever worth it if that is at all possible!? How horrible to know what pain and suffering was needed to bring me here. My choice regarding a mate must be a wise one with someone who will not be merely a human host controlled by what uses us but someone much more...

I know the real reason that the women have been responding in the way that they do... partially it is to become a new person that might have happiness never before reached by anyone before us we previously lived the life as? The plans that I have for my children might make them the luckiest people who EVEr lived while they may also feel like the first to actually be forgiven for the sins of being human or at least much more than ever before thanks to the Sixteen Scented Celebration and how we are now capable of caring for ourselves regarding our diet or relationship with the environment?

I want to be able to give others the same experience that they gave me so I attempted to share this with her... somehow THIS WAS REAL and yes she did come to me while the dream date was wonderful!?

Showing her this video could have spooked her as she asked me after I missed our date to stop talking to her because she met someone else who she promised not to talk to me... but from my hallucination had from measuring how she responded to my music her voice gave me the opposite message and would ask me why I absolutely HAD to have children in the future asking me to let go of the other girls..

No matter what "science" or my senses prove I would never think that it was really them regarding my dreams or hallucinations since all we are would be hosts for colonies of bacteria? What is a soul? How could a soul be defined? Is it what is found that is trapped inside of a picture like what the Chinese have believed? Do they have the largest heads?

This wakes a person up to where dreams come from and participating in how they are made as our brains need help since there are so many doors opened while asleep to avoid going in the direction another may know is bad. Like the simple instinct of stepping in a puddle so doing something that helps the person behind avoid it. 

If a person simply tries to listen to the birds talking when there are many of them or maybe a bunch of people for long periods of time it is like the brain going to a gym and this usually happens naturally when a person is more stressed than usual when what is being talked about matters more than usual. 

Anyways, Leah Metallic is beautiful and taking her to the death guild in San Francisco with me would have been lots of fun but maybe next time? What might be her ghost she experiences after she dies has come to me to do things like let me know how she may have been scared of certain things so that I would know what not to do what she did not want or spread the wrong information about her. She had explained that she may use me to try and make another man jealous.

After we attempted to meet she told me on Facebook that she met someone else who she promised not to message me anymore... but while in California working on my music I was witnessing quite the miracle as she was coming to me while asleep confessing things I cannot share here that made me consider her more.

(I thought about this title from wearing a skeleton costume during the Christmas Parade and in all the pictures themed)

Honestly, checking out new women is a thrilling experience that is capable of giving me a rush that increases my heart rate as I will feel a sort of warm tingling feeling being sent from her when she is timing what comes from her side to respond to my last thought so I will feel nervous because I know a part of her is capable of responding to absolutely everything in my memory but a person might have to actually be me to believe it is real as what I witness should be impossible because what I do during my next moment will participate in creating what already happened! This is found from a certain mathematical pattern found when measuring the timing and how everything is responding to the mind during every moment by at least some small margin? What I will find is that thoughts are always coming from those who created my environment and for whatever reason many people will choose to do their work regarding what was left behind for me more than other people because I have a way of knowing what they want me to do for them that other people would typically never notice. Not sure how to describe it but when it is a beautiful woman responding positively it can be addictive just to feel it. I guess it would be the part of her while she lived that was trying to be accepted or loved by maybe someone very smart and mysterious? Does not have to come from new people but that is when they seemingly send it the most to me especially something like twitch where I may hear her say things timed to respond to certain thoughts that sound like, "marry me" no matter how many times I rewind or whatever? It is incredible what they are capable of and a weird high that I can get from it that cannot be found anywhere else or any other way besides maybe dancing?

While in Southern California I became closer to a girl on Twitch who had let people know that she was single and looking for the same things as me which was to find a husband and have children so she was responding romantically and I had a wonderful dream date with her as I feared that Palm Bee was too young and my main interest being Vickie who might have been the best fit was too far away.

[1st picture I ask for red to show me where the passion is found wanting it in the bottom right the most which means that when entering they might not think of the consequences with me... it shows some in "it will never work out" side]

[I ask for blue in the bottom left to instruct me in what to do or how to change for her... when it is found in the top right it usually is asking what to do in order to be there to meet me and when I the lower right it is asking me to change the way that I came in..]

[3rd is the stone element which means rejection until the work is done so I use it for asking what the conflict is using purple for the resolution in the top right for their left mind if something temporary to test things would be okay... shows here perhaps how she wood surrender to a bone and that is the conflict? Makes sense right after I had made the skeleton song and thought of what to say in an album about the Christmas parade or whatever as seemingly the names of the streets were responding to what was going on constantly?! It seemed to me that she was asking for something more serious than what might have been merely a plan for enjoying a "test"... or at least that is what I see here if this represented conflict as it made sense if it was responding to everything that I had thought. Street names kept having to do with my last moment it would seem like as Jefferson would remind me that even my best friend might think that I was totally crazy? This was often found around Adams Road or something like that where the city would seemingly suggest that I make certain to visit while passing through helping me out in ways such as showing me where the most convenient help might be found at the time?]

[Seeing the 4th picture made me wonder what we wood a green upon?]

[The 5th picture is for wood that means children so I ask for it on the "yes" side if I used ex-girlfriend's ouiji-board shirt to measure being the top left for the right mind representing later or lower right for the right foot upon entering representing now?]

[The sixth picture is what I use to ask what is sick to protect her from or what endangers her so she shows herself with this!? Being vegan or more aware of many things this says a lot to me...]

There is a sadness or the absolute worst feeling found coming from menopause as I am witnessing how the most important person in the world might wake up to being actually nothing tomorrow outside of riding the minds of other people where we go to sleep and dream or someone who had married stone instead of the air? Dead wood instead of the healthiest leaves? After millions of years suffering with the hard work that would be recovering from previous loss why end it here and now? Because Mom wanted to exaggerate so that you would help bring in more groceries? How could the pain found in child birth or living the life as the one who did not make it very far be worth that which was found from what brought us here that has lasted over a million years?

Scorpio is my astrology sign and the wrist location as her tattoo shows is for getting married but when it's closer to the elbow it's for cutting off another... above the elbow it is for teasing or water while right below the shoulder is passion or fire while the right arm is for yourself and your left arm would be for sending for others as found on the walls of Egypt this is the reasons that they 'walk like an Egyptian' and show their arms and legs like they do as it would allow people from other cultures who spoke foreign languages to understand what to do by pointing and using the pentagram or elements found on the body as people were marked and 666 was used for trading and marriages to prevent war or a boy from turning his sister into a mother while untrained in the elements as the maypole dance was used to separate them when he became capable of being aroused.

I know that everyone would be embarrassed to be caught for where thoughts actually come from since we are typically stealing them from others especially when it comes to attracting someone what we will do is somehow know instinctually how to respond to the mind and memory of the more desirable mate to follow what is more likely to work so where a person in their conscious mind thinks that they are doing something to be unique it is actually coming from responding to what was wanted by the observer and this allows us to witness how we cannot stop copying other people for the flavor of the day or whatever the mood is.

[The seventh picture used for "where is the direction" or "what is the point?" and well pink means to surrender but when it is found on the "no" side it has meant "never give up!"]

They ALWAYS leave a trail of "I am so stupid compared to you.." or "I am so embarrassed..." & "don't tell anyone unless it's done like this..." so it has taken a very long time to share this as I wanted to make sure everyone I wrote about felt more proud from my doing so as it is a shame that nobody else gets to see them as presentable as what I witness since I am being targeted by them as someone important to respond to as on my end I will be looking for who would do this for me.

Kind of frustrating not knowing which arm the tattoo is found as the meaning kind of changes when it's the left or right arm...

A night of dancing put me in a dark mood because of how women were seemingly timing things to let me know much I was liked or how the boy she was with was not so this led to feeling uncomfortable while it was annoying how seemingly every few seconds I could hear someone say that I was a good dancer. 

I wanted to witness something beautiful that might fix my mood when I returned to my car so looked up a song that used to be advertised on Napster as a vampire love song called "Seekers Who Are Lovers" by Cocteau Twins which was a weird coincidence because on Facebook when I found some women who came to my bed giving me romantic dreams I started calling them vampire women because of my girlfriend's favorite sex scene that came from the movie Brand Stockers Dracula when vampire women came to his bed.

Sad I am still working on this!? I will try on computer, probably much faster.. goodnight! I will NOT relapse again!

_-_-_-_ meh

Seekers Who Are Lovers by Cocteau Twins

Brush by gracefully (walked out of the dance club)
A love as big as a risk (I almost talked to cute girl..)
Fills you up (I was too shy though, started eating)
And you can't look on (my headlights went out!?)
The breath of god in my mouth (David Bowie song?)
A love you can taste (tripped God was me recently)
God get some paste (I forgot to brush that day...)
He and I, breath to breath (her voice was with me)
Clothed in saliva (like a grasshopper in the mouth?)
Healing thru your arm (I did relapse with a needle?)
I cant stop hungering for the worst
My head fall out the sky (not going to marry her)
And crashed into my palms
Jesus God valentine (I just discovered Valerie rhymes)
Love (she took my virginity & movie made about her)
On the tip of it (in the future I will go to Riverside)
The old rivers lack of other sweet scents (proposed?)
So sweet (visions of Palm Bee laying down weapons)
You are a woman just as you are a man
Creeping on the Gas (using it to charge my phone..)
Is a magic love, like,
Like a Flights, clouded peak
I was choking on the blood (remember grasshopper)
Whose camouflages, lack of soul (can't see my face)
Whose misty fire, muses soul (last sex had was Misty)
Kneeling by the harm (PB laid phone down @knee?)
Which is promising the way (I wish she would call)
His poor essence, under the truth (truth is I am gold?)
love and heart polish itself (Dragonlance book name?)
I slid my heels but slowly ran Raistlin has gold skin)
So send Lucifer into hell (gross right now)
Breeze by gracefully
Your love as big as a risk fills you up
And I get with one
The breath of God in my mouth
A love I can taste God get some paste
He and I
Breath to breath
Close saliva, heated through your own
I can't stop hungering for otherness
I forgot the use,
My head fell out of the sky and crashed into my palms
Jesus sky valentine (like married for just a day?)
we're on the tip of it
They open us like a mother- sweet sex (Ma wants me?)
Some see (eww, I used to like my Mom too, sh) shy
You are a woman just as you are a man (makeup on?)
Tripping on gas (cans of food might go under pedal?)
Is a magic lovely (couldn't finish my shot, too high?)
Like a flight, clotted peak (ruined my rig from clot)
I was choking on the blood (gross taste of blood)
It camoflauges lack of soul (want no one to know...)
Boost messy frames of soul (don't care to clean lense)
Kneeling by the pond (kneeled to pee cuz on opiates)
Which is froze anyway (it's winter)
His poor essence under the truth (poor now HOW?)
Mud and heart polish itself (heart shirt might polish?)
I slid my heels and swear you will (calling toy dirty)
Soon send Lucifer into hell (damn bugs were loud!?)
Love (running low on lube... Maybe spit?)
On the tip of it (my sex toy might feel better than her?)
You open us like a woman split sex (in my mind)
Some see (hope nobody can see sex toy in my car!)
You are a woman just as you are a man 
Love (she won't aroused me unless she stays?)
On the tip of it (lube actually...)
You open us like a woman split sex (like a book, yes)
Some see (I really do well with covering windows?)
You are a woman just as you are a man (tantra?)

What!?!? Weird .. need to sleep... Sorry.. fix later.

This song seems to be filled with negative things about me as if she is looking at the bright side of letting me go? She does not even know that I exist but I have promised her "ghost" that I would let her see my eyes someday. 

I had just come from dance club feeling embarrassed that the girl I asked did not want a free CD... Cold breeze on the way to the car! I wanted to ask a girl out or for a number or something but chickened out. I ate some food once I got to my car and my headlights went out completely so was stuck! I was thinking about David Bowie's song wondering who he called God in his song!? I forgot to brush my teeth that day. Miraculous how long this empty toothpaste tube gives me yet another brush! Her voice was with me. Since the grasshoppers keep trying to mimic what sounds like her voice her voice it makes sense so clothed in saliva is sticking her who is actually a bug in my mouth? I did recently relapse with a needle but not enough to get high or feel much. Just realized that Valerie sounds like Valentine who took my virginity and a movie was made about how good she was in bed called the Mallory Effect. Riverside was where seemingly Palm Bee kneeled to me and proposed marriage while laying down weapons in each hand which was her phone and computer you find out later as I got her picked the scent for her from that incident because it is brown and orange in the bottom right. Lack sweet scents? I have never picked one for this singer even though it was extremely romantic what she did for me!  The sweetest scent is the one used for "second place" below Amber for moving on if I get a no when she finds out I am not crazy and did not lie. Falling out of the sky means not getting married and crashed into my palms? My car was stuck for the night in that spot so I did use my sex toy in my bed? Or maybe this was when I still used to Palm and did not take it out yet? It's expensive! Sliding my heels is happening with one pair of my shoes that wore out below the toes so not sure if I will wear them again? "So sweet" might mean "so rejected"? It's the scent for 2nd place when I am sure she sent me away (knew what she did, saw the proof, but still said no!?) woman just as you are a man? Like a sheman shaman? O_o 

"You are a woman just as you are a man.." I wear makeup.. shaman sheman. Get possessed by dead woman or sleeping ones. 'vampire women come to me and I allow the possession or her voice for the schizophrenic attack and open her like a book might mean the way that I use timing. Makes sense. The way I measure so she may send me messages is like opening her as if she was a book that I could ask questions?

I woke up this morning knowing that this song was to help her let me go and wake up to the gross things about me as I might be a big deal since her music responded to me and it was an incredibly romantic experience but she is old so it is not like I turned her down but I absolutely need children!

I am working out more strictly for weight gain for my legs and chest but my legs are already bigger than most men... I pick up garbage everywhere I go and dance.. the Scottish language responds to me though so it gets carried into a direction where she becomes more gay so that a younger Scottish girl gives me children?

This song was a result of everything possibly because I only want one as it would open them all up and I absolutely would not want to be with a slut again. I have had enough of them. There must be a girl like me out there somewhere who saves herself and is impossible to get?

The street names queue to me for Kenmore Street making fun of me as if I do not have any man junk so I think it may be okay to do a "Valentine Valerie" option while I am single and looking which would be prayers and rules so that the experience is the best and the person let's me go! Would she have let me go if she knew though? Maybe my way was the best and the rest was just for television ratings? Dream dating was so romantic! Might be dangerous though if a person does not have people ready to catch should she give up. There is a nonhuman influence always riding the light with us that may be trying to kill us depending on how good the person was able to spell or spin the garden timing properly. 

Go just a few blocks away and the bugs might start trying to kill again?

On her website right now it shows what could be the shadow of a face of a child that in my mind is me who is guilty of more than just stepping on a grasshopper as those things might be trying to "make me Jesus" so that I would be kidnapped and tortured by someone out there with nails hammered in my hands?

When she is talking about choking on the blood I was thinking of the "brown stuff" that might come out of a hurt grasshopper that was picked up... 

This would be for punishment from doing things that probably almost every child was guilty of?

In my mind she is telling those damn locusts and cockroaches to go to hell for trying to bring me to the most negative place which thankfully does not happen like it used since I figured out the importance of going over certain thoughts and memories in a new area.

As I feared Hollywood I wondered if there were any actresses who were single that I might be into or who was supposed to be the most coveted as far as single people go so that I could check how the person might respond to me saving me a lot of trouble when it comes to having to get their attention but in the future because of my work it should be easy so might as well check out someone now? I no longer watched television or movies so am not sure who is who anymore...

When I came across this famous actress from India  it was absolutely beautiful what I witnessed as her voice was almost heard telling while I was looking at umbrellas that she wanted me at her side now... this was what I found when I first came across her.. so when I looked her up and found that she appeared single? I wanted to have a dream date!

[Asking for the red here on the bottom right and she has it on her nails?]

[Asking for the blue for "orders" and it is shown in the bottom left the most with water? The most noticable blue at the bottom brings me to the right foot which would mean 'changing the way that I came in so we would meet' . .. Seeing a palm tree is like asking me to wait for her?]

[The purple is found in top right for testing something in the top left which would mean "see yourself a green with me"?]

[9th is asking about temptations... maybe this mean to ignite passion for painting or maybe the person responding on the other side to the observer? A corner can mean the place where what is forbidden is done?]

[10th picture asks "are you one or zero?" Left first means saving ourselves.. which honestly I have been doing for someone more serious rather than putting out to get things, benefits, or short-term?]

While driving and having a schizo episode talking with this actress and her ex husband about her child they seemingly participated in the naming of the street Indian Hill thanks to what was going on with me at the time it was people sharing gravity proudly waking us up to what would happen to those sharing GRAVITY if she went to India like this for them to witness their most holy people responding in a way that proves we would be welcomed by measuring the timing? Foreign language actually will sound like English to respond to the last moment or what is going on in the mind for an opportunity to be a member of the "tribe" or have something like a pre-death funeral pushed onto someone who pretends that they do not want it? Inevitably others would learn how to carry this into showing those fighting how those they follow in history are timing a request for something less violent with the life they had lived ONCE right now by simply measuring the timing of discovering who the person once was. If there is someone in history those fighting now look up to what would they do if they witnessed scientific proof that the person kept timing the one lifetime lived for a nonviolent solution found now? I am able to prove this to be real using several demonstrations that I came up with. Outside of that proof only my word or lie detector tests will work but it's always happening so very believable and something the future will get used to.

I check for red and green on the "yes side" for my birthday as usual... got it! Or maybe that is more like blue? See below:

[Red and green on the "yes" side on the top left which is for the 'right mind' or later... the white robe has meant monogamy and this was perhaps to let me know that if Palm Bee had appeared again to interfere with our date, not to bring her with me.. as I have been letting her know that if there was anyone she wanted more than me out there I would help her to meet him as I do not want to be second to anyone and would let her go? Glasses mean "I will check on you" usually?]

"Wood you take a look at yourself?"

[I ask for orders in the lower left of the second photo typically so this appears to be thinking about a way to tease her as her hand goes to the "sending water" mark of her arm..]

[I ask for conflict found using purple and the resolution in the upper right for the third photo typically so maybe there are none other than my needing an address right now to order new sandals since the amazon locker pickup is giving me an error message right now due to the size of the package... she is drinking coffee in the upper right which is the best resolution to what I might be otherwise using? Two pairs of high heels because of the shape of Italy and being found where the left foot is located would mean that she may not want to leave Italy as a main location or something to do with Italy I would find out later?]

"Wood you look at yourself?"

[I ask for what we a green on in the end and to put it in the top left if it is the same as me. Where is there a green?! Maybe I should find it?]

I was going to have a dream date with this beautiful woman but when I tried to as I was falling asleep Palm Bee appeared in her place for some reason making it impossible for me to do it that night...

My original plan was to drive to Florida and then to New York City for giving out free samples of my music everywhere at all of the dance clubs while meeting people along the way waking them up away from phones and computers to the Sixteen Scented Celebration so it would take a lot of time before I reached Portland... during this time I wanted to get as far away from Portland as possible!

I was having schizophrenic visits from listening to music from my favorite DJ DRC who I was a fan of all my life and I would go through the experience of her mixes responding to what I was doing or sending messages to the subconscious mind of my friends that I knew listened was what was witnessed. I have been one of her biggest promoters where people are not into techno music among parties or trips taken especially from the goth or pre-burning-man sides of things?

We have mutual friends because of the rave scene in the 90s only being so large as I used to go every weekend to dance all night in Utah and Arizona. We would do things such as go to a water park that was opened all night with a hot tub and the rides were open but we almost made a grave error as we would went down the water slide wrapped together which was not meant for more than one or two people so this scared the hell out of us as we almost flew out of the slide while very high up due to the extra weight and speed...

She was seemingly touched by my puppy talking and the animal whispering opportunity that was constantly going on with me and seemingly synchronized to be ready to make a lot of money once I made it to her through my new discoveries?

She was letting me know that I would get help immediately if I had wanted to live in LA seemingly while Mole was not the only woman responding to me as I kept witnessing every SINGLE rich and famous successful woman seemingly do it in a way that was trying to give me the most romantic experience possible should I accept her direction!

I was wanting to hurry so that I did not have to be in the desert when it became hotter and this rushed me so I left LA even though I let Mole know that I had planned on making a song for her or whatever but it was getting hot and she was not grateful enough?

So, I started to head to Florida and planned on making several stops along the way... so this meant possibly being able to wake up Forkgirl along the way as she lived in Texas but since she may have been spooked maybe it was smarter to let her know after leaving as I would have been approaching somewhere like New Orleans so that being a stalker or something like that would never be used against me? She could always ask me to turn around... according to the timing of what she did whenever I came across her it would be as easy for me as letting her know what she did to me.. this was true coming from pretty much every single woman attractive enough to feel that she had a chance with me but most of them would expect me to change or be molded into her version of the perfect man but when they know it is impossible because of my expectations some women will make sure to reject me first before I am able to do it to her?

I didn't want her to get into trouble if she was not single so did not even bother letting Forkgirl know what she did for me when I discovered her...

On my way out I stopped in Riverside, California. At this goth night I thought that Palm Bee came to me and asked me to PB any woman who was interested in me... so I did.. and it seemed like they were so embarrassed to meet me everywhere as I was being treated like a star practically. My famous friends really hooked me up by making songs about me calling me the Seer.

When the last girl called me crazy on Facebook images like ones found on her Facebook were used in a music video of the Legendary Pink Dots song 'the Seer' about me that explained her reaction as maybe a colony of bacteria or parasites living inside of her felt threatened from her knowing about the truth?

The women would be so nervous when meeting me wherever I was going and the guys there would time things in a way that would be asking me not to go home with the cutest one whenever I went dancing which was almost every main club event?

The people at this club were somewhat mean to this older fatter woman so I had danced with her and fixed everything potentially negative?

I was having to wait for day light to come due to the lights of my car not being completely dependable so I started to hear voices as I was almost falling asleep in my chair when Palm Bee seemingly came to where the water was in the passenger side of my car and kneeled to me asking to get married. This made me wonder if the locusts were doing this to my mind this giving Jiminy Cricket his name? Jim-in-knee cricket? As if he stole her soul and made her kneel?

This inspired me to perform a little experiment by recording myself on video ask questions using a magazine for selecting a random spot to provide the answer that came from those who created it somehow responding which really went along well as if to let me know people would protect me from bugs trying to find someone to put nails into my hands as Christ or whatever as revenge for what maybe some child with a needle recently did somewhere?

The next day I didn't really think much of it as she was possibly only 22 or 19 years old so I thought nothing of it as I kept going...

...then as I approached Palm Springs I went to contact my friend to visit her in Arizona since we planned on meeting before and have been romantic already but Palm Bee seemingly visited very upset that I drove the opposite direction after she proposed last night as I was supposed to head to Portland immediately according to her voice but I knew she could not expect me to have taken it seriously as we have never met!?

She asked me to check her TikTok and delete certain videos I made of this story to protect her privacy somewhere I may have said too much. I was able to hear her barely audible voice tell me that it was completely over between us and that I was not allowed to touch her with my mind or meet someday.

This made me cry as I saw her post on November 1st the Day of Darkness to respect privacy playing a song that said the words "I never want to see you.." and as if to rub it in she wore a white dress! Rose on the right side for 'right tit rather than left it' representing a person only being aroused by someone who stays like me? I practiced tantric sex magic that teaches the man how to have female orgasms which was why I went three years without ejaculating and it totally worked making me feel an orgasm that would come from beautiful thoughts that would go to the tips of every point in the body in that same overwhelming tickling sensation other men probably do not ever feel? To notice the difference it took me three months of redirecting my orgasm from my male organ to my brain instead using a pressure point and resisting ejaculation attached to the orgasm by meditating until soft again that would release the clear substance a male absolutely must get rid of at least once a month instead of the white that is said to be his chi or life. At that point I started to feel the effects that came from the brain instead of below like a woman naturally does more allowing me to better understand her needs and focus on helping her reach the overwhelming tickling found on the male orgasm side. I don't do this practice anymore on myself as it feels like my body may have been permanently changed being the main reason that I was so hard to get and saved my virginity until I became an adult. Around this time of my life it felt like I would have shivers or chills up to four hours a day from listening to beautiful music or having good thoughts and now that I know more I believe that this is serotonin and an amount a person may never feel in his life unless maybe a drug like ecstacy was done? I started to enjoy crying once a day since then and still do as it seems to keep me happy since the tears likely release toxins? This is what makes a person a God or Goddess according to Egypt and might be part of the reason I witness others in my head like I do. Today's doctors somewhere a scam or con is found like a mental health professional might say that a person who does this is depressed and should take something for it but this is wrong and would be inevitably causing depression from tolerance going up or from withdrawals because of quitting.

Then thoughts came seemingly from her as I could almost hear her voice that asked me to check my birthday where I saw that she gave me red and green on November 9th the Day of Wood as her voice told me that it was not exactly on the no side since I planned on not having kids until I had a house at least as nice as the one I had as a child in a community of artists that might have been the absolute best area in all of Utah? The stone with the blue mark on the wall represents a six that would be the stone element for saving oneself for marriage.

I cannot describe how it feels to have a sexy women voice in my head tell me that I was screwed if I played my cards right! She told me that I had to make a decision now because if I did not turn around to go to Portland then I had to let her go forEVEr... because my name is Adam do I have to worry about the warnings about this person becoming Lilith!?

What is very magical about this is that I was entering Palm Springs when this happened on my way to visit Alison in Arizona I mentioned in a previous blog post about our romantic dreams that involved going to Home Depot where giants were fighting in sponge armor over her when suddenly they saw us and one of them hit the other to fall on top of me. Sharing this dream was important for discovering what had led to cause our back injuries that created the crooked spine she suffers and pinched my nerve preventing me from walking for almost a year. Giants fighting over her wearing sponges for armor represented how she became too dehydrated from a combination of drinking alcohol since they were so tall while being in Home Depot hinted that methamphetamine was involved too so together this was probably deadly very fast especially since she lived in Arizona so likely sweat a lot as well. I am not sure what it meant regarding our going to the back part of the store to browse and sample various pastries but probably had something to do with the cause as well? In this dream that I had my own music was playing in the background but the song I had never before heard so I made sure to sing a recording sample of it very quickly upon waking up before it was lost. After talking to Alison I figured out that the man I described who fell on me  was her ex-husband so we knew he had the same dream inspiring me to finish this song someday so that I asked her if we could surprise him with a gift or something as it would likely create a very weird dejá vu feeling that would be fun?!

I did not want to appear like a stalker so I wanted to get a response from her first as what would it look like if I actually "obeyed" a voice in my head even with proof using demonstrations with a random number generator giving me whatever I asked from her from the next post of hers that I came across? I would have simply unfollowed her and moved on if she gave me a "no" response as I do not think it is good to try and meet people using social media or most especially twitch!? For all I know a girl from there stays single so that she may get paid to go on dates or con people? So, I decided that I had to contact her first on the way as fast as possible so that I would not have to drive all the way back there as I had just came from there!

This kept me away from dream dates with other women as I promised her that I would not even fantasize about anyone else while having to tell myself I would PB or push back everyone else whenever clubbing or visiting friends anywhere.

Instead of going to Florida through Arizona I turned around just before reaching Palm Springs and went to Las Vegas instead where I planned to get a response NOW!

While posting music videos on social media every day other women that I came across seemingly would share what would suggest that I get off of Palm Bee using palm trees usually cut off in the shot or found in a meaningful spot like in the second photo where I ask for orders or the top left of the forth photo for what we a green on. If it was the third one asking for what the conflict may be the Palm tree would only be cut if found in the upper right where I ask for the resolution to be found. Absolutely amazing how they will respond to whatever is going on with me using the rules that I came up with for dream dating but of course it will not matter if the girl does not acknowledge that it is real.

For example, I came across an old friend on TikTok I knew from Portland I spent the night with but messed up everything because I was discreetly smoking heroin in her bathroom instead of making a first move like she wanted me to as earlier she introduced me to her Mother and confessed to me that she really liked me and repeated herself sincerely when I did not respond at first but maybe she just wanted to have some fun before I moved since I told her I was leaving because she was known as lesbian? She seemingly knew what Palm Bee did and hit her knee then the color "yell ow" on her Xylophone along with a green and a combination of colors that were extremely meaningful due to the language of math, etc?

I went out to the dance clubs in Las Vegas and had a lot of fun but it sure was almost completely ruined from not being allowed to let any girl have her way with me as it seemed like everywhere I went the women were saying out loud what sounded like "let go of Palm Bee" whenever I would think about her so perfectly timed that they proven to be aware of my thoughts. I recorded it on my phone so that I could prove it to myself that they had said something else when I listened to it later.

This was when what seemed to be Forkgirl came to me who was extremely angry that I was not planning on heading through Texas anymore?! She seemingly reminded me what girls into Comic-con would do if they found out about the magic synchronization with me and a fictional character such as Batman!

While there were cockroaches and bugs absolutely everywhere so it seemed like they would try to get the voices to take a direction that was negative in some way but I am not going to come to any conclusions so there was no harm in wondering and asking questions for science while collecting data for us to understand more about the origins of thought or schizophrenia.

I kept thinking of Liz Frazier from the Cocteau Twins because of the album 'Heaven or Las Vegas' . .. as her songs occasionally would come on in one of my playlists and I have had a crush on her much of my adult life as she was loved by many of my friends who were mostly lesbians in the late 90s. Thanks to her I have been witnessing the Scottish language responding to me in a way that other languages seem to do that is trying to help me with guidance regarding on what to do for introducing pre-death funerals or whatever?

While in Las Vegas before I had left I came across Palm Bee's YouTube for the first time and like I had previously done with other streamers I used a pentagram to show me my questions answered similar to what I had done for this woman here: 

I typically use a pentagram to measure whenever I can...

In the first video she seemingly mentions some Cocteau Twins lyrics that inspired me to look up yet another song by her... she was seemingly asking me to save her from the bugs which started off as a "promise" to let her see my actual eyes at some point before she died for timing her song in Victorialand so that I would not slip or fall from a puddle of water she brought my attention to.. while in Minnesota it became louder perhaps as she is very friendly and said that she loves Palm Bee like she was going to hear her music in the future so knows her soul already?

When I watched the second video being the water to give me orders I tossed the rest of something that I had which was not the best for me to put into my body... similar to when she bent over at 50:00 during her video "update then games "Cataclysm" (that sure helps us get lots of money faster because of the synchronization regarding Dragonlance as maybe the "Kingpriest of Is'tar will stop being ignorant?" & Raistlin's brother Caramon will stop playing his fake arena long enough to help me? Thanks Crysania!) asking me to be clean but not too pushy.

Pumpkin shows the wood... so starts on the other side being fire, water, stone, air = wood! The scent for her was selected in this video I used it to have her subconscious mind guide me to pick one.

I made an Instagram specifically for documenting how names of places were responding to me or having to do with what I was doing as I came across it!

The name Reno is spelled by letters with these origins coming all the way from Egypt making what I have been calling the language of Adam utmost important right now as it silently wakes us up to how when people were named they responded to who the person would become thanks to gravity bending time and the speed of our minds connecting us.

Reno = "Heading ¿Wondering lifting sharing"

Heading to where the lucky person chosen to be the first to "wake up" to this inside of technology to turn me down would be Palm Bee as outside of technology of all kinds it has already happened everywhere that I went.

Funny how when I came across the profile of others where Palm Bee or palm trees would be found would be meaningful and match up with what I had asked for the "yes side" of the outboard shirt or whatever?

Like this girl who looks much like her that just happened to be in Palm Springs at the same time as me?!?

Where is the red in the 1st?

Saving it for later and it is found where the palm will never work out? Ever since I promised Palm Bee not to even think about other women I have been seeing this appear everywhere.

Weird how she put a palm tree in the comments.

Blue for orders?

Goes to her air element which is for marriage and her wrist is tied so maybe she would like to participate in the Sixteen Scented Celebration?

Does the bottom part of it go to what could be the stone element that me (blue = you) cuts off of I were to be hired to do something like an ancient wedding event or something?

3rd for showing where the conflict is found using purple

Our (flower) conflict is something temporary?

A green that Palm is cut off from the end?

There is two of them so know to cut off Palm Bee? The left arm is for passing along for another and the bracelets yellow & orange would be (testing the distance with another?) the yell ow bracelet is closer to air element for marriage for another (like Palm Bee) while the photo range bracelet is about half way to the stone element?

The flower is "ready to write ours"?

Check her board

5th for wood or children

She will be ready eventually but never wood a green? See yourself with her? The other girl is giving direction?

What endangers her?

Devil's foot which is the right foot representing passion or fire?

Here is another batch of photos... She has many!

1st shows the red representing fire or passion in the upper left for the air element or the right mind for saving it... 

2nd I asked for blue to be carried for the water element in the bottom left for orders and here it shows the part of the leg that represents her most precious stone and air elements...

3rd I ask for the conflict to be shown using purple as the stone element cuts off everything for working until the air element rewards and the solution to be shown in the top right or the left mind... I like how a green hAIR is found there..

4th is the for air element I use to ask for what we a green on in the end wanting it in the upper left or the right mind... 

5th is for the wood element I use to ask about children using red and green on the yes side or no side... Here it is shown ready diamond where the right foot enters but where is a green?

6th is used for letting me know what endangers the person... 

Another batch below?

Two bracelets on the location of the wrists for sending for another's air... and the red shows on the "it will never work out" side"? Red is found where she gets direction and life later on... the red is kind of pink but works? The lips are also more of a brown shade?

It could be "are you ready to see yourself behind her in the end?"

I ask for blue in the bottom left for orders for what to do? in the second photo?

3rd for conflict shows man dancing behind her?

4th for a green when I came in and a green that I should leave the back of my car? Because of the green found in the lower left where my left foot would be found next to the blue that rhymes with you as I am actually sleeping in my car lately while traveling.. I will be doing this until I decide on a place to live..

5th for wood... Red and green is in the yes side for saving it for later..

6th shows what endangers her yet again?

Now sure what is supposed to endanger her but maybe not being able to see death or maybe a marriage that does not work out since there are rectangles found with nothing but again?
E aw

Another batch?

Looks like it is where red is most wanted in the first photo... which is the bottom left.. 

Orders? Get in the water... Cut off Palm and leaf..

Conflict? Ready to a green to leaf?

Got the a green where I most want it... this was most important spot being the upper left in the forth photo when doing the "dream dating" psychic dates.. strawberry represents something forbidden though usually?

I do not see ready or a green for wood in this one... but orange diamonds might mean the marriage should be tested first before children.. 


I came across this girl who zapped me like a bolt of lightning as I came across her Twitch and she was wearing what I was thinking earlier that day was sexy so I felt such a rush of perhaps butterflies from wanting her and feeling nervous since she was responding to my mind on the other side of the video with perfect synchronicity but ai had an agreement with Palm Bee that I could not break until I got a response back from her.

The 5th picture as shown above always shows the red and green on for "no" side for having children so I guess she may not be my future echo anyways but they are only pictures so maybe she would agree to it someday?

Her name Malek is similar to Palm Bee because it has the same joke as the letter K has the origin from Egypt that is a hand so she would be a "male hand" while Palm Bee is like a male hand being used that wants to do a heroine instead of heroin.

Purple with a pp is crossing what as she looks to what she left?

What an aDOORable little girl wearing pink that means surrender as her hand is raised hopefully for the adult version to someday have it joined with that of a man during the Sixteen Scented Celebration that I made to be able to safely share these discoveries with somewhere to deliver everything potentially negative that might come up as Malek being shown this blog post gives her how much power to share what could lead others to do what? Please be careful.

She sees her right to share and it is a good one because so many things would come from others knowing about it such as missing people more easily found among many others very great reasons so what could be out there other than people who want to have more power over others to take advantage of people or feel more important or waste time thinking about all of the same things already thought about by me and many others before me so what other reasons could be found should not be a problem if the people are letting the more trustworthy people know first as everything that might lead to a person hurting themselves or others would be prevented with the celebration while being a lot of fun that is repeated every year.

Wow do we have a lot of stacks of photos to go through!

1st... Where is the red for fire or passion?

"We are different?" Is the bottom left along with a pink umbrella and an oh range Alice... pink is surrender and orange is testing while the umbrella might be getting married fast so it is like asking to test something serious?

The colors behind her for what is found in the end would be "you know (2 blue) to test conflict (violet) for the hAIR (air element is marriage)"

2nd for what orders with blue or water where I am located at the bottom left?

Bottom Right asking me to change the way that I came in as I should have purple shoes to run away from the purple hAIR?

HrmmmMMMm I wonder who they mean?

Or it is just a picture responding to them the most later as old folks looking at it?

3rd asks for what the conflict is using purple and resolution would be found in the top right.

The "Diet or Orion" that I have been wanting to promote and try to stick to myself changing my belt every year for my celebration asks that people try and stick to an animal of one type as that would give them the belt they wear as they are supposed to do things to help that animal as I believe that this is what ancient people practiced as it was believed that being Godlike was to have empathy for your food as we be once it so must help it. This plate of food would be against the rules but I recently had something similar and broke it... 

You don't a green with the gym either? AwwW 

Children on the NO side again using the red and green but it is well... Possible on the yes side?

She carried something like the Goddess of Portland by Joseph Shemanski?

Blue light does glow from up there!

I guess flowers does rhyme with ours for the few found on the "yes" side which makes sense since other men likely would not have that goal while looking? 

6th for what endangers you?

Drowning in alcohol?
Is there a double stealing your identity?

7th is for Direction? Well since I make music with the birds maybe you might wake up to some of the reasons and realize that eating beef might be better since a cow is not going you be found outside guilt tripping you or calling names because of what you ate?

Hunger 8... No red and green but you just wanted to let me know that your dog wood?

Not ready to a green yes or no?

Tempted to have bread? What are you on the paleo diet avoiding calories?

One or zero? What is that in the air?

Let's go through another stack of photos! I love seeing them respond to my living once! Thank you ladies... Hopefully they catch onto how beautiful the Sixteen Scented Celebration is so that no one is rejected as the ladies would have a line up of interested men? 

Show the red where the passion is found for me in the 1st picture and I ask for it in the bottom right... funny coincidence since I was saving myself for Palm Bee during this time! She was coming to visit me every night as I could almost hear her voice while falling asleep..

Now there is one purple heart here asking me to get off one person so does she mean herself or Palm Bee? During my 'Twitch experiment ' they used purple which meant to get off the other girls.

"2 will never work out" for the red in the upper right?

"Not Ready to leave your hAIR" for what is found in the bottom left and the two red things enter the bottom right for that foot then leave with the left...?

Show blue in the bottom left for water to tease me for orders in what to do?

Blue + white = you're right but what is the conflict found behind her? 

Stars go to my neckt to where my name is ready to be found on the win side? Part of making the Sixteen Scented Celebration was to help famous people stay married... Get paid for doing pre-death funerals while waking them up to this for the best experience possible and maybe get hired to perform at weddings?

What do we a green on in the end? I ask for it at the top left of the photo but not sure if that shade passes? The bracelet on the left wrist is for helping another with the air element which is for getting married and so that makes sense as the top left has wood a green on the win side.

Again children on the NO side? Not (left foot) ready to a green (her hair + his shirt) to never (red in top right) so there is hope...

What endangers her I ask using the sixth picture? A man running to the pink "surrenders" rectangle? This would go along with my celebration if she were to get executed as I have already been sentenced to run to death... but I will face it again and it might change? 

7th for direction?

Blue + white & pink + grey = you're right to surrender to great... then on the win side it shows "a green to test (orange) hAIR
Would not a green to death?
{Maybe she doesn't want celebration?}

Left foot side is "leave holy genes"?
(stop drinking maybe?)

8th for ate my food? I ask for red and green on the "yes" side as I make vegan food... 

Blue + white = you're right BUT it is ready (red) in the end (upper left) but where is a green?

9th for temptations?

A = caring or empathy while R = heading
So this is "tempted to care where you (blue) are headed"

Are you one or zero is the tenth.

Are you a green to get off (violet) the necks? (Next)

Another stack of photos to go through using the pentagram!

Looks like she may like me as well since red is found in the bottom right but of course that does not matter if I am not coming across it or not hearing her voice or not having dreams about her or not having thoughts right before coming across it that seemingly had to do with it... 

Enters at a green to write?

Stairs typically lead to children but she turned the phone so that they are found where the left foot enters the photo so that would be a no.

Asking for blue in the bottom left for orders? 

The top she wears would mean "what could I do to be there?" as if she means the celebration?

She sees herself...
She is grabbing her hAIR and her wrist is by a w which means "flocking with everything"

"Itch on" is written on the wall behind her leg... medication makes me itch called Suboxone
Her left foot is stepping beyond the 'yell ow' so maybe she is suggesting that I keep going through withdrawals?

I ask for the conflict using purple in the third photo... showing the resolution in the top right with purple there if it's possible for something short term someday?

The girl where I ente the photo with the right foot wears a green for her necks while the girl in red is ready to leave where my left foot is found?

Purple as I entered and purple if I leave so there is purple in the end while a rectangle represents death usually?

On the c'ouch there is a green sitting with oh range on the win side representing the end...

Wood right or write the temple? Yes, that definitely has been a problem... you think someone will pay another to whack me for it?

Just kidding. 

I ask for a green in the top left which I got above her left temple and I am asked to surrender to her man as I enter the photo since the pink is found at his stone element?

Unlike all of her other clumps of photos the 5th one this time shows red and green on the "yes" side on the girl that wears a bracelet in the location that means giving it to another for air or marriage and look who is in the photo in black or is it my back as I heard her voice say "it is real" in my head as I am typing this because I have been up all night as a light is shown over her shoulder in the same spot as the Goddess of Portland made by Shemanski that people see everywhere!?

I am glad that Palm Bee is darker colored skin in this photo because of the dream that I had of a girl I was intimate with but could not see her face when I woke up I was worried that it was the married girl standing next to her but seeing her belly so white is a relief because I don't want to find out someone was guilty of something as it has not happened so far?

I was shown how people may be tricked into having sex with someone who they think is someone else like they might think it is a family member but if you go digging further you would probably find a doppelganger was involved who looked similar?

There are two purple hearts which means "get off of two other people"? I have watched three of the girls in the picture and was currently not supposed to think about two of them in a sexual way when I first came across this photo but was not sure who she meant because it has seemed we liked each other?

Sixth picture to protect her from something... the girl is wearing pink which means "surrender" and a watch in the spot that means to hook up another for the air element or marriage while the second hair band is found at "no right sh older"?

What is the direction?

Blue "you" enters purple which is getting off another that is necks and I leave grey or great as her shirt is where the left foot is found? 

Definitely might have to do that?

For the eight picture I ask about hunger (ate) 8
Would you be able to live off of my cooking that is vegan using red and green and the response is yes to cutting off candy but entering cat food as I am living off of fish mostly like tuna while the top left shows red and green on the yes side which would be vegan later as the older we are the more important it might be but there are two red spots for "not ready" perhaps as it is also on the no side which is the upper right with a solid red.

Use the ninth photo for temptations... 

I will finish more tomorrow.. good night.

Are you one or zero?

Ready to get off the neckst?

There is two yell ow marks with the letters "set st" above his left sh older which would mean "you know it hurts to be saint like and PB all women for her"

Thankful to have so many stacks of photos to go through...

1st for passion or fire shown in red?

Saving it for later side at top left
bottom left foot has red, blue, and orange so that would be "ready to test you leaving"?

Orders for what to do... 

Makes sense to me because of what may have happened to me as a result of going to Facebook jail for posting a music video of a band called the residents and then it was for complaining about someone who called me bad names as I was reported when asked what bad names someone called when I let others know and this was most likely from my ex girlfriend making up lies about me (the second time) while the first time seemingly was from bleaching my hair?! I am taking a lie detector test and she sent me text messages of her plan to call me a monster to get money from her Mother. She probably made up stuff saying that I was abusive and so I tried to get his attention by threatening to sue on Instagram just in case it was someone else working for him doing it to me? I thought that he would see that I was right as I was not lying about anything if he checked and then after that I was seemingly blocked on dating websites and everywhere as if someone rich stalker was staying one step both ahead and behind me potentially using everything that I shared against me while trying to make it look like the Mormons were doing it because my friends were paranoid it was them but it was most likely Mark for accusing goth for being racist? When this first happened there was no commentary and just a video. Someone was talking to me through the window trying to warn me about something and when I went outside to catch him he ran off saying "at least I had the balls to warn you" then during the next few days Jews kept doing weird things like being mean and someone said out of nowhere for no reason, "I think it's okay to like Jews." and all this because I bleached my hair blonde? Someone logged in on my Facebook as me and liked a book called "left boot" at the time? I was favoring the right side for some things back then but was never political and I am a member of the Green Party. I defended Trump because I do it for anyone who is not there to stick up for themselves. I have been told that beautiful women are not able to look me up on Instagram as well. Why? When they write me name nothing appears? But only when it is beautiful women?

Also, once a cop came to my place after I went to a neighbor's as an emergency because I was having an allergic reaction and was hoping they had some Benadryl as I was frightened my throat would close. They did not bother to answer or anything even though I frantically knocked. Maybe I looked weird because I was wearing a kilt and they were probably Mormon? Anyways this cop kept calling me a fag when others were not around and they took me into the hospital and would not let me go and since I was making music with the birds at home they somehow knew where I was and were protesting my release outside while calling me an angel which made it even harder as my doctor told me when I asked him why I was being held there he told me that I was crazy to think that I could have over 40k views on my YouTube as I had just posted a video showing the wild birds speaking English I tried to show when someone doubted me. I dated a nurse so knew that was illegal since he needed a better reason as his family name being Jabez seemed to be trying to help me as I would have to be in danger or hurting myself or others to be held there legally and while there the Mormon Temple was damaged by an Earthquake. When I was released the birds were talking so well that I wondered if someone put speakers in the trees to play a trick on me but no it was them and others noticed so some nurses and hospital staff followed me home and stopped to tell me how sorry they were for not believing me that the birds could talk.

Ask for the conflict in this one using purple

I asked for a green in the top left for the air element or what is found in the end... in a mirror so would that be "see yourself with me"?

This is the only one showing the yes side... 
...maybe it is to explain why all of the others are a NO?

Because she is afraid that it would hurt?!

Yell ow' star(t) for head
{During pregnancy maybe that is the most painful part?}

A green to yell ow in the end?

More than one necklace might means "many next" as there are many on neck

Her shirt means "write your lines"?

This made me notice that she has two symbols in her description showing what looks like a star leaving the body maybe so that would be "know baby left"?

Protect her from what?

A mad man found above her?

Is that a web found behind her?
Never ready for the web... 

Well if they know everything where they go to sleep that really makes sense...

A green for testing (orange) to leave (bottom left)

Direction? Something like the Felicia Fork Burrito but... My guess is without Fork!

Five = wood or would a green?

8th for if my food is 8 ate eaten

On the NO side... But not impossible as I see left a green to never ready

9th for temptations 

Leafing Jersey Shore?

Gives approval (right thumb) for accepting life (left middle finger)

Are you one or zero... It is up in the air?

The air element is for marriage...

Here is another stack...

Another batch?

In Reno I made an email while rushed and tried to make a video to show Palm Bee what happened that was not very convincing but really messed up in that it may have never went to her since it was labeled for business and so people had a process to perhaps toss anything coming from boys trying to do things such as pay her for sex or for when people are in love?

She seemingly agreed to allow me to have dream dates with others again without interruption if she did not respond to my email after a week had passed.

The main problem that I may have faced was she was no longer streaming and taking a break from it which was from what I have experienced possibly due to the birds on the other side telling her to kill herself for mentioning in it that she ate a chicken breast or something like that?

If she was still streaming it would have been easier to be guided by her in how to write the email or contact her but she wasn't anymore so I just did it without proof reading my own work along with a video I had rushed out without watching first so I may have appeared to be completely crazy most especially if someone did not immediately drop everything they were doing to find the science and the facts being presented with my claims.

I know from what happens on my side that bugs, a colony of bacteria or parasites, or trash found East/East was possibly capable of sending her timed thoughts against me as whenever I was seemingly blocked the cockroaches might try to sing songs suggesting that I kill myself or whatever so that they could eat my feces?

Thankfully how people were responding to me seemingly proved to me that somewhere found was more than just a human host but also a soul as a person changes everything and creates an identity of sorts?

I seemingly told myself in a song that I listened to that I made NOT to pursue her and to try one of the rich and famous ones instead which really pissed me off... so I made some videos documenting all of this but kept my promise to this girl named Palm Bee only to those who would be watching her stream online as she would play World of Warcraft or other games among gardening or other things?

After a week passed by the rich and famous women that Palm Bee had previously interrupted posted a stack of photos showing herself laying down with an empty spot next to her that was a green and written was seemingly a reminder to me that it was time for our uninterrupted dream date finally!

The purple figure shrugging next to the NO sign seemingly meant to me to cut off Palm Bee and move on as it had been a week since she wrote me.

On her chest it shows Eve and yell ow as I am Adam and very easily moving on if that girl Palm Bee if not interested... look at what was happening to me!

Pink in the bottom right would mean to "surrender now!"

Looking for blue showing my orders for what to do and at this point it might be dumb to share some of the things that they somehow know to do that came from an ex girlfriend?!

Wouldn't it be romantic if this was happening to you and were able to actually meet the person from the other side?

Would you want to do it again immediately?

I am looking for a wife here but if someone just wants some company do not be surprised if the person is like me in that they might be used to using the water element (tease) to help someone else or?

This is the third picture where I ask what the conflict is and look for the resolution or purple in the top right of the photograph.

The conflict would be the red goes to her air ring on the side that is being sent away as that would be something temporarily... see the glowing red lights and where they go as the violet tint enters.

Suggesting that I ask for a green later?

I know that because of me, GG possibly was missing the Father of her child a bit more than usually from the echoes that I had accidentally sent as he was coming to me in dreams too and while visiting with them in my mind they seemingly named a street "Indian Hill" that I drove by in response to a certain very powerful thought regarding what would happen if I went to India and started to witness everything being named in the past stuff that was perfectly synchronized to respond in a way that helped what I was working on to give them the best possible experience and heal while explaining what the ancients wanted to say as they may have had a silent voice for a very long time where others may not have noticed this pattern found that could be impossible for a human being not to have met us in a dream both before and after we come across something shared such as an object.

For children is she ready not but where is a green? It shows "die" in oh range on her stomach which might suggest she is on birth control or does not want a baby? Or maybe there could be complications? 

The letter y is asking us not to be careless as it is a line between good and evil...

It seems that a gender or a healthy baby could be chosen by simply making gifts for the person during a certain Moon phase and if the identity is not the desired one just decide on the next Moon phase... as you might pick up that he is coming but a girl is wanted?

Tucson would be a great place to do this since the lightning storms are very unique and effective for us to use as it may let us know who the person will become a bit more easily?

This famous actress is incredibly beautiful but she may have let me know that she wanted a girl and perhaps no more children from the ways in which she responded without knowing it... already I had made the videos to her while calling her GG that would be asking for her about children, etc.

Protect her from what?

My being ready without a green?

My artist name is Spoon which means the "Big Dipper" or the "Ark of the Covenant" . .. 

Asking the direction?

This picture might be expressing a love for dairy somewhere with her food as the red is on the "no" side and I use this one for asking vegan?

9th picture I use for asking about temptations.

How beautiful!

What is very nice is being able to almost hear her voice in my head when I come across her pictures with an ability to seemingly give another my imagination so that she may let me know what notes or how to write my next song?

It typically wears off in a couple minutes but the attraction is a bit stronger so I will be somewhat surprised that by simply coming across just one picture without spending much time looking at it there might be a very vivid dream later that night or interaction as I am falling asleep...

She wore yellow on her chest with the letters "eve" as my name is Adam and I had downloaded one of her movies to watch so that I may document myself and what happened when I did this for the very first time.

So, the woman who was rich and famous wanting a dream date with me was being interrupted again?

What she shared on her posts would let me know that she could handle being the center of the universe and having a lot of attention from the public so I did not have to fear as much with her things like suicide or maybe suddenly becoming an alcoholic to "turn off reality" and she was also a vegetarian so I would not have to worry about the birds trying to kill her either.

This was when Palm Bee finally made an appearance after a long time after seemingly she appeared on her Instagram after a couple months of being gone without any explanation  where she uploaded herself with red everywhere making a scissors sign for "ready to cut" and then it shown her with yellow on her shirt as well as the word NO so that I would understand that it could have been the cockroaches and not her as she did not agree with my having a dream date with this woman!

[Insert screenshots here]
(Phone died so I may have lost them?)

I know that the person in my head is not real and have witnessed why a dream catchers looks like a spider web as bugs will try to trick us but what I find truly fascinating is how we as a species will somehow know that we are doing in the heads of other people allowing us to respond or work in ways that fix whatever is off while it creates such a beautiful and romantic experience if a coveted person is to measure the timing of this as it will lead to a dream of a passionate kiss or something along those lines.

That night it was somewhat a nightmare as some Mexican who could not speak English poked her without permission... just grabbed it almost as if he was Trump or something when she was not expecting it!? Then Palm Bee was warning me that she was curious about getting into the goth scene as if to spark paranoia inme about having to return to Portland and fix all the drama that had been caused by my ex girlfriend or whatever so that I knew that it would be SAFE for her to do this in the future as it has made me feel somewhat sick thinking about her hooking up with who could have been the one who drugged me with a date rape drug to have my girlfriend while I was passed out!?

This made it so much easier to get the other women off of me or use the PB on them everywhere that I would go because what she just did was supposed to be impossible and made this story so much more interesting and beautiful when it came to sharing it with the public later on!

Hopefully we are able to work with the folks of  Instagram or whatever for recovering these videos as it would vastly help a couple of people that really need to be able to make money without having to sell out to someone else who might want us to do something we do not want to do... of course, that would not be real coming from this woman though!

While I was in Reno a street was seemingly named in response to dreams that I was having or thoughts that I was thinking of Forkgirl, Palm Bee, and GG. When I slept in my car by the college I was waking up people outside of all technology to be safe just in case anyone would try to cover this up as if it never happened?!

Beech St. and Bartette in Reno met right before Taylor apartments! Whenever Taylor would come to me seemingly it would be right before I came across a street by the name of Taylor as she was the Queen of Darkness that me as Raistlin still had to confront on the other side of the Portal to the Abyss... Bartette was suggesting that I just simply get laid at a bar as they knew how instantly it would happen for me if I wanted it as it would be double crossing my promise to Palm Bee. When I went dancing there at the casino drunk women were letting me know they liked me and had a room everywhere and when I was leaving women were asking me to stay another week or for a few more days more than ever before as I was now famous in the goth scene while I was becoming a much better dancer. I doubt these women knew this though who were coming on to me like they were.

[In the 1st picture red is found on the bottom right for "I may not care for the consequences because of wanting you so much" that becomes "it will never work out" where the palm tree is shown perhaps symbolically representing my hand as it nears the upper right?]

[The 2nd picture has blue but it is not visible and covered by the left arm where the "water element" would be located symbolizing "receiving tease" and being in the bottom right the most that has typically meant "change the way that you came in when blue is found there . .." which makes sense since I was thinking that she must be in her early 20's when I first came across her!? Hopefully that wall is a shade of blue as it would be taking me from the lower left 'water' to the upper left 'air' element as I have typically used the second photo to ask for 'orders' to be led from the bottom left of the photo using blue that would represent "you" (err, me!?)...?]

I had a dream that my little sister's husband was showing me his Lamborghini he got out of... when I woke up I thought that he was introducing Amber as a Lamberghini since she looks a LOT like my youngest sister who lived in Rome?

This motivated me to put a car in this song that I have made for her that is a cover originally made by The Smiths so was this a sign that is was now safe to give her more information since we were closer to Portland and she woudl be able to contact me if anything negative was found or experienced from discovering this?

At the same time this came out my friend's channel that is my favorite for music videos came out with this as they are likely standing by with interest regarding what is happening with me and my celebration as I was promoting his work.

When I had arrived in the Portland area I came in on MacAdam... while I was sharing on Instagram everything that seemed to be responding to me with perfect timing such as the street names and well.. pretty much everything in ways that should be impossible?!

The birds and the bees change their sounds to favor me when I am thought about or near but people may be the opposite as a man may say something that tries to stop her from liking me as if somehow telepathic? With her the music and even the video games will do this to her brain if she goes the direction that covets me as the creators of the music will respond to our living once in a way that is jealous. If she tested this it would definitely work in that she simply pay more attention to what happens when I am thought about as what might be mind control starts to come from almost everything MANmade with timing that is asking her to stop but from what I had witnessed she gets upset at them for doing it so they will apologize or even feel so intimidated by her that it is heard in their music that responded to millions of people potentially so that would be part of what makes her want to run away from me. She does not want to get mad at anyone but some of what was being witnessed as the music was responding to what was going on really showed what might be a scary side of humanity where you realize that it is not good to be coveted especially if the soul of several musicians are going to feel humiliated? 

An example might be when I watched her stream when music was played that is made from a woman what was heard was supposed to be impossible to witness as the timing of what was said in the song was proving telepathy to be real as the soul who wrote the song was asking me to look her up instead of pursue the poor Twitch girl promising to be more grateful while it is noticeable as PB is sent to me to push back any woman trying to have me and then when a man would play an exchange would go back and forth that would be good until she realized that he was being completely disrespectful while I was being very good to him while doing things such as wanting to wake her up to what he was doing for her to let her go if she wanted it. The problem seemed to be that they might have a tendency to assume that I am going to think about their music being bad even while the opposite was true was true because as a musician myself it is impossible for me to hear anything for the first time without thinking of how I could help the person somehow by maybe adding onto it? 

She seemingly caught onto some of the men trying to convince her to become a whore with the timing that was coming from them as there was a fear that could not be hidden she would never want to be with him in a way that was real and lasting which led to a vision that I had of her throwing someone out of her car like a dream had while falling asleep. During the stream she was appearing to be annoyed with someone in the chat but part of her subconscious mind was responding to everyone who ever came across the video and those who were responding to her playing their music. Eventually one man kept saying the words "get out of my head" while she was seemingly getting annoyed at how the men kept making threats. 

She does not want the artists to think that it is real as my being crazy is much better than what was seen from a certain perspective that was suppose to be impossible but they kept proving that it was real from being grateful that I was giving them positive attention as they would have something helpful to add to one of my ideas as it is always very positive so please know that what was just described was merely a glimpse of something awkward or negative that only lasted a moment but it was very real and possibly made her feel absolutely embarrassed of the music she listened to while she knew that I was watching. From her perspective that was probably all that happened was she thought that a certain person watching would not like her because of the music that might have felt like embarrassing shame for maybe a full second?

After I was done with that particular part of a stream it felt very awkward as I was falling asleep and could almost hear her voice asking me to forgive her for putting up with it for as long as she did. It was a certain one that hated me for some reason that pissed her off and other artists carried it with a "I am NOT that guy..." attitude for a few days afterwards seemingly. Thankfully by the time that I came across him a second time I had countered everything negative so much that he wanted to go along with his actually trying to help me so that I would not be attacked instead of anything else?

I am able to close my eyes to watch random stuff happening just like watching a television but in my brain that I do not control but can guide while seemingly giving others possession of what I see? For example, it feels like after coming across another person online I may close my eyes and watch him or her send me thoughts? I believe that this comes from using a certain part of my brain much more than other people that might be referred to as the "shamanic state of consciousness" as for training or entering it a person might begin with something like trying to find a power animal which will not be the one you actually would pick if you had a choice. When a mind is blank from dancing or maybe watching videos or pictures the brain enters a sort of trance that is not natural from the light exchanges that allows a person to lie down and close their eyes to enjoy whatever vision the underworld provides? It is extremely entertaining to be able to do most especially when the visuals are just as good as actually watching or using the eyes but probably takes a lot of practice before reaching that point? They prove it is not me in control while it happens and might do things like show a birth mark? Definitely the most effective way to communicate with another person as it allows someone to use much more of their brain so that when an actual conversation happens the person might be thinking that they are saying something random from just being bored or trying to come up with something to say when in reality I am measuring my own thoughts that their subconscious mind is somehow aware of it enough that it allows me to get many message from them that would be true without actually hearing it being said allowing up to three times more information to come from someone talking normally. It is very similar to animal whispering when it comes to measuring the timing of your own thoughts while comparing it to what others are doing that could be an animal saying English words in their breath almost as well as a person talking! Capable of one or two full sentences at a time COMING FROM A DOG!?


See yourself a green for saving it for later?

2nd for water

What can I do to meet a basket case?

3rd for conflict to show the problem in purple... glasses for left foot or bottom left so it means that I need to wear glasses to. See 20/20 and yes that is true. Ask for it found in top right if something temporary to test is wanted but this isn't a dating website so... I find it funny that I find it in 3s online wherever I go though when it is looking at other women.. of you think I have posted a lot of pictures here? Know that I have looked through hundreds of profiles and almost always they put purple in top right in the 3rd picture...

What do we a green on in the end asking for it in the top left if we are a good fit?

5th for weed or having children and she put it on the yes side... but alcoholic drinks may be a "no" to me since I have hereditary coproporhyria like a royal family blue blood that might come from drinking alcohol too many generations?

Protect her from? Having children as her purses is tested or matching orange to show her man?

A green to leaf? Left foot side.. 

Direction? A green to see yourself right or write?

8 for ate? Yes side...

came across SSSniperWolf again and found this stack of photos more than just a funny coincidence!

Are you one or zero?

What is funny about this is that Palm Bee killed some raccoons on accident from not realizing they needed help so that makes a lot of sense!

Have I become a raccoon because of her not asking me to get a place to live in Portland? Yes! In fact, that is very much how it feels to be living out of my car because why stay in a city that might accuse me of something I am not?

Seemingly Palm Bee has come to me asking that I do something about my ex girlfriend who accused me of more than just being a stalker so I am taking a lie detector test while here so at least all of that is corrected as there should not be anything negative found about me anywhere. Why would there be? What have my crimes been if I am now sober and working? Nothing.
Palm Bee was not like the other girls in that she is not trying to get psychical with me like they have? If I think about something like touching someone in a sexual way most women are a lot more open and welcoming for me than anybody would like to admit? She has been very different than the others in that she might send me away? When I tested this at first she actually did send me away but when another woman welcomed me I was seemingly interrupted and asked to come back? This happened four times total during maybe a dozen videos that were six hours long or so? I never had the time to watch her while she was live much but what I missed I was able to watch later while on my phone game usually?

Hopefully she did not have a fear of getting caught for liking me? Not sure if she was not into me or just testing to see how I would respond? This did not happen with anyone else so it made me have a bad trip! When I asked for it she gave me a "designated spot to use" where it was 'safe' to touch her with my mind as she seemed to fear that she might get caught for doing things like accidentally responding "too much" to my mind. This may have been because she was not single but if that was true she was getting informed by a lot of people watching it in the future that she broke up with whoever she was with and had announced that she was single again so it would be found there she was okay with being a mermaid for a just a brief time?


Recently, I went back and checked her out to take these screenshots for this blog and so she knows that I went North back to Portland and have made my choice to wake up Palm Bee or Amber first before everyone else... because of everything that happened which I will explain and show many videos more in the future even after this post is made so check back on this later to see how I will be adding hopefully absolutely everything and everyone that was significant as it was so hilarious and entertaining! It really made life so much funner.

In the second photo here is the water element where I ask for her to guide me and tell me what to do in the bottom left as usual and I have not seen this picture yet! I am not near her anymore & she knows... is that a white rectangle? 
She wants me to die... Right? 
/Sigh (no she is making a joke...)
The rectangle is over the right.. sh older

I like where the purple is ; )

Would I ever get mad at my girlfriend for doing what she did for me if I was her boyfriend? I always liked showing off my girlfriend in public as I knew guys checked her out while I found it so exciting when we would have sex in public places and the idea of people checking us out turned me on so long as nobody crossed any line in regards to touching. The last few girlfriends that I have had I let them know that it was temporary so of course the both of us would have been responding to others who checked us out whether it was while streaming or taking pictures or dreaming while asleep. When I moved in with my last girlfriend and paid her way so that she could stay at home and play games with me and go on a vacation I started streaming for the first time on Twitch. It was miraculous that we were not banned as she showed her boobs and fuzz in several spots. 

But what if he looked at her Instagram pictures after looking into this "Sixteen Scented Celebration" that I happened to come up with while showing people demonstrates of others responding to this mathematical pattern always found and when I discovered it I was streaming so lots of men knew and would do things like come in and ask me to show them as I would go to some video the doubter chose and asked for a flower while the random location being witnessed proved that there was no way that I cheated as the girl did it for me on her dress who happens to be a famous artist that may very likely know all about my story as we have mutual friends so I might find stuff she knew I would find written for me in her artwork as I hate missing what is out there meant for my eyes or mind to find... as it was a clear indicator of something since she responded to everyone who ever came across her photos no matter how far in the future they may be found so why would she do so much for me or what might be the celebration that I had made to "get them off of us" after becoming a couple?

I took a video of myself asking for her to put certain colors in specific locations in her next post to Instagram so that I would be able to prove that she was responding to me easier and when she gave me what I had asked for I made a video explaining more about it she may have never seen the link for or dared to click on it let alone sit through what might have been too long to watch as I didn't bother to proof read it so when I tried to watch it myself I realized that it may have made me appear completely crazy...

(Wrong video.. still looking for it) She gave me five colors that I asked for in the locations..

Since she gave me the colors asked for so well I thought that I would do it again but make it easier for her since it appeared that her subconscious mind could have at least tried to get me what I had asked for?

While waiting for the mechanic to look at my car I uploaded this to YouTube as it was asking for colors that were picked by various people while they were sleeping without knowing it... the bottom right was orange and brown picked by Amber because of what happened in Riverside when she kneeled to me and it is shown in one of her YouTube videos being the most important one if it's the fifth tip of the star or wood representing would or what comes after marriage?

Here is the video here and if you check the date this was uploaded you will see that it was done before she gave me the colors

As you can see in this video the scents that were selected by me were picked by others and so the colors came from what was found on the cover of each given scent... SSSniperWolf picked the colors for the bottom left and they represent the girl I contact next should Palm Bee turn me away or things do not work out.. the ex husband of GG picked the scent for the colors shown in the top right and the Mormon Church President picked the scent representing 'for everyone else in the world?' in the top left... for me to say NO to as my ring of daisies is revisited every year to keep things from breaking.. why those people? I have no idea. They just happened to be linked at the time to those scents that I used to choose the colors so YES it matters what happened everywhere else in the world after that particular date as I can check things that I come across for asking the person sharing questions that their souls had already answered in whatever they did immediately after I uploaded this video?

THIS WAS THE WRONG VIDEO... so sorry.. I have to find it.

This was SO HOT!!! Really made me excited because the next stuff you posted showed you wearing brown shirt and the video tint was changed so that your skin became orange so I got the ones you picked!! 

The "fake" version of her has told me that she needs to know that I would leave without giving her a problem which inspired me to give her a rock along with a letter stating that if she ever wanted me out of her life I would leave without getting upset or trying to convince her otherwise if she gave it back to me.

Mostly "orange" is found in bottom right as well as brown... this is supposed to lead to "your scent picked" while the song you were listening to hinted that you might be so "ready" you would have a scent?

The night that I saw this was yet again another beautiful night I could not believe how lucky I was to hear your voice telling me that you were sleeping on my right side as usual as I was falling asleep...

The next stuff that she uploaded shown not only green in the spot I had asked for it the most but it also came with a memory about what appeared to be a 6 found on a green rock that I had thought meant "saving herself for me" since our ancestors had used a rock for this rather than a stick since that was taught to be bad as it may carry insects if it is passed along too much and it motivated me to write a letter that I had already sent her wrapped around a rock with this same object in mind. I had asked her to give me the rock back in the future if she ever wanted me to go away without having to explain anything with a promise that I would obey as that would make it much easier for her to meet.

This was posted showing the green along with that "rock" which is actually a shingle from a roof? Well it had inspired me to send the rock and that spiral design I thought was a 6 for representing stone that would be for cutting off others until an object was selected or something similar... I was wondering why she did not include something more obviously yellow this was posted almost immediately afterwards...

Thankful to see the yell ow in the lower left the most but this actually made me upset since I was hoping she would stop eating bird for me?

The blue shows me on the 'stone' side or the left mind which is the upper right? That is like reminding me that you are thinking of the fork in the road where what I believe is much better and definitely more expensive food awaits you?

That was why I was feeling like I had failed and I was headed to take pictures at Beech St. And Failing when I tried to look up a sushi place I was surprised to find the one I was thinking about was not found on. The map while the other closest one to my location just happened to be named GG sushi!? So, I thought that maybe it was a sign to move on and when I started to head that way Palm Bee said on her stream "no to GG" as there was a GG in the game that she was playing that was not one she normally played.

During the last video that I watched of Palm Bee I was heading towards Beech and Failing St. to take some pictures. In perfect synchronization to my thoughts she said "no" to my heading towards GG as the video game she was playing just happened to be making her say this and also it was the name of a sushi place by Beech and Failing St. that I was going to visit and take pictures to show this rich and famous woman along with this blog so that I may have a hot date and like a certain girl had put it on Instagram... Finally be able to kiss the person found on the other side of the photo who was responding to me in a way that was giving me the most romantic experience a person may possibly have?!

Then she gave me red and blue in the bottom right as shown in this video here where I am showing screenshots of something she shared where she is twirling a blue thing that was coming out of red from where she held it in the bottom right.

Blue means you and it is needed!?

If you watch the video she put the red and blue on the bottom right the most just like I had asked for!

Her fingers are touching the most sacred part of her body that our ancestors kept the final ring to be removed by him after their hands would be joined by what came off her wrists...

My ex girlfriend who "trained me for sex" used to push a bottom in the spot that you are showing and the girlfriend that I had who makes music that also has been called Zelda and the Password Widow by famous goth artists (Elastica and Edward Ka-Spel) when I first met her and we were in her bed I thought that she bought information about me from my girlfriend before her because she was also pressing this same "button" seemingly.

It says ME in orange? Wow!!!

A green (surrender is pink) ME oh range! (test)

Oops... Wasn't this when you had shown that blue error screen? Your computer had died giving you the "blue screen of death" so what are you trying to say?

You are "okay" but wondering if you had died from witnessing what is supposed to be impossible? I went through that too.... you will get used to it.. but will life ever be boring again?

Here is another video where I explain the meaning of the red so the fact that she put it on the lower left more than the upper right would mean what?

Get rid of everything between us immediately!

The reason that I put it on the top right is simple... To give you MORE TIME so your giving it to me in the bottom left more is like letting me know you want there to be nothing between us NOW.

You seemingly point to what is found that is red at the top right but by having more of it in the bottom left this is the best "failure" you could possibly come up with as it means getting rid of what is found between us NOW as it is still on the "no" side and when I came up with it I made it to top right to give you more time?

Already she came to me while sleeping seemingly telling me that she has been selfish and if she knew everything she would have come to me right away... also, she would never forgive herself for doing it since we lived once..

What is funny about this video is I show how I measure myself to find the location where I shared the color which ALWAYS WORKS as I do it often while working... So funny! I will point towards the direction I am supposed to go and it really saves me time! So surprising that our subconscious minds are capable of all that! I actually know my own mind and respond to it so that I let myself know if I went too far or if it's back earlier in the video what I am looking for.

The last time that I remember Amber in my dreams she was kissing me while wearing a white and black dress... this was as I was making a song about kissing her in my dreams..

The last video that I had uploaded I had asked her to do something which was putting red in the lower left... the folks who work for the staff of YouTube would see that whenever I have uploaded videos asking for certain colors in specific locations I have never deleted the video when checked.. later on, I will give the link for this unlisted video! The time stamp shows that it was the last color requested in the lower left. 

AND... as I was going online to take a screen shot of these I just happened to see this in my first post.. so hopefully NOW you understand what I have been actually doing for you? 

Since she posted "car to ons" I know to wash my car very nice and neat while getting everything ready to pick someone up?

The location of her tattoo is for sending air (to another) if it is on her left wrist? The right wrist would be for herself... so I hope PB's tattoo is the right? If it is the left side it would mean she orders me to do things "or else" probably?

Upon seeing red in the bottom left of another person I browsed by I regularly see on there I am wondering if I should have done this completely different so that I am not making a fool out of myself trying to wake up the wrong person as the problem is simple. The girl that I had decided to wake up to this first I was seemingly cut off from talking to by people between us so I have not crossed her off 'the list's so that I could move into the next girl. It will not take much time at all to move on when it comes to someone that I have not met if she does not want to meet me. All I need is to know. I was working on my music earlier today and it felt like I could have been responding to someone who was pretending something else was going on entirely? From my experience she has been the driver inspiring me to pursue but only while asleep or from her subconscious mind so all it takes is ONE HINT of "I don't want it" and I will absolutely never give it to her forever. Not a second chance or another thought about it. It's nothing like the others who wrote songs for her. It is hard to picture her not being able to see anything coming from me but I have already witnessed a beautiful woman not being able to look me up on Instagram so I know this has been happening to them.

Look at this girl right here... she is a huge fan of the Smiths obviously.. how the hell would it be possible she would not want to talk to me if I was having romantic dreams about her so wrote her a song like a cover song from the Smiths that I had made this other girl as shown here.

How would this girl not possibly freak out in a good way if I chose to wake her up first!? I mean... the artist she is listening to made his songs say certain things due to responding to me like "November Spawned A Monster" and other dreams I have had... Borderline schizophrenic episodes that happen as they come to me for a few minutes whenever I come across the work of other people and I have a lot I could possibly do for them like show such a miracle as this!? They know what to say so that I will be included and I am blessed for this but how good does it feel to be dragged through the mud so that men playing video games feel better about themselves or whatever is going on? A cop is trying to protect a threatened colony of parasites or? Would I want to prove that stuff will respond to me? Not really because they always know all of the most personal things that I do not want to share they helped me face BY SHARING IT?! The singer of Coil is the best example as he named himself John Balance and his song "Love's Secret Domain" had the perfect lyrics to reach some of the 'toughest Americans' thanks to what a little boy may have done with the neighbor kids involving dogs and honey. He said it in his songs while proving he was responding to me in the same ways the others do. Tells me he came to me, etc. I used to play with people on the same record label so I was on my way to meeting him if I did not get arrested for weed but what was done was a miracle as they had no way of knowing such things. I have already made several unlisted YouTube videos proving with science that these people were coming to me in their sleep and responding to me... the Cure, Siouxsie, Coil, all of the big shots.. hopefully soon I am getting paid a lot for the pre-death funerals or whatever services anyone might hire me for as I wake them up to the Sixteen Scented Celebration. He is gay so quite friendly as ghosts come and go?

Love's Secret Domain by Coil

Oh rose, thou art sick
Seduce... let loose
The vision and the void
Blood sickle... honey suck

In little children's heavy heads
My dreams erupt while in my bed
Innocence is dripping red.

In dreams I walk with you
In dreams I talk with you
In dreams...
You're mine
All of the time.

Heads on fire and drunken lights
Days devoured by hungry nights
In love's secret domain
This is mad love
This is mad love
In love's secret domain.

Sweet tortures fly on mystery wings
Pure evil is when flowers sing
My heart,
My heart is a rose
This is mad love, Oh
This is mad love
In love's secret domain...

Give sanity a longer leash, but
Some of us have sharper teeth
In love's secret domain...

In dreams I walk with you...
In dreams I talk with you...
In dreams...
You're mine
All of the time.

Oh rose, Thou art sick
The invisible worm
The vision and the void
The blood sickle cuts.
And the honey sucks.

Oh rose, thou art sick!

I am paranoid that PB is getting timed thoughts because of a threatened colony of parasites or whatever maybe coming from men surrounding her too? I was the same way... hopefully she is thankful for all the work that I have done so that she could have the best experience possible that any human being could ever have which might be waking up to WHO others are where we go to sleep and how they are capable of responding for... Her..  She is beautiful too so how could this not be happening for her? She knows they do and witnessed it while I was watching her stream. The female artists she played during her stream are timing things perfectly to my thoughts so that I would let her go to look up one of them and so do the men... what went on I will never share as it's better not knowing.. really shows an ugly side of people being selfish.

If I go to a store and think of Palm Bee a girl will perfectly time a response asking me to let her go somehow as if telepathic... nice to know they aren't conscious that they do this.. every time I have gone to a store or a dance club interested women have timed things to let me know.

What she has been doing to me is so magical though! The story is so good! It has never been done before! It is like the best romance novel but really happening. To be able to find someone who I know had the same dream as me at some point in her life and make songs for her while coming up with this proof!? What a story... definitely NOT insane like jealous men would have wanted.. NOT a stalker or a threat.

I am messing this all up.. just need to tell the story FACTS and make it good. Sorry it is taking so long! I am kind of sick right now. Withdrawals from cutting back on my medicine from an injury years ago when I could not walk. I have a prescription for three pills per day but right now I am only taking one forth of one per day lately. I am not like other people. It is not as hard for me to quit. I am taking Suboxone. I got off of it completely for a year but got back on it because I did it cold turkey and it was a shock to my body. It needs to be done gradually.

I will go over this blog and make it good... and I would absolutely not get mad from a girl not wanting my attention or company.. but as far as the men go who are potentially blocking me? Of course, that pisses me off.

Well, in thousands of years maybe there will be several movies showing them as bad guys as this is definitely going down in HIS STORY?

I have not been in an argument since I was??? In Middle School or? No reason anyone should ever feel threatened... 

Adam James Meade 385-418-0082

I am saving myself until this blog is finished and this girl who came to me yet again last night in my sleep has read it... while the next couple weeks my double-disc should be finished?

How much longer do you want to do this? ; )

I would love to explain what happened to me LAST NIGHT! It was so romantic... hopefully real.. she has been letting me know in my sleep all sorts of stuff but its mostly ONE CONCERN I have the most. I took videos so I guess I will just share that.. shows "proof" of what she did too I guess I will show as well that it was ACTUALLY HER! 

Very excited for these songs to be finished... the singing needs to be perfect though!

I asked my dead friend if Amber watched her memorial video and this was the response:

Very meaningful! White & Black for write her back?! I once had a "nightmare" that I slept with a woman who looked like Amber because I was behind her while intimate so I was not able to see her face so I find it funny how my friend Maren is bent over as her name contains the word Mare while the letter N is a lifting snake and Simon is pointing at her left temple which means 'you left her body'?

Anyone may be able to have this discovered to be real immediately by checking your partner or spouse and find how the color or location you pick will be shown in the past before you met on your birthday unless there is something you are supposed to figure out in the photos to the reasons why you did not get it so remember this is coming from the part of them that knows absolutely everything so if you were dishonest what is the person going to give you as a response?!

She knows everything so try to figure out why it is not there if she did not give it to you as where we sleep she or he would know absolutely everything!

----- have fun! ------

I do not come to conclusions and what has been shared here does not really prove anything to be real other than the mathematical pattern that is always found showing us that we are responding to the observer whenever we do things such as take a picture or video of ourselves or share pretty much anything?

Everything in this story is true and I have never withheld results from tests because of not being able to get the color that I was asking for with a prayer or whatever as I have done during my online demonstrations to prove this is real.

It has actually been a bit more convincing that it is real when a person has not given the color asked for with a prayer or by the random generator because of the meaning that is found when asking ourselves why it happened.

I kept the videos when the test may have been considered to be a failure for the most part but when doing tests with more ancient artifacts it becomes much more real and convincing that humanity actually is responding to me everywhere as mass bent time and we lived once so gravity is bending time right now!

For example, when I thought that I was somewhere in my family line related to Phoenicians because of being Scandinavian I came across them in a history magazine and saw a mask that they made that looked exactly like me at the time since my green hair was braided into dreadlocks that hung on both sides of my face and that was what this mask shown.

If you would like me to answer a question with a lie detector test please contact me and let me know as I will be taking probably at least three of them so could likely fit the question in there somewhere and there will be more done for the rest of my life probably where people might doubt my claims as there likely will always be people found that insist that it MUST be a magic trick without any chance of being real.

Not sure what it would have taken for me to believe it if someone were to try and convince me that people were capable of the things that I am sharing in this story but I constantly witness this phenomenon being real every day so know that I could come up with much more believable demonstrations than what I came up with so far.

What might be the most interesting during these tests has been how other languages respond to my coming across them just like everything else.

Here is an example of "remote viewing" where Palm Bee is seemingly mentioned in The Simpsons and I show yet again another demonstration to prove this real by using a random color generator that I had asked for in a specific location proving yet again that science was correct in that mass bends time... know that PB is also Princess Bubblegum in one of my favorite cartoons called Adventure Time while Marceline is Forkgirl who is "thousands of years older"? Lol no but you get the joke?

Example of Palm Bee found on the Simpsons thanks to Remote Viewing (watch video below)

If you look up remote viewing about psychic spies released by the CIA in 1995 you will find my last name appear why? My last name is Meade and when I watch something like the Adam's family it responds to me. The snaps are four times because it means that you are dead and to be executed in a way that actually saves you at age 137 on Judgement Day which is November 10th if you care to participate in the Sixteen Scented Celebration!



This is a link to the wikipedia about the CIA psychic spies called Stargate Project released to the public in 1995

Back in 1995 I was living in San Diego when my Father came home one night after a limo dropped him off after a veteran took him to dinner and he woke me up at 2am to tell me about psychic spies during WW2 and his friend who wrote a movie script that he gave me.

My Dad was an actor who played a "psychic killer" and was in a Megadeth music video about knowing too much "hanger 18" among other things... replaced the voice of Screech in the episode "Revenge of the Nerd Kind" on the show Saved by the Bell and his Nephew is Duff from Guns and Roses who has been a victim of 'remote viewing' as well... Duff beer?


[I will be updating this blog every day until this story is told with proof shown in videos as well as lie detector tests done... the most proof will be shown in hours of "dream dating" videos where it has been 99% accurate thanks to the fifth picture matching what they wrote in their profile! Also, Palm Bee had given me over a dozen colors in a row which was the result of my asking for a certain color with a prayer in a specific location in her next post that she did for over a dozen colors?! The STORY and catching up to how it is done is the proof as you are able to do this yourself so please use the Sixteen Scented Celebration to share this safely among others while your own birthday should be found in the past of others before knowing about you or before you met the more your echo is found in the future so of course this is going to work more for a person who is rich and famous more than your average Joe]

So who do I thank for changing it while working on this so that I could not take screenshots of Instagram videos anymore that actually PROVE that she responded to my prayer and gave me the color that I had asked for?

I am scared of them being "sluts" who want me because they know that I never was mad when I found out I was cheated on or lied to... but I cried and left them instead so it is potentially better than the alternative coming from others guys which would be what?

So please if you want someone else more than me and are not interested in being THE TOP of everything we are working on with an actual nice job and building our own everything you absolutely cannot have DOUBT or LAZINESS as there is absolutely nothing stopping us from getting everything that we wanted in life as a child and more unless someone did something like murder me?

Well, I do not have to be Batman... the synchronicity trying to save me does so by my waking up to how I am NOT actually that person.. know what I mean?

What is a concerned GUILTY person going to do about me? Well, either maybe know that they may have already confessed to me where we go to sleep and I do not care to tell because of how broken our judicial system is or maybe it is because the person was in the spirit of doing the right thing and so telling would be betraying the trust of someone coming to me with what could be a horrible secret.

People CAN change and the first thing to do would be to wake up to the garbage giving us thoughts or what could be a concerned colony of parasites from something like bacon?

Whenever I hear others they almost always guide me away from waiting for this girl with their timing... is this because of my guilt trip to other men and what a musician or artist actually wants to do?

Definitely has been for me and if it's not PB it will be someone else much more grateful...

(As I typed this a girl said "for real, maybe it's me") Wow


Just getting ready and do not want to share this openly right now but I guess here is safe

Palm Bee I had put up on a pedestal because of being younger and not having to rush into having children like I would with the others but this morning I woke up worried that I might be saving myself for someone who is right now sleeping with other people so I am very thankful that this actress is still responding as it makes for such a beautiful story as like many women they have shown their left ear more because of somehow knowing my plans of the future where they go to sleep involving the way that I program my music so that for my biggest echo I would be coming out of the left speak ear and into the right one rather than the usual which is part of programming their subconscious minds for the most shiver or chills possible while listening to my music?

Such a beautiful woman and very motivating to see something bright in my future if a beautiful famous actress is going to let her fans know that a man may be able to plant a green flag from her... as over her right shoulder three poles are seemingly shown that has represented having children on that side ever since the tapestries were responding to me and I came across the wise men visiting baby Jesus.

Over the right sh older would be the children while those older would be over the LEFT... logic 101

I am extremely motivated right now when it comes to waking up celebrities to the Sixteen Scented Celebration where hopefully they will find something that rekindles their relationships like no other as I start getting paid for pre-death funerals or ancient wedding ceremonies as I need money to start my businesses.

I see it coming from folks all over when I will browse the web to help me write my songs as they have a lot more math while many of them I made without listening to them until they were done as I knew the sound recorded but made the song by measuring the waves in what I knew would end up sounding absolutely beautiful!

For this reason, I have not been releasing the songs that I had already written and this is part of the reason that I absolutely know the English language like the other ones are responding to my living once as well since they will seemingly go along with trying to help me when flipped backwards in a song as it will sound like words that go along with the song as this has been one of the ways that I have tried to find out more regarding ancient times while calling it an 'opportunity' for the dead to communicate?

"I would love to take her shopping and do her make-up..." is a thought I may commonly have as I used to make clothes and built almost all the computers for Coldwater Creek so I am always thinking about such things.. that was a women's clothing retail chain with stores across America.

I just came across Brittany Spears... I am going to make a separate blog post for those who seemingly responded to the Sixteen Scented Celebration.. but I am looking for a wife right now so people have perhaps been responding more to that while if it's an artist she will time things to give me a romantic experience.
I listened to a new album from an artist recently and she really spoke to me as I cried from being loved by her song and then she said to dry those tears in the beginning of the next song, etc. 

I have never heard a song from Brittany? I know some lines though, "not that innocent" from a commercial? 

Just wanted to show though some more evidence that this is real... and this was why I was trying to tell others that if they wanted someone more than me I would help her find him.. as I would not want to be second to anyone and am very excited for my future as being the first musician to sing from behind the audience using this new "deep stare" technique that is so beautiful and the way that I play guitar has never been done as well with my strumming hand doing most of the work sometimes?

I came across this first and checked my birthday to find her respond with "not ready for kids" as the red is where the left foot enters the photo...

She wears yell ow on the chest on November 4th Day of Rainbow for checking out a mate...

Then I came across this on November 3rd Day of Pi for facing everything negative (she used red to say NO to children)... Good answer ; )

I find the commentary funny as if she is letting me know that she would like to be woken up as a participant of this celebration someday? This is what I had originally wrote Amber or Palm Bee about since I was writing her business email I had just been honest and let her know that I was looking for a partner now to potentially marry someday but test things out as I pay for everything while she gets time off of work to help me with perhaps contacting celebrities for the Sixteen Scented Celebration? As it would be good money to get hired to do pre-death funerals or perform for ancient wedding ceremonies?

Day of Dreams (as if to warn me about the "what if" as I would be a 'Motherf----r'?)

Just like with those who are responding while I was "dream dating" she put the tree on the left mind side in the top right for "be grateful for what you have" as it would be on the win side or top left if it was wanting children now with me.

She likely already has a husband or something so it doesn't really matter as she responded with "no" so...

Day of Darkness... November 1st.. respect privacy as she eats lots of Ice Cream? Hahaha

Would these colonies of bacteria or parasites do things like send timed thoughts to scare someone from using a link letting them know about something that would be good for them or anything else? These concerns come from knowing how there is brain tissue that is found in our entrails and A LOT of it! Would we be using ten percent of our brain because so much of it is found elsewhere but there has been no SAFE way to let others know? Wasn't Einstein Jewish and weren't those people making golems and sending messages into the belly while trying to wake the heads?

Are you ONE or are you ZERO?

This is why this celebration begins for many people on the 6th to wake up to the possibility of being "sick" and then the 9th to wake up others after you have saved yourself from the most embarrassing spot to be found underneath the wrong side of the rainbow as what lives in our entrails seemingly times shameful thoughts or memories to keep a person controlled so that they never do things such as threaten what might be a colony of whatever living inside as we are merely human hosts?

The idea of "running tests on people" who are on the other side of video kind of scares me... what if they were seeing 'who was gay' or 'what they were embarrassed of' so that it would be easier to take advantage of them later? Maybe there should be a warning broadcasting in every language asking not to run any tests on 'living puppets' on the other side sharing light and sound, etc? Or maybe it just takes someone like me to connect for a moment and ask someone like Bob Ross with my mind, "has anyone come in trying to do this?"

Another reason the main part of the celebration begins with the Day of Darkness and well what might live inside of Ta____ or the Queen of Darkness is capable of making her feel like the ugliest person on the planet when in reality everyone might be thinking the opposite?

What might come from raw fish seemingly has been something like what might be parasites from bacon? I knew this when I ate them recently as what I went through when I stopped eating it completely while vegan for a very long time recently really was a frightening experience at times as people were potentially queued to try and save a colony of bacteria OVER MYSELF?!

Can you imagine what hells others in the past may have woken up to where maybe everyone else was too slow to know what was going on while they were all trusting their thoughts and everyone waking up to this would be declared a 'witch' or maybe part of some kind of heresy that should be put to death for somehow getting ahead of what gives us thoughts?

Today Palm Bee made another post so I will be able to show my last video that was not revealed yet because I was hoping for more than just a necklace so it might indicate that she does not want to quit drinking and hopefully she does not smoke anything or use any drugs?

Already I was told by "her voice" as I was falling asleep or whatever that she would be wearing a necklace so does this mean that she will stop drinking or whatever for her "necks" partner?

Unfortunately, as I had feared... she DID know about me but I am not sure how caught up she is regarding what happened, what I actually discovered, and what SHE actually did to me without knowing it!

What would you have done if you were her? Probably the same thing?? It would be easy to think that I was crazy because of the amount of time that it would take to catch onto what was actually happening or what I was actually saying... you would have to see how badly I messed up the emails that I had already sent to understand..

Here is the very first indication that she was actually able to read the messages that I have been sending her! I know that I had already messed up when I had sent her the very first email because when I proof read it I didn't understand myself in some parts... I didn't have time to do this but should have made the time for it before sending what was sent.. I know that I came off as completely crazy probably?!

What would you have done?

I better make this blog good during the next few days... she is going to possibly have a hard time sleeping from thinking so much more than usual from the doors that are about to be opened..

Now I know to unfollow her so that she knows that I am harmless while the dreams that I had were real which means that she has had the same ones but in a different time period?

I will be finishing this blog and sharing everything that happened so that she knows what she did without knowing it.. so sorry about the 'high' that I was on because of the enormous discovery and how weird that must have been or somewhat alarming that someone was claiming that he was "obeying" what was found in pictures!?

The men who gather absolutely all of the information shared here will be the most fortunate because right now it is happening to them as well so they will be able to do something similar to find who has been perfectly synchronized but from what happened to me know that if you want help in sharing what happened with her.. this is what I made my Sixteen Scented Celebration for!

Let her know on the Day of Dreams... November 2nd!

This inspired me to see how the men responded to me who had commented... as from what I have been witnessing they have been doing this AS WELL!

For example:

So, I checked what they had posted around my birthday which is where the Sixteen Scented Celebration is found and this is what he posted:

A car is found???

I am looking for red and green just like what the ladies do because they let me know what they want! He is showing a car... A "grand Cherokee"?

Does this have to do with my calling Amber a Lamberghini?

The word c hero kee might indicate that he was wanting to be a hero and help her with a problem with a stalker?

The red bricks might indicate that he does not want to have any children or any more of he already has them?

Where is the passio as shown in red? Who would it for if it was there? His mistress or maybe he likes the same girl?

This is where my orders would be found... So what are we looking at here? Gravestones? Funny joke...

This is where I ask for him to show where the conflict is found.... he is showing a bridge.. this would be correct! Amber has not crossed it yet! It would take a lot of time and she would have to drop everything in order to do it! Until then maybe I will just appear to be a "crazed stalker"?

Over here I am asking for what we a green on in the end... Glad to see a path going towards living trees! I hope that he has children some day of he has not already found a partner and had them.. handsome man! 

This is funny and you remember how I had expressed how the truth is found usually in the 5th picture the most?

This is the one that I use to ask whether or not he wants children. My right foot enters the photo at "ready to leaf"? They sit on stone which might indicate cutting me off from something or someone? Glad to see trees behind them!

What about the other guys who commented?

Very cute kids! Does he have a sister?

Here it is shown a girl is wearing red and green! Found on the win side so hopefully he catches onto to this discovery and gives her the best experience possible by waking her up to it as she might want to participate in this celebration? The top left is for the right mind and it represents "winning in the end" or what is found later on... I wonder who that person is?

This might be asking me not to look into anything potentially too embarrassing as a "psychic" or witness of whatever he has to share coming from his subconscious mind.

I went to his profile looking for certain colors to let me know what he wanted me to do! How to wake him up to this being real! This is what he started with...

Last night I had a wonderful dream most especially while falling asleep thanks to a new girl on Twitch who was so sweet to me last night on 7.7.2024 so it is not likely that I will give anyone a shot until this new girl that is the first one that I have told has finished reading this blog post as she needs to know the story regarding what happened and WHAT SHE DID TO ME! I told her about it first so I feel obligated to make sure that she has been able to read the message and understand what actually happened otherwise she could HURT HERSELF later because of my finding another and then waking up to REALITY later? When...? This has been potentially true for someone that I NEVER contact who I may have had a dream date with as a part of them knew and has been waiting for what I had made being this celebration to help get them off of me as I am only one person and not open for more than one while I am aiming for younger so that I may have children and get absolutely everything wanted with the sky definitely being the limit and not outer space because of air and what it represented to our ancestors. There are too many people in the world and there are so many reasons that one echo is more powerful than several coming from more than one bride? One echo is more reliable and trustworthy while having more than one loving head giving advice it is potentially dangerous? 


So... I saw Amber and almost danced with her last night?.. how is it possible I got THAT scared of someone? My God nothing like this has ever happened! When she went upstairs I followed because I was wanting to meet her before she left but once in the dance room upstairs I knew she left. Other people knew what I was tripping out about as I was using something nearby to emphasize how I felt like hiding from her as they built it up by playing songs that really had to do with a "dream lover" when I was dancing near her where in the past if I did not know who she was we very likely would have danced together? But I was scared too much was being done that might make her nervous so I gave her some space while using a thing to hide behind as I was looking at other people who obviously knew what was going on in my head as I was doing my "Oh my God" look at them as they kept saying things like, "is he going to like her?" Really built it up. How exciting! Like a really good film from the 80s or something? When she walked upstairs behind her I was doing sign language with those other women who seemingly knew looking at them like, "was that really her!?" 

I was worried that too much was done? How would she not freak out from witnessing the musicians responding to what was happening? The sweet dreams song seemingly was timed impossibly as Annie Lennox almost guided us so that I could "guide her hand" as the Palm Bee was becoming a person while the "moving on" part seemingly was for other people to give us more room so we could dance? Of course, this would all be done by my looks of "may I?" then their decision to go with the music almost definitely would have worked as I have done it all of my life without ever being turned away because of the way I check and make sure it is "their idea" but I was very nervous and chickened out. The STORY seriously makes this so hot!!! I feel like a dance floor is where I might be more comfortable and the way that I move might be contagious which allows for an opening with other people so that I may be assertive but only when it is being invited by others. I heard other people being annoyed from constantly hearing about how I was a good dancer because they were not moving while it kept coming from people who were walking by.

That woman was so beautiful! Definitely could see how she would look like Palm Bee if streaming but what would have happened if I went with the "music" and the mood that built up into maybe a passionate kiss from a video game so that the  or something to find out that it WAS NOT HER? What would this do to the real one if I was with her doppleganger?

Earlier that night this happened because I made the decision yet again to do the PB on other women because according to the view count and other things it is obvious this girl has not had the time to look into what I shared or made it past what could be brainwashing whatever coming from somewhere else to save a parasite that came from a BLT sitting out for too long? Or maybe the bugs send timed thoughts because they think it is against the birds when the opposite is true as helping them would give them seeds so they would eat less bugs. I thought that maybe it would be a good idea to prove that it is real yet again by using a random number generator so that I could do not have cheated in any way but the women who are single or not married yet seem to do this to me from everywhere and instead of being interested in trying to figure out how this phenomenon is possible a man would rather use it against me? Would this motivate someone out there in the world to kidnap the person to force them on a certain diet? Yes, it absolutely would and you know the type? Thou Shalt Not Pig, etc. This was one of the reasons that I felt every person using Twitch should know about this as someone could easily be doing this from another country? Doing something like making a list to save the people and what if they found a way to get their address easily? By using "graveyards dirt" like a video voodoo priest? Why did they call it voodoo? Because in the future video would come out? I have a "Stargate" for reaching the stars and not anything else. Please be careful if you are a beautiful person who uses the internet.

In the very back of my mind I have crazy concerns. I guess they might not notice the same thing that I cannot ignore but once they catch on... what happens? Does she become terrified without me after getting the courage to face what might be the scariest most naked door? Whenever an answer is found that is not wanted keep what is negative in past tense while countering it with three reasons every time so that like a computer the human brain is programmed in the way that does not lose control as I have learned that sleeping is like saving the program if it was a computer. Getting off of alcohol in the future might do this to a person? This is the absolute best advice because when you wake up no matter how "off" your program used to be to what was negative and countered the previous night or day is much less powerful. The absolute worst would be having to stop doing everything other than meditation for a day or maybe a few instead of drinking alcohol or using drugs to hush the brain as it does not help as much with facing what is naked and famous. The absolute worst I had to face really helped absolutely change my brain and what I noticed by remembering music not heard since childhood. I am referring to what works to turn off "voices" or feeling like others are aware of thoughts IF that ever happened to anyone from looking further into what might be found out there responding to them after finding out who or what responded to me. How funny that earlier today she asked me if the Coffin Club was the best one in the city tonight while I was shopping earlier in my head. What I mean is that when you stop drinking or wake up to reality in a way that feels naked as if others are aware of your thoughts it is definitely fixed if you simply think of all of the times that it happened before going to bed and come up with three reasons that it had nothing to do with you. I know that is the "cure" for feeling like the center of the universe if you want to "turn it off" as that definitely works! I hate myself for not talking to her right now. I asked if she was Andrea who used to be in the scene that looked kind of like her but I have not seen her in maybe five years? Not sure if anyone noticed since I danced a lot so was covered in sweat but I certainly stung my eyes in tears uncontrollably when I realized I missed her or WAS NOT SURE.

Please don't make me wait another WEEK!?


I guess that was very nice because of if that was not her there definitely was a huge wake up call as to how easy it is to move on should she never want to meet me... definitely realized she was a STRANGER though and that is weird, just like when someone is met from a dating website and they are not looking like they do online exactly.. I know from experience that comes from meeting "hot girls" online not to ever build myself up to expect that I would like someone right away without getting to know the person but it still makes such a hot story that made this definitely worth it from what I felt last night! Yes, that really hurt to save myself for someone who I may not even like but it is important for Mrs. Universe to know that I would never be capable of cheating, lying, or thinking about another without letting her know as she would be my gravity.

I should probably say that "she" already explained how she was not suicidal but worried of what might happen without help like waking up to what gives us thoughts alone as there might be some muddy puddles to step in someone else would certainly help others avoid.

What a story! No cheese for me next time... I feel like something weird is coming out of my pores and I was poisoned because of the "cheese" found in Cheetos or whatever? Yuck. Don't worry as I am too random for it to be real poison. Ever gone to the store when others know what is wanted to purchase? Could be DEATH. That is where thoughts go when becoming "famous" for real. What place is safe to eat? Subway... BUT what if having so many fans led to _____ Might be the reason some actors or actresses stick to personal chefs? That would be very sad if that is true. I was just trying to be nice and put some LSD in it. That would be funny. Irony off. Handshakes with mace or picking up objects with it is not fun either.

It is not impossible that my phone number was taken out of the email that I sent her and for that I absolutely hate computers or people who actually want that kind of power.

Quick TEST I just ran on Amber... for science?

Or for a f------- a---* that wants to take advantage of women?

Thankfully someone like me should be able to test if others have or are doing this now?

Power is so FUN.

Eliminating those pesky 1.0+% & 0.1+% possibilities is so evil... does it give anything not human ideas to use against people?

(Meanwhile... One week later!)
So, I am almost finished with my first disc of Thee Ring, volume iv and occasionally work on it on Beech St. that has seemingly been seen by me in spots I had a dream of her or some kind of visit seemingly? The letter 'c' means "following" and the letter 'h' means "tying the knot" that would be seemingly linked to the ceremony from ancient times that I had made for the Day of Air on November 8th for her to select an object at her feet who won as the one able to touch her on that day as their hands would be wrapped by what comes off of her wrist that covers her Scorpio tattoo as ancient traditions would follow while the same ceremonial twine will be used to wrap around her eyes and mine during the Day of Stone on November 7th.

Friday came up and I became sick from eating pizza with cheese on it until I puked... then fell asleep on accident almost at the wheel of my car sitting in it parked when Amber seemed to come to me and wake me up to ask me to go to the club that night to see me as she missed me while reminding me that "Failing St." is found in the other direction.. when she comes to me it seems like sometimes it is in a different time period than other times and it is usually linked to the last picture or video that I saw of the person?

So, I went for a chance that she went out while still not sure if I would have the courage to meet her until she either let me know that she read the blog or let me know she wanted it with an inviting look as I would not want to or something to let me know I was not going to regret it later?

Unfortunately, I started a live video on my Instagram @adamark.spoon where I keep track of when streets are seemingly named by the synchronicity because of my coming across it? This was due to the Coffin Club being located on Oak near Pine Road... so in the past they may have responded to the folks of the future thanks to the most memorable dance night in Portland?

I took too long getting ready and missed everything... the live video an obvious distraction as I was also very sick feeling and tired.. before going to bed I was looking for a song to link to this blog when I came across something coming from someone who has already proven to connect to his fans as a 'prophet' outside of regular time as he is responding to Gods and Goddesses of the future he participated in waking up to witness something powerful that was previously understood as impossible.

He seems to know exactly what to share that helps thanks to having dreams of his fans or maybe measuring his thoughts while working like I do which might mean having to put up with hearing voices from time to time?

Then I happened to come across this treat from not long ago for Christmas called 'Trapped in Amber' so I suddenly realized that he might have done something like respond to what might become someone that I get to know MUCH better in the future? We are friends on Facebook but I have not mentioned Palm Bee or Amber to anyone yet? Only the other ones I was witnessing the miracle with before her... I feared she was much younger so I did not allow myself to think serious thoughts about her share anything it would not have been muc.. but it was her that motivated me most for having a future with someday of the absolute best kind as during my last Christmas she was the miracle that I witnessed that gave me some of real hope of actually having it in my life again?

So, this would be yet another example of his miraculous synchronizing helpful music as he has done before like the song for my little sister that seemingly warned her of her older brother that would play with her as a child and pretend to be a ferocious cat by the name of Sheba who was a dangerous Scorpio that could sting offering blind but inviting alleys?

This song I knew would be responding to everything going on now and the future as I have already witnessed what was seemingly Amber annoyed with famous artists for various reasons as she would witness in her subconscious mind the timing of songs she played sung by females responding to what I was doing on the other side while watching her suggesting that I let go of her to find another like maybe someone to make music with them a male would try to turn her away from me so the same annoyed response would happen?

The other day I woke up to what seemed to be her and another artist interacting as someone was feeling hurt from the ways in which she judged before knowing more which she had already done with me... easy to understand as it would take awhile before catching onto what proved what I shared to be true usually found in videos that were long and possibly difficult to understand?

So, I was just listening to this and wondering if Amber is with me in the future because of what he was seemingly complaining about to me on my way to Portland in my dreams about how she was in love with me but would not let me listen to my music as much as I used to or something like that?

I was filled with hope as yet again someone's "ghost" seemingly told me that she was in love with me... the words, "are you getting married?" heard in the instruments and then a woman's voice says, "Yes, you are... Of course, you are!" are heard at 7:10 or so in this song so start listening at 7:00 to ensure nothing is missed?

In his last album of my girlfriend and relationship he seemingly refers to my being trapped in a tunnel is when a girl is coming to me from the other side of a picture or video while asleep asking me to do more to wake her up on the other side while in real life the person is NOT ACTUALLY THERE so it is like being trapped because of being a loyal and good person that has promised not to do something like waste my time on another "short term" or use someone for sex as saving myself for wife material has allowed me to witness this miracle perhaps BUT is IT WORTH IT from the treatment the girls have given me from not being so bright maybe or even care enough to put down everything long enough to read this entire blog?

This is what I must find out... 

I have some songs to rerelease before the embarrassing amount of interest comes digging into my past as a "star" or whatever... how ready are the people in this story regarding what I am sharing?

Someone in line at the fast food place just said out loud, "that is Taylor right there..." by some COINCIDENCE!?

Hopefully Raistlin stops being ignored by the Kingpriest of Is'tar before the Cataclysm comes down upon us before he opens his portal to face the Dark Queen of Krynn who would be Ta____

I hope to have a date with this Crysania who worships Palm.a.dine I have been having dreams of while I am thankful to be me and not a fictional character.

Thank you for the warnings regarding the end...


I quit smoking.


Do not think that people responding to you negatively has never happened to me as I honestly was "burned" and punished by seemingly every single person I had ever "looked down upon" with what might be elitist judgemental goth scene folks or punks?

I really woke up to how evil people have been everywhere most especially where artists are measured since they seemingly do not give up even when they may not have any chance at all in winning a certain target to become married to or whatever you want to call it?

I never want to share some of what happened or what I had witnessed because it was ugly and simply may not stop happening but I am used to it so constantly it feels like people are apologizing to me during their sleep for being so selfish and doing everything for themselves.


What would you do if someone tried to wake you up to how you were responding to him on the other side of pictures and videos without knowing it?

The "possibility" that I am dangerous or a stalker is absolutely stupid so just to let you know I will not try a second time when I am turned away the first time... if one of my friends or mutual friends simply helped in warning my ex girlfriend about what actually endangered her found on the other side of the wall I would not have done what I did to try and save her or make sure that she knew what I had discovered.. I felt like I was trapped into that which has already been described as my being caught in her "tunnel" in an album coming from my favorite artist growing up so that is really cool as he has been following this story since I was promoting his work online for many years!

What you will come to realize is that I could have kept this all to myself and then simply took advantage of others or tried to make sure that I would be found "on top" of everyone else!?

Letting you know what you did was definitely the right thing to do while for those who are maybe married or there is some other reason it could be inappropriate maybe in their elderly age they would appreciate it by this time?

So that at some point in their life before they died they found out that this had happened to them without their consciously knowing?

If you want me to take down any photos or anything in this story simply let me know!


I feel it is good to share somewhere who I have tried to message on dating websites and social media so that in the future they will find out if they were blocked!

I keep lists of every username on all websites that I have ever messaged so that in the future when I am most known I will share it with the public and they will know whenever I was blocked from being able to reach them.

I have NOT been sleeping around as someone might automatically assume once finding out this is really happening to me but instead I have been saving myself for what will be my largest future echo or maybe just an interesting dream girl or person who wants to be woken up to what I am calling the Sixteen Scented Celebration as I have made it like it is a reminder to make amends or save our species?

Part of this celebration is to actually become what might be the first person to be forgiven since we left what the Bible calls "the Garden of Eden" for the crimes that came for being human.


I have been documenting absolutely everything since the beginning of the year 2020 when a mathematical pattern woke me up to people responding to me on the other side of everything they left behind such as photos, videos, music, poetry, and artwork as if they could somehow know what I was thinking with access to my entire memory as we met both the last time and next time we slept while capable of being perfectly synchronized so my mind is answered.

This began to be able to share with the people on the other side what they did to me as it felt like it could be wrong not to let them know and I also knew that I needed to come up with ways to prove that this was real as I knew I would have never believed it if someone else had come to me making the same claims since a part of me  thought that everything involving psychics was mostly make believe or similar to a magic trick.

A goal was always with me to find the echo of the largest lover in my future as I would measure the synchronicity or how others would respond while more importantly keep track of every dream or thought that I would have as I knew from what I had witnessed that because of gravity or mass bending time she will be constantly sending stuff back to me now from the future when we will be sharing a bed.

What I witnessed and kept documenting was supposed to be impossible while I was very grateful to know that it was very obvious and noticeable for others to witness or verify as long as they had the time to understand what was going on as I came up with several scientific methods for demonstrating this to be real by sharing what eventually becomes proof because of being able to know the results continuously.

This story is incredible!

I will be making a documentary movie about this in the future, of course, but only where it is most interesting and welcomed by the people involved! There is really nothing else bigger that anyone else has ever shared with me that can compare unless it is maybe the magic that would be technology at our fingertips allowing us to connect like we do but nothing miraculous like this as my life has become as exciting as ever.

We have been connecting much more than we previously knew as every photographer has been responding to all of the people who will ever come across the photo when it was taken!

Hopefully, the people found in the story agree that the Sixteen Scented Celebration is the safest way for waking up people to this phenomenon as it has somewhere for everything negative potentially found to counter it or go over it every year so that no one were to hurt themselves or others as a result of looking deeper into this for themselves as I had stepped in some pretty nasty puddles others could avoid or had some scary realizations of what could be found somewhere out there by other people if I were to let them know leading to something extreme. 

For years now I have been finding scary reasons to tell everyone about this immediately as well as the opposite occasionally since sometimes there are some spooky possibilities or directions this could go and I tend to be more positive?


The odd synchronicity following my family makes out my Father not to be the Wizard of Fistandantilus if I was not Raistlin or definitely not Luke Skywalker would he not be Darth Vader when he chooses the red light saber when it should be green with Han(+d?) Solo who looks a lot more like him than a pace-maker would? What about the story of Dune and if I were not Paul Muad-Dib who is a loving mouse for North Korea (Paul was my best friend in Idaho who is a Korean orphan that trained me to build computers that might have winked at an illegal passing by?) while the biggest threat his Father faces was what? The pizza found at the store labeled "the Baron"? How will his tooth be able to save him from that!? 

What about how I am not AJ from Sopranos even though my initials would include Adam James and my last name means Meadow which is the name of his sister while my Dad who is not the mafia kingpin guarding the wall as not Jon Snow from the Game of Thrones as the justified kid in the wheelchair who is not me became "king" while talking to birds . .. that is not enough to give him a heart attack. It definitely does not help that Facebook right now has a fake profile claiming to be him that I have reported numerous times as the attempt to understand a computer at that age could mean enough stress that death came? Then Trump wins this next election and it is all thanks to Mark. I never knew he was a supporter? How many more times should I make a ticket or post asking the nice folks of Facebook who live on Hacker Drive to take down that fake account as I am dumb enough to yet again become excited to share something with "Mark" on my wall because of what has been happening to me that is supposed to be impossible to witness? He has been a computer nerd with similar interests so I kept thinking he was there somewhere when I was coming across what was supposed to be impossible as I was pretty hard to miss as a client.


Tantric sex magic section:

Never ejaculating was not as bad as you might think as I was sexually active or able to pleasure myself but the main difference was that I would stop myself before having an orgasm so that my nervous system would transform to provide me with a "female" kind and it was supposed to bring out the "male" orgasm in my partner being a woman who would be more grateful for my being able to last as long as it took her to finish while the focus was her being able to have one like a male that is more focused on the genitals tickling rather than the brain and body.

With tantric magic it is believed that when a man stops having genital orgasms they must go somewhere so it does to the brain and from there to the rest of the body keeping his "chi" or life as it was believed an act such as ejaculating loses it by some.

Honestly, I believe that three months without nutting was definitely worth it because I became so happy that I could not stop smiling and this made me try to hide from people for some time because I knew that I looked weird for doing it but I am not sure that I would recommend going as long as I did which was three years total without a regular male orgasm.

A male can stop having orgasms that come from ejaculation as long as what is clear is removed from being aroused while what is white does not have to and it is better to do this during a session like masterbation so that it will not happen during sleep or unexpectedly in the pants since what is clear that is found absolutely must come out and it will find a way eventually no matter what is done as it is what builds the pressure so that his juice is shot out and able to reach what might help fertilize her egg.

This means that the male who does not touch himself until it happens during his sleep or maybe in his pants unexpectedly is going to be much smarter because the energy that normally goes to the genitals would go to the brain instead and from there it spreads throughout the entire body making the person much more like a female in that he must feel safe and love matters while emotions are a bit more extreme perhaps since females will typically use more of their brain and what goes on inside of it might connect with the body more?

There is a pressure point below that is between the butt and family jewels that is supposed to help calm down and prevent ejaculating when too excited by doing things such as looking into the eyes instead of the naked body.

Most males know about her magic button being the clitoris for getting her off but if it is touched the wrong way it can be like sharp needles and quite painful while capable of making him have to start all over again from the beginning so it is extremely important that he uses his mind in a way that is perhaps pretending to be her while paying close attention to how she is responding from being touched.

Okay, I might as well just explain how to give her an orgasm like a male that would be focused in her genitals really quick since I brushed over this subject so that women everywhere thank me perhaps because they might have pretended to have one somewhere to be nice and some guys may be so used to the girl pretending that he may never actually know the difference while many couples focus more on pleasuring the man so it may be selfish if the girl does not have the same goal of reaching climax.

Many women have only played the role of pleasuring a man because of maybe being raised in the city where she was watched by others more so she may have been stopped from doing things while growing up like hump the furniture?

Women from the country may be a bit more lucky since they had more privacy as children so they would be much more likely to learn how to pleasure herself in much the same way as a man because it takes a girl more time and she does not have to do it like a boy would in order to get the clear stuff out that builds up pressure the more he waits while her sex drive comes in cycles since there is a time of the month she may not be in the mood. They may also be a lot more likely to have done things such as spy on the neighbors hoping to see someone naked?

A person should not be expected to have an orgasm as they may get a lot of pleasure from the act that for a male might do something like get rid of the clear stuff from being aroused that has a way of coming out from maybe relaxing as it shrinks a little bit but this might make it harder for him to ejaculate later if that is his goal but it will usually happen from needing a bathroom break? If it is not going to happen during a session that should not be an alarm as it was still felt but in a different way that went to the brain and from there spread all over the body so please never be alarmed if your partner does not have the goal of having an orgasm where the person might be screaming into a pillow or whatever else? There is always tomorrow to try again?

As far as "faking" an orgasm goes, it is not something that should be brought up or worried about as if it could exist... just allow him or her to make noise without any shame as that would be better than never having a goal to get off!

When sex begins it should start with foreplay so that the female is going to be wet and wanting it. If you know that she is attracted to your face than one of the easiest ways to arouse her would be kissing without a boner tongue as that typically can be too much but if a tongue is sucked while it is sticking out that feels nice if she pokes it at you so it might be best to stick to something simple like eating lips in a way that you know would feel good. 

While this is happening the hands do not want to carelessly grab breasts as some material might hurt the nipples but know in the mind to press with a finger on the tip of a nip and gently challenge the firmness with a circling motion that does not leave the tip as it is moved to its side to circle itself without ever pinching or squeezing or being rough but in a way that is like folding to tip to the side that turns all the way around it in circles. If you are concerned about not being attractive you may want to skip kissing and start with putting your wet lips on her nipple and do exactly what I just described with the finger but with the tongue so it is circled and folded in on itself without teeth. So basically folding the nipple with the tongue and circle it so that the bent tip touches all sides.

Have you ever seen someone gleek? It is liquid that shoots out from a gland under the tongue. This is similar to squirting but all over the internet it shows women urinating while calling it squirting. When a person has issues from maybe medication they may have small spouts of urine coming out during sex and for a male it may happen with the clear stuff that I was talking about which is what builds the pressure for squirting sperm long distance. 

Once my partner squirt and almost hit me in the face while I was standing above her right after she took off her underwear while very excited. If this was a stream it would have been urine but it was like when my brother would gleek? If it was urine she would have to pee a certain amount to be able to reach me at that distance which would have been impossible? 

Squirting is extremely rare so please do not think that it is good or something she should do for men as that would encourage urinating. If a man is buying sheets or a plastic covering because she likes to squirt there is probably some kind of medical issue going on? If someone is using drugs like meth they may urinate very small amounts during sex often.

During every encounter I have the goal to please the woman first as my turn will not come until she has hers but sometimes things are timed so that we both go at the same time like I wait for right after the part during her climax when it tickles too much to touch her clit so while she is throbbing and it is most wet I use the helmet edge of my tip from the inside so it brushes her g-spot as I have mine so technically it was almost at the same time but right after her as I am "getting off" because she tickles too much!

To be kind, every sexual encounter should start with oral both ways as this will help her get wet while she is pleasured first and then the man would be slimed for penetration. Licking everywhere is nice but avoid the inside.

Once she has been excited and is ready it is best to choose a position that allows his hand to reach her button or else it is most likely impossible for her to get off. If she is on top she will probably want to finger herself since it is too hard for him to reach it from where he would be.

The best advice for a man to be able to give her an orgasm would be to start very gentle with the fingers stroking sideways in one motion and direction instead of back and forth while lubricated from the outside against the clit while reading her response targeting what becomes more puffy as the strokes are slightly changed to find her sweet spot that was obviously enjoyed the most that would be repeated in the exact same way faster and harder gradually until giving it everything as long as the spot has not been lost for usually fifteen minutes but most sessions may take up to forty-five from changing positions or not wanting it to end so when the end is wanted simply repeat the same exact stroke into what is puffy going one direction instead of a rub that obviously feels the best without stopping which is extremely hard to do and might be compared to playing one of those video games where the bottom is pressed as fast as possible for several minutes in a row? 

I am scared to post this because what if she did not let him know that what he was doing hurt her? Know it from her asking for harder and faster as you may not want to give it everything until she asks for it. Seems guaranteed to work as long as the same thing is repeated once it's found. It is possible that many women have never had this type of orgasm? What I just described she would not be able to do for herself easily but she could and it would definitely work eventually but a sex toy might really save the arm or hand muscles? Vibrator. Important to stroke one direction instead of back and forth so that the clit may be pressed harder and faster without it hurting. Once she becomes used to getting it every day she is going to be really upset on the day it doesn't happen!

Many people have never been showed or expected to give an orgasm to a woman because of maybe being attractive or nice so a female was never honest or possible never discovered it herself as it may not be as easy as a male. Never think that it is okay to change the way the best stroke is that you found because your hand is getting tired as that hurt or might make you have to start all over again because of being too fast or hard in the wrong spot while it is probably going to take fifteen to forty five minutes of trying your hardest with your hand or arm muscles never getting a rest. For that reason it is likely many couples never give her one? If you cannot find the spot where she wants your fastest or hardest stroke that is not back and forth but one direction than maybe just stick to licking? Maybe she never had one but will still enjoy herself. It is much like a penis in that where it gets puffy she will not be able to resist a certain way of stroking that would inevitably lead to an orgasm that might be bigger if she is trying to resist it near the end for the feeling that is possibly better in that she knows it's coming and there is nothing she might be able to do to stop it? I am very lucky I had a partner who was honest with me and had that goal because most men probably have not and this did not happen to me until I was around thirty? If she does not want it touched maybe she has a history of men being too rough and overly confident with her? Thinking that it is a magic button where nothing could go wrong is a huge mistake. That is why I suggest a stroke that is one direction as sure there might be one found that goes back and forth so it's easier to be confident in one or it might change or not be as good as when it's as hard or fast as possible it is too easy to mess up or maybe hurt her?

Some women may never have had one or might think other girls faked it when they did? I have been with someone who did not want to be touched and did not have that goal while I have been trained by another to give it every day where failed maybe three times but for years I did succeed every day where it took typically fifteen minutes to forty five without having a break on my muscles while she said it was easier getting it from me because her muscles were not as strong. If she did not get off it changed her mood absolutely everywhere wand she was going to work so it really made a difference in other people's day of I failed so do not get lazy and think that you can change the stroke after it is found to take a break or make it easier to keep going.

Most women have been trained to please men so many are used to never having a turn while it can be very difficult to get a woman off as it is not an easy task when compared to the man but when it happens you will know from her build up how she suddenly wanted it harder and faster as long as it was a certain spot then suddenly became too ticklish to be touched on her clit while making noise like it was the best moment that ever happened. Some women may not care enough to try. 

What I have noticed is that the friction changes and makes it much harder to resist when inside of a woman that is throbbing because of an orgasm which honestly seems a bit different than what comes from squirting as if it is thicker than what originally makes her wet?

Every female should know some tips in regards to pleasing a man. While he is erect it feels great to push the penis in any direction past the limit as if it is being challenged that may be turned then done on the other side? When a finger is pressed by the thumb making a tight ring around it this might be one of the best feelings as long as it is lubricated and moving. Many women think that what they do in their mouth matters when it doesn't so when it comes to oral honestly what the tongue does is not important and usually not felt or noticed what might be tiresome to do so mostly it just needs to be wet but if it is pushed against the roof of the mouth or against the tongue as hard as possible that might be one of the best feelings. So it is always about challenging the hardness by squeezing it while moving against it. Never bend.

If he is not hard enough or if he has lost interest during intercourse things may be easily fixed by going down on him and sucking it with breaks that would be grabbing it to squeeze while beating the grasped stroke with spit. What I just mentioned may finish him almost instantly when you want it to be done as the friction that comes from the tight grip of a hand that goes up and down fast may only be resisted for so long while it feels the best for him to ejaculate inside most especially in the mouth as the helmet is pushed against the roof while swallowing is rumored to feel the best a person may spit what comes out instead without removing it from the mouth which feels just as good.

If he is in a sexual position that is able to see the front of the woman she may arouse him much more by simply folding her arms in a way that sticks out her breasts but be sure to move them so they shake in place as much as possible during intercourse which might be one of the reasons he would like to have her from behind as they may sag more and appear larger so keep in mind that it is always much more enjoyable for him to keep boobs bouncing in his sight somehow so a girl that shakes her chest during intercourse which is not done often will definitely make her stand out as the visuals would be much more effective.

I am anxious to learn more like I have a goal to be able to give a woman an orgasm without use of my hands as hard as that sounds but just tongue or whatever else works so I had better get those neck muscles exercised?

My Mother never had a double chin and always had such a beautiful face as even in her 70s and does not really have wrinkles compared to other women due to not going out in the sun as much because she was a flight attendant for over fifty years so would have weird hours and sleep during the day often.

As a flight attendant she was always gone and would travel and see the world with time shares in countries everywhere while she was in love with a woman so had concerns of what would happen if she brought her home to us as we had Mormon neighbors too and lived in Salt Lake City for their airport hub. While driving she would do funny looking neck exercises that I now realize was really for her partner... she was around gay people a lot because of being a flight attendant and so they would party in other countries and it absolutely made her neck and face beautiful and she never has to worry about fat in that area like others.. I keep trying to bring her with me to goth events because she would fit right in but she has a hard time staying awake late maybe? My sister brought my Father to an "ultra goth" party and everyone was very nice to him there as he told them about Vietnam and he was surprised of how normal they were he told us later. My parents never punished us and let us do whatever we wanted compared to other kids while they were also very beautiful so it kind of created a spot the neighbors wanted to go for escaping the Mormon Church or whatever embarrassing things found in their childhood?

I agree with their methods as I know that if they simply spent more time with us we would have never done anything bad because of the way they would parent as we would never have as much of a reason to rebel. Both of them bought me heroin while I was sick and for that reason it was not hard to quit cold turkey for them because of how evil that was because of me they did what? They are divorced so both did it for me but at different times. The second time I was a lot more justified as I was injured and my doctor wanted to help but was scared of losing his job so I was dope sick while they gave me aspirin when I had my wisdom teeth removed? Outrageous they would not give me something more as it was so painful. I had surgery that was less painful when they gave me plenty that I got off of without getting sick in another state. I believe that this is why Kurt Cobain named his daughter Francis because I lived in Francis Court when my Dad bought me heroin and then I quit for him when the weekend came and I had time off so that I would not lose my job. I have had dreams of Kurt as shared in another blog post as my Dad's Nephew was on the plane with him right before he died. Guilt tripping definitely worked in every way with us. I got off Suboxone cold turkey after my Mom bought me that and the sickness lasted an entire month! If we were bad my Dad would give us gifts for it while through his eyes we saw the reason we had to obey and it was to prove that their form of parenting was more effective than what their parents did to them. We would have never done anything bad if they spent more time with us. The main problem was that they were so beautiful so others were constantly trying to have them while their kids others would want to drink or something like that so they might get lucky and that is a curse more "attractive" families may face?

You know what I have come to realize? 

Maybe I should not marry someone until she has been able to accomplish with me what I had with another when it comes to my responding to her over all of the others because then it would prove that it is mutual and I love her more than everyone else as well and not just her loving me over everyone else... but what is sad that they may not understand is that it is not going to synchronize when there is something important to say that you want the person to figure out. The synchronizing part is just convincing the person that it is real.. Maybe that was how it kept working without fail with one girl because she may never put in the TIME that it takes to understand the math, science, and proof as it is kind of like going to school for Harry Potter where Harry is my Dad's nickname in Vietnam while he was with me I broke a pot on my forehead on accident for him that created a lightning bolt shaped scar on it. I never thought about the synchronicity until later and will be taking lie detector tests to prove that it is real while I am always able to do that show the proof such as showing how they will give me what color that I ask for in a specific location on the other side like shown in my other unlisted videos such as he one about PB in the Simpsons found later in this post. As far as I can tell this is not effective for gathering information others do not want to share as people are capable of lying while using more of their brain than what they use when talking?

When I was visiting my sister and she showed me Lana Del Rey which gave me dreams of making music with her and I have woken up to make sure I would remember the songs SHE WROTE while sleeping. So, I am considering sending her something she could add lyrics to. She came up with that musician name from an  actress that was from where I was located as I was having ghostly visits with the roaring 20s ones like Gloria Swanson. They prove to me they are real as one woman showed me a birth mark.

I guess I would use the album "Thee Ring, Volume vi" for showing her how to get me to respond or find another she may have slept with while asleep using the Sixteenth Scented Celebration so that no one is hurt. Six for being sick or mentally ill with me? Haha jk I was thinking of having a website for Old Hollywood to do something for the folks of last century that helps give them a longer life? That was what I was working on to save everyone over 90+ when I showed others that I had the Queen of England pick a note which was B sharp. It would possibly make everyone so much nicer if they were all aware of how they echo into the past of their lover. My demonstrations prove that there is no such thing as privacy thanks to something like a prayer working so people may behave much more in the future. Most especially if pre-death funerals happened as well. I have been showing people that I spend time with how the folks of Old Hollywood will answer our mind allowing us to ask questions. It's a beautiful experience as long as people know their thoughts are private because they are even while witnessing they aren't. It would be something simple and we could work on it together which would be fun. There are many more ways we could come up with in regards to finding a lover from a dream? Praying to the Red Robe was to get them all off of me I already shared while this was happening years ago because once a partner is found the annual thing that I came up with helps get them off who might be fans to help a married couple stay wed. Actors and actresses should be aware that they are connecting with others more than they knew who might be interfering with their marriage? The "line up" idea where the men point at an object comes from what to do when finding these people who "oops!" need to get some help finding another to get off of the married couple? It is never intended for the couple.

Regarding the "ghostly meetings" I would never share what was confessed and time my end to attempt to send back the most helpful echo that prevents harm from knowing how the trash or bacteria potty spots programmed the brain tissue and made some human hosts more into sick robots especially when drinking or drugs took away an appetite or a person was tricked into doing something embarrassing making it easier for something like bacteria or parasites to control them while there is also insect, animals running off the plate, those sharing gravity, and even whale consciousness found everywhere?

Just like having a good conscience that everyone knows or picks up which might be ignored by someone something like may have come from wise people in the future sending like me?

The first song of Lana Del Rey that I heard was "Born to Die" and from my perspective she was singing about me as I was talking to people who have been dead for a long time wondering what to do about me as some were worried that a person could not do something like love the birds like I do without being someone like Jesus Christ or else the stupid people would hurt me since the bugs were sending them thoughts which is why I must give seeds to them to save the bugs so they don't send thoughts to people against me as much.

She says in her song that "he likes his girls insane" as a guy potentially wanting to join a line-up says "Louder!"

You might want to know already an artist maybe more famous than Lana Del Rey in the goth scene somewhere has made songs and stuff calling me the Seer as I have been sharing on my wall all of this stuff happening while friends on Facebook but we knew many of the same people before social media was popular.

Wow! I guess volume vii would be for the wood or children? Cool to know that I would be able to make 26 albums for Thee Alphabet.. each being a letter and a double disc for "A & a" etc. due to how fast I released 24 albums? That would be important for teaching people the origins of each one so that a person who listened to the whole thing would be extremely helped! Not sure what would be more helpful in many ways because of how our subconscious minds use them still? Just need a partner to roll it out but so am looking for someone younger who would want children. No reason to be the kind of band that constantly tours so they are always sleeping with people when we could be focused on other things more than music. An occasional tour would be nice but with the "deep stare" style the setup would take much longer? I would rather stick to having a NEW batch of CDs every time they are made so that it is impossible to buy the same one again unless it is used and do more personalized things for doing things such as pre-death funerals or ancient wedding ceremonies for others. That sounds better than touring maybe.

I am currently staying in various cities short term until I have decided on somewhere more long term while I have been constantly ordering boxes of USB drives to hand out or some boxes of CDs... checked out dance clubs in every major city most especially the goth or maybe hard house or D & B scene pulls me most? Some of the "indie" nights have been really fun. Perhaps it was dumb turning down women everywhere for a "dream lover" but it sure will make the songs sound better that are coming out soon! The story was too good and what I was witnessing should have been impossible as women were proving to be able to come to me much like my dead friend did but they are still alive and I have obeyed whenever sent away just like what has been explained in a song already. Other people are like Medusa to me and I am only there to be sent away without getting angry. Stone is the right tip of the pentagram that is rejection until work is accomplished and selection has happened by the wood through the air element.


One of the goals that I have is that every person I mention in this makes a comment verifying that this actually happened to them. What will be most interesting is when they have the same dream that I had or find proof of already having it in the past such as a dream diary! Some of them came to me in the future while asleep. When all of the information is gathered of everyone's dreams these FACTS are found. My family and friends discovered this to be real from everyone sharing absolutely every dream of others when we were children. That is the biggest reason doing time for a crime is something that should be put in the past as in the future our correctional facilities should be fun for working to fix a time period in the past involving someone. Instead of "you have a right to remain silent" maybe it should be the opposite in that "you have the right to talk as much as you want while you work against layers while revisiting moments in the past to help the community correct a tragedy or crime." A guilty person should be woken up to what made them sick as they were given their worst thoughts while West of bacteria or garbage because of the planet moving while maybe a dangerous animal nearby may have had an effect? This is proven by simply using your memory and where the absolute worst ideas you had win the past happened in what location. You will find the very obvious pattern. Very stupid to accuse the "right side" as being with Hitler too. From my experience and what I have witnessed it's mostly people who own a house that do not want to pay more taxes and as simple as that. Clubs and circles of friends really used to get along better before Facebook. Please stop allowing people to complain about others when they are not present. Simple solution. It will not fix anything to complain without the person being there. Even if it's "abusive" or whatever. You will just be lied to somewhere inevitably where some victim is doing what should be done elsewhere like therapy? Should have realized these common sense things long ago. Calling them "friends" was not a good idea either. Too many are not understood as there are so many reasons like work not to want someone to have access to a wall or be seen by who might make their life harder for no reason. How many never let others know how much it was part of what killed them because of people on Facebook being called "friends" that could have led to a relapse or whatever? Definitely killed people. I have continuously made the same tickets about stuff like fake accounts they have not fixed? One is capable of giving my Dad a heart attack from computers being too complicated. At first I thought Trump or someone else was doing it but by now it has to be Mark okay with just wanting people to think it's them? Probably all the above. How awful.

You may find that a female looks "guilty" somewhere where she is not thanks to the Sixteen Scented Celebration as I have been working on gifting them while willing to help her rekindle her relationship while waking him up with a surprise to how they were responding to each other before they met and being able to more safely wake others up to this phenomenon with my next partner as we would be like holy people who would be making money from waking them up to what might lead to a pre-death funeral or an ancient wedding ceremony as we would be like holy people following the most ancient religion!

When this blog post is finished I will be moving on to the next person on my "list" of women who has been coming to me while asleep and giving me romantic dreams while I hope she likes to work since we would be the very first singers to come from behind the audience thanks to a new type of music called "deep stare" while there are many other things to do as new businesses get started! At the same time focus more on notl using the internet to meet people since I would find someone almost immediately that way?

I would hate for someone to get into trouble with her boyfriend or husband when she knows where she goes to sleep I would never support or be capable of encouraging cheating and her tease may have done things like save my life since they would time things to ensure that I do things like stay sober or workout and take better care of myself or maybe save me from becoming a dead raccoon? Just kidding. I was expecting another to ask me to find a place to live here OR TELL ME NO THANK YOU instead of simply planning on leaving back to where the richer or more famous ladies responded. I have been witnessing this happen while others have let me know that they have been blocked from being able to see me or communicate by social media such as Facebook or Instagram but YouTube also has seemingly given me problems so I have feared maybe Trump was mad I didn't vote for him while it seems most obvious that Mark did something out of being completely delusional and crazy about my being a "Nazi" which does not matter since it should be resolved soon. Maybe Mark is upset because he did something outrageous to "test" my Dad (who is in his 70s) where the bugs of the swamp would have been aware of his thoughts so sent my Dad the opposite? Is he the one who "doubled" my entire family? Great way to recruit them? For every Irish blooded person in the country? I have no idea why I would be targeted. I have not been in an ARGUMENT since school. Is my ex girlfriend's view count on YouTube broken because she turned on Hitler while laughing and thinking it was funny when my Jewish roommate wouldn't CLEAN HIS ROOM? She never did anything that pointed towards being racist other than letting me know she dated a "Nazi" in California. Please stop gathering information on Facebook as if it is dependable. How many people have ex lovers who might make up tons of lies? They will believe it as if they are effective spies? How awful.


On November 2nd she is shown looking how she did the second time she kissed me in my sleep.


I really hate what social media sites like Facebook have done as she may have voted for less taxes because of owning a house but she has been very sweet and nice to everyone giving them the benefit of the doubt usually compared to other people so that is disturbing when coming across the walls most especially seen among Portland folks while even though I am a member of the Green Party enough to make them regular payments they will still be sick enough online for targeting me with hate as I will always stick up for others when the are not there to do it for themselves because of not being around even if it is Trump or the most despicable person alive as that would not be constructive and should have been something that puts people into Facebook jail but instead I was and for making a post sharing a music video by The Residents without any commentary?! 

I was racially targeted and bullied by strangers who were able to use this service to try and send for bacteria or trash found East of their location as they likely drank alcohol so their brains aligned them to be found West of it due to the planet moving with the hopes that their appetite for bad bacteria returned or maybe another colony is saved by somehow allowing folks to trust their brains with their rights in these potty thought zones until death comes providing the needed feast thanks to suicide or whatever else works? What people have been put through by others could have all been stopped by the folks running social media actually caring about customers found on all sides as they could have easily put something in place for when someone needs to be flagged for drinking or making a non-constructive comment or post which would be anything shared behind the back of another that makes the person look bad because of not being able to possibly be there to correct things or even see the complaint so such an act could be creating monsters as people may decide to follow what they have already been blamed and punished for doing. Even if a person is complaining about another who had abused them it is not appropriate to be found on the walls of social media as there are too many people who live a lie let alone make up a story for a post or share what never actually happened for the sake of spreading garbage or bacteria? Also, not being able to see who is making a complaint really has given too much power to abusive bullies or hackers. Being in the loving hands of a company like Facebook might be compared to having to live with a cop constantly trying to kill you who is monitoring everything you are using online through a vast network that grows even outside of it with the help provided by what you share using every good idea against you while pushing you towards the direction of what might be illegal enough that he may shoot you and file the paperwork as using self defense and all of this so that he does not have to say "I am sorry" or "I made a mistake"? Is it possible to get such a word from their staff? "Sorry"? This cop would rather the police force be blamed for it or what led to his behavior like the training as he is no longer an individual since that would make his actions look quite despicable. 

It is like how Jews recruit Nazi by blaming others for being one when they aren't making it so much easier when they are already being punished so why not? One of the dumbest things to do would have been comparing the "right side" or conservatives to Hitler or the Nazi party while doing things that lead to treating them differently or otherwise punishing them by somehow finding ways to or always getting a portion of what is expected by being the observer that has been proven to be part of what creates the universe. Why would anyone think that it's worth getting an extra vote by zooming in on the most embarrassing prideful white trash found among the crowd of the opposing political party when they know that it was not as true as what THEY WANTED IT TO BE? So the perception of the people being changed to see the right side as racist does what due to the amount of power or assistance that would absolutely be begged for outside of simply being wanted by the left coming from the right such as having a RIGHT? This power would be halting against the Nazi party or those supporting it for the sake of the fake Jew that wanted to keep smoking pot while eating bacon and enjoying the luxury of survival a bit more by convincing the public that the cops or others serving our country are everything that is not wanted or was he or she simply sitting West of the garbage while working or spending most of their time for the sake of bacteria using our brain tissue more to spread what is found living inside our entrails? Was a justification found yet for breaking the trust of others or doing such extreme acts that they know are disgusting or was it just a human being pushed by others towards the direction that might led to something "racist" or "Nazi-like" being shared that could have been a typo? Simply let the people know that help is there to look into anyone of authority even when it is coming from someone of color or what might be considered mentally unstable for whatever reason or with an illegal history?

When there is corruption found within an organization such as a government made up of people it is best to see what is absolutely WANTED and what must be true such as certain despicable acts always being illegal. Remind everyone who works there that they are not part of any secret racist waste of time or whatever compared to being the good people that they are or will become with the help of your magic spells that come out like keys found on a computer or phone capable of putting everything negative in the past while accomplishing a great many things with the powers of language as it programs the ways in which we think. It is important to wake up to always getting a portion of what is expected as the observer participates in creating the universe while never underestimating the power that comes from words that become thoughts. Whether they want to be or not those running social media have been influencing the minds of the people by amounts showing control in some ways. How sad that such gifts be wasted by not wanting to have that sort of job which might include leading or guiding people to something healthier. Where there is something political it may conjure some of the absolute worst traits as people were taught to blame others instead of themselves allowing what is broken to remain that way or making things much worse by what might be done to get more favor or chances to get the vote needed for winning? The other way problems got worse was how people of power may have used things to convince the public why they needed to win instead of just fixing the problems as they came up.

What is also sad is that people have actually thought the information shared somewhere like Facebook was helpful when it comes to getting to know another person. The most blind people in the world might be the folks working for them who have the eyes of what might be shared where others cannot see as if it is a helpful way of gathering data? The moment a person picks up a phone or uses a computer they respond to the observers on the other side while on top of that they are going to consciously stop themselves before doing something like sharing what might be seen by others.


"Someone" very special has been a Beech so it is Failing... and this morning her 'ghost' was as sweet as usual but asking me to move on because she was messed up rather than wait for a week like she had originally asked before I came across her on Tinder.. I hope it does not feel like a black hole or empty gap suddenly appeared on her side as I am NO LONGER TRAPPED IN AMBER! (She is "Princess Bubblegum" because Forkgirl was Marceline?) When I pull away the birds and bees may follow so what effect doe immediately this have on a person? Do the birds become meaner from thinking that all hope of her changing is gone or what happens?

I will be performing starting next week once per week while handing out fliers door to door among many other things as I will become "famous" in each city I visit as I continue my tour because nothing is stopping me. Not quite ready for the masses to jump my view count. By Monday I should be? I have no enemies and no hard feelings against anyone. They will all be very grateful they came across me in the end and along the way to their grave? Please let me know where this is not true.

I am probably leaving Portland within the next month but still need to have some work on my car done and pass the lie detector test before I go... I will be doing things like contacting Lana Del Rey who shows a Palm being 'cut off' to send her a guitar sample along with the song that SHE WROTE in a dream that I had so she may sing it? I sure agree and I understand the message as I had lived once as my ex girlfriend tried to ruin me here at this address so this is why I must take the test before I go as there cannot be anything bad to say behind my back anywhere since I have been good to absolutely everyone on my side and I have not shared on Facebook so that people will not be abusive to anyone else from discovering the truth.

She knows Spanish so my guitar style sure would be attractive to her audience? Hopefully she has a great experience when she comes across the song that I send her to sing along to or whatever while I demonstrate at the same time what should be impossible but happening? I am the first guitar player who does several things focused mostly with my right hand like a Spanish guitar player. Also, came up with the "deep stare" style that sounds so great.

Very thankful for famous friends such as Edward Ka-Spel for making his song 'I am Adam and you are naive." There are so many more to be found asking to be contacted by me so my future looks very bright right now!

Maybe it was not her on Tinder but these photos in this order are clearly asking me to get off of her... from what happened to me in the past it would not surprise me if someone wanted to block me while pretending to be other people.. someone inspired by Kathleen's lies who worked near Hacker Rd?

This will all be fixed soon...

Where is the red?

"It will never work out" found behind her...

Water element for orders what to do?

Black... So go back!

Stone element showing the conflict and resolution in the upper right?

"A green to see yourself behind me"

Air element for what is found in the end?

"A green to leaf my voice"? If it was a fake profile and cops made it to test me than? two means not or no or know so I guess it could be a green not to leaf her voice? (thankful for protecting her but her subconscious mind would not be concerned about me)

Wood element in the 5th...

Children? Enters ready that goes to never..

There is no a green!

Protect her from?

Maybe that game World of Warcraft that might be queued up with others to save a colony of parasites as when I first came across her after making a song about being a Turtle in San Rafael they had her attacking a turtle with others she could not see in real life... everything such as the music and what was found in that game was timing to respond to her so that when she thought of me it would go anywhere else since she brought so much money to the game.. it is extremely possible that what lives inside of us that might come from bacon sending us timed thoughts was trying to kill me because she never let me know that she did not want me to unfollow her until very recently in a comment on Instagram.

In absolutely no way would I ever think it is okay to kidnap or force someone to kill these parasites that might be living inside of them. Please never get the wrong idea. If such a thing were to ever happen to you please just get away from the pictures and videos to meet someone without the use of technology. It might be a complete surprise to her that what happened to me was real without anything exaggerated or lied about.

7th picture for direction?

I prayed to red robe to get everyone off of me who was dreaming about having sex with me since I had found another years ago... so this might be her way of letting me go IF she already had dreams of me without knowing it? We are still learning more about how all of this was possible... it is possible that she will have them later in life while single and most down? I am thankful that once these lie detector test results come back I will have so much proof that the people found in dreams are real and had the same dreams. Hopefully the ones of me found in there are HOT! If she ever wants my help in finding someone she dreamed about who might be better than me in her eyes as our age difference is real than I would do what I can so that she does not appear crazy as he would have had the same dreams as her! So far no one has come while married so please let me know if this happens so that I know to be careful about who reads this?

This means that I am NO LONGER TURNING DOWN WOMEN FOR PALM BEE! Starting within a week to say goodbye to her 'ghost' that seems to be in love with me still? Or maybe I will tonight for the next person I dance with? She seems to want to be more like me in the way that stays friendly even when others are being absolutely cruel or mean? She has shown me many things about myself that hurt her when it comes to finding another man so hopefully soon I will have a lot more fans and I will be able to grow my "network" and 'make' more men who are like me but younger?
One of the things that hurts is that she responded to me when I am older than her... her age is shown on her leg where the stone element is found that cuts off the one who would be her largest echo due to where the ring would be found on her upper right leg as I was using drugs occasionally that might make me age much faster like Adderall? She would like to find a man who is younger with all of the same --?skills?--- honestly she probably just wants ME not to ever relapse again while somehow change reality so that I am younger? 

I will be starting shows while here in Portland while fixing absolutely everything that happened to ME! Within one week I will start performing and I will help try to "make" her a better man or every other girl who does not waste his time on computers or whatever?

Please never use sites such as Facebook to spread the truth in ways that are calling out people as liars or fakes, etc. I would not think that anything negative would be necessary but the truth is good and I think it should be spread everywhere regarding the origins of thought and how bacteria, parasites, trash found East of our thinking locations, etc. all do things dangerous like try to turn us against each other! So please know that my ex girlfriend while spreading lies about me was on the other side of a wall where the entire floor was throwing away trash found directly East of her and since the planet is moving this had an effect like trying to send for bad bacteria doing things to hopefully kill someone like me who favors vegan foods and may not ever eat bacon again?

Because of what she told me I have concerns for her so likely will give her another week or so as I will be performing every week from now on AT LEAST! Planning on leaving Portland and playing out of the back of my car, passing out fliers everywhere, and playing acoustic love songs every gig I can with a store introducing the Tweeting 20s along with this new "deep stare" music.

Until I get a formal apology from Facebook I will be complaining wherever people may be found so I am sorry that I am not the Nazi or right winger you were hoping for so that you would be justified for the horrific things that were done to me while using it. For a year I have been making payments to the Green Party.

I was first jailed for sharing a music video without any comments shared? Does this mean my view count is broken from false accusations?

Mark is NOT Jewish. Neither were those abusive people potentially lying or doing whatever else so they would not have to work or clean?

When I threatened to sue as I was being bullied by dishonest people conning others for money by making me out to be the bad guy it seemed as if outside of Facebook everywhere Mark may have blocked me or walled me while trying to make it look like the Mormons were doing it so why not pay for others to take the lie detector test before helping them against me next time?? All thanks to thinking that Facebook was a reliable source to get information where several people live a lie. Thankful I am having better dreams of him now.

When Republicans are being blamed for being Nazi when they are not it makes it easier for them to become one and then there was the "help" for the "Jews" in our country that were doing things like making it easier for a person to be lazy, con, lie, steal, or whatever else by simply pointing a finger at another and claiming they are racist, dangerous, or abusive so that they would not have to work who took advantage of you so when America "betrays" them and pulls out know that if there is aid for actual victims it should be found and not wasted or making people look like absolute fools for helping thanks to what was happening in our country found online for potentially the entire world to see? Is this the Trojan Horse that came in with grapes to stomp on and ingredients to make wine that made the worst kind of soldiers come out to fight their own? Too many places...


Since then Amber has stated that this was NOT her found on Tinder so it is funny and makes sense how it was shown the seventh picture having cuffs on the guys in red robes as if to warn me or let me know that it was a test to see if I was dumb enough to follow or try to go closer to where she was located? Like a real stalker would?

Interesting what I found in the pictures for the nearest Indian reservation:

1st is the lower right point of the star representing fire for passion

Fire? Berries... meaning that a "one night stand" might be found or? That was kind of the meaning of a cranberry potentially... once upon a dream.. of course I would never want one to end if it involved HER!

2nd for water element that is the lower left point of the star

My orders? Drive there and park? Sounds kind of hot for someone maybe?

3rd = Right tip of the star for the stone element?

Conflict? An upside down boat has represented a family because of my Scandinavian background or family tree...
SH add ow where my right foot enters the picture might represent how it might hurt to leave the "tail" of another?

4th is left upper point of the star for the air element (marriage)

A green that I am entering to leave unless I find a WINDow that is ready to stay with me until the end maybe which would be the rectangles?

5th = tip of star for wood or children?

I look for red and green... 

6th picture is for showing me what endangers them? One & one for life is 11:45?

Is this where I get to check the time like Nutsy and call out "11:45 and all is well!"

Left foot shows ero = ¿👤📱
(wondering heading sharing)

Direction is for the head of the boat or the leader?

8... Will they? Eat my food? Ate 

Enters at "yes but are you sure it is food?" Maybe since that barely passes as red and green?

Tempted is the 9th... leave the pole? Leave the PO po? Is there any PO po in that area?

Left foot shows a wood pole.. I would leave the PO?

Are you one or zero?

Maybe this is the question for someone who is listening to "streets that have no name" by U2 after watching all of my videos on my Instagram channel @adamark.spoon and caught up to everything that was shared along with watching those "boring videos" that I made


Yesterday for some reason I was getting ready to go clubbing when I was listening to some new songs of mine while talking in my head to the girl that was shown in the video I made when I thought she was telling me how she was not as good as me when it comes to drawing and so my response was that I would absolutely love seeing anything that came from her even if it looked like just scribbles from a little girl because there is always meaning found it it that see only I understand as if the person is making it FOR ME... then I came across this today on Facebook that actually looks like her.. the girl that I was telling this to in my head looks a lot like the girl in the picture!

What is weird is that everyone seems to be named in a way that was asking me for something maybe? To be included with what I am working on probably... whenever this happens it is a miracle to witness just like breathing as it does not stop happening to me.. for example, when I was in Portland and my friend was not there for me as planned I had to sleep outside unexpectedly so someone brought me a blanket during the Winter who is named Summer that is very cute but very young with a last name that has an 'o' before an 'n' which basically means that everyone would see if I was to "eat her" like a man loving a woman but I know her through her Mother that I introduced to someone special so she might have appeared in the next Tear Garden album that came out while on the 'remote viewing' side of things she is probably Sally from the nightmare Before Christmas introduced as Jack that has a funny sound to it next to a bone? The song seems to be about our concerns that her daughter would get into the goth scene as she is the one who lives upstairs and I found it sad that she was paranoid that I could actually do something with her... there is no fat lady anywhere but thanks to being a fan of the 80s it might be almost every singer still alive so not sure if it is just a coincidence but the song really makes sense and came out right after Sally met him. She is so beautiful and possibly has a perfect body if one would judge? I think the album's name probably goes along with concerns that I had about one of his oldest songs about 'pushing someone in acid' and brown rhymes with frown as I have gone through some absolutely terrifying experiences from the fear that someone would put it on something while I pick up garbage a lot or in something thanks to stuff like reading about fans of The Cure sending it to Robert Smith in a flower vase? 

Here is the song:


Raistlin and Crysania meets the Queen of Darkness for free tickets to Twitchcon block party for us?! This is a great idea to introduce something miraculous to the public and it is what I am working on while making sure that this is the absolute best night for this girl to have but she should not be mistaken from my "goth" look as I am monogamous and seriously WAS in love enough to look past whatever flaws while her doing messed up things to me that was bad had an exciting way of being corrected from knowing how my friends or loved ones are when they do something wrong as it would be made up for somehow later... extra nice treatment to me from her (and Fork) for how long? As friends, of course. Maybe more but only with one of them. They deserve to know what they did to me and that I am not crazy. I have proven some huge things and deserve some respect for it while I will definitely be getting paid while the both of them should be hooked up for the rest of their lives regarding what character to be at any "cosplay" party? You know??

Please for the love of whatever there must be someone who will help me that is not hoping to become "holy seed" or a man with money willing to pay for her finding this out between us!?!?!?!? PLEASE DO THE CORRECT OR RIGHT THING AND LET THIS GIRL KNOW WHAT SHE WON BEFORE YOU KILL HER ON ACCIDENT FROM WHAT HAPPENED!!! That was real in that she was the only one who told me that she would do that if I turned her down which did not make sense at first until I sank further towards the "ER" found in her name that the letter "B" is supposed to make sure that I never enter again unless it is an absolute emergency!

I am NOT CRAZY and do not need medication outside of suboxone (right now) but would like occasional adderall without having to take it everyday? Why must I be a junkie to get help?? Unbelievable that you would keep looking for things to use against me to prevent her from getting what she wanted... please wake up and witness my hell that is actually living in my entrails willing to kill me over my going on the most strict diet potentially if it was more helpful so I am thankful that it is not!

-------------- this is really helpful to me so that I finally get through to this girl who did WHAT to me!?

(Before watching the video below understand that I saved myself for over 7 months thinking that any day this girl would wake up to how I was not crazy so in the beginning I am finding out FOR THE FIRST TIME that she actually wrote something to me asking me to stop trying to contact her as a response to a request that I sent her... this seems impossible because of what has already happened unless she was blocked or did not have the patience to actually look into things enough to catch onto what happened but it was also the others between us, some of them doing whatever possible like taking a photo of me while I was asleep or whatever worked? Near the end of the video you should have caught onto the impossibly accurate synchronicity coming from the girls in the other side trying to find a way to talk to me somehow or convince me to stop expecting them to like y vegan food? Lol)

HOW ROMANTIC until it is absolutely ruined by what?

OTHER PEOPLE NOT LETTING HER KNOW WHAT HAPPENED!!! I was not mad at anyone but who could have been following this whole time doing nothing but blocking me? Of course, I will get upset thinking that there absolutely MUST be someone doing this!? She mentioned how others go through her email for her, etc. Who would not be upset if another was absolutely being selfish to the point of wasting the time of other people like that. I have shown so much proof with demonstrations that should have been impossible to witness over and over again. Sad that it may take a couple hours of boring videos before someone catches onto the "OMG it's real!? Factor but to think that NONe of them let her know by now?! Just goes to show how horrible her friends and fans must be? Obviously, she would want to know that she did this and that I am not crazy. Sorry about that but it's like something electronic that is supposed to work but I am finding out that okcupid is rigged by men or something like that? Network discovered that blocks cute guys, etc.

What is the count now regarding how many people know that she did what she did and that my true story was not a lie??? 400$ per question for a lie detector test is quite spendy. Please help and stop being selfish for YOURSELF! Realize the nightmare she has already shared with me being other men wanting to use this information to be on the other side of the pictures or whatever showing WHAT? 

"Thanks He-man! Won't you die or something already? You don't even want a second wife??"

I have witnessed insects respond to my thinking about doing something that might threaten them or give them less power as they have TOLD me that they would send her all of my fears and concerns to try and make her do them (like accepting money for doing sexual favors, etc.). 


I believe in change if it is real that she actually went the "call girl" direction but it is kind of impossible to lie to me at this point as well as many other people like the ones who woke me up? I am working on going to meet the Queen of Darkness at Twitchcon with a Cleric of Pal.a.dine at my side so that they all know that I am not crazy and a psycho could be out there actually using what I know to do things that might lead to kidnapping them while feeling justified over parasites living inside of them or whatever works in a head that is not mine (know what I mean???).

How dare someone out there actually think of doing something like another lie to teach me a "lesson"?!

Honestly is the best thing for me and should be for everyone!

You really think that she would turn down "He-man" or whatever for a colony of parasites or fear that she is not good enough? I was dumb too and young, illegal, etc. 

Now that I no longer waste my time playing a stupid phone game I will be able to go through this blog and fix everything but WOW is it weird how they synchronized to everything that happened so that I would not become a stupid raccoon wasting his time as long as he did or whatever? 

So, what has become of Amber and is this good feeling that I have actually REAL?

Lately, I have felt less sick somehow like Amber is actually waking up to this being real and like she is waiting for me... no longer thinking that I am a liar or a scam artist.. then there is a part of her that is embarrassed because of how much better everything should have been for everyone involved. Help that absolutely should have been there for EVERYONE. This will be happening soon. I will "get off of Mark" and will he care when people follow? His loss. He kept tripping about things that were never true. Had enough of him.

Okay, so what happens if I were to wake up Johnny Depp to what the girls do on Instagram for him? Will Mark decide to block him and call him crazy? Think about it more and realize what was done to me.

Some people play a video game and it is fake like laser tag but then they find out that some billionaire was psychotic because the uniform picked actually meant something? IT WAS THE MOST ATTRACTIVE ONE THOUGH! The matches lasted longer when playing on the Nazi side in my favorite FPS game (Wolfenstein) long ago... I used to sweat from playing that game.. it was FUN and a good work out. It was not a history lesson. Not supposed to follow me into the real world either. Stop being a racist Jew!

It is YOUR FAULT that they are fighting over there. It is my fault then. Please blame me for everything but I will need more money and responsibility since if it happens again it would be my fault. Get it?

__________ sorry, I will go through this and remove the photos of SSSniperwolf and the others or what should I do??? They really make them look so much hotter once you have become smart enough to enter my mind or what they allowed me to see... Please contact me directly and know that I will obey you to make sure that everyone looks good while no one should appear guilty for whatever reason so let me know where any misunderstandings may be found where people may be lead to the wrong conclusions where I ask none are made?? 


I confess that the colors picked when Amber chose "orange and brown" for the bottom right it was Sssniperwolf who chose the colors for the bottom left on that date so whatever she posted and the video that I just watched really made a lot more sense as to what was supposed to be impossible to witness?! I think it was pink, yellow, and what for the bottom left? In my mind that meant "2nd place for someone else should Amber respond with NO" when I was choosing to wake her up first but it was for meeting her, of course. I could not push her into more or expect anything but I do recognize what I did to her and feel I do owe her something more than just meeting but not really considering what she had already done to me (chose NOT to meet when I gave her a window for how long?)

Now that I no longer waste my time playing a stupid phone game I will be able to go through this blog and fix everything but WOW is it weird how they synchronized to everything that happened so that I would not become a stupid raccoon wasting his time as long as he did or whatever? 

So, what has become of Amber and is this good feeling that I have actually REAL?

Lately, I have felt less sick somehow like Amber is actually waking up to this being real and like she is waiting for me... no longer thinking that I am a liar or a scam artist.. then there is a part of her that is embarrassed because of how much better everything should have been for everyone involved. Help that absolutely should have been there for EVERYONE. This will be happening soon. I will "get off of Mark" and will he care when people follow? His loss. He kept tripping about things that were never true. Had enough of him.

Okay, so what happens if I were to wake up Johnny Depp to what the girls do on Instagram for him? Will Mark decide to block him and call him crazy? Think about it more and realize what was done to me.

Some people play a video game and it is fake like laser tag but then they find out that some billionaire was psychotic because the uniform picked actually meant something? IT WAS THE MOST ATTRACTIVE ONE THOUGH! The matches lasted longer when playing on the Nazi side in my favorite FPS game (Wolfenstein) long ago... I used to sweat from playing that game.. it was FUN and a good work out. It was not a history lesson. Not supposed to follow me into the real world either. Stop being a racist Jew!

It is YOUR FAULT that they are fighting over there. It is my fault then. Please blame me for everything but I will need more money and responsibility since if it happens again it would be my fault. Get it?

__________ sorry, I will go through this and remove the photos of SSSniperwolf and the others or what should I do??? They really make them look so much hotter once you have become smart enough to enter my mind or what they allowed me to see... Please contact me directly and know that I will obey you to make sure that everyone looks good while no one should appear guilty for whatever reason so let me know where any misunderstandings may be found where people may be lead to the wrong conclusions where I ask none are made?? 


I was walking on the Walk of Fame in Hollywood when people were playing rap music nearby as I was practicing my guitar and singing for a crowd and while I was leaving it was sad that I did not turn around to go find out who the artist was because he timed everything to let me know that he cared and wanted to help me as I was surrounded by people who were seemingly aware of it somehow? It was very far away and was not wearing shoes to walk in but I made myself remember the voice as he probably lived nearby and I was needing help reaching out to more people.


I confess that the colors picked when Amber chose "orange and brown" for the bottom right it was Sssniperwolf who chose the colors for the bottom left on that date so whatever she posted and the video that I just watched really made a lot more sense as to what was supposed to be impossible to witness?! I think it was pink, yellow, and what for the bottom left? In my mind that meant "2nd place for someone else should Amber respond with NO" when I was choosing to wake her up first but it was for meeting her, of course. I could not push her into more or expect anything but I do recognize what I did to her and feel I do owe her something more than just meeting but not really considering what she had already done to me (chose NOT to meet when I gave her a window for how long?)

Palm Bee was always looking for Caramon to join her stream... He is 6' 5" a green skin because of being a more natural person as I needed to know WHO she meant since they were coming to my head in Vegas, etc. 

Few things that I should mention before I get into this... I am completely safe and have not even argued with a person since Elementary School maybe? I have never fought with a lover or girlfriend but have raised my voice but only once with two of them. I do not do things such as say anything bad about another without the person being around as it is not constructive unless it's Mark who owns Facebook since it has been impossible to get a response from him!?Now response from him!? Now that I no longer waste my time playing a stupid phone game I will be able to go through this blog and fix everything but WOW is it weird how they synchronized to everything that happened so that I would not become a stupid raccoon wasting his time as long as he did or whatever? 

So, what has become of Amber and is this good feeling that I have actually REAL?

Lately, I have felt less sick somehow like Amber is actually waking up to this being real and like she is waiting for me... no longer thinking that I am a liar or a scam artist.. then there is a part of her that is embarrassed because of how much better everything should have been for everyone involved. Help that absolutely should have been there for EVERYONE. This will be happening soon. I will "get off of Mark" and will he care when people follow? His loss. He kept tripping about things that were never true. Had enough of him.

Okay, so what happens if I were to wake up Johnny Depp to what the girls do on Instagram for him? Will Mark decide to block him and call him crazy? Think about it more and realize what was done to me.

Some people play a video game and it is fake like laser tag but then they find out that some billionaire was psychotic because the uniform picked actually meant something? IT WAS THE MOST ATTRACTIVE ONE THOUGH! The matches lasted longer when playing on the Nazi side in my favorite FPS game (Wolfenstein) long ago... I used to sweat from playing that game.. it was FUN and a good work out. It was not a history lesson. Not supposed to follow me into the real world either. Stop being a racist Jew!

It is YOUR FAULT that they are fighting over there. It is my fault then. Please blame me for everything but I will need more money and responsibility since if it happens again it would be my fault. Get it?

__________ sorry, I will go through this and remove the photos of SSSniperwolf and the others or what should I do??? They really make them look so much hotter once you have become smart enough to enter my mind or what they allowed me to see... Please contact me directly and know that I will obey you to make sure that everyone looks good while no one should appear guilty for whatever reason so let me know where any misunderstandings may be found where people may be lead to the wrong conclusions where I ask none are made?? 

I made this on June 1st that Amber picked the scents for the bottom right (she gave them to me with a experience that was SO ROMANTIC!!! with devil horns and 88 on her shirt which meant we were already married? it was waking me up to seeing her wear nothing but a shirt while a couple in the future possibly?) the bottom left were picked by SSSniperwolf (while sleeping?) and the top right was the ex husband of GG and the top left was President of Mormon Church for whatever reason? He was coming up in my dreams because he wanted to help me.

I will go through this bog and sort it out later.. sorry.... curious as to where the other colors appeared like maybe look into other women if Amber does not want me but right now I have lately been feeling like she has been waking up to me?


Lambert meets Rex?

As shown with Rex here:


was on drugs before but have quit... sorry everything was so messed up.. I have drug tests and can show a clean sample whenever it asked from now on.

Let me go through this and laugh at myself while I make sure it all looks presentable because what did happen was a miracle... sorry to think that something like Adderall would be helpful but I used to be on it and would love to be helped by it without having to take it every day.. which has made me feel justified.when relapsing but I am done!

Sorry that where it looks like I was "crazy" I was just rushing things without time to sort through it sometimes talking to the person between us and no one else where it might look most off?

Get off my phone. Someone likes to synchronize things to give me trouble? Stop me from sharing? Why not just TALK to me like a regular person? It makes me look like I am always talking to myself. Makes me wonder if someone gave Amber her blue screen of death because of witnessing what she did to me while she was doing the opposite somewhere else maybe? I don't know. I guess she might have been illegal as well? Probably just a coincidence. So, I will go through and clean up everything and say nothing bad about anyone and delete this paragraph eventually too but YOU sUrE AS HELL wILL Let HER ReaD It!!!. Who are you?? Grr Mark? Please get off of us. We are not Nazi or working with Militia. Or talk so it is not going to give me a heart attack from wondering who what if what if what if?! I don't drink or do drugs anymore. I think my "relapse" was such a little small amount it would make most people laugh? Enough to justify someone to block everything from Amber? Please stop. I will not give up. Your efforts in trying to prove to Amber that it's not Mark will fail. I will accept your apology when it is given. Mark asked me to sue Mark. 

She will eventually become a great singer according to him and she kept coming from my right side as if we know one another in the future somehow?

She won't forgive you by withholding the truth from her because it is like rape?

Making sure that I always appear as a loser is like, uhh guaranteed make us both rich no matter what because of her timing and mine but she was and still is younger while she seemingly came to me in a van upset because we had to "go up hill again"? 

She wondered if she made a mistake because we actually had to think about money again after not having to for a very long time?

This was something on the fence... I had to wake up and move.. I am "coming out of the shadows" and the men withholding info from her will seriously regret it as they knew that MUCH more was supposed to be with the both of us when I was coming across her but we were being taken advantage of.

Do you want this to be true? [✓]

Please pay for lie detector test? They are not the cheapest but the truth is guaranteed to make HER rich with the oNe she actually wanted.


[\\\\\\\\\\\] [||||||] [✓]

It is definitely he who accepts NO as an answer when coming from her!

Kindly, get off please or stop making yourselves look better by putting another down or what happens to the one that you wanted?

I am just checking out a mate.

She could win something seriously big

Stop thinking that by keeping me poor I will choose the other rich woman who bought me for a million or a billion or whatever?

Taking it from who?

I was unable to communicate with her.


Whose fault is this?

We will find out!

Will update this later... maybe finish it tomorrow, sorry..

Palm Bee has moved to LA and ironically like I have asked for she gave white & blue in the bottom right and yellow on the bottom left, sort of? I guess it does not really matter anymore at all if she does not want me or if we are too different? Are we on the same path? Not sure.. good to see that she is alive and I am thankful to have changed the sounds of the birds for this entire state!

Is that guitar blue? Not sure... there was blue coming through the windows though and the bed is found on the bottom right the most while the wood is the most yellow in this room while there was a light she had on it. that is YELL OW for my left foot.

So, I will move on and find another... she really should know what she did to me and I am still going to do the lie detector test while hopefully in the future she is able to learn from this and find herself someone like maybe the most rich and famous hunk out there who responded to her as she could record herself coming across him and measure her thoughts as I have!?

have NOt moved on to find another and she is still coming to me in her sleep while she gave me the best experience to get them all off of her and guarantee the fastest way to MY getting money for HER before we die any more forme other people from being a hostage of kindness or whatever else we have done for them .me?

I was very surprised that she gave this response while I was asking her to send me to NYC so this means that she actually wants me to see that stream somehow as she was trying to reach me somehow since certain things were always about what I should do and another 

just keeps trying to find an excuse to learn what she really wants through me so he cann have her and win what she keeps trying to give to me

Please understand how expensive lie detector tests are and how this is ALL the truth Ø would love to take drug tests and work until we are both dead as they constantly accuse her of working with me right now when we weren't so she should take them as well?

Crysania + Raistlin = Ta_____?

I AM going dancing.

Ta = what? T---- & a---?

Those other men are sick robots that were programmed by

Not romantic.

They were sick they should not be tomorrow but those older habits return.

Please help me to fix them.

"Sorry PB, you are still illegal" 

"Sorry Spoon that never leaves found on the frame behind her, you are still illegal"

Took away potentially years of two people?

As a "cop" you certainly failed the both of us.

She left me here and I am going to go dancing all the way down to the bottom of San(d?) {The gates of heaven because it will actually be nice to meet someone who knows that I am safe while men tried to hypnotize or do whatever it took to trick her into thinking that I was dangerous somehow} 

I am NOT illegal.

The man who has the name of Mark and everyone else helping him because I mentioned the word SUE because of what he did to me and her would be cursed from not being able to enjoy our culture anymore in the future as they will enjoy our music while either regretting what they did against us for the rest of their lives or thankful for helping us tomorrow since Mark actually told me to sue him while sleeping?

He seriously mess d up.

He is capable of fixing it.

My name is Adam and the letter d is very capable of killing me.

Every time he accuses me of being crazy he becomes one for thinking that I was racist or a Nazi?

When I come across technology it responded to me just like art or music or street names since I lived once.

Facebook was trying to make sure I lost to Mark in a popularity contest made by him while I was surrounded by billions of $ queued to (kill?) me from waking me up to him accidentally constantly being jealous and his subconscious minds trying to win me?

Please understand what murder is and how impossibly unfair it was to compete as I would love to handle things outside of court so that innocent Jews are not killed in the past because of his error while high or drunk sending for bacteria or trash? Insects, etc. 

When he tries to win a lawsuit against me he might kill Jews in the past on accident from everyone already knowing that he is guilty where we share light as I am not a Nazi and we should not be doing things to encourage Germans to die in the past for Hitler, etc.

Ironically trying to protect himself in court against me might be the absolute worst mistake of his life? Outside of court too? Definitely should be doing everything to save me now without creating more enemies by getting paranoid or angry.

It is all science and math to help him and save people from what is found on the other side of the Stargate or portal to the abyss.

I was trying to save him while his subconscious mind was trying to kill me from jealousy or what might be everything not human found between us?

Accepting loss is a gain for HIm.

Take smart to court? Teach them too much? Not enough. He should have talked to me long ago expressing his concerns or feelings. I know he asked me to sue him where he sleeps and I will try not to embarrass him too much but Facebook was killing me.

The girl in the most blue state was named Summer in the past from bringing me a blanket when?

The street is named in the past to somehow save me faster there when it should happen here from hIM now!

This should end the war in the past ASAP and prevent it from going on or happening again ever?

Looking forward to meet you.


Please wake her up for me? Without expecting anything for yourself as if she is an object of yours?

So, PB is Princess Bubblegum while Forkgirl is Marceline and I am Finn the Human that is actually the Ice king when I am an old man.

I will take a lie detector test along the way BEFORE twitchcon so that there is no chance that I am a "psycho" . ..

Makes sense if her hair would be like sticky gum as it has the word air in it which is the element for the spouse but the cartoon was likely like the video game and music would be which was actually not accurate but almost as they  would be trying to convince her to follow a certain path that might make it to one of them like becoming a slut?

Of all my qualities, my genes for having children would possibly be the best one since my family is so attractive on both sides so they would surely be beautiful which is very important as I believe that we would have to live their lives after ours has ended.

I will be much more strict with myself than anyone else knowing how nuts actually may double a man's nutting power as they share the name for an important reason and I am able to choose the gender of our child by measuring gifts made for fertilization during certain moon phases so if I am detecting a female we could decide on the next phase?

Amberwood Drive was gone as I was so worried that I could not get aroused from the idea of having one night of passion with her so she started to do things that fixed it making me realize how attracted to pregnant women I am as I want to be married with children someday so she started to do this "weeeEEEe weeee" sound to fix it coming from when she would bend over at first at :50 that time she convinced me to throw a drug I had out the window when I relapsed the night I was upset of being cut off of her discord.. in this video here she starts the video looking sexy as ever emphasizing the "weee wee" sound and right after I shared it somewhere else in this big maybe? So I was hoping that she saw it which really made me excited because of when she mentioned how people meet strangers at Twitchcon to kiss and then have babies with. See how she put the purple on the guitar here for the left foot which would mean leaving my music for our children or not neglecting them for it as they would have to come first.

I was able to find Amberwood Drive again thanks to the way she started to do sounds and responses in the ways I wanted the most that would be least likely to leave me should we hook up and this would be carried to the future Mom she would become?

Stress was previously so high that I "failed" in using several videos and was quite embarrassed that she seemingly witnessed how it was impossible for me to "finish" as my mind would not stop racing regarding bad possibilities... the fact that a human being was able to accomplish this perfect timing for me was always impressive!

For a few days I was waking up from sleep thinking that we were spooning as she was pregnant and as I would be coming to the real world to realize that I was alone with my rectangle movie star ghost pillow the dogs, birds, and sounds of people working outside would be about what I was witnessing it would seem.

The small refrigerator found in this picture was in a dream where I was about to do a deep thorough clean up where it was located because of a layer of icky aged slime on the bricks found beneath it in seemingly a vintage style home obviously located somewhere outside of California?

The month following finding out where she sleeps how her curves turned me on more resulted in some obvious weight gain that made me kind of excited.

(I may need to arrange the timing of events better?)

I found somewhere FINALLY for the first time she wrote "please stop emailing me and trying to contact me" but it is not viewed from my phone but only from my laptop while watching which I never do from there... if I had a message such as that (only ONCE!) I would have stopped emailing her and trying to contact but I wanted to make sure that she got the message or knows what she did to me and I will still have dreams of her asking me not to give up because she still does not know what happened to me as it takes a lot of time to understand the demonstrations that I have come with as scientific proof.. because of what was happening recently how much stronger than it was before it seemed to me that she was trying to unblock me or tried to since I have been everywhere but when I messaged her on Twitter she blocked me there while after this happened the reason was that she wanted me to follow without making myself known by others so that she could get more money maybe?

Still to this day every time that I ask for something with my mind she gives it to me in a miraculous way that is trying to convince me seemingly that we are already married with children in the future so long as I keep working and the inevitable success comes to me from the work that I am doing while she insists that once she has caught up to what would be found by watching my very long videos showing the proof or the entire blog she would absolutely change in every way since I actually prove it to be real. If you are reading this now please if you have caught up to everything LET HER KNOW that it is not crazy what I have shared and actually is science while I found this from measuring my thoughts or the synchronicity. Ask her to give several hours as that is how long that it would take for understanding everything? Definitely would be worth it because men are doing what she did to me everywhere but she has previously not noticed.

As I was sharing in a live video right before her last stream about how I was going to spend the night writing a song about how Beech St. becomes Mason St. instead of Shaver St. when going the direction that is Failing St. because of how they seemingly know that I hate shaved cats and have had concerns about what young children might do if completely shaved was most coveted somewhere sharing gravity with others? Very comical how she came online wearing green shorts right after this happened as if to let me know she was watching me?

That night I was falling asleep after sharing some videos on my twitter of the Cranberries showing them with umbrellas (that would mean getting married because of marry poppins?) 

In this video I was tripping that the white horse was a step towards being the white stag that goes along with the Green Man Legend in Portland like in this video where it seems that she is finding out that she is dead when I watched it...

The umbrellas follows the story from where the statue carries one and I thought that it meant getting married right away to someone?

I thought that she was looking at her through the thumbnail and jealous?

After I watched it I listened to them in my head as I was falling asleep... I was remembering the lyrics to the song "disappointment" that is my favorite and realized that it was to me.. she was asking me to STOP thinking about her in my head in a romantic way as I needed to find a wife in the real world.

Disappointment (Remastered 2020)

You shouldn't have done
You couldn't have done
You wouldn't have done
The things you did then
And we could have been happy
What a piteous thing
A hideous thing was tainted by the rest
But it won't get any harder
And I hope you'll find your way again
And it won't get any higher
And it all boils down to what you did...
There, There, there, there
There, there, there, there
In the night we fight, I fled you're right
It was exactly then, it was exactly then
I decided, decided, decided, decide
And drew you out
In the night we fight, I fled you're right
It was exactly there, it was exactly there
I decided, decided, decided, decided
But it won't be any harder
And I hope you'll find your way again
And it won't get any higher
But it all boils down to what you did...
There, there, there, there
There, there, there, there
There, there, there, there
As I was remembering these lyrics I thought that she was telling me that we had our "first fight" that was in the videos because this happened:  (I will explain it all later... I don't have time right now?) not really a fight since I did not get mad back but

I have several videos of PB that I have not had time to watch because I do not play my phone game anymore... when she says "boils" it is to help the crabs! Right next to me the crab store is found on "friendly" street that is the opposite as "crabby" while in Portland I was tripping out thinking that "clickitat" was to wake me up to helping the crabs or making it a law to make sure that they are not boiled alive!!! Right next to me right now the street name is "friendly" where the red lobster or whatever is found?

She took down this video and the pen of her looking goth remains so I am hoping to see her at Bar Sinister on Wednesday before twitchcon.

Here the violet color means "get off"

She points at PB?

Don't just pop in and marry this woman they are suggesting to me?

The way that this women stroked the "wood" was letting me know that I was a good catch and could easily find someone else? The guy in the video timed what he did to let me know that he liked her asking me to put this in the blog so that she would know that I was not crazy as it meant what to him? Maybe he left a trail for her to follow like many other famous people did for me but I turned them all down for WHO?


hello, still have much to go until this blog post is done!!

(to understand you would have to read this whole thing and maybe even watch a few HOURS of videos? You would have to read ALL of the other blog posts that I have made perhaps? Definitely might have to understand the "rules" that I came up with asking the women's subconscious minds to follow who were found on the other side of pictures or videos, etc. Maybe it was just coincidences that would not stop happening? Since I am going to obey and doubt every thought that enters my head considering whether it is the bugs or a colony of bacteria or parasites doing this to them or whatever this does not make me a threat but I have worried about sharing this online because of what other men might do if they caught onto the same thing that would be happening to them too?)

When I discovered that Amberglen goes to Glendale where Adam's Road, Adam's Square, and Adam's Hill are located... she started to stream this game!

The video of her with friends at comicon has a section where you can hear what sounds like a bunch of people suddenly saying don't become Lilith very clearly and my name is Adam but that was not the weird part! This happened when I became paranoid because I realized that the name Lilith perfectly fit what I had requested her to do in my second email for what I created called the Sixteen Scented Celebration.

By using the "language of Adam" the name would fit perfectly for the person who might help me with li (Li = working balancing or finding work for people) while the letters t+h would perfectly represent the pieces of cut fabric that I have and bring with me for people who are accepting the gift and told about that I will have setup for what hopefully not only potentially saves their life or helps but gives them a pre-death funeral or maybe ancient wedding ceremony among other things...

^ this picture shows "test curtains" suggesting that I play a show... I have some new ones that are REALLY GOOD sung on acoustic!

The scents that I wear around my neck put onto the fabric that I will be giving her representing marriage and kids using orange and brown that I once asked for in the bottom right when she wore the 88 shirt and I made a video about several times from coming across these colors whenever the word 'Riverside' would be found... these colors are currently found on the guitar.. but while typing this I am watching her and she was getting annoyed from my posting this part.

The feeling of what I have setup in the back of my car is a lot more comfortable than the bed found at hotels or motels. Maybe it is something about how the blankets are too neat and not tucked under my body? My car is padded with fluffy fur everywhere that is very comfortable and the back has such soft pillows that surround a bed large enough for two or maybe even three? 

4:20:00 she seemed to be watching me write and responded in a funny way when I mentioned how they were "competing with each other" and she was saying 'uhhh I don't think you want to do that?' in a weird way?

The only reason I remain interested is because of what she did for me and thinking that she could have been blocked or paid to ignore me...

"I won't do..." she seemingly sent to my mind while watching right as red entered the bottom left of the screen representing "ready" but_____ blahb lbha blalkd come back to this

Ouch... It's November 8th and I started a dream date that found the reason that Trunks bar is found where Palm meets Larrabee or should I say Curson because that was the first street I came across when I thought
 about the next moment responding to this girl as well
about the next world responding to this girl as well
about the next _?_

About the ex?

Such an important day!!!! WHO would I think or dream about really matters... I was not really thinking.. I was just trying to correct her being mad at me from getting aroused from other girls and it was really working like magic.

In this video I saw it shows a girl named Amber with a huge score at one point while the tone of that voice made certain I knew it was not the other Amber...

Taken in Pine, AZ

Language of Adam means "dreaming in ¿" & "caring synchronizing"

What a story!

All the places taken are a miracle... The names..

Going to bed and not having a dream date maybe or what should I do? Nobody loses when I have not MET anyone!? Can I? Will anyone help me wake them?

Did the Amber girl ever read this post? The schizo attacks I have of her keep assuring me she is madly in love with me and once she finds out she did those things she will be mine but she never called or wrote back to say anything about how she found out that I was not crazy so she still thinks that I am?

When I saw the one in Florida regarding her "other concern being Vickie" she had this... My A.M. I? Floor, I dadadada

She sees me?

I feel like I have to meet this girl NOW and maybe forget about the one who actually has not bothered to contact me all this time somehow!? How is that even possible when she seems to always know my mind?

I want to touch someone by the end of the night to see if it is her that will be here on this VERY SPECIAL DAY! I am headed to try and meet Palm Bee tonight and will have people from trunks tell her to go to Owensmouth and Owenvan Street where they meet? 

I am going to find someone to touch me before midnight and I am going to stream what I go through while trying to wake her up to what she is doing right now to wake herself up by letting me know she would not come across this unless I do something more to let her know somehow now and she is telling me that I am far away and she wants to go to bed soon after the stream but I will let her know it is my birthday tomorrow and today is the most important day of her life if she was seriously wanting the green rectangles synchronized to TikTok to work together...  it shows that she is located close to Chatsworth so it reminds me how much more I am worth to her compared to them since from my perspective she gives me the most romantic experience possible giving me what I have asked for with my mind on the other side.. every street that I come across has been seemingly having to do with what is going on here trying to help me succeed since I lived once and deserve to have something before I die

I am going to Trunks right now to wake them up to this story and then on my way to Owensmouth and Owenvan Street to try and touch Palm Bee before Midnight! Or anyone else... 

She moved everything to my left foot so I tried to reach it to her but was so upset because I woke up too late .. so romantic to see what she did on my birthday!!

I felt so heartbroken until I found her pictures as the last dream that I had of her talking was into my right ear while the last actual dream we were having sex to "fix" my mind because I had a bad trip that she looked like my sister so I was shown how she was far from...

On the Day of Dreams is found on the bottom above... Then the Day of Lava (party) on top of that while below is the most important day to me being the Day of Wood.. not finding her during the Day of Air might lead to the fact she does not want me to create a "line up" for her maybe since she always gets mad?

I am going to email the people in LA who would help me with my launchpad the fastest today and work on my blog post as maybe I can get it much closer to DONE!

The orchid was a child in my mind and this is the Day of Wood so it's extremely romantic... not sure about the NAME Ralph but I love it's meaning! Closest common name that fits Orion's Diet of I called it something to trade? Fish because of the letter 'p'!;

___ need it?

The top left of a photo is the air element but also she might use her hair or WINDow to better respond to me? When she chose her man they would remove the final rings from their wrists saved from childhood usually to be joined as their hands are wrapped together and this same ceremonial twine would be used to wrap around their eyes when they would later die at their funeral?

Would they be to frown in this case as that rhymes?

Hundreds of people have done things like make posts that eerily follow the themes of the Dozen Dragon Days of November as part of the Celebration in some way which was previously understood as impossible but on every social media service people actually have most especially if they are famous or part of the goth scene!? 

Whenever I come across a new profile or picture on social media the experience is as if they made the post for me more than everyone else like I am more attractive or my opinion matters more for whatever reason in ways that should be impossible to witness as they always seem to know everything that I had ever thought of in my life before coming across the photo? It is an incredibly romantic experience as I am always able to ask them questions about anything that I want while they will seemingly give me a response in the next photo or video that is impossibly perfect as an answer and I was demonstrating this to be real for others to see everywhere that I went recently without messing up! I would show how I could ask for a certain color in a specific location and always get what I had asked for.

When I saw Amber at Twitchcon she made sure to show me her "ugly face on her left side" when I first saw her while knowing that it was actually her... so it was implanted in my head that it would be ugly if she left?

Recently when I started to let her go and move onto option 2 (still do not even do a dream date yet though! Not even ONE with this other girl!) she started to use a copy of herself that was "pretty hot version" that represented the other girl who comes out of the trunk but not in a mean way... in a way that was calling her prettier.. while reminding me how she shown me her ugly side already and that I already went THIS FAR so should not stop now.

The other girl responded as if knowing but in a different time period?! So comical! 

The above photo was the "response" she gave me when I asked her how 'real' she was so I assume that there are pads under this shirt!?

She was seemingly annoyed at being the "imposter" as I came across this next... And a girl in the video named Amber was winning.. this video I thought it was LIVE I came across it on the Day of Air (most important day for marriage) and because of this 'trick' I missed out on touching Amber.. I woke up really mad and in a bad situation while I totally slept in.

Wow, Amber is right about how beautiful she is but I would not say MORE beautiful as I hate competition.

Curious as to how she responded to the Sixteen Scented Celebration? She appears upset that I never went on our dream date and let Amber do what she did to me and almost became a raccoon just like she already warned me about!

So, here is my punishment:

My rectangle pillow could have been what?!?

(Need to tell in detail what happened.. will be back)

How she responded on the 8th while breathing very noticeable words saying "this is not really you..." as a cartoon of a guy who is obviously the 'drug addict' version of me on her video posted from November 1st Day of Darkness...

Above she used this to ask me not to relapse again...

Day of Wood (kids & my birthday!): pizza {personal joke lol that I am NOT explaining but the military would know?}
Day of Air (marriage): cringiest people...
Day of Water (pre-death funerals): makes sense!!

I feel like I am being forced to make a decision again here... Honestly, I understand why it would make her cringe.. makes me want to cry. Everything that she said so far was true.

On my Birthday or the Day of Wood Amber posted this:

Don't feel embarrassed... how could this not possibly be for me?

She came to me on my left side recently meaning she wants to see me again as the last time I remember a dream where I heard everything it was at Twitchcon when she was telling me all of the reasons she hated that job into my right ear but I only remember a part of the nightmare when she was on the toilet paranoid of a camera being inside of it from China (letting me know she was not with that guy)... it makes sense now why the street name was Palm where I slept since the Bee was never real but I don't really want to change my song that I made inspired by this recently as I love the idea that is 'Palm Bee' (of course).. 

Whenever a person's worst fears about a misunderstanding or something embarrassing echoes to where I am it is easy to counter it while the person seemingly comes to me for a moment wanting to die as the negative is applied to Pi (countered thrice for every one found)... this happens sometimes when a person confesses something or thinks about a memory that echoes.. this would mean the worst things that I have ever done are out there somewhere?

There is something about "elves" and legos linking to the child she has never seen yet again... it is possible we are married in the future? What brought us here is over a million years old and the only way to go on is children in new bodies while there might be something more about who we once were as Irish during our past lives?

There might be nothing more romantic than seeing Legos on the Day of Wood since I have wanted to play them with my wife and children someday like I did as a child... the only red hair found was in my beard so it is another greeting from humanity when my Mom bought me the Lego pirate ship as a kid with captain red beard. As seen in this artwork by my favorite goth artist growing up that has made music about what is going on with me because of following me as we are friends online, knew many of the same people, and he has done this for my mind using miraculous synchronicity. He says "Highland... Dry land!" in this as well being the place I happened to live where I had this gift for Christmas. In his music he has gone over orchids as well representing children like in an earlier album from the 80s called The Asylum. Recently, I have had friendly visits from what seems to be this man who may have heard both Amber's voice and mine in the 80s because of responding to us in the future? He let me know some things such as her catching onto what happened and not only believing it but becoming more like "one of us..." I have heard his voice while making music or sharing online something he would read tell me that our voices were much better than others coming from people that might be a bit more broken? This is the same artist that made the album 'Trapped in Amber' . .. if she were to purchase maybe a record on vinyl to mix with maybe a techno song she would probably get a unique copy of something like I have with a helpful coded message such as the one  found on 'the Tunnel' that descrambled to read 'KathZsTryLA' and it was seemingly helping us let go of someone loved we lost shown on the back cover I had and was told that others with the record shown a different work of art.

Here is an example of 'remote viewing' proof! This video shows gravity bending time as I participate in creating what is found on the other side of the pictures as proven by the random number generator which is such a great reality to be aware of for so many reasons but without someone's help it might be scary or hard to find them alone as a person might not counter what is negative or actually allow what is constantly trying to tip the star to actually work? That night be the best way to put it? When a woman is responding to me it is an incredible experience! I can actually feel her light or soul upon me with a hunger that makes me know I am wanted like I want another but she does it in a way that lets me know how she will actually prepare herself for what only I would know means me because she will instinctually respond to not only the timing of my thoughts but my memory as well proving that a person is constantly riding the brains of others more than they realize.

I have done this same thing as shown above with ancient stuff coming from a long time ago actually giving me what I asked for with my mind before I came across it but the videos I have kept unlisted from the bad possibilities out there like a murderer being scared of my teaching others how to be smarter?

I have been able to really understand what comes from history thanks to witnessing what seems to be women competing for my attention on the other side giving me a new understand of what everything is according to our subconscious minds?

A few days ago I felt like my life was absolutely ruined while watching Palm Bee as she responded to me in a way that was turning me down because of another guy out there after I had considered contacting other women to let them know about what they did to me like I have done for her... then about an hour in she admitted to be just making me upset on purpose to let me know how it feels when I go that direction on her side ever since I "made a certain song" she claims that she started to catch onto how she messed up from coming to conclusions too soon and that I was not lying about absolutely anything! My being here living the way that I do is a walking miracle that is difficult to believe but so is the fact that what brought us here is over a million years old and has not died yet! My ancestors not only worked but suffered and died to bring me this so it is my time to be thankful and make it worth it while I create what needs to be heaven somewhere as our afterlife brings us to when we lived responding to what we want to be eternity.

In my mind it's always FOR ME! She. Has shown me the difference between the chat and me... I have witnessed how my THOUGHTS are more important this her general location being Chatsworth reminds me has been true so I must not give up in meeting her!

Finding out that she is still single made me feel like the happiest person alive and was all the difference in the world like suddenly I was having the best day that I ever had and then she was telling my mind under her breath that she has made me a "promise" I was not misled and that my work or obedience would be worth it...

Fire... The passion... 1st

KNOW about never is two roses in that location?

Showing me her left ear as in my last dream where she was telling me all of the reasons it was actually a nightmare working for twitch into my right ear the night that she watched me dance at Twitchcon... This goes along with what I planned for what would become my fiance someday should everything go our way as a type of programming my music as it usually comes from the right ear first and then into the left ear but for the moments in the song that would represent "coming back" or "never leaving" it comes from the left ear and goes into the right as I know that our subconscious minds have followed this so I want to make it the best experience for releasing the most brain chemicals while heard!

The most clear picture is the 2nd one... looks the best and has represented obeying her.. or me perhaps? Trusting that obedience for each other will be worth it.

2nd is blacker so come back...

3rd has meant conflict... right now I feel like there is nothing that could come between us??? I am more inspired than ever to write more songs for her as our first kiss will be the most romantic moment for all humanity maybe in the minds of people who wonder about such things after watching maybe a documentary of my true life story as what she did to me should have been impossible to witness!

I get it now... this smile.. if it comes from the right speaker it is going to come back from the left.

I felt very touched by this and decided to 'obey'.

Okay... So, all I have to do is obey? How??? (She told me to unfollow all he other girls and act as if it cannot fail between us and she will not turn me down...)

I didn't ENOUGH because this happened:

This person was reported missing in Los Angeles recently so I looked her up and saw her responding to me in a very beautiful way and hopefully giving her some attention may help in finding her!? It is possible I will have a dream of her tonight as I spent hours looking through her stuff. I had an experience that was asking Amber permission to check her out so I did let things go the 'romantic direction' in my head as I might be able to be very helpful to those who without any clue as to how this sort of this could be useful? Made me realize that I need to do more to let Amber know what she has been doing to me and thankful that this girl kind of proved her real feelings maybe regarding monogamy as she reminded me she wanted it while I was looking through these photos... maybe the names of everything will help?

Beverly has meant "two lovers" because of an open relationship in Utah that is a goth couple and the reason that I used Deanna Troi over Beverly Crusher... Because of Amber and wanting monogamy.. or someone my little sister has not slept with?

(*Cough* Alicia & Muah = Beverly Hills inside joke at every intersection when the public gets to see what?)

Bonnie Rabbit?... I just want one.. they let Amber see this, right? If that girl makes it to me before her what do you think we will do? Let her know the truth.

Her last photo is kind of ominous how it shows two rectangles where the right foot enters the photo and the "just do it" Nike slogan is found in the spot of the man that would mean "going to wood regardless of the consequences..."

Somewhere a disgusting man wants to be the Spoon that is passed around the girls... the sick scent would be his (Sixteen Scented Celebration) get this loser away from me please? What is going to happen next? The locust are going to try to bug Mormons?

For the moment of going through these pictures.. of course it is accepted.. I am single and it could help to locate her?

I found the second one... The other one was the little girl from Interview with the Vampire movie?

(I wanted two women that I could test my superhero senses to locate their location...) the little girl from that movie volunteered to me in her dream? I guess that might make sense since she was a little girl on the TV. That would be messed up... Who is that actress again?

I am going to test my senses on these two people?

I have to obey Amber regarding how she wants me to do it ..

Right after I felt aroused from what I was witnessing I saw these words...

This is what the "rings" will look like for the pre-death funeral using cut fabric... This was taken on the Day of Water when I will be doing it..

The symbol she used in this is one that has been used by Amber meaning "saving oneself for another" 

Think we are attracted to one another enough?? Does she like my artist name??? It goes DOWN the stairs though?! I need kids so that goes up them... What does this mean?! Hopefully she is alive somewhere out there? 😭 

Wings she hasn't eaten because the next man that comes across this won't help disgusting people try to trick this girl by calling me crazy or dangerous?

Is that how you win a woman? Lies???

Should I ask Mythic who hired her?

That would be GREAT so long as you are alive!? Here?! Don't let anyone kidnap you??? Don't go to LAX??

(I try to "send" stuff like this!?)

Sherwood has meaning... it was the name of the street in Portland where I knew I could easily find Amber's residence if I actually tried by measuring the timing as the map would have shown me since the street names or that of the people kept trying to help her get what she wanted or let me know what was going on more like? Until I almost arrive and then it tries to change us both?? So I am no longer smoking or whatever... She is no longer on bird..?!

Sherwood should be able to work to find this missing person? What a scary direction though... Fall in love with a dead victim and witness as a psychic her being raped or worse?!

I soooOOOo want to right now!! (Pissing off Amber)

What IS she looking down at??? The reason that Chatsworth is supposed to wake me up to how much more important I am to Amber than those found in her chat? Yes... Definitely.. She has proven this already but for my mind only to witness and I was such a fool!

She deserves to know!

Sunflowers have represented "heaven" or "having children" because of Sunflower Drive found in Highland, Utah where my parents sang to us and they were both beautiful... made those million years or more of dying as previous people more worth it so another generation is SO MUCH MORE NEEDED THAN BEFORE because I will make sure that they are so much happier and cared for than we were!

A part of myself feeling "pity for who very well could be a dead girl" was worried that I was her afterlife as she was responding to me giving me this beautiful experience in her video she says "I hate you/her" because I was not allowed to go to her back in the dream world as maybe she did not really die or who knows? What would I feel if Amber was doing this for a missing man?!? Would it help in finding her? Being aroused and then touched from the romantic experience of coming across his ghost that wants her to find him??? Maybe he just went missing because she did this so they could be together?! I did give her an hour but I could not "finish" because Amber would not give me permission. I thought that if we became married maybe people would try to have us find missing people by doing what I was going to do... She was hurt and upset so making me rethink everything.. what am I supposed to do? Worried about such weird possibilities!? I want that girl not to be missing.. how do I create the best echo? What if she tried to "find me" in LA? 

This was representing to leave rolled up smokes seemingly? Day of Lava so that makes sense!

Day of Water (Pre-death funerals)

Is she trying to tell me that the Mormon Church or Mark have been pretending to be other people for my Dad?

This represented a girl on the other side with a Bee or buzz... Saving herself for me.. I made a song about this a few hours before coming across it. They always respond to what I did THAT DAY the most?

Made me remember Kent'on (asking X-ray vision on Amber when I first arrived in Portland...)

Yes, wonderful X-ray vision RIGHT HERE!!! She knows...

A heart is found on my birthday where my right foot enters the photo?!

Am I going to be able to make love or is an organ going to win at always timing one step ahead of me while trying to convince Amber that I was crazy?

All she has to do is SEND ME AWAY!

Let me know that she knows about me... Does not want me anymore..

I lived once... Pain in my chest is not okay.. thanks?

Wonderful to find out that I completely wasted my time trying to give Amber what she wanted... Was she able to know about anything or did a billionaire hide this blog post from her? 

(I might delete these pictures above? Amber is upset with me.. I just want to obey her..)



[Red representing fire is "saved for later" as it is found in the upper left or the air element...?]

[I asked for blue to show me what to do in the second photo starting in the bottom left and the water which has represented what I pray to and will keep on my altar wherever it is I am living is found behind her being a lovely place for someone with my artist name being Spoon...?]

[I ask for conflict to be shown in the 3rd picture using violet and it is mostly shown on the bottom left which would mean "problem with your leaving"... I ask for purple the most in the upper right if she wants something short term but it is barely there and only shown in her hAIR so may not count for much there..?]

[I look for a green in the 4th photo in the upper left if we are a good match but it is found with her friend so it is suggesting that I should leave maybe because it is showing me how they stink compared to vegan...?]

[The fifth picture is for wood or children and her response shown above would be "might be ready but not going to agree..."]

[The red found where it enters in the bottom right would be worry-free attraction so it is nice to find it go behind her like my artist name Spoon but it is not so good when it goes to the "it is never going to happen" side asking me to look at myself since there is a mirror there?]

[Orders in the bottom left for the second photo shows only hAIR pulled while water is blue but found where?]

[I ask for the conflict to be shown in the 3rd picture using purple or violet that is not found so maybe there is none...?]

[What do we a green on in the end? I see it where the mirror is found asking me perhaps to see myself grateful...?]

[I ask about children using the fifth picture that shows she may be ready in the end and a green it will work..?]

[Red is yet again found in the location for saving it for the air element meaning that the person is not going to be passionate without thinking of the consequences?]

[Blue is found in the bottom left being her chair that takes "me" behind her to be someone there in the end that is the upper left side or right mind?]

[The conflict is what spoons from behind has a green to leaf as shown above and the solution to be found in would be the rock over her right sh older that would a green to stay shingle...?]

[A green with two fingernails in the top right...?]


[Ready and leaves on the "it would never work out" side of the photo... back + a green?]

[For orders found in blue would it be to leaf the city while remaining shingle?]

[The conflict is that she is horny while the resolution shows that the rock representing what keeps her shingle is cut off? The symbol to our ancestors would have been used for trading virgins so it did represent something against premarital relations some...?]

[When I came across this what we a green on in the end as shown in the upper left for the right mind it was very hot and I was planning on heading towards the sunny desert so leaves by the sun would have brought me closer to her colder direction North...?]

[The red asked for in the first picture shows the passionate fire patiently being saved for later? Found on her chAIR?]

[I asked for Blue in the second picture for orders that show that I should picture changing the way that I came in as it is found in the bottom right besides where the chAIR leads me to be there in the end and the lightest blue or "righteous you" is found yet again behind her where I see myself in her mirror?]

[For the conflict found in the third picture would it be entering at the bottom right where my right foot would a green to leaves...?]

[The conflict found is my left foot enters the photo where a guitar would be found so I had better not use that?!]

Lavender like what is shown below I have associated with mourning and prayers for the dead...

Is that a rectangle she is wearing on her ear?

I was going to the death guild religiously during this..?

1st... Lower right tip of the star for fire..

2nd... Lower left tip of the star for water that teases and sends me away as a man that is a ring with a point to obey the ring at the crossing..

How would you change the way that I came in and leaf the taller buildings to become more bright or right as when I am found behind you?

3rd... the upper right tip of the star for cutting off everything from reaching the top.. the WINDow is not open for the air element?

The conflict here might be showing that for the white or right diamond there is a blue mug as if stealing would be the only way for me to get such an item TONIGHT? 

The resolution in the upper right might be leaving the light on that is found on the other side of the door as I would possibly be able to find one TONIGHT if I were to sell out my future to certain people or organizations due to where my discoveries lead me when it comes to the enormous opportunity they bring?

Why judge me so harshly in what I could come up with TONIGHT when I am not wasting my life away by doing things such as watching television or movies along with video games and other ways to ignore what would need to be done in order for me to get my fortune without having to sell out for other people?

4th... the upper left tip for accepting what may be found at the top of the star being her wood!

A green is found in the location that asks me to be grateful for getting anything back from her... where orange is found it may mean asking me to test leaving her in my mind completely to see what happens.. and well I have done this almost every day when I first found her which led to her seemingly coming to me while sleeping for waking me up to the reasons she may be worth opening up my door of possible roads to one that might lead to her as she was classified as "no way" at first because of what I feared to be an age difference creating a wall between us?

Check out that WARNING look she gives me for thinking about leaving to test things! While watching her stream on Twitch I would see her get mad if I thought of another woman and then smile when I put all of my focus on her again!

5th... the tip is preserved for the special someone who plants more seeds for the tree to go on..

It is found on the win side where it is most important along with such a beautiful smile and the most important colors being red and green?

Romantic how she always seems to put her lips where I want them to give her the best chance with my having the absolute best experience?

What endangers her wood or would?

What is the point or direction?

Hopefully to be at her back where I am able to smell her hAIR?


Monday November 18th

I asked for her to give me "green" where at bottom right and "yellow" at the top right with "blue and green" on the bottom left representing saving herself NOW to follow me so that I could give her the best experience I can by continuing her story that has happened so far from "obeying" her ghost or whatever it is that comes to me she is obviously somehow miraculously aware of she has proven to me is true continuously... the lastest "orders from her" have been to stop thinking that MAYBE she does not want me or that she will send me away leading to things such as planning what happens should she not want me just to make sure that I have SOMEONE?!

She gave me this:

The letter e is gone representing what I am working on that is giving people a letter 't' (cut of fabric) while they lose an 'e' (to change for a mate at Adam's "square" representing November 4th or the Day of the Rainbow & the start of the celebration)

For me? Ends = smoking (the way they have the straw hat on the table let me know?)

(Some guy clearing his throat JUST NOW seemingly participated in naming the girl on the right side??? He was doing it with certain timing that sounded like he was talking about what not to do for whoever named the other one??)

Ouch!!! This is an obvious threat to me that she WON'T save herself for me but I somehow know where it leads because of my recent activity... and how she could be upset with me..

This picture means "see yourself married right now..." Because of the mirror and umbrella.. I thought she was letting me know that she would sleep with the closest man to her (who was making timed responses "go away!" when on different days maybe the same one was letting me know he always lost to me?) so that I would not check out another again as a backup option should Amber send me away or not be good enough?

Wow, I am SO LUCKY!!! Because of the "rule" that I used to have about how a mirror could 'reverse' it? From right to left to left to right. (I will upload this photo later)

Wow!!! Hahahaha gave me everything when reversed!?!? So surprised.. I really did not see that when I went to bed.. asked for green in bottom right, yellow top right, and blue/green bottom left (representing not accepting any other man in her bed {I was worried about a woman too but it's not as bad})

Wow.. so I will keep doing my videos to ask for her to do colors in locations as I know they will doubt it.. as I don't know how it's possible but I did a good job coming up with theories?!? 

(Okay... Next time I will YET AGAIN get away from people as if they are telepathic and turn airplane mode on and with mobile data off while I make another video asking for it every time)

I believe this picture represents not being able to hide ugliness or lie... takes awhile to explain but it is from Twin Peaks and what natives have used firewalls for (detecting lies)..

It is connecting to a "male close by" that is not me BECAUSE of my following this other girl I will show below who has been someone that I recently followed containing PB in her name that I have been very attracted to as she has been countering times when I am down with "maybe I am your PB?"... so when I saw this I connected to her recent streams where she is cooking and a man there is timing everything for himself while she is letting it happen that is totally off and out of the ordinary while the guy is timing things to put me down as if that somehow helps?

If I win I want to do it by complementing every other man involved... I do not want to do things against another person to improve my odds or chances.. that is disgusting behavior coming from a nonhuman influence I do not want to help!

I am being sent thought (from her?) that it is over and she will accept another man and has lost interest in me completely and my moved on... so I immediately have a hunch regarding why she would be upset with me and this made me check another girl I recently added..

I can!cun (c = destination, u = hungering, n = loving)

Palm + What?! An ACTUAL person?!

May be one... Or zero? HrmmMMMm..!?

The first time I saw this girl I wondered how she could do what she was doing without being sick because she was cooking what I thought was gross... 

Sticking out the tongue means a "fork in the road" and so this is the threat I believe that prevented me from getting what I had asked for because of following her yesterday and checking her out while wondering if Amber was going to choose NO and send me away...

This brought me to watch an earlier stream where a 2nd stalker on Wednesdays is mentioned?! (Recently, I was wanting to do what she was synchronizing me to do which was start taking her to the club with m on Wednesdays as I know it is boring without me?)

{It truly is entertaining what constantly happens to me that is not exactly found anywhere else?}

While writing this section of the blog she starts to respond to my thoughts in a way that she will "keep what she has" letting me know that it was me because of the timing... rather than accept the 'other guy who is trying to block me or save her from the stalker?

In this other stream they are talking about Julie but in a way that sounds like Jilli?!? The men are asking me to go for Jilli because of wanting Amber...

Julie = Jilli?! (The the 1st time people magically had names that synchronized in a way to "help" whoever it is that I am checking out...) Hold on here? People's names responding to me coming across them must have been going on for MUCH longer than I know??? Is this because of what I came up with that will help their family still alive when it reaches them? What happens if I actually go back into my memory to think about all of the people I EVER met and what they were doing when I met them?

I guess I will start with Jenny McKenderick... My good friend that I slept in her bed without having sex for almost a year and I believed that the Dragonlance book was synchronized to help me forgive???

She was on the stairs at a party trying to suck her own boob (how could I forget that? Maybe she did that so I would not forget how?).. her name is Jenny. If the language of Adam is used that I came up with using the origins like hieroglyphs from the Wikipedia?

Jenny = this name means something like asking me if there is something wrong about my being aroused??? This is actually true!

J = measuring a person's worth
E = ¿
N = loving/eating/drinking
N = loved/ate/drank
Y = aligning (line between good and evil)

Wow!!! How is this possible?? My very first BEST friend as a child is named Jeff and he did not want to play with me while upset because my older brother told him he was too young and he went to play with his older brother. Jeff means what? Something like "you know what is wrong with him..." which I met when Today's Special came out showing Jeff as a mannequin on TV. A goth song about me proved to know about what I did as a child with my little sister to a cat food commercial. Enough to make a person wonder if we were bugged and watched my whole life but I definitely was not as I was very neglected and needed help.

Wow, I don't need a lie detector test to prove this one!!! I need help now. Please tell everyone?? People everywhere have been witnessing this as being true (even with street names!?) for quite some time...  I just barely caught onto it though!!!

I do not know what is going on with Amber... but the dog talking in my stream earlier was expressing emotions about not wanting a man between us seemingly?!

Very comical! See here:

Know what I sent Amber the last few days... Not exactly obeyed (drop everyone to know there was no chance of my being rejected by her as she asked from me)

On the same day that I made the "final" version of a song "Let Her Know" asking my largest echo to become a Bee until I reach her she posted this! I was thinking about Amber, of course... if she is not saving herself for me I deserve to know as I have done it for over almost a year now for her! NO, this girl has not been working with me and I have not lied about anything.

You know what this black woman is talking about? First client regarding divorce or marriage therapy... this is what the Sixteen Scented Celebration was designed for.. because it begins with Adam's square up on discovering it that is checking out yourself and a mate as well as a list while making one for the ideal mate. If she leaves someone we must use the extension of Halloween to make sure he finds someone better? This was what it was made for... not breaking people up as it is not used for that since the participants ON THOSE DAYS are only rekindling but there is the rest of the year any partner could look forward to when discovering a dream lover interfering with everything as it is very capable of hurting people. This was why I tied everything into the celebration the way that I did. So that it is safe to know what others do share because people need to share dreams to get all of the benefits.

The plans that I was making for that girl were honestly Godlike... to send the best echoes back to her people while they witnessed their language responding in a way that was asking for things proving where it worked or where there might be an issue? What I mean is sending the most positive echoes. I thought about getting a place in the mountains of Italy for the ancients to discover the magic behind the sky or the fallen star fragment making the compass at the islands too. It would be very honored for someone to participate in doing and is the logical solution to the wats going on for those related.

She has Italian and Greek, etc. Sorry I don't know what to say... convince her to play a video game and then be okay with what? Lying to get more money? The NAME of the place Chatsworth is to wake up someone special. We lived once and she has no children. I am not waiting until I get paid. How would I ever trust her in the future? How could he possibly rekindle it if she is married or taken? Maybe she would respond to him more somehow? My having the truth sure would help so that I am not longer sexually active with her in my sleep. Was it really worth lying? WoW!!

Owensmouth and Devonshire Streets? I guess hers would be down Devonshire over the other one since it leads to her green shorts... I am not going to be Owen for him and give him a kiss.. sorry?

Get it?

That way goes with me, am I right? How do I know?? Devin is my ex girlfriend's lover who is trans she told me he had both genitals to be mean possibly? Thus the o (sharing) before the n (loving).. he is also VERY skilled in computers and an ex! See how much easier it is for me to find her if I actually tried? She was supposed to call me while I was up there. What should I do? Has it been him whenever I was turned away online by "her"? How could she possibly turn me down when she has seen me in public? Her life was boring in comparison. What a story! Ouch. I was the one who hurt though. An entire year while I could die. I only loved so many people. Saved myself for who? Jim-in-knee crickets? He was named that so I was careful about trusting her. They have always been there on both sides of the gate. That did not matter though. She was wanting to go along with their "wicked" plan possibly coming from a married man's fears...?

Maybe she would be my first client?? I want to find a partner.. I tried to tell Amber but was accused of being crazy while she was coming to me at the same time I was hearing voices barely audible tell me she would never forgive herself.

I know that Amber wants me to unfollow her anyways as she has proven to be aware of everything going on or at least able to respond to it as if she did coming from her soul!? Really might prove that after we die every SECOND we lived really might matter more than we know? Especially when it comes to who is thinking about us or why?

Cooking then wow & chill stream

1:09:10 She reminded me of a pinball machine that I used to play that was a sexy robot and the realization that it was her because of how my ex girlfriends would push my button to activate me as a robot in the same location of her tattoo... with one of them I was kind of delusional and thought that she bought information from my ex-girlfriend how to program me for 20k.. this is actually found in their names?

Rr becomes nn?

She just let me know that there is someone she is ready to leave who is in love with her?


Apparently, when she says that she is single it is to get more views, etc. the game Warcraft if you listen to it "like a psycho" in her stream 'Only Fangz lets goooo' the game keeps making noises about concern for Amber that she would kill herself if I pulled off...  it keeps saying in response to my thoughts to save her because what she did for me was a big deal.. the sounds of the nature, etc. 

Right before she went online I was giving up because of finding out about another guy but she came online with the red on the bottom red and I have already explained what that means in this post earlier... she wants to stop living a lie.. I was never crazy and he knows.

She once told me that her brother was actually her husband... when I was kicked from her Facebook she had a fag.. Owensmouth? 


I should have known better.

Forkgirl introduced her man as Polymer?

This means when he is dumb enough to have another woman?

I would love to leave with her... as much as I want to run away with Amber.. the first night that I spent with this fabric it wrapped around my eyes I thought it was on her corpse which was good news since she was OLD. This is not a normal situation. Obviously, it would be wrong to encourage cheating but she is not an object and can leave at any time.

She has a serious decision to make... especially before I make REAL money making it easier for her to look like the most despicable person alive.. rekindle or move on.

There was a man that I connected with who felt dumb and he was wanting to die while he sent back to me that he was nothing to her compared to me when he was letting me know how confident he was to face everyone and could not win and I thought this man was a stranger she was ashamed of... 

Palm Springs, here I come?

After the videos that I post tonight I think it will shed a lot more light on the subject... definitely wrong to do this to me as I spent an entire YEAR praying and working for her.. the last thing that I would want is to become the air that has the rights to a married woman.

What happens if I leave the country? Every woman becomes a cunt try? Sharing gravity is wonderful. I am not into poly...

I would be happy to bring him along if he wants to go dancing... may not be here for much longer?  Does he want the fabric.i have been praying into? When it was selected she told me it was for me at the same time that she posted green rectangles on TikTok.

Hard to believe, right?

Not after tonight's videos...

SOMEONE please verify this possibility she is already taken even though she said she was single? It makes more sense why she came to me telling me she was Mrs Claws because she wanted me to grab her like a psycho and take her by force. Why else would there be a gay bar named Trunks where Palm meets Larrabee?

My sister grabbed my arms and clawed them once to let me know that Holy would as well... So... Was this why she was compared to Princess Bubblegum? Hair is not supposed to be sticky. No way would I want to justify kidnapping anywhere.

I did start a dream date with the girl coming out of the trunks... she made that picture the hottest for me to use for a reason.. it was never finished because Amber yet again messed it up as it was on the 8th. 

She put everything on the left side timing things so I would drive out to Northern LA. No call? How could she not have my number??

Did I just make someone want to hide? Well... if she is not married maybe this will kick "him" in the rear?

I guess it makes sense why the birds flew around Portland saying "Amber is a slut!" the week AFTER she came to meet me at The Coffin Club? She told me to go on Friday night as a ghost because she was pretending that she was too scared to go on Saturday? It might be easier just to admit to have made a mistake with me if she is not married... it really is not a as bad.. guess what? 

The birds ARE real! Or stay in the denial called 'Birds Aren't Real on Facebook' forever? Ha ha Harvey.. the people who made Batman are paranoid of you wanting to spy while they work? Robin might be more effective than whatever you have considered with how much money or power?

Palm Bee absolutely has to save herself for me or I am going to delete all of her stuff and simply move on... the part of her that thinks that I am a liar is probably dishonest.. why set myself up for her to use me?

Maybe I did it for the story? I thought that she would be a target good enough as it was a huge discovery and the documentary would make A LOT of money while I would not have to pay any actors!

Once I get my laptop back if she has not cut off everyone else from her bed I am just going to move on and make it about other women.

All of the streets responded to me and I hate Ash Street because of what it means being parallel to Ceder in San Diego. My attraction for her died there and was the reason Amberwood Drive was found only on the map. Yes, it was hot queuing up the 'wee weeee' thing for Ralph but sleeping with other people absolutely ruins everything.

If I drive to New York City I know that the same thing will happen over there while that time around I can take lie detector tests before I get there while people will witness the names of everyone respond to me THE WHOLE WAY!

Performing acoustic guitar live sounds like a good idea. I will find women MUCH more attractive (because of actually serious about what she is doing for me?).

Maybe I should just delete this blog and start a new one with all of the other women? If she is not looking into what is going on something is obviously wrong because the proof is found once we meet.

I wonder if this is happening to me because I am NOT a slut but everyone sharing gravity knows I have "put out" for someone not attractive so there is a chance because I do not lie or lead people on?

As far as the other characters in my story go thus far hopefully they wake up to how fake privacy actually is when gravity is bending time and there are pictures everywhere allowing just one person to use their memory enough to know everything in the future that was hidden in the past?

I have to live my life as if an audience is aware of everything because videos exist too and my music... 

Everyone might too embarrassed of themselves to accept this as real? I am capable of handling it easily. Maybe that is why everything responds for me? What is the most embarrassing thing that I have done compared to other people that I still run away from or do not know how to counter so that it is faced with the public? Using drugs was embarrassing but not as PRIVATE .

Is there anyone else who does not run away into the hills because they cannot handle every moment of their life becoming potentially famous? Just wish that I could get there with actual horses instead of this embarrassing CAR that runs off of what? If I switch to an electric car it becomes a ghost busting vacuum sucking up ghosts while I drive? That is where their subconscious minds take everything because of how our souls get captured in light linking to the bodies we once had somewhere that responded to eternity? I guess we don't want eternity anymore since that might mean what is found in the future when this place has changed completely into something else is already there? Actually that might be a very good thing. A planet like Jupiter could be the absolute best afterlife we could possibly imagine? Is that what dreams are made of? Scary direction.

Please let her know that she will never have to worry about "stalker 2" again? If she would rather have someone wasting his time on a computer playing video games that is up to her!

I have not been treated with enough respect to keep this blog post up? They can go hide under a rock because of being too scared of becoming famous. Nothing else in this time period is more interesting to everyone in the future?

She says that she is single but it is a lie.

When I get my laptop I am considering deleting everything Palm Bee. She is still coming to me in her sleep though and Chatsworth nothing to her compared to me. Or money or power?

Am be r

A.m. be heading

To the treasure chest or the sun?

I do not want a lazy girl wanting to inherit everything as much as an excited girl wanting to work her way from the bottom because of being proud of what she can accomplish with her hands and mind.

What will it be?

This is his story and you are a part of it while this was when he was "poor" compared to what is coming.

Changes are happening once this laptop arrives.

Her stream called 'Hardcore EZ rogue'... that was comical listening to some guy in her stream call out "no!" as she put the red in the bottom left seemingly for me again.. queuing everything to give me "commands" from the other side of captured light so that I would obey.

Made some joke while I was writing this that I had to drink milk? After telling me to "dance sexy" but she was being shy and saying "get off, I hate you.." too.. she helped me at the store by letting me know what was going on around me and several other miraculous WOW things during her stream, yet again  Rarely do I actually watch her stream when it is live though. I usually am busy and do not have the time. I need to make sure that I am doing very well in the next couple years for the rest of the 20s as I will need money for commercials, etc. Launching new business.

Since this girl shows red on the bottom right I was worried that if I clicked on her Amber would sleep with another (like the guy representing red as the theme of today) . .. so did I error for choosing to wait for her until Wednesday?

Friday November 22nd 7:40 pm I asked for her to put pink, yellow, blue, and green on the bottom right and not anywhere else that would represent accepting my orders to get everyone else off of her NOW or I would stop thinking about her... 

After I made this video I checked her content to find that she did what I asked perfectly in the next video that I came across because she had everything coming from the bottom right of the screen... but I told her that was not good enough because of the time stamp it had to be after she made the post so that I don't have to spend money on a lie detector test to prove that I did not know she had already done that for me?

This is the "official" answer or second one technically as she may not be aware that when she does something for me it might be the wrong time period?

After I asked for this I started to trip about what it "meant" not having the colors found anywhere else as that might mean just having one night with her NOW and never again OR ELSE nothing?

Not sure what this is supposed to mean? 

She changed her shirt that "gets everyone else off" which would technically go along with what I asked and she is pointing with her left finger which means "accepting your direction" but it looks like only the chat is found giving the colors on the bottom right and they are still found more on the bottom left that would be using my left foot... so how would this be close enough?

Right after I made the request I did get it and she gave a firewalk looking thing in a picture that means "lie detector" because of how they could be used for that . .. honestly wearing that shirt showing no cleavage shows that she may have tried to 'accept my direction'?


I made a weird request that was kind of the same but definitely not as usual since she did NOT respond to draw me to her with her latest post.

I'm so and so date:

I asked for pink in the top right and then cancelled that since it was too hypocritical since that would be the area that I previously mentioned is "never give up" so that felt kind of bad since I am removing all of her photos and videos from my computer and phone on Wednesday because I heard someone refer to me as "stalker #2" but of course I did it in the most sweet way as possible praying into the fabric that I cut for her?

The borderline schizophrenic attack lets me know that she actually does believe me??? So, this is not something I want to figure out or force onto someone else. I let her know that if she was not in contact with me by Wednesday I would be revamped absolutely everything to be changed around.

I thought that I would enjoy seeing her reach "the top" of the Tweeting 20s but she has not believed in me which means she probably does not believe in herself either? Truly sad to think that someone would think I am lying about this stuff but of course I have to understand since I know I would have never accepted it as real before! I would have demanded that there was some kind of magic tricks! That person was actually running though from reality.

Looked like this bee guy changed location so the pink was technically found but she was capable of responding to my plan... I really did a lot to make sure she could not cheat in any way to get the colors or whatever from me when I chose them as I not only turned off the data but also had airplane mode on but maybe that does not even matter with these new phones?

Should have known that I would not accept this as good enough when it is supposed to be "wow enough" that I am only interested in one person romantically.

Like the song that I wrote says, "she knows how to keep off the others..." 

So, I changed the colors.. made it simple green/blue in bottom right the most.. for the first time she totally did not do it!!?!

green + blue on the bottom right

It seems impossible that such a thing could be possible like my witnessing all of this and then even coming up with these demonstrations to prove that it is real to the best of my ability... Very simply to understand. 

If I come across Amber's photos I could record myself with a video camera asking her ghost to give me so-and-so here for blah blah blah (for her request since I was OBEYING her from my perspective which is not something that I would want to tell others as she seems in the spirit of ganging up against me with others maybe? Instead of spending enough time to catch into reality? Not sure how long it would have taken me?? )

Confused as to how it was possible that Mark seemingly told me that she was a famous singer in the future and that he was a fan (allowing me to have that "episode" I guess?). This happened on Jo Street. Not really meaningful other than my aunt who live close to that location is named Mary Jo.

Pink on the bottom left instead of the top right is better because like when she gave me red there instead it means that I do not have to wait as long...

The way she moves the camera most stuff comes from the bottom right but it appears that nothing was done to put it there like usual so it feels like it was punishment for my letting her know I wouldn't want her if she was "easy" and I started to let her go by looking into others...

She obviously lost interest compared to before... I guess I will be "coming out of the shadows" without her.. not going to be negative or complain or at least I will try not to but that was a LOT of love that could have been mine that I never had or showers I could have taken or an actual nice expensive bed I could sleep on (wow my bed is actually very comfortable... Last night I thought Jim Carrey came to me letting me know that it is in his name that a car ain't so bad)
 All she had to do is say "get a place here somewhere so we can go out of a. Date please" if that was an issue..  {Jim's name? Car (second r means heading found and then the e and y ask what is the problem?}

While browsing potentially single hot stars since I might pick one of them instead... I came across Kaley Cuoco from the sitcom show 'Big Bang Theory'

The name Kaley using the language of Adam would mean something like, "handing caring working ¿ aligning" or maybe one of the many definitions would be asking what would be wrong with her participating in the Sixteen Scented Celebration? For many people it may begin from accepting a cut of fabric as a gift or selecting one that might later become something to be wrapped around the hands of a couple for something like an ancient wedding ceremony that would be saved for what might be a pre-death funeral later?

K = handing 
a = caring/empathy 
L = rejecting/working 
e = ¿ 
y = line between good/evil

The family name Cuoco would mean taking a path for what is hungered and shared when it is found!

C = following/travelling 
I = hungering
O = sharing
2nd C = followed/arrived
2nd O = shared

See below how Kaley looks at herself from one photo into the other where the letters 'tive' are found where she would send for another's fire element or passion if one were to measure her obediently for wrapping her like a mummy.

T = gifting or checking the time if it's not ready?
I = balancing
V = flocking 
E = ¿

You know what I have said about red found on the bottom right when using the dream dating rules? Outside of dating websites why would I go there? If I do with this particular actress than I will witness her genius that is far above the dumb character she played for others on the show about smarter people. She would be able to be noticed in a way that was always previously ignored so it may be like a form of expression of art to get what might be the most response from the male audience as there may always be a need for more people's interest? No matter how someone important and famous responded to the observer would there be any meaning where she said that it had meant nothing? Of course, it is all relative and completely disrespectful to suggest that someone is actually doing something else by pulling all these numbers and figures out of a hat but by doing so the readers and witnesses of this blog will have a bunch of chemicals released in the brain naturally from witnessing what is supposed to be impossible and waking up to a reality found outside of the blog in their own lives that is more exciting than any story told since more of the brain is at work here than what would be used with regular communication.

Above me this young gal is checking herself out it would seem as if the other side of the camera being what is seen by the observer is like a mirror for our subconscious mind?

What is constantly proven by the way that I measure the timing of my thoughts in relation to my surroundings is that it responds to my memory so it is important to know that recently I made a Facebook post about how well a Kate Bush song goes along with what is going on in a way that makes it so much more motivating to show another person like Palm Bee who participated in naming what came from the past without noticing it due to gravity bending time and her being important like a celebrity and someone that was targeted by me to become the top of the Tweeting 20s as the first person to do several things with me?

With impossibly accurate timing the discovery of names coming from people or places and even things have been responding to what has been going on with us in a way that is trying to help me save everyone that I measure since I came up with an effective way to communicate with our subconscious mind that connects to others outside of regular time.

Thanks to the fact that this does not stop happening to me it is extremely easy to prove that it is real using several scientific methods for demonstrating what was previously believed to be impossible to witness.

Right now in order to read this you are using a Stargate, otherwise known as a Portal to the Abyss,  television screen, computer monitor, or phone?

As we approach the speed of light time slows down so this means that the people who have souls trapped in the photos and videos are actually able to see what is found on the other side such as your face as you read this enough to respond for what might be the most important observer that becomes most noticable while they are with their present moment.

IF I was using my dream dating rules this young lady confessed to have attraction for me that may be so strong that she has to stop herself before breaking any rules as this has been what it means to find red in the bottom right of the first photo found in a stack.

The second photo that I use to ask their subconscious minds for orders starting in the bottom left using blue to represent me since it rhymes with "you" shows her red high heels that currently have a special meaning because of my recent Facebook post about them and the list of "to do" things I currently have to do such as create music videos for waking up Palm Bee that include Hounds of Love and the Red Shoes by Kate Bush as well as Laguna Beach by the Legendary Pink Dots.

The right foot enters at a green... chair,,

Somewhere in a song she mentions taking her shoes off and throwing them into the lake... to me while remembering these lyrics while witnessing miracles with special timing it represented Lake Balboa I found on a map recently in San Diego and my fear of Amber's "slutty Italian side" as I have been paranoid that she was a type of call girl who might get paid to go out on dates for money with who might be a celebrity or famous? Whatever the scariest worst fear that I could conjure while surrounded by what might be sounds of everything not human always challenging my mind to come up with an even darker one..

When Amber wakes up to find herself on top of the world by going through a similar experience as what is shared in this blog she might realize that she is truly insane as well in a way that is actually pulling in the minds of the sane?

Would the Greek blood running though her veins be found at the soles of her feet or below what might be a red pair of high heels she might be wearing the shape of Italy and if she is an angel would those be her wings extending behind her on the globe where her head might be Ireland surrounded by England and Scotland?

I brought this up somewhere else before... about what Spain would represent if there was yellow found in front of her chest?

92NY = heading to lifting/loving/eating/drinking... so what is the problem with that?

9 = heading
2 = to
N = Egyptian hieroglyphs show origins of a lifting snake that represents eating food or loving a person among other things...
Y = Line between good and evil is supposed to be found here for aligning..

Right before coming across this photo the voice of this actress told me that she was getting married as I looked her up and that she was not exactly the girl who saved herself for marriage... so this meant making some changes such as doing what I was hoping the music video I am making would inspire such as throwing those dumb shoes into the lake Balboa!

Why Balboa? Rocky have anything to do with this? Yes! Palm Bee was on a dating show made by a girl she is living with by the name of "cute boss" and they were asking the audience who the real king was? While this was happening I drove by Sylvester Stallone on a billboard sitting on a throne so Amber seemingly used this fear of mine to control me by timing what she did so that I would have a certain response. Rock is like stone which is the element used for rejection until the work is done but the letter "y" asks us to find a line between good and evil for directing the way so what if someone decides to align what is simply going to be able to get what is found in the air most wanted before the work is done? Thankfully the name Sylvester begins with a letter "s" that measures for a dead sea scroll before finding the "y" that is yet again the line between good and evil!

The conflict shows the very top of the shoe representing "devil foot ready" pointing at her wrist that would be representing marriage so the resolution in the third picture I ask for would be found by what was heard and left? The use the left ear to represent never leaving because it is the way that I program my music as the deep stare extreme stereo usually goes from right speaker to the left with a small delay creating such a beautiful surround sound effect but when certain moments happen the reversal occurs. Basically this means that whenever there is part of the song about someone returning or something like that, it will come from the left side instead. This way of programming will make it easier for me to release more natural chemicals in their brain.

The forth picture where I ask for what we a green on in the end shows entering the right bottom foot at a green chair where the devil foot ready high heels points at the communication mark typically found at the bottom of the neck and like a joke what is a green on in the end would be the slut is dead!?

I like seeing the palm trees cut off in the top left which is where the end would be found... starting to remind me of Las Palmas Street where I recently tried to wake up Palm Bee to what she did to me and how I was never crazy or lied about anything like what she was misled to believe too soon as if everything that I share was hidden from their view or she had not the time to catch up to the truth regarding what she did to me! 

Location of the light = "you heard right"
(News says they are in love, etc.)

1st for fire/passion asking for red to show that is found in the spot for 

Not exactly the dumb blonde bimbo you expected to see like the character found in her show but here is another stack of photos to prove they actually are smart enough to respond to my memory using the captured light between us to connect outside of regular time...

2nd for Water/orders

Till death...

[People might see dumb thoughts? What is found East of you? Garbage? I need to go to bed.. figure I out later.. goodnight!]

3rd for stone/conflict

Yellow chest (what if he cheats?)

4th for air

A green to remember the necks time...

5th for wood

A.M. = Sun! (Rams) 

It is going to hurt? Childbirth!

What is sick for the 6th? Glasses in pocket are for checking on another later... "kNOw how" side or upper right would be "right point" 666 represents air (top left) stone (top right) water (bottom left) for putting out the fire (bottom right)... so the bottom right might show "what is sick" being not trusting someone or feeling the need to check maybe? Resolution would be found in the 6s so the top right the "right point" because it rhymes with bright would mean 'knowing for sure' regarding whether or not one left SH older?

{This is all math and science coming from logic and our subconscious mind as well as countless generations of the same traditions bred into our habits}

7th for what is the point?

Hold back hair (air represents marriage) that sees a green over left SH older

Remember (3) metal necks "remember met all next"

Work to give (ring from right hand)
Work and life to accept (rings from left hand)

Great/grey blue/you jeans (genes) {because of the middle ring since jeans are common so... look for something that connects to genes before jumping to that con}

[Her hubby comes across the same pictures... amazing seeing our subconscious minds at work!]


9th temptation

3 = remember & metal = met all & the location is where stone is found to cut off someone from the air or the largest echo coming from the future as every person needs the right to send another away... this was what the "line-up" was for that our ancestors would have used at the end of school during the stone age that ensures the woman the right to stay single for becoming the next oracle if she chose or medicine person or who might deal with healing people or funerals, etc?

Making choices with control of your own fate was what was used to earn the shield of protection put onto the house that would mean "My family or tribe will be there to defend you if you needed help..." it was important for every slave to choose their fate and future since we were always sending for something that was not human. Nobody wants their future decided by insects or bacteria. Often there were three tents or teepees for doing this to better protect a person's privacy when these choices were made. When a man died it may have been an opportunity for one of the slaves to fake her death in order to bring the news to the most distant tribe so that others would not claim her as property.

This person connects to more minds who thinks about her than the average person... where someone may be seen as guilty for the way they dream or think it is not fair so please have understanding and wake the person up to what might be praying to a red robe like I did to get them all off of me somehow?

When I came across this I was following what seemed to be testing her partner in some way but too tired to remember, I'll be back tomorrow.. update this

Thumbnail shows a bright light behind him? Spooning from behind? Kidding... Wearing red and green? Capable of having twins? 😱 

Pointing at a banAna (she does this.. asking me not to accept another woman like my ex Anna for the place to stay by using my good looks for special benefits... so, I am toughing it out like a good loyal partner and putting my money into investments that should be well worth it eventually giving me returns!)

It would appear that some things have been said to "test" her partner to see how he responds by thinking she may be disloyal somewhere as it is a serious thing to make such a vow to someone and for someone who may be busy at work or away as it is not good to live with a lie especially when it is coming from who is supposed to be the most trustworthy person? There have been relationships that were "open" that may have worked because they were honest but when a person is linked to more than one through what some may know as a chakra in the chest it may be more safe or helpful to have ONE echo to get advice from rather than multiple as every lover would disagree somewhere potentially endangering the person loving more than one? Waking up to what I witness will allow such an individual to actually see how they hurt someone who may have been pretending to be okay with another. If you find that you are wanting to be with more than one person maybe you should move to a different location as it may matter who lived there previously or will move in when you are gone? It is important to remember WHERE it was where more than one parter was wanted because there was most likely bacteria found East of your location or may have been found where you were previously programed making you one sick robot built to send for something that does not care about how you feel compared to the need to go forth and multiply on the flesh of your rotting skin.

Last night on my way to go dancing wondering if it should be the night I actually go on "the prowl" for the first time since how long??? Twenty years? I know how to find someone to "score" with immediately almost always  pretty much but the main reason is that I have not wanted to explain why I have to leave or be embarrassed because of wasting time with someone I am not actually in love with but it could make for a wonderful relationship both benefit from being a stepping stone especially if the person will always be helpful after you parted ways. I guess the main reason is that the person might embarrass herself from what she might do to convince me to stay? Emotional outbursts or things never wanting to admit happened or was real was too possible. I hope to do a lot more to fix our society or what people expect or want by having more fans in the future.

On my way while wondering if I should actually do it and let go of Amber but I turned on twitch and saw that she gave me blue and green as I entered which represents the bottom right when I asked for it on the other side of whatever? The rest of her stream or at least while I was watching was not all blue and green like it was when I entered? I have not seen it so you tell me? 

This is supposed to mean that she will not be sexually active with someone she is living with (or a man at least? She added an n to a stream when a girl visited to seemingly ease my worries as if there has only been females for me to worry about?).. as a way of thanking someone or out of convenience like a "slut" so please let me know if she is not actually doing this for me! Or at least the green is lighter where the left foot is found meaning what? Absolutely nothing maybe but no person would accept that when capable of witnessing what happens whenever I come across other people even when found on the other side of photos and videos or whatever  especially since I started to make music but it noticeably began when I learned how to do the deed to satisfy a woman most men never do because of never being trained or expected to daily by someone who was not only honest but very upset  for a couple days should I fail?

Sad to know how a person would doubt how perfectly this happened to me this entire time like how everything was green and blue right as I entered her stream on my way to snag a good parking space at the dance club while driving... I have been showing examples using a random number generator to prove that it is real using science as there would be no way to memorize it first.. maybe it actually helps that the very first video that I sent to her shows how it did not actually work and give me what I had asked for but there was a good reason she would not give purple where the sun was found in that random picture as it would have meant to get off of it so she won't and this connected to compromising lifestyle and diet for our boys we would inevitably have as the vegan option is too much.

Added a bunch of segments in the middle... still plenty of evidence to add still that proves this was real to the best of my ability but the chances of this being merely coincidence are extremely slim once this is done science shows us especially since it is easy to prove as it is always happening to people everywhere and it is not what I am doing to them as I am the one who is responding to what was already there but so miraculous to witness how they will actually align to me in the past to make sure they have the best chances for possessing my imagination or programming my brain.. if you are jealous as if I somehow have more you should know that it might be just as negative for me as another person but in a  different way than who might be ugly or whatever seriously that is messed up to think that your face is going to hold you back from being able to experience this same sort of phenomenon positively as every person should be able to get into bodybuilding where he or she may sculpt their body like an artist to pure perfection compared to me and others without all that much effort thanks to weights and routine without making a decision first as that is the only thing stopping anyone so you should know that I have a deformed ribcage that pokes out of my chest more than others from looking down too much playing Legos or drawing with a developing body as a child so when a female sees it even on the other side of the Stargate or Portal to the Abyss I witness her not only startled but grossed out! I lost a lot of muscle in my chest since I started a career with computers but luckily they had a gym and now people such as Palm Bee will synchronize a message for me that leads to doing something more like pointing at a man's genitals at the gym so I try and keep my muscles sore at all times. Keep in mind how important it is as a parent to use a ruler on your children because of the body developing it is not good to allow them to do something like watch the television while looking down or up among other activities like I had while looking down too much. I was warned by women responding how I ignited a new way for men to please themselves by trying to meet someone through twitch from measuring thoughts while looking for a future echo or whatever and was guided to how it was annoying because they would not be nearly as likely to accept no or notice when being sent away. Being a man with makeup on a lot of the time and also aware of the perspective their subconscious mind has I certainly am going to stand out in the crowd! I do not do things like whip out my man junk like no one is there or as if it is welcomed unless she was guiding my mind there and asking for it but only a couple people would have been able to actually see my naked activity or whatever. That direction really could eventually lead to all of them agreeing that you are not welcomed as they want to be picked and focused on while very capable of getting jealous of another streamer of the same sex. I have witnessed women seemingly get upset to the point of crying for reasons she may have not been consciously aware of or maybe they just noticed being very annoyed when I would join the channel as I may have given another girl more attention in the way that she wanted or demanded. Have you ever thought a girl was cute but felt like treating her bad or just one of the guys of a certain type who was checking out your channel? There is always a lot more going on in our minds than we know while a lot of the time we may be putting more effort into responding a certain way to program the minds of the observer rather than actually perform well in the game or whatever shared.

I need to cut out more pictures, etc. there is SO mUcH MORE that happened in this story it is absolutely amazing I have not had the time to add!

Last night at midnight I made a video of myself asking for black and white... I will upload these later when I am able to prove the timestamp but right now I just switched to a Mac and it does not seem to show it to me so there must be a way? I am maybe missing some drivers still for the phone? I will figure it out. I guess I could use the camera built in it or something? I have decided to just keep this color thing going!!!

While working on this blog this morning I felt butterflies in my stomach and some very strong feelings because of catching onto several things that I did not notice before such as the Home Depot connection at Palm Springs while working on this blog and yesterday when I came across the word "bliss" it came across as very naughty and surprised me how in a picture it was kind in a negative way seemingly? I will try and find where it was used. Replacing the letter 'e' with 'i' is like asking what is the food. The word bless gives me a lot of hope that she is doing something really nice for me!? I see the face of an angel! A REAL angel? Something from whole foods is a good sign!

Not mostly black and white as I had asked for though! It makes sense if she is trying to tell me that she is not ready to white black err write back! I am lucky that she a green to the brown err frown if it means getting off bird so that I can finally take her on a date! The letters on the bottom right would read "a (c = choosing destination) he in"

Wow!!! I find this very funny because when I picked black and white I noticed what she was wearing and thought for a moment to myself that I chose something too easy so seeing glowing eyes is like asking me to pick something harder since that was the most difficult thing that I had asked for and actually got from someone this far! It was back when I found Forkgirl I woke up realizing that she had already came to me before I saw her pictures back in my ex girlfriend's bed being one of the girls that inspired me to pray to the red robe in order to get them off of me so that I would be true to my new girlfriend. While this was happening she posted herself with a cat burger sandwich shirt and then shown herself crawling into a tunnel which was the name of the album that came about about us during that time! Seeing the green and blue in the bottom right is like asking me to get off of the other girls since that was what it meant before.

Her necklace being brown is reminding me to make another video picking more random stuff for her to do... 'necks brown err round' 

I feel like the orchid in the bottom left that looks somehow black and white this time around is shown here to pull me off of the other girl maybe because of what happened earlier today that followed the theme of the fact I would be excited for her body changes made from having children... I came across this picture earlier found from Kyootbot that I felt like was making a joke with me that only I could understand because of what went on this morning I am a bit too embarrassed to share? It has to do with Amber's big Mother butt in the future because I thought that she asked me if I would leave her if she gained weight during a phase and having her voice in my head asking this was extremely arousing almost more than anything so far? The red eyes are in the part of the photo that would mean "it will never work out" because of being the first photo and she is giving me a knowing look as if her butt might get bigger which honestly does not bother me. I don't think it would happen because of how I would be encouraging her to dance and do something like snowboarding and skiing probably until she died as an old healthy woman?

Ready to write on a wall do? (Where's Waldo?)

Leaving is a problem as the purple in the bottom left foot shows as she points to a green to take a stand as the stage has yell ow you can see above and her finger points as if to say "eye left..." which goes along with what the red eyes found in the first photo mean and what one of the biggest weird trips that I have had regarding the people found with them I have previously come across usually means that she will come to me the next time that I go to sleep or something like that similar to the glowing eyes?

Glad to see that we a green on the yellow found on the stage as it indicates maybe she will not let herself go since it seems unlikely we will not become famous from this story being real without any lies told from my end or magic tricks and secrets.

Heard right a green to nail? Recently, I started to think about other people so I feel like I am being asked to choose her over the other girls as the colors that I ask for are magically found with a woman who would be into me somewhere else if I gave up and moved on.

Cannot help but notice the yellow in front of her chest here...

This is seemingly responding to a voice I should keep a secret of someone saying that he liked her or wanted her and I heard him ask in his head..

Giving us a too close cross-eyed look...

Entering the photo at a grown or brown while the glasses might mean "I will check up on you..." but does that count as black and white in the lower left?

Got to love how the bottom right of Amber's photo above this one is orange and pink where she was doing the "too close" look but it is motivating and good to know that what?!:

Orange you grape at heating up bone in the morning for drinking it like broth? The pink is found on the "don't give up" bottom left of the photo that reaches the top left where the air element is usually located...

I have not yet had a dream date with this girl but almost did on the most important day being the Day of Air or November 8th because I realized as morning came that it was not longer the 7th but it did begin as I got quite a rush and high from going through her stuff measuring her results and this was the cause of missing out on getting some help from the trunk or Owen's mouth who is my goth friend that is a DJ I knew from goth days in the 90s when I had a fake ID!

I thought that without actual plans to meet anyone it would be a bad idea to do this on this day this particular year as I did not want to mess up anything.

The very special day I am able to check for the rest of my life so it is very fun coming across people and seeing how they responded as I have hopes it will lead to my getting paid to maybe be like a priest or something like that for an ancient wedding or pre-death funeral?

I would love to pick a cut of fabric for Lia since I do not have one yet as the choice is kind of important... 

It is seriously hot what she has done especially with my mind from what I witnessed and I decided to start regularly picking colors in locations like this so the video proof will be uploaded typically within a week after I share the results...

Okay, seriously... I am making some music videos for what has gone on a couple days ago that is so ridiculously interesting regarding how names were found!!! 

I do not have much time outside of work so have not checked anyone's channels or profiles really for any colors that I am picking but I know that women everywhere might follow whatever it is that I pick in the location that I ask for the most or whatever?

This was shared 4 days ago just before I had asked for the black and white in my video so I could have cheated but you will see proof found either in person by spending time with me as it is always happening to us seemingly and interesting to point out once a person gets used to it or check back in this post when you are an old person when I finally bought the lie detector tests... kidding.. I will try to pay for just one question when I am finished with this blog post. What is weird about this girl is that she posted a black heart which is a hot coincidence because I never got to finish my first dream date with her so it is like asking for me to comeback maybe?

It looks like the missing girl Hannah Kobayashi was found in Mexico recently so she was not kidnapped or killed! What is kind of intriguing is that I sware that I remember her watching me sleep on morning which does not surprise me because of where they said she spent her time on the map and it was in my location while since she did not live here she likely could have ran into me somewhere? It was when I spent some nights no homes were found and only art studios that had people walking by sometimes... 

Last night PBJ seemingly responded that Amber wanted to contact her to let her know that I was crazy to cut her off... My plan with my extension of Halloween was to hook up everyone and make sure that the rejected have help finding another. If she feels the need to make sure that I am a loser and prove to the world that a lie is more true than what really happened it would indicate those insects have more influence over her than I had originally thought. That scares me. Insect behavior is not my type. I am not here to compete with other men to win and puff out my chest. I want to win from complementing them. That is not supposed to lead to an orgy or an open relationship or someone who will not let go of what came from the Maypole childhood same sex exploration. Please grow up and realize you were a Lost Child like a Lost Boy from the movie living in Los Angeles where the letter 't' is a gift that becomes an 'h' once it is accepted as a letter 'e' would be removed from making a decision or change of diet to become an angel. It would help the bugs. If she does not THINK about this where she is located and you do not tell her she might be seen as taken advantage of by other men who read this first. Using subtraction is not the way to win someone and may be evil to do as patience or choosing time somewhere else easily replaces what might be murder or something sick and she would find out that I am not lying about anything once she met me because she would witness the proof constantly happening to me.

Last night one of Amber's roommates was seemingly saying that she was a slut... please let me know if she DID this like sleep with someone she loves with so that I never go back there in my mind again.. thanks! I would still love to go dancing with her or something like that! She would really fit in if she goes that way... but I am not like that and only "goth" because of having to use a hashtag to link me to the club that would most likely want my music the most. Goth? What the hell is that? I like to surround myself with soft cuddly things like velvet and silk but in a way that is manly. I am very capable of growing muscles FAST! My Father was a body builder so I would not even need a personal trainer but of course it would help somewhere. I do not like the way that it changes the way that it feels when I lay down and want to make sure that I would remain "soft" to the touch of that makes sense? I guess it is impossible and just to let that go. I would rather have strength and follow Caramon's way. It would only take a couple months for serious results. I already know way more than most people and even more than a personal trainer probably in many ways? He would probably be frustrated from wanting to have something to offer since he was paid for something.

I am NOT attracted to the version of Amber that is "open" but without being "open-minded" I fear that sadly she was tricked into thinking that I would because of my extreme appearance that obviously spends a lot more time perfecting what is seen in a mirror than other people... I am only aroused by her when she changes for me and becomes Palm Bee if that makes any sense? One girl was deceptive, selfish, dishonest, misleading, abusive, afraid, etc. I do not even get an erection for the person she used to be if it means accepting another person into our bed or hers. She was changing for me and that was where I found Amberwood Drive but you what? That street I saw on google map was never built and when she moved away so I could drive out there to take pictures for music videos because of what she allowed jealous men to do to me from my obeying her I found that Amberglen Park Way was there instead so go ahead and STAY A SLUT if that is what she is? I would have never wanted her if I knew that was true. I feel so dumb for liking her but she did a perfect job in timing everything for me over everyone else in a way that made me believe. A chicken sandwich combo and World of Weight might be what she is really after? Does she need to make a choice or do I just need to find out who she really was? The clothing threw me off because I thought she was goth but maybe to her that just meant being a slut? It makes sense to me now why the birds were upset the week after she came to the club to see me calling her a slut. There was more than other people that were waiting for that girl to wake up. What she did would have been the most romantic story ever told. It was absolutely ruined though. Not by her job but by her laziness. She said that she would change for me but it was a lie. She could be earning some serious money with me RIGHT NOW helping famous couples rekindle their relationship using the celebration that I came up with or whatever? They totally hooked us up! Putting tentacles in comiccon to represent a line up and everything is hot! Octavius King was brilliant and if the King of England is single or whatever that would be nice to grant her wish from a night with him or whatever if that was what it was? As long as it is not dishonest I do not think anyone would care. That might go the other direction though if I am not careful. They are free to do what they want. I am not going to be the angel that takes away their freedom and forces them all to stick to their vows using the real Christ or whatever. Just be honest so that nobody is wasting time or being deceived.

I feel so dumb for thinking that she was staying SHingle for me. That was not supposed to mean pretending to love other men until I came or my accepting less for myself and children for other men and women who are not doing the work for my family like I have done that is more important for providing the most reliable hecho. Getting it from several lovers will only lead a person to a mistake because of their disagreements. How will he or she know what thoughts or echo to trust? Just ONE wife that is over 137 years old is the weirdest aim. Enough of those addicts! They are disgusting to me. Maybe the same thing happens to a girl if she stops master bating or whatever? She becomes smarter and more emotional. Just once a month could last three years with enough will power! Yes, it would make the rest of your body more sensitive. Changes the nervous system to make a person more like a God or Goddess or royal person it would have been known as historically as the crown would be built the most as tantric magic practices taught ancient medicine how to keep a person's chi or life. Amber and goth could be the new King's ticket to getting killed? They do not think as much as people who have tickled less in one location instead of going the other way to connect to other people more.

When a person discovers the Tweeting 20s it will begin with Adam's Square and this is to look in the mirror and use a square that is a list save yourself and others by making a list of everything wanted or what is wrong as well as what would be the perfect mate and what is wrong with others along with everything wanted to accomplish in life you want to do as if there is no limit and you can get anything you want like a child would. Amber does not need to hook up with me to get this help but maybe it is less embarrassing for her to just get away from me? She knows why and shares this same feeling. The one that everyone gave me when I went both to Twitch-con and Comic-con. Until she either changes or I decide to cut off the future light and minds ever from others in the future or asleep now somewhere else maybe? Some people chose to accept an organ to be more important than human beings so please understand that the No-nut-November challenges likely appeared because I exist? Who came up with it first? Probably a link somewhere to be found they were not aware of... because I have told no lies in this post at all. I get high from the truth. She is not even attractive to me anymore if that was true. Change would be needed. Driven by jealousy is not good either and we all only live once while my chest has hurt so it is so sad for me to make this tremendous gift for the world only to be killed by an organ that has no brain. How long has this story been told?

In the A.M. be r? R = headed. You mean that she will wake up and BE GONE? I was such a fool... believed every untold lie. In the morning is also when the Sun comes out representing CHANGE. Please let me know what to do so that I feel less used as I have been sleeping in my car over choosing a bed for her for almost an entire YEAR! If you are trying to keep this information from her what would your parents have named you and why? Where does it lead? Not a gun please! Not a pen either! I do not accept checks from certain people but from following my story you should know that what happened to me was very messed up.

It is possible that she wanted to prove that I was wrong because I decided to have a dream date FOR THE FIRST TIME with another person! If that actually leads to her having actual sex with another I will never want her! Pleasing herself with a female roommate? No.. I am 'Glen' over here. Not a moron that wants two women. If she thought I was another way because I wore makeup hopefully she wakes up to the truth about bugs wanting to mess up the birds and sending her timed thoughts but they were stupid because they would have been saved from her giving them seeds!

Is she being visited by the angel Oronim? Does she want forty husbands? I support her with that decision. That is totally okay with me but I am not going to be one of them! Being a woman she might be in less danger than a man so it would not be Moroni as using the letter 'm' was always the man's job while moving only comes from how the evoking rune helped a person find where the camp relocated because maybe it was a Mammoth a previous 'm' was used on? MmmMMmmmm... mmmHhm! But here I am praying into scented fabric by a building with the numbers 402 and war ends from my finally finding love why? War with the letter n becomes warn. Close to warm. It is winter right now. She turned me into a ducking raccoon like that other girl tried to warn me about! I am NOT going that route anymore! Please contact me if you live in the Los Angeles area as I am kind of stuck here for some time. I want to get a passport soon for touring as the Tweeting 20s we already are able to measure with science how huge of a success I am in the future?! Otherwise what I witness would not be possible? Thankful the universe is splitting for me more than other people this much but they need to learn how to do it before I am gone without another person's organ taking my life using what I share as justificatios. Timing of gardening and with everything really matters.

Knowing where she lives does not endanger her like ignorance or refusing to acknowledge reality and meet me, talk to me, or let me know what is going on. What an opportunity to be a hero though. The whole point of creating this was to WARN the women at first when I started to realize that my Twitch experiment worked because they are endangered from stalkers but they would be safe with the whole world knowing where they are located as long as they are caught up to the facts that every American citizen should have to protect themselves and dramatically reduce crime as something like kidnapping and rape WILL stop happening forever the help that I get because look at me. See who tries to come up with yet another reason to prevent someone like Amber from reading this. The police academy needs new training classes so that we our privacy is respected more as much better methods are used that are actually so effective that such crimes stop happening in the world someday instead of watching private videos of me and my spouse make love or sell what might be what was sent to the doctor about something funny looking about our child's genitals. I do not support a man that wants to form something that goes around with a secret key for sex robots and Stepford Wives as people try and make it look like only the Mormon Church would be capable of such a thing. The 'good' people should know first for obvious reasons like the government and police or family and trusted friends as much as they are willing to accept something as difficult as the birds talking since they have been guilty for eating them. Without this news reaching the criminal or more untrustworthy side the acts such as rape and kidnapping does not drop dramatically from waking up to the newer methods and amount of ways to find out what really happened or how it is impossible to cover up anything compared to before which is a good thing unless you are on the wrong side that would basically be a clock for what is not human trying to control us with bacteria, timed thoughts, and the timing of everything we witness or maybe a plan that a stubborn person made from programming that was created from spending too much time West of bacteria or other influences using our brain to send for it.

Why was that movie even called Stepford Wives? Because in the minds of the most disgusting and repulsive people possibly found anywhere everything that I share should be classified so that no one knows who is not loyal to the spouse and crimes may continue to be committed without justice ever found. Bedford was the street that recently responded to my going through Beverly Hills as I was hearing voices tell me about how huge I really was and how the people on top were too embarrassed to admit it until I helped them catch up to what might be happiness that they never even thought was possible from the amount of pride that was programmed by what was not human hoping they would never wake up.

Excited for my next dream date but trying to make things more perfect this time around.

I came across this after missing our date and she is going slightly cross-eyed as if to let me know someone was to close as I have yet again put my mind on Amber and came up with the colors green and yellow to ask in a video for their next post.

.... I missed my dream date with a LOT on my plate and my my she is mad at me 😭 Maybe, I messed up forever with her and have not even met yet but I fear that because she killed bugs or asked others to things were timing against her or something crazy that is not fun to face or maybe another girl was "used" as a human host to make her feel horrible because of being already married or something? Something not human seemingly wanted to show her how I want others girls more but where does this come from? The thoughts that came while witnessing how it matters. The thoughts that would have been sent to her are not true at all. I am totally attracted to her maybe more than everyone else? I really have to go to bed and just because I watched her video Amber seemingly was used to endanger the new president to make me jealous saying things that made the birds freak out just from wanting me to stop her or maybe more accurately put pull my attention off of the other girl or I guess I am catching onto why it seemed like her latest YouTube video already told me that I did not use her latest video for connecting with her as if I could see the next day? Scary to think about what does this to human beings as at the same time she was feeling threatened enough to ask YET AGAIN for things that I never mentioned before as a person's soul is actually proving to me that she would definitely want someone dead for blocking her from knowing about me especially if it was to marry or pay her like the most expensive date? The entire Spanish and Italian language actually responds AS WELL and would keep going towards the direction that completely endangered not only such a person's life now but even his family in the future? What is actually doing this to human beings though? As far as I know other languages are not trying to honor others like they are with me because of what seems to be what I will do for their great grandchildren so I really hope that no one has been dumb enough to decide that she should keep her rights or not be taken advantage of by others who know more. Earlier at the restaurant the staff witnessed the Spanish language sounding like English responding to everything that I was doing as if talking to us or asking for things that I was helping them with so I probably should stop worrying about such things but that never really happened. This must have happened to people in history constantly without people being conscious of it and at the extent they do it for me I wonder how it's possible fate would not exist because of what happens like seeing an old person in a dream and knowing they will love a full long life as I saw the future. Warnings are constantly to help me with making sure that absolutely no person is hurt from anything that I am doing since humanity has this chance to be forgiven for the first time by many species that constantly were timed to make sure we become extinct. Waring becomes warning with a letter 'n' added which means what? 402 was my old residence which now points at my home that is the last name of Jim Carrey because it is not so bad to be here his voice told me the other day and Bedford Street shown me the numbers 816 as I turned around to go back into town to dance while voices of famous people were calling me one of them now and BIG so this means that the movie Stepford Wives was inspired by paranoia humanity will always have for the rest of history from the fear that I was killed and other took my place! Or how about a person that is somehow able to have a special marriage to all women with right to all of them the men must allow everyone queues up to stop as well. Have I really had any warnings from other people actually talking to me directly like helping me connect with who obviously should catch up or the letter n is only food that does take away the chest pain when that happens. So much is changing with my blog because my YouTube channels are going to be absolutely huge!!!! Obviously very helpful for humanity once it gets going. Pretty exciting to see what I worked on my entire life START to come out but if the AmBr entertainment goals were done too the "happiness" or amount humanity would be "grateful" may never be put into words. Because what brought us here is over a million years old and we have not died yet so thanks to my having a full life of working well into old age and able to get my formulas coded into a console among other things the nerds would praise THEMSELVES as they never had anything close to as good for their minds as tools (that release brain chemicals naturally from coming up with ideas, etc.) the countless generations of suffering and dying or evolving to become the next baby able to come across what I have not made yet might make it worth it more than anything else humanity has ever done? What I mean is in turn of "how FUN is it?" Could it be that is actually how this is happening to me? What I really want to know right now is if it's possible another person could witness languages responding to honor them while asking for things done a certain way (keeps happening from everywhere so it feels like I have been one of the first human hosts that actually succeeded this far in doing it for the other hosts instead of everything else).

Some unexpected things have come up making me consider an option that would be taking someone to Portland with me but I will not go unless another is with me which would happen in the next two weeks or I will not have to drive with company... so, I am wondering how it is possible someone else did not try and get the girls to do certain things because of expecting an update or more from he knows who. There are too many reasons that I would need to do this like running out of medication that sure saves me a lot of trouble and money from stopping in Oakland on the way or I could try to get it here?

Last time I absolutely needed it (I thought someone stole it! I found it though...) I went to the chess park at Selma Street that has the perfect name for warning me that the letter m might be illegal but kind of hard to think something like buying Suboxone from someone would be illegal or could be when it is like diabetes medicine? It is not heroine or pain killers and would be the most hardcore "I am getting off of drugs" path to take! I found someone named Amsterdam who happened to know where so I was in luck but turned out that I did not need it like I thought... following the plan coming from street names Cherokee Street was absolutely amazing as it was trying to get company for me from a female stating with Palm Bee by Las Palmas Street (the cut of fabric is a letter 't' until it is accepted then it becomes an 'h' representing work/trade/life that puts out fire with an ankh coming from ancient times to prevent violence).. I guess testing whether or not the Spanish language accepts Trump (if he was helping or trying to) or measuring how it responds might lead to answer the question whether or not it is good to have your language used the most or maybe not since those who created it would be responding to those using it who responded by a small mathematical degree? Humanity does not know yet.

Amber did this: on the Day vs Machines responded to whether or not I should drive my car with her back to Portland wearing what I bought at the fabric store and recently have been sewing into my pants what was selected when it was a cut for "woman in love with me who lives overseas" so this would mean NO to Amsterdam? (Complicated but because I had Madame Diablo from in mind when it was selected but I knew there others too so who knows???) Or yes to it?? Since we could not drive and I went through sickness A LOT MORE or found another way here? Finding a way to actually prove with science that a woman slept with me where we go to sleep is a good timing, right?

[Video proof]

December 2nd I asked for "eyes closed" which would mean no longer seeing others along with green & yellow for showing me how wherever it fits?

I think this might count for eyes closed? I know that from what her voice has told me so far I would have to say goodbye to unhealthy habits like illegal drug use so seeing whatever that is supposed to be kind of had that meaning maybe?

Yellow and green where the diamonds are found? She has already responded that I was married to Amber. Pretty sad that she has not caught onto this being real yet until maybe someone maybe like you reading this feels like contacting her so that she does not regret it for the rest of her life?

Palm Bee was not posting anything but her voice was coming to me confessing love for another who was way out of her league. There was also another guy she was into but he had a girl so was not available. Also her work has a way of tempting her to meet people especially if the person was open-minded without the goal of commitment giving her more money the closer she would get. Hopefully she never accepts any date like that with anyone as it would really be a huge turn off but whenever I have asked her using the timing of my thoughts she responded that she has reminding me that she has been streaming since she was a child. My "type" was someone to avoid because of wanting something serious as she was addicted to the attention and playing hard to get perhaps? On the other hand part of me sees the girl that has turned me down when I was proving something magical was happening and wrote my songs but what I witnessed was the opposite of rejection as I had messed up because she tried to meet me twice at least but how frustrating is it to not get a single text or call from her after all of this has happened! It would seem that she must not know what she did to me which makes the lyrics to the song I am working on so meaningful and full of such good energy.

I was set on having my first dream date with the new girl Lia but kept procrastinating so the next couple posts from her felt like she was making fun of me again for taking this long and falling for the wrong gri that maybe just wanted attention from people as if it is good to have stalkers out there trying to find your address? Finding her residence for me would be so much easier than other people that the reason should make me have to worry about being stalked myself. In reality it is probably real that. Have more people stalking me because of what is happening to me constantly and it only gets more attention for me from here.

"What can I saw I love this song" was the perfect thing to see as a result of not having the dream date when I told myself that I would but I wanted to make sure things were perfect this time around.

I finally had my "date" with this girl... what I did was watch some of her videos and go through her pictures until I felt like her presence was with me guilding my thoughts and it is a weird feeling like maybe a drug giving me energy and making my brain feel weird.. it actually is a bit too stimulating especially when coming across someone new and going through a lot of her photos.

I closed my eyes with training first found in a shaman ritual like finding a power animal but this was something much more and probably difficult or perhaps impossible for other people to do this without years of practice?

It was a way of giving my imagination to what would be someone else from my experience and so I will have no control over what happens but am able to guide things sometimes like maybe having a request but nobody has to follow as it is nothing like pretending a girl is into me and seeing in my mind everything that I want to see.

It took a long time to make sure that Palm Bee was gone. Several days of meditating or guiding my thoughts elsewhere but eventually it worked. Just like praying to the red robes to get the vampire women off of me in my dreams. I knew it had to be real with anyone. I am not the kind of person that likes women as much as others maybe but I keep this to myself. What I mean by this is how I am different regarding what I am attracted to or what turns me on? Amber was unique and special because of finding my own echo seemingly as she was much more drawn to me than others. There was a feeling of familiarity or belonging found.

Being able to go on this dream date without Amber interrupting or being part of it somehow was difficult but eventually happened. The theme of the night was pineapple and I had surrounded myself with this scent that she selected a long time ago. It goes along with my favorite picture of her well taken in Pine, Colorado. Pure comedy when finding the definition of pineapple that might using the language of Adam or the origins of the letters. The letter p in this case being a dream, of course.

I fell asleep with my rectangle fluffy pillow as if spooning my new partner and I want this magic to happen with someone! Such a romantic experience to witness the timing and everything proving to me that the voice in my head or the person from my dreams is real!

Psycho killer? I had to wonder if she knew about this blog post when she shared this because I let her know about putting her photos in this but it was a long time ago on a different profile I am unable to log into because my google authenticator no longer has an Instagram number and I am stuck in a loop whenever I try and get it fixed! How frustrating to say the least.

Maybe this rectangle pillow that I have will turn into a girl? In a recent video she hinted to be found close to my area as the only address that I have right now is in Beverly Hills but I will not be here for long!? I plan on continuing my tour across the country and want to cross the desert before winter ends or else it will be too hot but if we were to meet I would not mind finding a place to live more long-term in Los Angeles. So far it has definitely won in regards to the best night life but it was a close call to San Francisco because of Death Guild being so spacey with the huge balcony. Right now I am not signing any lease longer than a month!

Palm Bee finally posted something... entering yellow and green where the right foot or bottom right is found but it sure is not very noticeable..

I like that she wears white though at least that goes along with what I asked for...

This does not count as posting something with the eyes closed... she could have done much better for she wanted me to get the message!

Something is obviously wrong? The red being on the bottom left has meant getting rid of someone between us but it comes in from the bottom right which does make sense but? I am afraid the magic is lost from her lack of interest with what is happening to me? Sad how she has seemingly warned me that others might be messaged with a warning to cut them off? That would be very messed up to do to me when I can prove it with science. I am definitely not some crazy person here making stuff up or exaggerating while making sure I only add in one direction. If it were up to me I would not want to share a request like this one because it failed! Is it over with this girl? How could she fail in giving me what I ask for yet again? Is she no longer responding to me more than her chat? I do not watch her anymore like I used to. I feel like I am being punished for having my dream date with someone else. It was a very big deal what she did to me but there are too many embarrassing turn offs. 

On December 8th I made a request to put fur in the top right of the next post... I knew it was going to be hard to do.. as fur would usually be found in the bottom but the meaning for the fur was turning down another along with the riches that would potentially come from meeting up with him? The word "fur" using the language of Adam means something like "aiming hungering heading".. I guess it would represent maybe a date with a nice rich guy or something like that? (Find proof of the time stamps in all videos in another)

She posted something furry alright but it was not in the spot that I had asked for! Base of a miniature Christmas Tree? As if she is trying to guilt trip me. Remind me of what I went thorough and how much more it has meant than anything. About Ralph... what the hell? Who came up with that anyways? I sware my subconscious mind is not capable of that but I guess it must be? What a perfect name to man promising to change for a diet of fish instead of the red eaten being that of only lean meats like turkey and chicken being the two heads of the monster!? 

Not surprised but confused how someone might possibly not understand the need to find someone now instead of wait for this girl to change so that I might date her but she would need to get off of bird at the very least. Having a job like the one she has does not exactly sound like bells in the distance and she knows the reasons why.

The location of the ring on that finger has meant "life to give" or a child while the blue has meant you because it rhymes... I am about to release a song that is one of the best and most inspiring regarding this story. Really is something that fits this story well.. I know what she wants and have gotten used to putting up with her threats. I really hate that she might do something to spark jealousy according to the voice that I will hear responding with threats when I go the direction of thinking of another woman. I wonder if she will cut me off completely over something like this? As if I was not cut off already!

This is a way of saying, "you suck" as I find yet another puff ball of fur not found where I asked for it but where I enter the photo. The word "hullo" instead of "hello" really makes sense in this case as it is a funny joke since I was so worried about the letter u found in the word fur. I really love that shirt she wears! Definitely something I would have bought her? I cannot hide from Lia how I checked for Palm Bee online after all I did to be able to go an hour without thinking about her. I was tripping earlier while shopping about what Lia means. Ominously close to Lilith once my name is Adam.

Ere.who.n has a funny definition when the language of Adam is used... As if asking who it is going to be? I might have followed her 'orders' too much if I was supposed to cry as there are more onions found in the bottom left than anywhere else.

I feel like they are punishing me from both sides here?

If I am supposed to see a conflict in the third photo I guess this makes sense! Lava? Sugar free?


This kind of suggests that I am the fur and not another man in this photo to me. The thoughts that I get always matter as they will typically come from the last time we slept and the next time. Attached to this captured light that would be the photo and the head of the person who took it with the brains of all the people who ever come across it meeting more intimately in our sleep. Most of the time we wake up remembering nothing. That is how I know. This is supposed to be me. Showing how I am not worth so much money as I might appear from certain angels err angles!? 

Nevertheless, I like seeing the red and green package on the forth photo whenever there is a clump found but maybe it is time that I change these rules to come up with new ones. I sure wish that I showed more of what happened regarding other people. How would they not get into some kind of trouble for it though? No way that all the females are single. The way they time things makes me feel like I could have a chance with anyone? 

I need to be discovered by how does that happen without finishing the blog! I have a lot of work to do still but hopefully within the next week or two my future changes forever? I have a PA system with speakers arriving and a forth laptop soon! Yikes. Need to make a return for one or more but am thinking having both macintosh and windows will help as I am going to make "how to" videos for YouTube as I need to get one of those accounts at a million subscribers! I just revamped everything! Several channels right now have a video scheduled to come out every day once per day. Hopefully I will keep this going with all of my new channels soon so that I may finally see some real money for investing in new business. I will need enough to be able to make my own records from home. Start my own record company!

I am always witnessing proof that what happens within just a few seconds actually matters to them! Really kind of proves how a few seconds of negative thoughts are capable of ruining a relationship? Maybe this is because they are ghosts coming to me after they died? Surprising that it would even matter to anyone what I would do while alone. I don't really want to be honest but the women will be linked to what I do to pleasure myself. I do not do it like any other man out there that is for sure? Well, that is... maybe not until they come across something like this story to find out how much better things could be for someone? To think I used to watch poor actors and actresses pretend to be a step Mom or something horrible like that? Just because it was the only video showing hair? I absolutely hate porn but not if I make it although no one will ever see that. I want a computer that is like a vault that explodes by itself when I die because I am not even showing my closest friend.

Palm Bee announced a trip to Texas soon. I did not watch enough to know about when or how long?

Yet again maybe I wasted another day writing an absolutely HUGE email for Palm Bee she may never even read? How evil is that not to let me know wether or not I was blocked as it prevents me from moving on and forces me to have to eliminate that possibility... I know that she is about to take an airplane and she really knew what to say so that I would not be worried about anyone who may have bought her ticket or whatever? I was planning on how to let go of her completely as it feels weird not making sure she knows what she did to me as it is obvious something serious was missed!? I know my blog post was very messy and I partied too much or got high so I would write all night long so when would she have the time to read all of that? Maybe NOW on the plane is the best time? I am sending the email now that has my new links and plan. While making the videos I remember what she did so it seems like I already know what she is going to do? There is a certain video where she especially sends to me what seems to be an apology from her mind and it was obviously she was no longer seeing me as crazy which I knew would be inevitable as someone just has to know my language enough to know then by that point how would this person not become one of the most grateful people for coming across me? No one else would have been able to wake them up to so many things. Not only important to know about but effecting their daily lives too since the use of phones and the web is so often. To think about how my life would change if suddenly I was no longer able to be convinced that they are aware of me?  Sad how boring life would become in comparison. Every day is such an exciting adventure compared to before!

I just turned on my phone and was curious about a TikTok notification letting me know about new messages inspiring me to check and when I opened it up it seemed as if this participated in naming the State of Carolina!? Because of what happened??? Wow... This new girl was speaking live and without saying anything or writing she said out loud, "you are cute." Then I sent a message so that she could see the difference between me and the other guy she told that to as they are actually talking to the chat when it completely appears like I am actually somehow witnessed?!

I was eating beans in a somewhat forceful way that would be pouring them from a can into my mouth because I worked all day and did not stop to prepare food so I needed it. Knowing that my favorite club night is tonight made me put on some makeup and while I did this she let me know with what sounded like timed confirmations of certain thoughts sent to me that she was afraid of dancing and I forget what she said out loud but it was not exactly approval. My thoughts were led to seeing myself as a romantic guitarist singer without the lipstick and clean cut.

The timing of the sounds she made as I remembered  what I saw from her pictures was a turn on as she was seemingly trying to get closer to me through the phone somehow and this started from hearing what I thought was a request to get off of her but that was not directed to me she was able to respond to my worried thoughts that asked to make sure so that I knew the difference. It would be too messed up maybe to explain what they actually do to let me know that I was their favorite face and mind who came across them? This particular girl actually seemed to confess that she was not actually single like she told the chat. When I looked at her pictures it was noticeable that she wanted someone else who was out of her league perhaps he would make her feel because of having children.

Responding positively from my imagining a kiss with her really aroused me then I noticed it in her name where the letters "ina" are found... Sabrina.. the warning that I first heard was seemingly from Palm Bee's voice as she told me that it matters and she feels it when I check out someone else.

She asked for "two trash pandas" which would mean 'know' from the number two reminding me about how I was never thanked for going the direction of becoming a raccoon instead of using my good looks to sleep in a bed or ex girlfriend's place or something like that?

Then she mentioned that she lives in Northern Carolina and she did not respond when asked if anyone had ever written a song for her before as the word "Carol" caught my attention while the letters "ina" I knew came from the name Sabrina as I am kind of getting used to this...?

While browsing it was obvious that she was still in love with someone else? Because of being aroused the black heart may be for me though as I have no time for anything other than going dancing right now?

Because of my very comfortable car bed and Bedford Street responding to it seemingly!? Ever since Palm Bee actually seemed to use cartoons posted as a way to ask me to fix it up more than it was while waking me up to some of the stuff that I should have been more concerned about potentially naming Nyberg Street because of being close to M.eye.r and what the problem was that was found between us when I first arrived in Portland? As if trying to warn me that someone may have been somewhat crazy from thinking that I was part of what harassed him and constantly have problems to his website. I do not deserve to be treated any different unless better from proving myself maybe as I would never encourage what might be Mark messing with Twitter and Elon massing with Facebook? I do not deserve to have to "pay" like I was one of his secret workers doing this to anyone. Cartoons have been meaning and it enters where blue meets brown along with blue jeans as if letting know know she would have more children if we were married?

The song she picked seems to mention the reasons to choose this photo to share over the others?

She has children of her own and was not exactly excited from the idea of having more about the 
What is going on now? 

What am I going to do now that I fear I must move on?!

I had a dream date with another and revisited someone I was interest in the past where I caught onto so many more things with the new found knowledge but it was sad because I heard her voice ask me to promise to try but I fear she does not take care of herself well enough. I am afraid of sharing her identity because I do not want people thinking that I would be okay with her "type" as she did many things that would have made chances impossible if she was someone else. Something about the way she thinks or sends for me? Definitely the loudest of everyone I have measured in this way where she was very obviously saying things like "marry me" or "I  am in love with you..." that I think really made me kind of addicted to visiting her every few days for maybe a month? One of the songs she picked hints at her location. Of course, there was a lot more that would be so fun to mention and I would love to but what if someone was not single somewhere? Where she is not single but being very obvious I am wondering if anyone out there annoyed with me wants to "teach me a lesson" like what happened in a Saved by the Bell episode that my Father was in where everyone was in love with Zack Morris because of subliminal messages hidden in music. The ones who have been most obvious about synchronization I have doubted and wondered if someone aware of me might do something like pay another to respond in a positive way so that it would not happen naturally from her liking me and just doing what she normally does? Pretty ridiculous thought to have as that would be pretty messed up to do but how else might someone respond who might come across me while being a man or maybe having a lot of money too? Why would it bother anyone if I got that kind of attention? I would deserve it where another would be capable of encouraging cheating or something when I have not and turned down people my while life. I have been witnessing names let me know that a family might be actually offended from doing such a thing so I need to wake up to how I was a bit too impossible to get? No. Kenmore Street is fine and she will be grateful I saved myself for her. I will prepare a cut of fabric for a "Mallory Effect encounter" because what happened there did not hurt anyone but with most people I would have to explain myself which has been something I don't want to go through. Having a hot encounter that is wonderful absolutely is possible but the chances are so against it being worth it as problems typically come up where I regret the encounter for some reason and it is not something that could EVER be taken back. Thankful for that reason the most as people should not have anything bad to say about me anywhere? I have been with girls who messed up. They were not proud of the person who could not handle my leaving or the drama that was created. I have never gone there with anyone. I will always be good to all of my former loves and never be tempted to think it would be okay to have just one night together again.

My fourth laptop arrives tomorrow that should finally be what I need to finish my album! I like having both macintosh and windows I think from now on... PA system will arrive as well so I will be able to perform anywhere I want easily hopefully! I am forcing myself to make sure that "things go somewhere" when it comes to succeeding at everything I have set out to accomplish. There is no try, only do. There is no chance I might fail unless something extreme happened like I was murdered or my health suddenly failed. I never get sick and compared to others my age might be in tip top shape? The dancing really helps as I do it often! When stretching my life line my toes go to my wrists so am very flexible. Good chances of living past 100 possibly? The warnings coming from Raistlin synchronicity is helpful. I get pain in my chest when I do not eat enough but it goes away and compared to other pain maybe I exaggerate? Maybe everyone experiences such things but do not call it pain.

The music that I am working on really keeps connecting me to Amber though... there was some times while working it felt like an echo coming from her like when my work was actually ready and presentable.. not sure I have ever felt a better feeling? Butterflies from a ghost? It felt like something seriously changed like she woke up to the truth or looked into things further which obviously has not happened yet. Another part of me is worried because of her reoccurring dreams of the brides in line wanting to meet me claiming it was too hard to have any chance to. There was a  ridiculous amount of women that wanted to who may have done  things for me similar to what I have done for others already maybe without their knowing it? This would be doing all men such a huge favor! It is really not a bad thing to be more like me. Why would anyone not want to live as if people are aware of them from the other side of everything? The difference is such a jump! It feels so impossible not to be so much more extremely grateful. 

Having the truth about my body kind of hurt though so I am not stopping when it comes to working out until I can compare to my Father when he turned 60? If I could somewhat look as good as that how could anyone turn me down!? Maybe it is real that "vampires" live longer? Porphyrins? What do those even do for the blood? That is the only real difference found genetically. Any children I have would be born with a slightly different liver. Creating more porphyrins than heme. The reasons that Jedi in Star Wars are different kind of spooked me. It does make sense though that others have been hunted thanks to superstition or whatever? Werewolves used to be killed historically. When a person liken a prophet starts to "glow" would that be when a person is targeted by what might be jealous people or maybe just plain dumb? It seems extremely likely that maybe hurting insects might have something to do with it or something like that? Unrecorded but capable of being what caused a witch hunt? Making it more important we make sure the child never gets into alcohol.

The comments might mean something here... "I'm dope boy" & "can clay me?" She is pointing at where I get pain in my chest sometimes... Just looks like Nyberg Street all over again. That would be a very messed up thing to do if people are thinking it's a good idea to try and use her for guilt tripping me like she should be notified because I was seen smoking somewhere so she needs to be pointing at her chest while wearing purple that means "get off" sort of? Probably not happening but such a thing enters my head since somehow she did not meet up with me when I went to Portland. Her voice let me know that it was a part of it. Her mistake for accepting help from others about finding out who I was more more about me? I thought she said that someone took pictures of my worst ugliest moment while there to send to her!? Very evil if that is true. Maybe she just wanted me to make sure there was never anything embarrassing like a mess or garbage ever like in my car so wanted me to trip? What I find weird is how I could hear her voice come to me telling me that not coming to me when I arrived in Portland was the biggest mistake of her entire life!? This would happen when I would have a very hard night. Like when my car broke down and I slept under a tree at the mechanic instead of my ex girlfriend or someone like that when the sprinklers woke me up in a puddle of water. Whenever I would ask what she meant the response would be "because we lived only once and I was too young to know how precious time was.." I actually have never shared a lot about what happened. I guess I should not be alarmed since it might be coming from her mind so it is not like she is totally serious but hearing someone that upset was not normal. The threats about what she wanted to do the who was worried about my meeting her or not being good for her or something like that? Not good to repeat what I heard. If there was a button maybe that said the most foul things or expressed the most anger or made the biggest threat that would have been pushed.

There are women who do things that time themselves whenever I am around for me so it might feel like it might be easiest for me to find someone in so many ways as I experience the same as that movie "What Women Want" but it is always too much to share how I know it's real or about me much like the names of places too that uses my memory... anyways, so tonight I wanted to "use my phone" to call a girl in my head I know wants me and ask instructions on a way that gets her voice like a schizophrenic episode?

That is actually amazing but to get to this point who would have survived the other part that would be the judgement coming from everyone knowing all of thought I ever had and ways I judged in my mind. Myself mostly in a way that took down others? Like a child not wanting to listen to the same band anymore because of friends expecting change.

It would be so nice to share ALL of them but it is  embarrassing story! It is so funny and interesting but very wrong thing to do. Lately though I kind of revisited former dream dates and there are many I did not share.  So special what they do for me. I am always trying to protect their privacy because they find my vulnerable places using instinct and as a way to make me feel safe perhaps? Just knowing they care? Maybe the feeling that might be going to Twitchcon AND the way people looked at me when I played my music. They have ways to use what only I know to prove to me that I am most important on the other side. Other people deserve to know how it is real for them too. Then saw Palm Bee for the first time knowing it was her or second time technically since she came to the club after the best song I wrote using her video. Who would not possibly fall in love with that album? It is really good so far. Absolutely love the "maybe she will realize?" and "no more sparks" part of it. Every person was scared to look me in the eyes as if embarrassed to be there but wanting to be my friend.

Palm Bee' voice is threatening me right now. She is worried because of the plans that I made. To "obey" a voice in my. Head of a girl in the area. Instructions for how to have her now that I know work and actually come from them from. The testing I have done. I will just say that they rejected me but it's not true. They knew that I would not for them or they would not change enough for me so technically it is not a rejection.

Roman numeral 8

The back gate... Shows the air that is marriage and it is "ready you & yell ow" or red blue and yellow.. the cut of fabric that I wear will become a figure 8 when it is wrapped around her

I hear her voice... She told me the seat belt is the fabric.. it needs to be a seat belt. She is warning me that she would leave this on. Another's back. I hated that Alanis Morriset song for a reason maybe? I was planning on having sex when I came across this with another. She still sends me "fuck you" when I come across it? Well if she slept with another just let me know so I will never touch her. What if it was revenge that actually came from an artist for not liking her music? She listened to the whole thing and it had a secret do it to him message? Just kidding. Definitely possible I found outt. I apologized to that ghost already. Maybe that was it though! I found it!!! When we were kids. Making fun of that song. Ben Ruttinger and Adam Meade. AmBr. The way that we made fun of it was making fun of girls. Very funny. It really does describe what has bothered me about her.

Ominously she shows blue in the top right after I found out that she is only gone for a few days... the black on the nails are for the back and her voice tells me not to obey the other woman that I just want because she is here. I wish that I could be this grateful without having to be so "hungry" from going along time waiting for a mate but what I witness makes it much hotter. So, it feels like I am very wound up and it needs to come out.

The letter H is the cut of fabric and the letter i four times means "out of time" that is supposed to remind me to pick a cut out for her while thinking of her. Also, to cut off the others. Stick to her YouTube as I recited other women I previously dream dates trying to forget Amber or lessen her volume some how? So that I may think about another girl. She seemingly tried to convey that my biggest mess up was never following only her without several backup plans or people, etc.

Orders for more presence and gold skin but I am scared of giving it to more than one person. That feels like it would cause trouble. How would I possibly not feel sick with myself and not be judged by them on the other side of everything? For being like what? You know the type. Possible.

Conflict found in the third. 

This girl might be the strongest right now in the way that maybe she is closer or more around the corner?  Maybe more loyal and willing to save herself? What I will get knowing I respond to her is maybe wanting to breaks my phone? Then obey her voice in my head... because she is very mad and the phone will bring them back. What I will feel is very strong that likely comes from maybe brain chemicals that came from me? What. Was felt all over the body. When they get it while reading I get it too? It might be addictive and very helpful for them to know about even if we are too different or whateve


I joined at a random spot asking why she did something with timed thoughts and she responded with "I think it is a good couple" at 3:37:40 which is the perfect number for Eve if I am Adam?

It is so important for her to learn about how the memories were timed for her from loved ones to save, help, or maybe apologize or connect? Sad to think what life was like without knowing about what always came from loved ones in pictures and videos.

Her name being a green Eve really makes me feel great as the origin of the letters Ever would be like asking why bother flocking? Her stream has been quiet with no noise like music or sounds from games. When it's a female it may be timed for me to look her up and if it's a male he may do the same or maybe ask Amber to stop for contacting him. instead. I have witnessed her interact with many famous people consciously without her knowing getting annoyed because she might be asked by someone's soul a few times in a row?

I think I need to find out more about this one. I don't want to be impossible to get but she looks possible?

I am embarrassed from the ways we have used porn, sex, or a partner... and I think it would be much better giving cuts of fabric to the people get to learn to find the same help from others in their memory who loved them or were grateful enough to time themselves for each of them such as loved ones and especially their larger echo. How wrong to take such a gift from them as no one else is able to give it as far as I know? 

This moment was showing me the button of her hip that comes from my ex girlfriend's the used to push on me in the same spot as Amber's tattoo... Her voice was in my right ear threatening me if I obey the voice in my head from the other lady I wanted to have tomorrow. I need to be more careful because they are very capable of lying about being single. Many women pretend to be single for more money maybe who stream?

I am watching Jill Croft as. I write this right now and and the game she plays shows the croft character as she was timing my mind to a broom she might ride if I brought her the cut fabric I selected for her already and have been sewing into one of the sexiest pants I made recently for dancing.. Palm Bee used this look in the last two photos of her in a dress flapping her wings where it shows 'wood room' behind her to make me paranoid of another guy at the same time as a threat as she gets annoyed but gives me a certain look that leads to "Amsterdam" who is the name of a person who sold me Suboxone connecting to going through withdrawal to get off of drugs and connect to Las PalmAs Street by C.hero.kee (heroine for withdrawal is better than heroin) where the goth club is found I got dancing. The obvious trail actually goes to her by the way the names responded. Madame for example saved me using the letter 'm' when I first came across her that is embarrassing but helped me. I moved into a new place and freaked out because the vents had to be covered up so no bugs could come into my room. I am trying to keep the names responding in another blog post. Easily proven in person.

The glasses are like saying that I would check on you and it warns me of someone trying to use my identify to pretend to be me.. "surrender to ours" is written by the colors of the flowers and the kangaroo song (blue jeans = your genes) as it will appear where they know it aroused me the most but pants are everywhere and at this point I feel like it makes everyone appear too guilty that I come across anywhere if it's a female once you caught onto what I use to select for them by giving possession to their subconscious mind. It is not fair because who would tell someone they do not have right to think? Maybe 90% that has happened In kept to myself. Bragging or proving it was real was not as important as protecting their privacy or not wanting someone to get into trouble for being able to show the one place or mind in the world what timing and measuring the m is capable of doing. It is not going to mean a person will want me who is a perfect z over the w. Q is proper. It would not be fair to judge a woman for synchronizing herself for me in every way making her appear guilty because of how important it is for her to have my mind and for me to reach out so that she may share the discovery and be able to die as an old woman with the memories to help keep her going that was learned from what came from responding to me so I would share what she needed to know so that she would measure her future husband.

So, please do not go there with me. It is real that people want something they are not supposed to have if they could get away with it and no one was upset and no one was in trouble?

The girl near the top in the second window was using her Pokemon for what not to do while she knew what my hottest thought was and carried it in such a way that really was too honest to share as usual?

I needed food when I saw this and I never went on a dream date or anything like that with this girl.. just wanted to show an example. If I show only PB while she is in denial it helps  a guy try to feel better by putting me down? Not a good ideas. Always backfire

For the conflict she moved to the left foot side more.

She knew judgement would come from me most here that would be cutting her off so the best picture of her was found making it more likely that I won't. She knew once I saw the word "only fans" that I would take her off the list of a potential mate. Just going through her pictures made me cry honestly almost because it always allows me to witness hurt while responding to my judgement but the way they will time themselves provides a unique experience like an artist or genius that makes it very sad no one else was able to witness it. It is found right there with the form of expression that should free any wife or husband from looking guilty when another measures them because no one else would have cared to find out how smart they really were or what they were even capable of showing another person using their subconscious mind. I can only handle finding new people maybe by just a few and no more. When I go through pictures of more it will actually make my brain feel too weird like I worked it out too much without noticing somehow? Then sleeping becomes impossible so if you come across this be careful. If you are old and wake up maybe the excitement would kill? Take things only one person at a time like once per day when it comes to going through a person's profile? That is my warning. I called it a Felician Fork Burrito agreement that came from the dream of women complaining how unfair it was because they need to know about me.

The cut of fabric is for an ankh that is used on their name first and then the person may find heaven with it that wraps them as a mummy eventually? It comes from our subconscious minds?

On my way to check out more about who this girl is who has made things much better for my experience in so many ways... same name as another who I really liked but she was probably too young and on my way I wanted to check out how she may have responded to my last video prayer request for whatever in the next post.. she sent me away like mad at me? Not sure how welcome I am but would be nice to finish the dream date that started? She is letting me know in this post one of the things that endanger me the most because of what happened the other day and what the numbers would mean everyone followed the theme for the number 8 because I cannot go another day without eating enough again! I just did not want to walk to the store and knew I had to get gas first. Decided to sleep first but obviously something about malnourishment taking away my life that is too real. When I go any direction that lives less than 137 years there is a warning but it's more like 100 where 007 would mean an emergency as those numbers come from logic to do more than try and teach everyone to aim for living longer than 137 years. We were planning ahead as if 70 was the end which was creating it when it could have been doubled! Oops...

The letter J is nice about her name and the timing of entering the blog may have compare her to a much larger breasted woman so her parents may have named her Jill so that our subconscious minds would be warm and prevented from the hunchback of dairy that makes boobs big so there is a dark side hiding the potential cause. I have seen milk commercials where thoughts happened that programmed us so still people try to correct dairy in our diets but we are so stubborn we have ignored the warnings as it kills a lot of people but is never mentioned for doing this consciously like it should have been. Colds and flu's, etc. Cheese is melted mold. This time period is embarrassing. I confess that I ate four pizzas recently?

2:00:00 I noticed the word tag on her poster in the third picture for conflict? She said period at the same time in her stream I was watching! 

Last night was "wonderful" because of falling asleep while two girls were competing or complementing over me? I don't want to witness the competition side anymore but I don't want a girl open to others or working for Twitch probably? All I can think about is how betrayed I feel by the Palm Bee girl. How do I know that any of them would be different? I just want to puke.

Maybe I just hate them all. Are they all going to just try to get attention like I am a stalker if I wake them up to this or just the first girl? That is what how many fans in the future would think? What a dumb girl. Hopefully she was just not trusting me because of how many despicable liars there are out there as that would be understandable but if she is sexually active with anyone else let me know so I can delete her videos and pictures and move on. Let me remind you. I don't want any tricks. I wear makeup but do not like two girls am not into men. I want children. I am not into bondage. I do not like the word sexy. I stuck to the romantic side. What should I do? What if it was her? I need to know. What she the gross kind or the sweet kind? There is a difference. Is she actually goth or just a whore? They have a certain look?

What are my favorite bands? Albums? Cocteau Twins and This Mortal Coil? Maybe only super sluts listen to that? I always thought it was the opposite though. I guess witnessing the Scottish language responding to me wakes me up to how they want the same thing. Hopefully that girl was not trying to be more like how she thought I was? 

My last girlfriend the whole time asked "is it true? You are a decent man?" But she proved to be the
opposite and it started from doubt. I hate Amber right now for what she did to me and herself. What a gift to turn down. Not doing anything to contact me other than those two times trying to meet me? I have a phone number. A.m. be r. R = heading. Go more East when you wake up. I am so mad. What am I supposed to do?

- keep private blogs for each individual? 

The story seriously is the best one though! No way anything on television or in the movies is more interesting. That should be their every day lives. They really need to know because there is something very beautiful waiting for every person especially if they lost a loved one.

Whenever she saw a liar or cheat she saw herself. How gross. Please let me know if she slept with someone else so I can move on! Someone text me to threaten me? All he has to do is let me know she slept with someone else. What an idiot. She has to change for one already. She already promised me this but it was only a dream? I proved it was not.

The public needs to know or else meet the most evil possible thing you will find and that is what is felt by not being included. Only would hurt people with violence. Are you reading this? How would you feel if you were cut off? Find it there. Everyone has a spouse. Only a loser doesn't share. I went over what could go wrong for years as someone responding. They can handle the Sixteen Scented but not the sick one when we find the scent.

Get it? R Everything

Let Amber know and have her contact me NOW. Or ANY of these girls if single or whatever or not married? Either it brings more work from her guy or she leaves. Oh well. Not my fault. Maybe tell him and not her? Why would I care? She is not guilty though for anything but needing to know how to do this. Like all of them. Just think of it that way. Know what they do for me and how extreme it actually has been. Nobody is going to reach out to shake my hand? As if I have not proven myself worthy of one somewhere. 

Or you going to prove to be the biggest piece of shit on the bottom of your foot?

Maybe I like Jill the best now... one of them surprised me last night by being the loudest and maybe thought about me in the end more than Amber? The feeling that I get while typing as someone responding is like nothing else since they will read it and find out I have not lied nor am I crazy. Other men will use whatever works though. Don't let them call you crazy. I do not like my girls insane either. That "born to die" song was just a "fuck you" to the mental health facilities. LoudER! I absolutely love the song that I just recorded for Amber.. maybe save it for one of the other girls? Actually Lia might be the most like me when I am by myself. She is a Daddy's girl obviously. I guess the song will be for all of them. Very excited. Finally almost ready to start performing but it's not to find love. I don't care about touring to score with girls. The reoccurring dream has a line of interested brides pissed off that they never had a chance and it was not fair.

What I did for Amber would be the most helpful thing to do for a married couple. Anyone is capable of doing it. There are the best angles or whatever to find. Where there is someone who takes it too seriously like the pictures mean something? Maybe THAT is where  Zack Morris lesson would be funny to use? Everything dishonest would not only be something responding to eternity but witnessed and seen with malicious intent from somewhere else so it's not recommended from me ever most especially because of how I not only get high from the truth but it helps find the innocent robot that was programmed by bacteria from spending too much time East of waste.

I am not wearing the fabric cut for Amber anymore and still need to come up with the rest of what to do which happens from measuring their subconscious minds. Basically using the Stargate and obeying. This should figure out how the best pre-death funerals or whatever else will be good to introduce for the Tweeting 20s. I am sorry for getting upset. That was why I took off her fabric. I do not want to have anything negative that could be linked to it. I saw her corpse the first night that it was wrapped around my eyes. I need to sleep with something covering my eyes or I cannot fall asleep ever since spending time in jail where they do not allow anyone to cover their face so a light was shining in the eyes making it hard to sleep. I used to get my mattress taken away then spend the night unable to sleep at all because of covering my eyes on accident while asleep. Not sure how that might help someone get off of drugs? Just spending time with me would be the best sure way. Same would have been true for Kurt or anyone else? Guilt trip punishment does work because you do not want to be the ONE who ruined it for absolutely everyone. They are addicted to cheese and sugar while very low doses of drugs may not be much different from coffee but of course I feel nervous about writing such a thing because I would not want another to think it is okay and not a big deal when it is. It seems like where I lived such a thing would be used to perhaps sell a religion? They needed to prove they were better than others somehow. We have weed in the store now and there are less people using it maybe? That would be real in my life.

As far as the people who say that this is a lie and not real? Maybe they are running from being serious like a class clown would so that something is not faced which creates a genius but even the clown is going to get sick of it and get a taste of his own medicine that might be wanting to be mad or sad but people just keep laughing because they know the clown so only laughter is possible. Just take a good look at who is saying this or demands that it must be this then figure it out that there is something to be running away from. Guilt is found in other people to such a ridiculous degree more than me because I have been living my life as if everyone is aware of my thoughts for a very long time. I have been witnessing pictures, artwork, and everything coming from others responding to me in a way that is thankful yet intimidated and maybe guilty? It seems like they are scared of being caught for being envious.

While falling asleep last night the girls were seemingly warning me how dreams are for humanity coming from everyone and that some men out there might be punished from not allowing me to share more or for the women to see it so they have been plotting on making them have homosexual dreams as punishment? Please do not block me without letting me know even though I am grateful you have but it pisses me off how you think that I will not know and dishonesty is good anywhere when the opposite is true because of the miracles. Something like Jesus is fully capable of taking away our faith. Let Easter come already please. I never lied about anything. Why does that matter! What is a question mark for! It felt like someone assumed that I conned or knew programming for doing the random number generator scam then rolled with it or what? It was no scam. I should have proven that already and if I haven't just let me know how someone could have cheated so that I find another way to prove what is definitely real and happening. Stop assuming that I am part of some network trying to get you like with Musk and hackers or whatever? It only makes things worse so please let me use a broom to make sure there is nothing said about anyone and pay me something or help in another way? I am not your possession and discoveries were for the world but since I am responding to them I know it is dumb to share with everyone now suddenly. The most hatred would come from trying to keep this secret. I know my place in not getting hurt by not being that person. My brother has a wife. Who did I tell or share with this? What are they capable of doing to her? Common sense that everyone must have what is the most fun. Just let it go please. Have faith in people. They will wake up to the garbage and feel naked from the discovery so would be less of a threat. I am aiming for college kids and married couples to wake up first obviously. Please use your ruler on your partner and find the best angles found in the past while changing things rather than think that someone else is better when they are actually responding with that intention so it is not. You have an artistic side that can be applied to your spouse that does more than satisfy the urges or temptations you might get from browsing women or looking into how they responded for me. It is a lie anyways maybe so that I pick someone to make songs for? The attraction to me mostly comes from the person that I will become because of the work that I do today. 

The names responding are so funny! I love it how the cowboys in the past or whatever responded to people calling me a stalker. Maybe they were in heaven sleeping and saying, "ask the sniper girl what she thinks about the faggot" as larrabee street meets palm street there is a gay bar and you find her coming out of the trunks? Pine apple... Pine, Colorado. Mmmmmm p = dreaming (sailing). During days when everyone is a slave a person is excused when asked why they were doing nothing when it was because of the letter p! They need to plan their trip for the voyage. It was like her asking me when our dream date is going to happen. I want a real one! I was thinking that maybe I don't want to use twitch or Instagram to meet people but then I realized those girls are going to be following me but that does not happen until they find out who I am so it is only a matter of time when I perform or when this double disc comes out soon. 

This blog is being shortened and more simple. I am moving everything into the new one. Sorry. Stop trying to ruin me. It only messes you up. When you look into the unknown what do you see but yourself first always! What are you going to expect? You will always get a portion of what you expect from the universe. Not good math. What you did to others. Nobody is out to get you but you did messed up stuff to me. Please stop and let them know what really happened!

Last night before bed I was trying to check out this new Eve girl who is Jill when the other Jill kept taking over my imagination making it impossible to think so I think that it was maybe being pressured into making choice for maybe a favorite? I have not met anyone so what would be the point of that? I was just trying to find out the girl's age mostly but she knows how I already kind of made the other girl impossible to accept in my head because of my being so much older so maybe that is why it is so hard to find?  I want to aim for someone you get so that I am able to have more than just a couple children.

Amber was there first threatening me because I wanted to obey the woman who was going to be seen by me the next day as her voice in my head would have told me how... of course if it did not come from her actual voice it would not matter.. but the schizophrenic voice is the one they are too scared to share maybe and extremely helpful?

My ex girlfriend Sierra used to do this thing during sex or to let me know it was time by pushing a "button" on my thigh and I was losing my mind at the time so would think about the most ridiculous possibilities. While with her some of the weirdest things happened. Once we went to the store after my Dad called me saying some lyrics heard in a Pink Dots song then women everywhere were flashing me with nudity it seemed like while my Mom was laughing because I didn't care. Not sure what that was all about? Maybe he was trying to get me to break up with her? I ended up having him take all of my stuff out while I was gone so she would not be able to stop me. She kind of scared me. Anyways, when I was in Portland this new girlfriend Anna happened to be doing the same thing and pushing the same button in the same way that was losing my mind as it could be no accident or coincidence? Then she was on the phone talking about what led me to think that she spent 20k to find out how to use me from my ex girlfriend to get stuff from people? I was insane though. Then recently, I saw that Amber has a tattoo on her hip in this same spot so I realized that they probably did it to me so that I would see her as a horse as the number 20k would mean to look out as if it could be ANY amount of money. She would not be able to lie to me like others if she does that because of the birds or other reasons as I am too smart. Bugs will do this as when helped in some way. Why has our government been so dumb as to interrogate people when they could have simply took the person for a walk through a swamp or maybe a firewall? The connection to a firewall from the movie Twin Peaks means unable to lie. Maybe bugs are not the best idea but if giving them something with enough tests it might be the best. 

3:42:32 Jill who is on a small window just made native Indian sounds while watching me type... In her recent streams with the Eve costume. She is absolutely beautiful. Not as worried about "cedar Street" with her...

Amber going to Austin, TX made me worry... someone donated 2k I saw recently so I have these concerns and Lia's voice once told me when I was looking into her stuff that the reason she has not streamed was because I would probably not trust her? YouTube focus was more professional without the temptations from. Men who won't quit. I would quit. I would not try a second time if I knew my messages would not be blocked and she knew what she did to me. That much I had to make sure because it was not any normal situation. How would she ever forgive me for not making sure she understood what she did to me. I was just trying to give her what she wanted. Anyone watching what happened if they knew my mind would have witnessed what was supposed to be impossible. She was talking to me from the other side of Twitch. Just like the other girl Jill is right now while I watch this. Like the time stamp above shows. She doesn't stop. Why is Amber living near Chatsworth? To wake her up to the reality of what she did maybe as I was so obviously worth more than the chat. When I watched her on my laptop I might be on the ultimate right side and then with my phone on the other side dramatically so she just happened to switch the arrangement so she was looking AT ME from the other side of the Stargate twitch video stream whatever you call it portal to the abyss. How much more did she respond to me over here chat? Where we go to sleep everyone knows the truth. The names of everyone and the places have helped me in this way so why not her? They show the truth maybe? It is real what she did to me. The echo is everywhere. I am so upset right now with her. She should have my number. She should have corrected everything by now. How could she possibly not by now? 

Last night I wrote Amber an email threatening to sue the team of Mythic FOR HER because of not letting her know about what was going on or blocking my messages? All she had to do was let me know she was able to see my messages but was not interested and I would have been sent away. I told her that I didn't want to be anyone's guinea pig. I asked her to stop scaring me. How I have worried about such ridiculous possibilities like the government wanting to kill me. I reminded her of the Stargate project and my last name in the Wikipedia where the CIA documentary shows.  I let her know about how I was never sent away outside of just one spot where I could never seem only if I clicked on a button while watching her on twitch using my laptop but I usually used my phone so I missed it for months. When clicking on it the short message seemingly written obviously by someone else? No caps used so what if I started to hear timed gunshots? Someone text me a threat recently but all he would have to do is let me know if she slept with someone else or was able to see my messages and was caught up to what happened. The proof might take awhile but it's there. She called me crazy but it was real. Her voice still comes to me but I know the cute to schizophrenia and do not turn up the volume. I know now that it goes away by not hanging out west of garbage along with diet and exercise. I act totally normal so no one is going to call me crazy in person.. online I might be high and make typos? What happened was real and a huge deal. 

Already in this blog I have shared how red and green over the right shoulder means children... thankful to see the blue there.. she is driving me crazy though from having to save myself even more. THAnK YOU for giving me red on the left side. Since I know it's for me I want it on the left with HER.

Love seeing a green hAIR with rings... but is it for me? 

Just like she made sure to show me her worst angles at Twitchcon on her left side so I knew it would be ugly if she ever left... she intentionally gave me her the better look when the red could not be seen as much? She knows my concerns and what I am capable of doing by TRULY giving up or deciding to have someone here? She knows I don't care about her looks. It is not about that. She also made sure to put the blue cooler by the areas where in Egypt In the walls it would mean "accepting fire" so with blue being you she means that I am cooler than others guys trying there? She keeps sending me how she wants sex if I do and threatening me in my head. If I am not doing it here and I find she did I will never want her.  Her soul would have lied. The necklace showing the letter L meeting it would mean she is there for work. Do you think I am bothered by getting a shot of her that I know could look much better? How much do I want other men to be turned on? I want them to be off of her. Once I trusted her than I think it's good to show her off sometimes but... Sh ow off? Not THAT.

Orders in the second photo in the bottom left is for presence and because of how the dream date went and what happened it becomes my pillow like in the one that becomes a man she shared on November 1st for the Day of Darkness listening to the song "psycho killer"... so is that like asking me to take it down because of what that girl did to me? She would be right for a lot of reasons. What an embarrassment! Oh, I guess I understand this more. The hearts like that made by the hands is like getting there with a prayer. Very romantic. I cannot control dream dates. I think it would get better if I went that way. The gingerbread pillow man is like saying "caught you at your most embarrassing moment but that is okay" then the heart chakra shows where my ex girlfriend had once looked at my chest then I suddenly was aroused and went hard then finished in a few seconds? She must have wanted me so bad. Now I know how Lia is able to come to me without looking at a picture or video? Hopefully it always works like it does at this moment.

Brenda Lee? Oh... Brandon LEE was shot. This is because of the email that I sent.. to Amber... I mentioned how someone text me with a threat and remembered how no caps were used where the only place was found where it a sentence asked not to contact her again but it looked like her work I assumed? I have to make sure it is actually her and that she knows I am not crazy nor do I know these girls. She would find this out by meeting me. If she thinks that I am dishonest but will not find out maybe it is really the truth that she is dishonest? It would be easy to witness this constantly happening to me in person from everyone.  The mind she would get from getting to know me and spending time together would be found no where else and then she would be able to. Stop holding her back already and let her get what SHE wanted. That was to Amber, not Lia... but the same would go to her if they were blocking her or lying.. glad her parents named her that since it means she hates lies. I have scored in that department. It is kind of impossible to be completely accurate because of being human but I always try to get the full truth.

Great right! Great to have the stone element on the left arm for sending someone away... 

Brown.. c ouch. I am reminded of the button on the robot because I am worried about Amber's tattoo and there being meaning behind it. What I cannot help but to notice is how I actually planned on making songs recently for pushing this button in ways that would be programmed in the "deep stare effect" so there is a delay from speaker to speaker enhancing the effect and do what would feel the most brain chemicals and create the absolute best physical pleasure. Love where the greyt is located where the rings on thee leg would be forever. 

Orders found in the second? Bottom left? Reminding me of how I wrote the email to Amber yesterday about the gun. Picture this behind my back. Amber sends you away. Who cares? Would be ready to go back. Am I to put the black thing from her "stone element for another" for the Amber girl then take the place as Spoon in on her back?

Wood be greyt.. I have a lot of songs so far about the kitty ears... so it really connects to what I recently planned.

Wood robot button you. First picture I ask for red in the bottom right is the best place for it to be... 4 = out of time 5 = wood s = measure what is entering the body so 4 of them is like 'for entering you' & 5 p is 'dream date or sex dream' and I had one last night of her but it was kind of awkward because the other Jill was there. and I was being asked to choose. My answer keeps being the same. The one I can meet the fastest who is most trustworthy.

End Walker is reminding me of Walker Street right behind Amberwood Drive... what a bunch of lies until she tells then the truth! Or you tell her what she did to me! I am not a stalker. This is enough proof. Why the hell would I try a second time? My ex had to know what I discovered and she was endangered in her apartment until I was told she got the message that trash was always WEst of her giving Bad thoughts.

Sword held at her left temple where I ask for how much passion so that is like saying, "just please do not hurt me or it hurts if you leave" more like

Orders that go to her left ear? Leave the sword. No using her for sex. She wants an elden ring. 

Conflict she shows on chAIR Te = giving out a cut of fabric maybe?  & Ba = warning caring


Like the diamonds there because of the AI movie with the sex robot who was probably used. 

On her leftit side he sees a double cross! And it says "no tax which would be what? The wood and would going to the robot button was coming from a song I recently worked on and thought of because of Amber's tattoo but I need to find another. It makes me feel like puking and I'll from thinking about her being a slut that is a whore because I don't know her so just worry since she cannot prove to me it is not real.

Remember would or wood robot button? 💓💗💞🫦😱

Right as I was working on my song about it.. incredible.. thought it was for Amber though. Oh well! How fun would it be to worry about someone paying her 20k for something when we are who as some would do it now but she would only become more coveted probably as that game might be no more if we hooked up and made music together or something? Nothing like this has ever happened. Wake her up already. Or she might hate you obviously. Hi. Do you watch her stream? She needs your help. What if she killed herself because I met another? Not like that would happen but does any of them even care about her or just what would tickle if she loved no other?

The three white spots is remember right it meaning to write her and make it good...  Where she wrote there is a purple guy that means "stayed away from the men"

For orders on the bottom left it is hot! It means "remember your right to have me forever" because of and three white lines in the spot that is for the largest echo. I won't lie for it as that rhymes with line. Hair in that spot is like asking to marry maybe?  😍

Where the mirror is? "See yourself. How am I able to meet in my left mind that is taken into the right mind"

I ask for red in the bottom right of the 1st photo. THANK YOU for showing me some red from the accepting fire mark on the arm or maybe that is not?! I feel the same way... I want to know where she lives and how old! So romantic!!! 

I love where the blue goes in the second picture to her wrist but it does not look like eternity written there as it is only to test some hours or what is ours as that rhymes with flowers? That is where we would have our hands wrapped together with the cut of fabric I give to her if time ever happens? I am giving them away everywhere. They are the letter 't' in. Los Angeles right now? Hahahaha 

I DO see purple in the top right!! The problem is that I do not surrender to giving her fire where the pink line meets her accepting fire mark on her left arm. This has been impossible? Or do I have to push back the other girls in my head more so that I do not allow their demonic possession or levitating vampirism?

What does it mean for the bag by blue and green where her wrist is located? Blue = you and a green = agree so what is your agree to bag it? Is she calling me too old? She has been avoiding showing her age.. does bagging it means not cutting her off? Don't bag it? I have to google it. I am hearing her voice say it means "don't leave" 

Thankfully the black is found where the neckt is located.

What does don't bag it mean?
Be quiet, stop doing something, go away

For the forth one I love how she gave me her wrist and the heart! I have permission to touch her on the Day of Air? Wow!!! 😱💓💗💞🫦 Don't test cutting off would be by her wrist.

She is reminding me how I sent the email last night about the caps in the only message that I got from what was probably some guy on the Mythic team? Her work or something? If she is dumb enough not to wake people up to the truth than what if someone  shoots near me timed warning shots? Last time it happened to me I did not run she reminds me by looking like a pussy. Actually I went to where it happened and I was really mad. I use opiates so do not have fear like other people. This is what makes the McKENDERick fearless? How dumb. What if I was hurt over her ignoring me or whatever? It only takes a moment to send me away. The proof to witness might take 2-4 hours? She should see it and then just let me know. I was not crazy or a stalker. It would have appeared that she was stalking me with help from my phone company with the evidence that I have gathered. What if I sued the phone company? That would be funny. With evidence but 
I know I actually did it with my mind? funny thought!? Someone was helping her spy on me. She gave me over twenty colors in specific locations I have scientific proof!? The cartoon is saying "left right? Eye rhymes with left.." 

This one is a joke.. because of the head of hearts below and reminding me how I messed up as a kid.. the bow means "don't do" or is a warning. Hilarious. Moments like this make me wonder if someone else would kill himself? Witnessing proof how others know how intimately he checked out his pet's genitals. She will never marry me now! 

I called myself a guinea pig last night in an email to Amber... the strawberry meaning is private but had to do with last night's dream..

The hearts mean "No right to surrender" in the end which describes my situation perfectly because I have to make sure Amber got my messages FOR AMBER or else we lost this country? Two = no white = right = yell ow  & pink = surrender

November 10th is Judgement Day... but would not exist to her maybe until she had to do it for me because we are married so it makes sense that it is a pink sky as air element is marriage.

November 1st is the Day of Darkness to seeing the power lines is meaningful because it asks for a day without electricity... they are standing where the left foot enters the photo shown.. I love this celebration! ; ) it will never end...?

Showing A GREEn robot button.. it leads to the left ear was my plan they somehow know!? It shows diamond. 

You might think that this means to impregnate the woman but no because there are two heads... no = two so NOT AHEAD!

Conflict in the third shows a baby which was meaning not to give them a baby because of being "special" when I came across it because of the thoughts sent to me.. am I related to RA? Those letters are almost covered when entering at the bottom right. What if this was covered up? I want one too! Can I pay you? Maybe a million or more? Kidding. Not though. I actually have had a thought wondering if I should do something like marry someone in a different country to do something the world needed more than me. It was just a thought but they use my memory. It became why I wanted "Daisy" because of what she said in a Disney cartoon about wanting Donald for her and not the world. That turned into a "ring of daisies " I called it which meant reigniting the celebration every year to keep our marriage going. The have used daisies since responding to my mind to let me know how they want it done. Every girl changes it. 

Few minutes ago I was just sitting here writing when suddenly I saw Amber come out of my right mirror (see yourself right?) and she was standing in black on wood where my passenger seat is located then came to me and went down so I suddenly unexpectedly was aroused so much I finished?! How did that happen? Never felt her ghost that close before. I understand. When she is back she wood if I see myself right.  That has not worked for the last YEAR. I heard her curse me from not wanting to wait anymore. I am going to try to contact all of them like any normal person would because I already gave her a year.

First girl that crosses the finish line... 385-418-0082 

I am so sick of this. Trust me, you want to learn how to do this and then you might understand how it was worth it that I did it to myself. Did I really have to be THIS hungry though? Waiting like this was worth it? I can't believe that happened. I am seriously stunned.

It shows the Day for Darkness for respecting privacy but in this case I seem to be getting a request not to tell her might cause her to get nothing but swords next because of her hooking up with another man who would not care and not be as safe. I guess if you work for a social media company you might notice how I am not the one creating drama. What she is doing with the eyes that rhyme with ground with the mouth connects to what just happened I wrote later but I did not do this part yet.. oops. Wow. It actually matters? It is like I am witnessing what I know must be this picture was made from what I did give minutes ago to compete with the others? Well I am grateful they have  not been competing or mean. Not in my head. They have been nice to each other. I just had to move this because of the ground eyes and mouth seemingly having to do with letting me know that she could do it too???! I feel like I witnessed her feel when my thoughts seem to create an excited reaction when Ii first saw her then started to watch. Instead of telling people I am crazy just realize that you could do it too. I cannot tell you what that feels like. To see someone on twitch and then witness how my thoughts change her or more like she won't stop timing herself to change my thoughts. Please believe me by now am instead. Of the men. Or go have one of them. Sick of being single. I need to accept whatever reaches me first. When I go for drives or any moment honestly sometimes they try. I was driving and someone was waving me at me asking me to pick her up. She was hot. Using the timing. What kind of flower is that?

Re = heading¿ 8 = ate? (I can hear her voice right now which means what? I am GLAD that medication made me schizophrenic? Oops... It was hell at first though and only negative ones until I emes forgiven) I take no medication and hear no voices but know what they would say if I could so it is just like being much smarter. I know the cure now definitely... fixed it during the worst taking three days once. Don't take it though I didn't have schizophrenia when I started taking the medicine. Oops! I had my first attack while on the highest dose and quit Ativan which was worse than quitting heroin in some ways so not worth it. The dream date thing probably could do it with practice. Never is under your control. My eyes cannot see in the dark like other people so they suggested I try that bullshit medicine. It was horrible and maybe did nothing helpful. Maybe the schizophrenic attack came from thinking that people were aware of my brain? What I am doing is trained though and different because I have to flip a switch that uses a part of the brain they call the shaman state of consciousness I used to read books about and do the practices. You basically give your imagination to others. It is like watching TV while awake. Actually have all the senses too. That is what the best part is. So thankful though because for years it was only negative voices. Women is much better! I turned off all of them for a year but Amber following her orders. That was a huge mistake. Actually if I obeyed her it would have worked. I did not want to be crazy. 

She is mad and saying "I said tell it to me now" in my head to other people... warning them she says.. 

If she sleeps with another while she is in Texas. It's over forevermore! Even if she comes here and does that romantic stuff to me. Not after that. Not during that. I don't want to be with a slut. I don't like her job. Her MIND was the reasons I hate her job but she might actually always be going the other way as it keeps being implanted in her mind and mine by the music and video games she plays that try to turn her into a slut so the worse looking one gets laid. I hated them for that.

Maybe I should call her today? She wants me to use a broom... again.. of course.

Was it it last night? I made a video prayer YET AGAIN? I won't stop doing this... I think it would be the best way to keep a marriage together when I finally did someone.. I must admit that I wondered if airplane mode was not enough or there was some way of cheating but this happened everywhere else without that sort of thing needed so I just those thoughts are just the same kind she likely had that prevented her from knowing the truth about my sanity. I don't want to watch the video again to check but when this blog is done everything will be for sure proven so there is no lie while there is always more to be added like a paragraph of "exact what happened" that was perfect proof miraculous how the???? Have a chance with me as also! Anyways, I was whining in this video but maybe not? I just remember being worried and asking for a robe. I said it could be any color (white is mono and black is poly) but I was asking for red right now as that would mean getting everyone off so that I could finally meet someone who is not with someone else who wakes up to this being as real as it always has been and always will be and why stop it when it should go on because how else would I stay married? It sounded like in the fourth or fifth video I heard a woman connect to me letting me know that Amber says that she only likes girls and then I was hearing her voice laying by my side in the spot that means she feels safe with me. Then I wondered if any lesbians still out there that think about me all of the time? Used to be constantly I knew it was true so I cannot help but wonder if I am not actually the center of the universe because another dreams more often than me even? I don't want to be with a lesbian, of course. I feel worried about someone into girls. Thinking about what it seemed like a girl told me earlier in my head today really hurt. About how a man tried to stick to her like glue and would not get off and she went along with it because she did not want to sleep alone. That makes me not even want to meet her or try. Not while she was doing that to me with another person. Kind of takes away the magic but not if we kept it going. While together? She was cursing me though and really mad. So I agreed if she left him than of course I will give her a chance but I have so many questions and want to know how it happened so I do not waste my time with someone that lies. If she lied once why be with her? I never lied to anyone. Not even as a kid. She might be completely clueless that she even did this to me still but not according to the voice but I have feared she has lied out of not wanting me to accept another because she has been too slow to look into this more or whatever? If she thinks that I am a liar she probably lies? I hope she is praying to me and it was actually true what a voice said earlier. How the hell did she do that to me though? It was the closest her ghost has ever been or whatever you want to call it? I kept assuming with every girlfriend that she was like me and I saw myself first... so she did not lie and did not cheat.. but I was actually having concerns and when I did she was I found out later. I have never truly been loved like the kind I gave it felt like. There is this CHANCE she is in love with me and waiting while just wanting to make sure it's real. Or there is a chance she is a slut? I really don't like hearing, "I'll give you my pussy." I do that when I measure myself though. Say things because I am just trying to send a message. I hate it though. Who talks like that? Maybe her brother? Seriously worried about her and not sure what to think. Okay so I did not obey the other voice... there was a couple more this morning asking  former to have one. Real girls talking to me not just in my head. Seeing his red robes is supposed to be my reward for saying. No to them. What if she was actually lying! When this porn star came and met me the other week I was so paranoid he knew her. I hate going through this. I hate her for doing this to me. Maybe she is actually the afraid girl just making sure I am not lying and crazy or a slut? That would be most wonderful. When I saw her at the Coffin Club in the spot that I was standing in and I thought she might be my friend her family name actually goes tied to that moment. How is it possible she would not have slept with me if I tried and she was single? We liked each other for so long and I saw her as she lost weight and looked good. Scared to say her name though. I have been too famous. The scary kind where they might be caught lying or breaking up for a chance with me? It will likely never be the same. Luckily it seems that their voice comes to me and asks so that I can let her know not to do she doesn't do it for nothing. They are waking up to their favorite goth bands and stuff meaning things that lead to stuff they never knew before. I never told people when I lived there before. Now they are scared of me because of being mean somewhere maybe for no good reason but Facebook rumor? 

[Video proof uploaded inserted here for SAT 14th?]

Right foot enters with: Two the right air (two white chairs) a green to the red robe.. she looks happy that I said not to them... Did she tell some girls to come over and ask me for sex? Is she kneeling with brown and orange again? Amberwood drive found again. When it goes to weeweeee I am your Mom and not a slut it happens for me. That face definitely has a glow. I did it today. When I type this blog I will feel so much measuring my thoughts knowing that I respond to the reader to feel them. Good news is always horrible.

Enters at ready to a green to leave 
= yell ow + viole(+n?)t

But don't leave she puts the purple where the left foot is.... A green organ + raised bed ready

When I am writing this... Something happens.. it comes from the future or what??? It is like I can feel her coming across it and the weight that it carries. Her elderly version needs to be the most real. I am NOT a cheater from using my mind right now. I need to find. The most loyal one who won't leave. For children. I am seriously into her version of me. She wants me to take on a country direction. Knows how easily that I actually clean up. How I have not looked funny dancing at every type of dance club. I honestly like doing that. Like an actor with a costume challenge to own the place with timing in the head of another that changes so people take turns feeling like the hottest person alive? That is my best "skill" to offer a woman besides knowing how to touch a girl like a girl. Lucky me I had an honest one. One reason for gay friends I knew was that. Opposite was too dumb. I was never a slut. Shameful and sad how much I turned down love and sex. But I made them very happy and feel like the hottest dancer. This built up scene and made it impossible to have an enemy? How annoying is it to find someone tell you what you think? Very. Sorry. I am so interested what actually happened? How did you do this to me?? Be honest please and I will change whatever. 

I am sorry Lia... About who might come and check you out. European goth girls that are elite. By they are not actually from Europe so?!? They just might send some of a negative vibe. Jealous bothered "I know what to use against her" possibly? She obviously knows the type. I grew up with wolves. Of course I don't look it. Definitely would surprise anyone though. For my siblings its my Dad. There is this air about him. For so long pole would go "oh boy now it's this guy's turn wow is he something scary huge and dangerous!.. wow those people are so weak compared to him." Definitely a new kind of sadness with this girl though. Dad passed some scary light from Vietnam. Girl with a gun? Just want her to be nothing like him. He kept volunteering for the toughest everything and then so lucky to survive his playing being sped out. Acting tough can be just an act but then it becomes like working out and there is no thinking or decision to make? That is weak. Not like she doesn't know obviously. Just to let you know as someone who liked "down" . .. the view is never from somewhere "up there" as no matter how beautiful or whatever a person is there echo that is embarrassing hurt and they have a name with a few of the most embarrassing definitions that make them feel like they will kill themselves if many one knew. But they will actually love you. Just counter or carry negative instead of ignore? Were we ready for the cameras? The FAME? No. The names responding will help. You will find other s taking the worst moments with you proudly. You think that is bad? I know the intimate smell of a horse! And my wife had days that made that cow look pretty? To someone? No one cares. Insects, animals, etc. may queue up what wants to time things to run off the plate. All they need to do for winning might be wanting Hitler's mustache not to face it. Sh! The funny man would NOT take things seriously? Something embarrassing to run from? What was wrong with the other guy with that mustache? The funny American? The fame made people crazy. Cameras? Something not human used their brains. Every fear known. How sad it is to wake up someone to a door of the garden of Eden? Forbidden fruit is he egg. A girl who chews steak and then some. I just know it is a lot of information to show someone. Nobody actually knows our thoughts. There will never be thought police. Thank goodness. Most people might run from their souls being trapped in a camera just like a Chinese person? You are capable of scaring the toughest Texans. Try and show a gift from his wife in a picture by measuring the timing it was found and she knows everything. They will all run at first. Because they were guilty. Mean. Secrets. Private in her mind. How would I not want to talk to you? It is a pretty heavy things to share and a cowboy hat might be most difficult because they had more country. It is like what named Hollywood. And why? Maybe? Holly wood know. What it is like to be free. What it is like to do whatever you want. What it is like to have privacy. But what is it like to be trapped in a picture? Would Holly know that? Holly was my best friend. A girl. They did not cut off her private. They did not fasten a metal belt for a key. She was like a boy. Normal. Like all the girls in the cunt try? Just like the boys? Secretly but don't tell because no body ever spied. Or anything like that. Opposite gender really helps in fixing everything. Finding it how they were the same or similar. So nobody kills themselves. You definitely remind me of home. The kind of home not one was gay in. Like mine. That happened at neighbors? One of the scariest things is the toughest redneck having to listen to the crickets and frogs as he wakes up to how they have access to his memory. They say "bud, wise, err.. " or "buddy sucked err" and someone wants to die because insects carry thoughts on wings and they never noticed before but those kind of concerns would be why I made this sort of? How can I share what my life is like safely without others dying? They won't tell but they ALL did dumb child stuff. What happens to a family when a dog has a butt that looked like another dog had it in the behind until when done it looked like a hole was there instead of lips? What if it was a human? Should we kill the dog? Before anyone sees? What if a gay person lived in this residence before these dogs did this behavior? Did a Father kill himself? Will his friend catch onto how the gay echo did it then kill him for it? Are there aids with mosquitoes? All of their bad thoughts have been coming from spots west of bacteria, etc. because the planet is moving. Just use your memory. Found the proof. Only one spot I could remember there was no garbage East.. and strawberry field I am repeating myself for a reason again! They needed it that much or will or? Duh. Sorry. Strawberry fields. 

"I hate your fucking laughter you just sniped me you piece of shit." What it feels like to lose she knows because she is a good gamer that has to a lot because the letter L means to work. Not like Warcraft. Her mind is completely different. I feel like I have to cut off Amber or to both of them or I am not real. Whoever I actually meet and hookup with does not have to win anymore as the prettiest or whatever as it's completely about other things. Looks? I might barely care for but of course they matter. Honestly being into girls scares me. Worried she would leave. Why would I want two? Twice the work? That means I have to elder two jobs done? Err flicks I mean? As an actor or? I am worried because once other women find out especially famous and power rich ones they might not give up in trying to convince Amber to do something?  What would she do? Would she care or want it? Is she one of times Polymer figurines? That would be a way to get rid of me? Just want her to be honest. Only way It might work for long term would be if she cared a lot about living again. In that department we won and got to heaven. Goodbye young and dumb Adam and Amber. I put in a lot of thought since Lia showed the gingerbread man. Made me kind of nervous. Maybe we remember being black and losing our skin? What is nice to know is how Tucson the timing would be used to make sure they would be most healthy and pick the gender?! How could that not work? At this rate with these tests? It would always work maybe? Everyone in the future chooses gender? All we had to do was make music or artwork for the future child not born yet? Wow.  Choose the next Moon phase if a bad feel is there.. or a different gender wanted?

The orders show violet from bottom left to top left. Give is a club in Portland. Don't want to explain that drama. The left foot asks me to leave the "dead goth people crowd" as that is lavender. Too personal to explain. I never really get into how I know for sure.  Take my word for it? What I show should be enough. Surprising I am able to respond as a human being to another's memory. Cannot stop. How to wrap head around that?

When I was writing I was feeling what was a person realize that this was real. Finding other girls sure    ruined it fast. So what should I do? Seriously??? The feeling she set me was so magical. It made my whole body tickle like a female oranges. The kind a male has during the third month of going without an orgasm. It takes that long? Or just maybe have a pill of ecstacy? Brain damage though? It MUST tickle. So when you tease your organ and the orgasm does not happen but the build up was there it goes up the spine to the brain and changes the nervous system from there. College of massage teaches this.

I really want to give you what you want. ANY girl female reader. My largest echo would do what? Not risk losing me. So which of you would it be? How do you think I should do this? I want to feel what I felt from the girl I targeted BEFORE she HAD TO just to stop the other girl or does she actually love me? What I mean is that I fear she just wants to waste my time to save a colony of parasites? Not like I would ever support killing the off. Or kidnapping. I just want to go with the first girl who contacts me. Go on a date. Am I nice like Amber? Too nice? Always with the wrong person? I am not wasting my time for her anymore but I need to know what she was able to read this blog post. I have shown you how they respond. Some asshole just blocks and do anything for possession and withholding knowledge is a form of rape in the minds of too many. Ask anyone.. would this knowledge stop someone from something? She told me that the guy who was ready for her.... who would not let her see me..  was being led by another?

One year. YEAR. I waited for Amber and obeyed her voice and proved it was her. Enough of you already? That was for someone who might want to do what? Not tell her what happened. What is found that is proof . It is just a human being. Who cares? How could anyone do that?

Seems like any of these girls would just call me by now. Let them ALL know what I posted please. Is Amber with that guy? AND happy I saved myself? Probably not but. I have too many girls in my had. Totally pissed off. I want to feel what was there before. If it has not happened when does it?

Her hand was on my chest.

She is mono forever?

She is going to work secretly with others?

She was already tricked because he did not tell her?

Consider the options here please and let me know?

My goal would be something like releasing brain chemicals without drugs. .. to know how.. by simply being honest that can be quite hurtful?

You know what maybe showing more than one girl like this is a crime I just need to do one girl a time and let them see the other ones? Here is what happened. Amber was in love. Every stream come true err DREAM actually but better than possible and then suddenly she took a donkey Irish crap on herself that felt like the most beautiful woman alive that became the worst mole to look at when compare to that other girl during that moment so do not think that I do not now how you feel. I need to be able to pass the lie detector test so the way planned to make the questions just was messed up and I need to sleep. I will fix it. Thanks for that gingerbread pill ow warning and that very sweet video to that other girl to wake me up to helping her recover and hopefully get off those pills. She has been depressed. Such a beautiful woman. What the hell would men do? Sorry for being annoying. I am going to sleep.

Curious about this "Adam's Square" coming from the ladies though... Hopefully no boyfriend out there has gone ape shit crazy over there anywhere? I should have introduced this in a way that shown him ten girls waving or something that kicked him in the full gear to get married to his couple or go away running into what becomes the line ups? You get my problem... I was always too nice. With friends and stuff. I let them take advantage of me. I just felt bad. Losers. They called themselves that. I did that too much for them. Give away my girlfriend. How many times? All of them? I don't want them anymore. Just ONE decent honest good one. She exists? I have never really had ONE FOR ME? It was always hostage of kindness I am kind I'll for another. 

So this makes me a virgin. 

Because I was victim of cheating and slutty whatever worthless I am second to anyone or everyone. 

I looked into unknown and saw myself. Oops! They have no empathy? 

I would rather have uglier and be a top than what? 

I use to pass along girls to others like I did not want them or because if she accepts that route it was a test. She failed. Want her gone.

That cowboy Adam I am interested in seeing though. Because there is only one of me and I plan to fill in these squares with other men ready for a girl to cry her way out.

He has like a black hat or something? 😂 That would be ridiculously fun. I absolutely love making an outfit that is very sexy where I feel like time has been out into it for every inch that makes a person look twice and want to touch it. Horses speak English to me. Very noticeable. If we too a stroll through anywhere the names would respond to us asking for cut fabric. To pass an ankh through their name and save the person from their most embarrassing definition.
