Thee Making of Thee Ring, Volumes i & ii

This is the biggest discovery you may possibly find on the internet not found anywhere else!

This is me as a child back in the late 90s... and I guess this huge discovery originally happened when my family was up late into the night sharing dreams when my sister and I realized we had the same dream that the both of us were in and so we really got shivers and chills everywhere while we took turns finishing the story for each other until the end where it was slightly different because we separated.

This involved an old man wearing overalls we believed haunted a certain room in the upstairs that I now believe was a family member like our grandfather coming to see us!

I always thought that I was ugly until I use my memory and realize that I was lucky to have two beautiful little sisters who were trying to find a guy at school like me so this helped and the prettiest girls in the school older than me were obviously practicing in the mirror for running into me in the hallway as I was in Salt Lake City but was not Mormon like most of the kids and being bad was cool while adults tried to take my virginity often since I was only thirteen but most especially when I moved out into an apartment at only fifteen where I started to practice a tantric sex magic someone taught me from the college of massage. Most people might think that going three years without ejaculating must be impossible or a lie that I had made up or exaggerated but this was part of my training that was not as hard as it might sound since having enjoying an erection or sex was not against the rules.

As a shy teenager when I was only thirteen an eighteen year old girl got into trouble with her friends for spending the night trying to give me what would have been my first real sexual experience and this repeated with my next girlfriend who was sixteen. My older brother asked me about making a move on my girlfriend and I was okay with it so he ended up sleeping with both at different times since I did not want to be second best to anyone while I was saving myself for marriage.

On the day I lost my virginity I was eighteen and woke up to a voice that sounded like my Dad in my head telling me this would happen and that night after dancing a bunch of women came to my house and while most were inside I went out to the car to smoke with a girl who used to be a drummer for my band and another who startled us by suddenly driving off ignoring when asked to stop. She brought us to the avenues where suddenly she stopped her car and announced that she was too drunk to drive so we had to go inside to spend the night with her friend.

What might have been a small party of women was left at my house and while stuck in the car driving me away I remembered the voice that I woke up to that morning and thought that she was trying to figure out a way to sleep with me. One of the other ladies left at my house would have normally done everything to stop her as she had a crush on me and was a bit controlling so she had to be out of the picture completely.

Once inside when the drunk driver was done with the tub she came out in a towel and just laid down on a bed in a guest room so I knew to lay beside her. Once they left the room she turned to kiss me awake as ever!

This gal knew what to do as she showed me several sexual positions while rubbing her clit until such cute sounds came out when climax was reached and apologized to me since I did not have a turn like she did.

When I saw her at the bar after this happened I knew she got into trouble with our friends as if I was an innocent boy taken advantage of by her so she apologized again as if she had done something wrong but she was unbelievable in bed so I was very thankful!

My friend who became a director made a movie about a girl who was the best partner in the bedroom. His movie described the experience I had quite well using a name that rhymed for the character that was obviously her! Dustin Defa used to get mad at me at parties as I would often forget his name but when I found it recently the reason might have been so that I would know not to share too much about personal information like I was dusting with a broom.

She moved to Portland so I am a bit tempted to look her up recently since I am technically single and looking.

If you have seen this movie and am wondering what she did in bed that was so great that gave the "Mallory Effect" it was because she would surprise her partner as she did not wear sexy clothes that revealed her great body and she had the goal to get off with an incredible drive and when her orgasm was reached she made such unbelievably cute sounds!

I got a fake ID in my late teens thanks to my friend who went to the DMV wearing my unique rose-colored prescription glasses after he practiced my look with makeup worn the same unique way that I did it using black lip liner around shiny metallic purple. While waiting a girl asked me if I wanted a cookie but gave me her number instead.

When I called her she told me she had a sexy dream so we just had to meet and she eventually got into trouble by dropping her plans to start school out of state for an opportunity to be my girlfriend so I accepted but she seemingly tried to cheat behind my back whenever left alone with another so maybe she was not echoing into my dreams like I was into hers?

The entire time I was with her I never ejaculated and I doubt I was good in bed like she would tell her friends while making sure I could hear. When she finally confessed cheating I was not getting mad so she hit me a bunch and told me we had to break up because of my being too perfect as it made her look like a monster since everyone would always love me but hate her.

The last time that I saw this girlfriend she tried to convince me to sleep with someone we met at a rave who was so beautiful but when I started to kiss her it was just too weird because I was used to putting all of my focus into one person so this made me uncomfortable.

After her, I slept in bed with a beautiful lesbian for almost a year without having sex so people thought sometimes that I had to be gay but we would kiss and cuddle. She was so much fun to go clubbing with, always having the goal to kiss the hottest girls to be found, and she used me to get it by convincing them to kiss me first which never failed.

I used to be a lot more ambitious than other people and kept a "point system" for myself with more goals than everyone I knew as I only took jobs that allowed me to do my own thing at work such as a parking lot or a career with building computers.

It felt like everyone liked my company everywhere that I went as I had a lot of beautiful friends but I do remember getting into trouble once when I drank too much at a dance club and kissed random women who were not exactly single that I did not know because they gave me an inviting look.

Somewhat recent photo of old friends from SLC days we ran into at Bar Sinister during a trip to Hollywood back in 2009... Marie had owned a salon in the Crossroads Mall in the 90's and had two boyfriends when the picture was taken.. one of them she met through me if not both?

Back then I had so many friends that it felt like I would never have the time to kiss or hug everyone I knew who was there with my standard greeting whenever I would go dancing.

For years, I went to 80's night at Area 51 on Thursdays in Salt Lake City and I would sit during the latter years with my friend Deja who was dating Billy Corgan from Smashing Pumpkins and Linda Strawberry who makes music with him and we have hung out until morning exchanging songs on my guitar.

I used to play with people on the same record label as some of my favorite goth bands who were famous to us so we were planning on touring Europe thanks to the main song writer knowing the woman who married the youngest guitarist of the Cure while she was writing other famous people who also offered hospitality.

I had a party at my house for friends such as the famous DJ Marci Wiser currently known on the radio in LA that was going to make a children's book with me. Much later DJs performed on the main floor such as Simon and Nexus while Nebula from Club Bricks who did not show was later told how much he missed out. This gathering completely ruined my life in some ways as too many people did not obey the flier that had shown them where to park so my neighbors could not use the road that I lived on and the cops raided my house the next morning giving me a weed charge that prohibited me from leaving the country.

In order to pass a drug test for weed I forced myself to use meth which absolutely terrified me but worked which led to being open to older women showed me everything else starting with ecstasy probably because she was hoping we would become intimate as I was very shy while the one who gave me heroin for the first time I had a crush on and she tried to cut me off before I became addicted but I was able to go around her while living with "good Jen" thanks to a jail visit where I met Jeeroy who introduced me to Mario with a network that would be an illegal immigrant showing up in a car with balloons in his mouth after a phone call.

I picked up a new addiction that became playing online computer games so the YouTube video for Leeroy Jenkins going viral for me had a different meaning completely as a lot of Jen's kin was killed by the Leeroy I met thanks to heroin and coke overdoses.

While locked up the picture that I made for Leeroy's wife was probably what got the most attention from the police who most likely knew he gave me the cartel number since an intercom on the wall may have listened when I told my cell mate that happened to be my real life friend locked up for a DUI.

During my early twenties I missed many years of my life and also a certain song made by Sarah Brightman called Eden that was shown in the windows everywhere at Mormon owned establishments where she looked goth while singing "I never tried to be in your Eden" in front of a tub as if she knew everything as my name is Adam but I never heard this song until dope-sick when I moved to Northern Idaho to clean up and this turned my life around completely as I was able to get what might have been the absolute best job in all of Idaho in terms of how much fun it was? Probably just a coincidence...

I put my foot into the door as a temporary worker moving computers but was doing as much work or more so than everyone else I was around in Level II Support so I was hired onto their team and built computers for Coldwater Creek at their main headquarters in Sandpoint that is a very charming vacation spot with a beach.

Finally, I had a good career and found a local girl who owned a house to move in with due to the rule that I made up against dating coworkers.

While living with her I was scared that she was evil and so I snuck into her diary where she wrote of a dream she had sex with a dragon in the back seat of a car which reminded me of my little sisters friend who told me that I was with her in the backseat in her dreams as well so she was writing me love letters because she thought it was hot that I stopped when asked to where she knew other boys would have given her a hard time.

Years later while living in Portland after I had forgotten all about my ex girlfriend I had a dream of sleeping with her and became the dragon she wrote about I had realized as I woke girl even when I was her age it was only older women that I was into growing up. up to what seemed to be my roommate hissing through the walls around the time that I was kicked out for leaving the gas on right as the song came out by my favorite goth band about how I always leave the gas on!?

In this dream it was just like we were together again but she must have been only sixteen years old or so as she was thinner so this made me wonder about married couples and whether or not what I did could be considered to be wrong in any way? The answer would have to be that I did absolutely nothing wrong because I would never do anything with a teenage girl and in the dream it never entered my head that she could be anyone different as we used to be a couple so her age never was thought about. 

This kind of changes things considered others do the same thing? Does this mean that gay lovers might dream about being with a partner that is a child which took part in turning this person homosexual? What about that teacher who slept with a child who was one of her students? Is it possible that while locked up as an adult he went to her many times before she had committed the illegal deed perhaps with the aid of a picture she gave him in the future after they had already been caught so he would be doing nothing wrong when in reality could have been causing a dream that would inspire her to be willing to cross such a line? What about someone who was a rapist murderer doing time in death row or maybe a mental health facility for the rest of his life? Is it possible that this person could be disruptive while asleep? What if he or she has nothing better to do than lucid dream as that might be the most realistic way to be able to hurt another where we all share our most relaxed state? Would this dream be helpful to the victim in knowing what or maybe who to avoid or might this do things that might push them into mistakes that were previously made?

This realization made me a feel a bit more sympathetic and understanding when it came to some of the teachers or adults that would show me nudity or do things such as rub against me in a inappropriate way since as an adult I have done things like remember these times and fantasize about what this person may have let me do if I took things a step further or simply just think about what happened while pleasuring myself and grateful? Would this mean that the person felt it in the past inspiring something that was crossing a line that was not supposed to be crossed for the man that she knew I would become? 

One way that I could understand how it was possible is realize that I would not be surprised one bit if it was perhaps one of the most attractive young teenage girls always interacting and in close proximity to male teachers that might make similar mistakes because of knowing how good it feels to be aroused as a man while telling myself that he could be a creep? Why was it so difficult to accept that I was not ugly when teachers or adults would almost always be doing things like letting me know while getting aroused from being close to me? 

How sad so much time went by before realizing that women are much the same way as men with the same sex drive and motivations centering around one thing. Would the only difference between us be a brief monthly break?

Men typically do not ever catch onto this being true. One of the reasons might be how much more I catch onto or notice how I am treated differently if I am wearing makeup in the same way that a woman is throughout her day while interacting with other people as without it others may be completely rude where it is obvious they would not have been? What about the clothing that women wear and how it will show their nudity or skin exposed more than the man in some ways? By wearing a kilt most especially with the gladiator sandals that are strapped all the way up the thighs I will have to do things like tightened the lace that holds it up in the same way a garter belt is fastened so I will notice that women will react in the same way that men would if a woman was adjusting her clothing in public potentially showing nudity if there is an accident. Before I was doing this I never knew because there is checking someone out which I knew well enough but then there is the sudden uncontrollable rush of feelings that might make the heart rate increase or make a person feel like maybe their buttons might pop off?


Makeup or not? I only wear it when going out dancing at night usually as during the day I do not like to do too much that stands out to be seen among others...

While locked up for some time that was long enough to really miss the sight of a woman I was getting into lucid dreaming to be able to do things that might otherwise be impossible. I would make a stereo appear and listen to a favorite record all the way through although the timing was not perfect and it would tend to skip to my favorite parts it was actually playing as something I could definitely hear while asleep in my dream.

Once during a dream it seemed just as real as if I was awake while I sat and pulled apart a leaf that was on the ground in a way that really got to know the leaf as touching it let alone the feel or smell of it should have been impossible. I was able to pinch myself just like my best friend in my dream told me to try since I was telling him how I had to still be locked up while we were talking and smoking pot outside but he assured me that we were really there and that I was not in jail anymore. Something inside of me somehow knew it was a dream while we started to walk to his house and so I started to try and look at things I normally would not notice like maybe the color or details of a neighbor's mailbox while telling myself that I had to remember everything perfectly so that I could verify it all later when I would wake up and return. Once we hit the road things became chaotic and more like a regular dream as I just decided to make a car full of beautiful women appear to give us a ride so that we did not have to walk the whole way. I remember somewhere in the dream was a maple tree and when it was found I had promised myself never to forget its location as by doing so would prove that I had actually gone there somehow outside of my head but unfortunately the location of this was forgotten when I actually searched for it later in life.

For some time I would challenge myself and wake up in my dream while aware I was sleeping to test the limits of what my brain was capable of. This inspired me to read a book in a dream that was supposed to be impossible but worked. During this same dream I decided to keep the tests going and went through paintings of others and then started to run through other people's buildings to look at everything and take in my surroundings faster than what should have been possible but there seemed to be no limit so I needed a bigger challenge. This led to creating a courtyard full of strangers as I knew from being an artist that it would be impossible for me to imagine what a unique face looked like easily let alone more than one since I have tried to draw people before and found this task difficult. Faster than what I knew I was capable of trying to consciously imagine I was looking at one unique face and then moving onto the next immediately while grabbing their faces with my hands as if it helped me to take in all of their features? I tried to look at hundreds of faces as fast as possible when suddenly the grotesque appearance of an individual not like the others appeared in the crowd and when I gave him my attention others seemed to give us room found between as he spoke telepathically letting me know that I looked the same as him as eyes were seen covering his entire body while three major ones were found on his head.

Another night I woke up to being in control of everything while aware that I was sleeping so I decided to make a beautiful woman appear so that I could have sex but when I went to tear her clothes off she responded negatively and told me that just because she was in my dream it did not mean that she was not real so I blushed suddenly like I would with a real person as I started to apologize for having the goal to use her like I would an object but I have treated them as real people ever since then so it feels like I am trusted by others more everywhere even where we go to bed.

My youngest sister's friend who lived in Rome with her came to me in a dream before I met him in real life as we walked around a garden talking about what he represented in my subconscious mind. He would give me a knowing look as if he was real. Many years later she introduced me to him before he died and now I know more after sleeping on the spot where my other friend died how to bring him to me during my sleep so that we could talk. They are definitely aware and while alive had the same dreams that I had but from their own perspective while I am not sure if they are in our heads while dead or if they are coming to us while they lived which would mean that our subconscious minds always knows the end since we are doing a great many things in the dreams of others after we died? Because of everything that happened it would seem that my dead friend became gravity in a way and this gave him the view letting him know he was dead as well as what happened to his body? Definitely real because of what happened to me while living where someone died who would sometimes do things such as ask me why something happened over his corpse he should not have been able to be aware of.

Very recently while injured I rented a duplex from my Mother while in recovery and thanks to this help I was able to afford what would become thousands of dollars for the cost of becoming a musician that released fourteen CDs unique to their batch almost immediately within the first year or two and paid for a great many things such as buying a dozen years for the domain name and everything else tied to it for the that should be a very helpful key when it comes to introducing "flow" and "deep stare" music with the 20s in the near future.

Once I am prepared to be famous and have finished going through everything with a serious broom I will be able to use this website with commercials and advertising for waking up the public to a great many things previously not known that is extremely important or helpful to know such as the heavens and the earth being separated by the first compass.

When the 20s actually began the birds were just discovered so it was a big deal as seemingly others responded everywhere perhaps to my bird video showing proof of their using English to communicate in the same way that people do as they were discussing whether or not I would quit smoking while telling me the reasons to stop as a vegan option suddenly appeared at every fast food place and a Facebook group such as "birds aren't real" was created by others who seemingly know but are not sure how to tell others as maybe they will try to ignore it while witnessing it out of fear or guilt inevitably found following the discovery since something like white meat may be included in their diet.

I made this and shared it online right before moving so when I arrived back in my old stomping grounds after many years I was welcomed by a new album from Edward Ka-Spel as I was streaming Albion Online on Twitch as the first track called "Safe Landing" opened yet another great album coming from him being a lot better than many others but like all of his work it might be hard to listen to at first for some people while for everyone his music sounds better the more it is heard as it is more friendly to what might be a heroin user so that a song is not going to get stuck in the head while going through withdrawals like a catchy song from the radio might feel like a repetitive saw to the brain that is distorted guitar or whatever?

This is from the album "The Moon Cracked Over Albion" and I think either he or maybe his company or one of the '40 angels' made a clip on my Twitch channel that was my nude character frozen bending over showing her 'moon' to my audience the folks working for Twitch would change from one million to one as if testing my reaction while I was at times doing things very out of the ordinary like talking to wild birds or a puppy that knew English or showing scientific proof that ancient medieval tapestries were responding to my coming across them!?...

It shows on this album where the needles are located where my injuries were found if that was me lying back in my computer chair that justified my relapse as I fell off the wagon due to an injury that would not allow me to use my right leg without dope... and yes, I relapsed in every way for a short time but when I bought what would have been shot as a 'speedball' mix of coke and heroin that used to be my favorite over a dozen years ago it was not used and flushed down the toilet as I attempted to create the most anti-drug echoes to save my friend who died in the past sharing gravity in that location and ended up going against the doctors orders to take 8mg of Suboxone daily so the withdrawals lasted a month instead of just a weekend that I was previously used to doing from just heroin alone that ironically was made to lessen addiction for injured soldiers. I would have definitely picked one month of Suboxone withdrawals over one weekend of heroin withdrawals overall because it was not nearly as bad and somewhat easy in comparison?

The "ring" found in the top right seemingly came from the very first television broadcast that I watched which used it to ask me to return to watch it again after the Queen of England died which might be the reason that when a person looks up 'remote viewing' my last name is found where they are based according to the wiki about "psychic spies" and the "Stargate Project" funded with half a million every year for the CIA until Bill Clinton decided to end it due to the lack of use for it as I have learned with remote viewing it mostly works because of maybe the person on the other side wanting sex maybe or something very animal like? Trying to use it for gathering intelligence seems very ineffective as a person is very capable of being dishonest. What they do in the real world is done while sleeping so a person may not get much of anything useful besides being able to demonstrate the same miracles that I have from maybe the television or movies deciding to do things for one mind more than the other ones such as show a certain color in a specific location my followers found in the real world or maybe folks on Twitch might ask me to show a quick demonstration of? Kind of hard to find a military use from love or people wanting the company of other people. I have not bothered to get this job done yet. I guess it only takes a few seconds? I know they have been grateful for those rare occasions I have watched television as I always have what might be called a 'chain of events' or program stored in my brain that they seemingly use to help prevent a child watching from making mistakes or guide their mind to a healthy direction when an inappropriate echo appears they will inevitably come across? Basically, I just follow the pentagram or the ring probably genetically programmed into us by now so they are more likely to save themselves for marriage or at least something more monogamous and responsible? Too many life-changing helpful lessons I have to teach that would help others immediately from learning now that have not come from anywhere else as far as I know unless I am succeeding where people are sharing the common sense wisdom I share.

What would YOU DO if the very first television broadcast was very impressed with your mind and wanted to know more about their history and lost traditions with a request that you return to watch it again at the loop when the Queen died for what might be a psychic on the other side? What would this person be doing? Simply measuring the timing of their thoughts while filming?

Maybe I should watch it and recommend as a professional Doctor to let them know that hopefully she died of some form of suicide such as laughter as she was well over one hundred maybe or close enough to?

Too many things so ridiculously important that I have discovered or figured out like Stonehenge, Egyptian, origins of thought, archaeology responding to me as an archaeologist, heavens and the earth being separated by a COMPASS as the North was known as the sky, Adam and God were the ones who really killed Abel since it was a magic trick to teach Kain why he must obey, forbidden fruit was the egg, etc. What I constantly witness as would my company is synchronicity doing things such as naming streets or people as I have also been able to prove with science that prayer is real and others we dream about have had the same ones but at a different time along with access through the speed of mind to even the most far off thought involving them a person might have while awake stores in the memory or what might be the nothing that knows everything as we seek we bring it?

My ex girlfriend who I recently left in Portland had a birthday come up and she decided to make me feel sick as a gift by calling my interest in what would be more than I wanted to know about how she has moved on and been sexually active with others. She knew what to do in order to make feel most disturbed and I actually felt like dry heaving which surprised me as I had left her and already slept with someone else.

When I told her I would never sleep with her again I was probably over-reacting but she took it very seriously and was very upset so she told me that she wanted money back from a gift she gave me while we were together that cost her over a thousand dollars. 

I paid for all of her rent for almost a year and for her vacation while we were together as well as gave her spending money for doing things such as reading a book like Dragonlance since I had also read it and I was wanting to start a family or get married while we were together so thought it was a good idea to know the same story somewhere so that we could use certain code between us if it ever came up during emergencies or whatever?

Anyways, back to my story.. I had agreed to pay her a couple hundred a month until I paid her back but she told me that she was going to need to right away or she would be kicked from her place as she could not afford it after I left. She suddenly called me and told me that I was off the hook and did not have to pay her anything because she would get the money from her Mother but I had to be blocked on Facebook and from her phone until my birthday when she would unblock me. I was instructed by her only to contact her by writing letters only. So I did not really think anything of it as I guess she was getting the money by convincing her Mother that she needed money from me but didn't want to get it from me because I was abusive or something like that? Playing the victim card in some way. She was already known for doing this to people as thirty people seemingly unfriended me at once when we had announced our relationship status on Facebook and they told me that it was because of making up lies about her ex boyfriend while several times during our relationship her friends kept trying to warn me that she was going to do the same thing to me whenever we broke up but I was dumb enough to trust her. I had even believed her when she first lied to me by telling me that I called her friend a nasty name while I was drunk. It was so out of character. I should have known better. For whatever reason she seemingly wanted to punish me for leaving her?

It was a huge surprise to see a restraining order show up against me from her with lies she came up with about my grabbing her wrist violently or something like that? She was right in that I grabbed her wrist once but it was not in front of a market in the way she described in the paperwork. In real life I have never argued with anyone since middle school or before that so becoming violent was never possible. When I grabbed her wrist it was a habitual reaction caught on film while I was streaming on Twitch when she was grabbing the keys from me without permission but I stopped her out of habit and then gave it to her when she asked or realized what was going on.

I should have been furious about it but maybe a pathetic wreck is a better word? I have never known of anyone getting a restraining order before. I thought it was only something a stalker would get or an abusive someone but me??? I have never even argued with my girlfriend before or any person for the most part. Not any of them in my entire life. Never back and forth. That never has happened to me before. I am taking a lie detector test to prove that all of this post is true because I need to make sure that fans of my music and followers of the future know the truth and what had actually happened with her was like she said in her text messages that she was getting money from her Mother along with maybe some attention or help in trying to absolutely ruin me for leaving her? I had shown a letter to the court she sent me that proved her story was false and the ways that they looked at her let me know that they knew it was a lie but they kept it active since it would be off my permanent record anyways. I had no idea that was the case or I never would have bothered going to court to fight it as that had cost money to fly out there to stay for a week!

Right after she blocked me it really helped me out because I have never been rejected before as I used to wait for the woman to make the first move as it happened often to me. When I was very young I dated older women like spending the night kissing an eighteen year old gal while I was thirteen who got into trouble for it from her friends and after her my girlfriend was sixteen. Both of them kept trying to have sex with me and I ended up passing them along to my older brother who did it as I did not want to be second best to anyone as it would not be "real love" and he asked me permission. I started to wear makeup in my mid teens and so naturally everyone that I was around was extra nice so coming across something negative did not really happen much until Facebook came along? 

I worked very hard with determination to fix absolutely everything negative out there somewhere about me as the thought of even one person not liking me has kept me up at night previously and this was one big mess to clean up with my ex girlfriend spreading lies so I started to make music as fast as I could to save her from the garbage on the other side of her wall as I kept making new discoveries. Because of the planet moving and mass bending time bacteria and trash uses our brain tissue more when we are thinking directly East/West of it. Just use your memory and you will find that the spot you came up with every horrible idea was West or East of a cat litter box, trash, refrigerator, toilet, kitchen sink, or something along those lines. When the kids played truth or dare outside it was the one who was sitting East/West of the septic tank that came up with the horrible dare for the others to do, for example. Have you ever felt dirty and crossed a line in an extremely embarrassing way? Now you know more about why it is called feeling "dirty"!!! Whenever the garbage was taken out while we lived together as a couple we suddenly wanted to get married and start a family while planning on moving out but then the trash would start to build up again for our entire floor and we were on the other side of it in a tiny apartment unable to really escape the "potty thought zone" that usually is not found absolutely everywhere.

I had sex videos that we had made together that I used because it was much better than all of the porn that I could find online even though they were terrible as she was in a bad mood since I was leaving and I decided to buy toys to go with it for the first time in my life which surprised me that I was able to achieve some of the biggest orgasms that I have ever had!? This helped me cope with being single and wait for my next serious one.

Like my other girlfriend I was going to her in my sleep to see her before we met and she was looking forward to meeting me in our dreams while asking me not to give up in trying to patch things up with the version of her that existed in the future...

I had been scared of watching television or movies for a long time because of noticing how it seems to be aware of my thoughts as they respond to my mind on the other side so watching our sex tapes was kind of hard at first, most especially because she would seemingly talk back to my mind... in one part she responded with "yes" to my asking in my mind if I could add her old pictures to the videos to make it better.. what was funny is that in one part it sounds like her tummy is talking as it says, "I love you!"

While with her I demonstrated "remote viewing" to be really happening to me when she made me watch Game of Thrones with her and it happened while she was listening to music.

Right when I moved in I was used to living with having to hear what seemed like other people in my brain as what they would say always seemed to be a response to whatever it was I was thinking as if they were telepathic and always reminding me that they were aware of my mind so I had a way of delivering embarrassing thoughts somewhere that fixed it such as a sex act becoming poopy diapers or something like that?

Televisions and music always seemed to follow me in an impossible way as if they knew what I was thinking and by some miracle the synchronicity would always be the perfect response to whatever it was I was thinking and I was getting tired of this so thought that maybe if I listened to another language for awhile that might fix it?

Well it didn't as other languages seemly would also respond to my mind with words that would sound similar enough to English words that would be the perfect response to whatever it was that I was thinking... but I tried anyways and found it somewhat relieving but thought maybe something more ancient might work better so I turned on monk hymns.. just like everyone else it was responding to my mind as if they were speaking English so I would ask with my mind what they were doing and they would respond with "trying to help you" and then when I would ask "who am I?" with a thought they would respond with "we do not know what to call you?"

My girlfriend was listening to oldies without words to give me some relief and was okay with absolutely never watching television but even the instruments seemed to sound like words responding to my mind in a weird way? I thought it sound like it was asking me not to be a shark while asking me what I wanted and then when I thought of my plans they responded that they were going to try and help me. I was going to the bathroom but nothing was happening because of being shy and feeling like I was on stage so I had asked her to turn it off for a bit but she just laughed. I was trying to take a "number two" . .. or in other words 'to go poop' and suddenly the man started to sing about Lucy Brown as if they knew what was going on and were making a joke with me!

While watching the Game of Thrones for her she agreed to allow me to pause it every once in awhile to go back and double check that I really heard how they responded to my mind on the other side. During the part when the Lanister was a prisoner and someone was praising him as a fan who watched him fight in the arena I was wondering if such a thing was borderline gay since I have never really felt such admiration for anyone before and in the background among the extra suddenly laughter broke out as they said, "that is not gay!" 

I typically would try to meditate while watching which is hard as I do not want to be bothersome or miss anything but for some reasons I slipped and started to think about The Beetles when the dwarf said that he did not understand why someone would kill a beetle as if he knew?!

Every time that I watch anything I go through this experience and it feels like I am partially composing it so it can be somewhat embarrassing but they make it entertaining in a whole new way because they are seemingly always so grateful that I watch it.

I could at any time just start to talk out loud for things to happen for me like a color in a certain location in the next moment to find them do this for me to prove to the person that I am with that they are doing this for me.

On my YouTube channel I have made hundreds of hours of videos showing me demonstrate this phenomenon to be real usually by using a random number generator and asking for them to follow that for me since it would prove it to be real since I could not cheat in any way unless the way the numbers were generated was rigged somehow?!

From what I can tell what makes it possible is mass bending time and the speed of our mind being something like light where time slows down when we approach the speed of light as that would connect us to others outside of normal time?

This actually happens to everyone but they typically do not think as much as I do... partially because of feeling naked due to others letting me know that my thoughts are important.. and while around children it seems that my brain is always helpful and part of what probably assists in programming their dreams so parents are always thankful in their subconscious minds as they are typically led to the wisest routes.

While doing anything such as smoke or drink my thoughts would be timed in a way that would turn off children or guide them away from thinking of all the reasons that it is bad or dumb to do.

Once a child was running from the Mother in a park by the river in Portland as she was screaming frantically for the baby to stop. I suddenly thought of all the reasons not to run anymore so the child suddenly stopped and then looked over at me as if he wanted to see who warned him.

When a lightning storm goes on outside it's absolutely terrifying to take a walk because I am so much more "attractive" than other people so I have to time my thoughts in a way that makes sure it is not coming towards me and so it will feel like I get to choose where it strikes in the sky! While living in Arizona I could get the hawks to leave by thinking of the reasons it might be helpful for them to allow a spot for the bunnies to "go forth and multiply" for some time to return to later for a feast? In Utah my checking the weather had made the ducks leave who were seemingly quacking responses to my brain while I was working.

This would be the type of holy person natives look for... once people seemingly saw me call lightning to strike in three directions while I was on a circle in front of my home where the porch used to be that I tore down.. I thought that I was doing it to protect my girlfriend while living with her for some reason and stomped my foot in the direction that it went off to the East, South, and then West.

I have wondered if maybe a Holy Cathedral or something would be built there in the future  because I used to live there on Church St? The address is the date the Mayan Calendar begins and it ended when I broke up with my girlfriend who is part Aztec. I have wondered if it was for that reason since I seem to know more about some of their secrets than anyone else? I believe that when they used to sacrifice people it was a magic show to prepare people for the real thing while teaching the children a lesson at the same time. Similar to how Kain did not kill Abel but God and Adam did to teach Kain a valuable lesson in never endangering his little brother again as Abel wanted his own boy to go through it since he thought that it was so much fun? The Gods of the Sky would be where the eaten child would do something similar as going to school far away and then come home later to surprise his brother who was tricked into thinking that his careless behavior or maybe disobedience was what killed his brother? There are likely many things in the bible we misunderstood. When Moses killed an Egyptian it was likely a goat? When the first born was killed by orders that could have been a magic trick as well? The forbidden fruit was an egg as the birds suddenly accused them of being evil so now they had the knowledge of good being something they were no longer part of and they felt naked from never being able to escape the birds that spied them from above easily.

As a child I watched He-Man while my favorite color was pink who was Prince Adam and my Mother bought me a Lego pirate ship for Captain Redbeard which is funny because red is found only in my beard... this seems to be the reason that there is a pirate face on the cover of a certain Legendary Pink Dots album that speaks of Highland where I lived and seemingly has a message to remind me of what might be the largest flaw found in the Mormon faith?

When the show Today's Special came on I met the best friend that I ever had named Jeff in real life... funny coincidence that I had watched a Twilight Zone episode while "remote viewing" where I couldn't help it but to think that the mannequins were Mormons in a certain episode where they take turns becoming human for just one day which I thought was maybe like someone going to Las Vegas who was from Salt Lake City while watching it respond to my mind?

It seems that humanity was already thankful and ready for accepting me into the world as in the future I would have greeting the ghosts of the past from sharing the same light and sound connecting us during our most relaxed state sometimes and most people never noticed that I was any different as I typically keep it to myself what is going on with the television or whatever is responding to me?

I noticed while watching my intimate videos  that in one part the both of us said "California" out loud a bunch of times out of nowhere as if I watch it in the future while rich and famous to send something back? Also, I heard myself propose to her and she accepted while I am sure that I had said absolutely nothing when I made it. Many times during the films we say things out loud to what might have been men with access to it from our phone company? Asking them to get out.

 I caught onto a pattern found in the intimate videos that I had made of my ex girlfriend and myself making love. The footage was taken a few days before I left her so that I would have something good to remember her by and use to help me feel satisfied and not feel the need to go and find someone else to sleep with right away but instead to use the videos as this was my plan to wait for someone special and not partake in casual sex anymore. This has worked great since I had bought a fleshlight to use along with it and have enjoyed using the videos almost more than I have enjoyed the act of having sex! When I had put the one together that I used most frequently what I had done was quickly combine all of the videos along with most of the pictures that I had of her which were pretty much randomly tossed together like one would while making a salad. I noticed while using this edited homemade porn that we both seemed to be responding on the other side of the pictures in the videos as if we were aware of not only my thoughts but of the pictures that I was looking at while watching it. The photos were inserted in mostly random locations as the very quickly put together edited film would show a photo of her every few seconds while showing the best parts of the sex tapes. Then I had noticed how every picture was aligned to match up with her favorite shirt she always wore when we would go dancing which was a ouiji board when it came to where the blue was located in every picture of hers or mine in the background when using that shirt to measure.


It was easy to notice how almost every photo would clearly show the blue in the background always shown on the "yes" side according to the ouiji board shirt. It was as if she was responding to what I was thinking on the other side of the photos as I would have a very intimate experience that felt like the next picture was always partially a response to whatever it was that I had thought right before seeing the picture. For at least an hour or so every single photo that I looked at had blue in the upper left of the photo as if to line up with what her ouiji board shirt says about the "yes" side...

She even seemed to be looking at the blue in some of the pictures as if she was following my train of thought. It felt like a complete miracle!

During the video the both of us seemed to be saying things out loud at random parts that were always a response to my thoughts as if we were aware of everything that I would be thinking of while watching the video, giving me an experience that felt much like communicating, even though it may have been with myself in the past. For example, if it was night time she would respond to this and tell me to sleep as if she was aware of what was going on over where I was watching the videos. Also, I would say things out loud in response to myself that I was sure that I had I remembered never saying while the videos were being taken.

I always held my toy thing in my right hand while watching the video and noticed that it seemed the people on the other side were somehow aware of what I was doing and not only that but also could actually see the other side of the picture and what I was doing... it was kind of hot but out of a guilty feeling I felt the need to make a new video that does not show others in the photos anymore.

Sorry ladies, but I didn't know that you could see me on the other side... don't look down on my bottom right side? Is she covering herself as if she can feel me on the other side? Many of these photos were taken before we met!


How embarrassing yet somehow not since they are not aware of what I did or they are uhhHh... what!? Some people always respond in a "hey, stop that!" kind of way while others do not seem to mind so much... sorry!?

While going through her pictures to add them to the videos I catch onto a mathematical pattern found because of a ouiji-board shirt that she always wore whenever we would go dancing as the blue found in the picture was typically located in the upper left or the "yes side" when using this ouiji-board shirt to measure.

I went through hundreds of her pictures during the next couple of days finding that the blue was always on the "yes side" which would be the bottom right or the upper left of the picture... and this helped me to remember that when we got together I had asked her to pick a color that I had sewn into the passenger side car seat she sat in because I prayed to a jug of water that I kept in that spot for a couple years before we met to prepare for my next girlfriend that could become my wife someday and give birth to my children when ready? She told me that the lighter blue was always the right pick.

She is glaring at a green over the left sh older... perhaps the reason it might be impossible for her to patch things up tomorrow for something more than friends?

Not sure where the blue is found here but she seemingly smiled at me when I thought of there being "no exit" because of the placement of the exit sign in the background... this has been referred to as being "caught in the tunnel" where a person is like me and saving himself for a certain person so this is led to some very meaningful places like where the Legendary Pink Dots bring it where his coded messaged on the album "the Tunnel" read 'KathZsTry LA' and what came from Lana Del Rey as I was dreaming of making music with her and although we obviously like each other she is married or soon to be so there was two kisses found on her chest for the language of math meaning what? You will find out but her latest album was warning me about what could be a certain person wanting a dream date with me who will try to kill me when she finds out due to the paranoia of getting caught for something very illegal she had done.. while there was also once people hinting at something scary like a boat or submarine that wanted to kidnap people where some men might also be "trapped in the tunnel" but not exactly someone who is there to be sent away like a respectful man who does what the symbol of a male represents with the ring and the point that goes to the stone or to be sent away otherwise he may be an untrained boy with fire capable of having children with problems due to inbreeding or whatever?

She is pointing at the rings that would mean "teasing to the stone for another" you will learn later in this blog how to see when you keep reading... as its extremely helpful to be able to do things like understand why they walked like an Egyptian during ancient times so that it was easier to interact with tribes that spoke foreign languages that followed the pentagram.

In this song I made I am proving how the English language is responding to me in a way that is trying to help me save my family line even when it is played backwards as "no, never!" becomes "having one!" when played backwards while "no them them, yes to you!" became "Mother soon, what do you say?" when played backwards and like all of the songs I was making at the time I did not listen to the song until it was done and uploaded so I didn't even know this until it was finished!

Whenever I came across this picture he would be doing something like glaring at another girl who liked me on a second monitor... 

The good news is what the meaning of the tentacle became as it creates a line-up for all of the girls who would be "rejected" by me of interested men in something that I created called the Sixteen Scented Celebration so that there was something for everything negative that would be found as from what I was witnessing too many women wanted me and when I first moved in and became her boyfriend I was having dreams of having sex with other women several times a night so I prayed at her red robe to get them all off. These ideas came from having dreamy interactions of YouTube stars such as Octav1us King or a twitch star such as Forkgirl as I was trying to think of how to keep them off after finding a partner in the future so I thought that finding them in the dream world may interfere with a marriage or relationship so when they are found the person may be woken up in a way that they are helped to find another.

Also, when we first met I had a thought that I was the key while looking at the one on her shirt by the yes side and she giggled then asked me if I was the key! While I was praying at my jug of water before I knew she existed she was praying at the Goddess statue who happened to be carrying a jug. A female voice was coming to speak to me on occasions that would tell me how she was different than my ex girlfriend before her in the bedroom which really fit so I think that it was her most especially because she kept coming from the left side of me which was where she always demanded to sleep when in bed together.

When she first saw me I was standing where she is looking in this picture right here.

Even in this photo where the color was taken out I know that there is blue found in the  British flag but if she was wearing the ouiji-board shirt she may have put it on the NO side by the way she moved in this photo? She is Irish so that is pretty funny maybe in a way that the dark side comics show that humor is evil because of the bad timing someone will have when it absolutely ruined them? Nobody is perfect and we are human beings while laughter may have come from eating the forbidden fruit for the first time as an egg was eaten and then after running away while naked and declared evil by the birds and all of the other animals the monkeys had something to laugh about?

Finally, when I found a picture with the blue located on the "no" side when using the ouiji-board shirt to measure she was seemingly doing a military salute as if to say no to me following my Father who is a conservative Marine that volunteered to serve in Vietnam and she was right next to a toilet which might hint to my Dad as well since his name if Jon. It was true that during our relationship the only time that I was upset was when I was thinking of doing what my Dad would do. Before her I never became upset with any girlfriend I have ever had even when I found out she cheated or whatever?

Let's see the pictures with the blue found on the "kNOw" side, shall we? It took an entire day or two of coming across nothing but yes photos before I found it but some of it could have been linking to her in the dream world while she was sending me certain thoughts while there was the garbage trying to do this at the same time as well!?

The others almost just like this where nudity appeared blue was on the NO side...

"kNOw" you're not at her back anymore... and she is not on the menu..

On the kNOw side is blue 'try our' so this turns into "don't try our" "don't try your" she is looking at the location found on your arm or maybe mine as I type this that would be used for "sending fire for another"? So that might lead to asking me not to help her find another... but I did it and made those songs and albums to make her look like the most beautiful woman in the world for a special someone else out there as I am looking for a younger girl capable of giving me children.

I was absolutely horrified from her being spanked I saw in some pictures of someone she must have been previously with who left bloody bruises as I was part of the other side of the goth scene favoring the BRICKbat mansion over everything else as I would like to join Elastica against a wall so that the idiot is found that needs "vaseline" because the girl will never get "wet" for his abusive fingers?

This was to remind me that there is a game out there called "Polybius... it does not give her seizures.." and I am thankful that it is found on the kNOw side where her soul is "trapped" as her subconscious mind likely knows more about how she was secretly hated by maybe the husband of a female that took her into the bed or something along those lines?

But with me? It may link to my Dad or Grandfather wanting to be able to take a shower alone, etc.

I am seriously as straight as they come... please believe this is forever true but I have had a lot of gay friends growing up, most especially lesbians.. I used to be the only man or person wearing makeup while they would take me to a lesbian party or bar, etc.

Here is some examples of where the "blue on the yes side" brought me!

Absolutely romantic and miraculous!

I am NOT open for having two women... unless it was because one couldn't have children?

The waiter absolutely hated bringing us what I had ordered as because of what might lead to people doing things like calling someone "Jesus" I thought that I could guilt trip the country of France to make a certain dish illegal by partaking in it so that I would absolutely how much it was NOT WORTH IT!

Their language has responded to my living once and seemingly wants to help me to make amends with the birds as I only ordered duck while living there... the birds on the wall in the background shows just ONE on the yes side while there are three on the NO side so with the language of math this means?

Her WRIST is moving which is where the ring would be removed during the ceremony that I had discovered where the ceremonial twine would be wrapped around our hands of I pointed at my own object and she accepted it as the winner while that is also where her 'righTIT' is found!

"Can you afford a ring?"

Her family nickname is Kat and the sign shows 'Kit Kat Club'

It will SURE BE EASIER NOW THAT THIS BLOG CAME OUT and I made this discovery!

k'Nose ATM ^ see where it is found by her knows err nose...

So, this is what motivated me to work constantly and I released 24+ albums just over a years time or so while I was trying to wake her up to the garbage on the other side of the wall trying to trick us into sending for it while she was full of regret for creating lies while lying to the court as she was scared of getting into trouble which stopped her from being able to apologize or make things right... so I gave up!

It was so sad because of how I was having dreams of her constantly as she was coming to me before we met getting excited to meet me. I feared that she was wanting to find what might be one of the nicest people in the "goth" scene as I have never argued with anyone or talked trash behind another's back while I was absolutely horrified when I found pictures of hers showing how people with her previously tied her up and would spank her until bloody bruises were left everywhere? I have never been into that part of the scene. I get disturbed by bondage and although I am thankful it is found because it makes me appear so much better than other people who might be men that are into it it surprises me to be anywhere? There is another side of that "scene" though... my favorite place in Portland was called the Brickbat Mansion and when she came with me I asked her not to invite her friends from the other club as they were completely different.. not exactly the type that the lesbian scene would want to welcome?

[Oldest picture of her in a vintage dress holding a paddle] 

What was weird was when I was trying to convince her to throw out half of her stuff from her closet she never wore she put on this dress and stood in the spot where I had heard in the sex tapes we made myself says "yes!" with a moan of pleasure or something? As if in the past she knew everything I would think in the future by some miracle? 

Part of coming up with the Day of Darkness in my celebration is due to the fear of other men finding and watching these sex tapes. Like child porn they should absolutely never be used by other men and destroyed! When people watch it is goes back in time like Steven Hawking showed us time travelers at his party. It is obvious that they leaked somehow because I was dumb and assumed that with a personal phone they would not have a setting that would be uploading all of my photos and videos by default?! What a stupid thing to do. That endangers people who work for their company. Outrageous! I would not want anyone else seeing them. It was right before I left her so she was mad and it was personal for just me or her to use. Maybe when she is older or whatever have something to remember? During our sex tapes there is a part where it sounds like the collective mind of gross men saying "eww" is heard when it shows her face while her body would have looked perfect maybe as she was thin with big breasts but ON THAT DAY her face was not the best? Really pissed me off. I totally broke down crying in front of the building shaped like a penis in Utah as I deleted them and then realized that they had stored them in their servers somewhere! During those tapes we were MAKING LOVE and not having SEX and it is clearly heard she is asking for others to leave while there is a part where I am making threats as if men are watching it and using it? A part of it the both of us say "California" for no reason as if shocked that I am famous and rich while also she says "mafia" which might be something to help me 'scare' what might be a server engineer working for the company? This was part of the motivation for having the Day of Darkness for actors or anyone alive to put a request for certain pictures or videos of them being absolutely destroyed in the future. Or layers of respect AT LEAST so that folks like Robert Smith or Gloria Swanson are remembered more during their younger age while only the older folks see them later unless we are having dreams of her asking to turn it off? This might be one of the reasons that remote viewing has worked so well. They get disturbed from computers coming too. I would never have to make threats and thanks to everything I know know it is absolutely possible for me to make sure they delete those tapes forever on their end before they are sold or whatever? It was already heard though. Please never think that I want a revolution or anything like that but there is a place for everything negative found in the celebration so that it is safer to share this discovery. I have thought of everything that could go wrong and responded to a lot of people? Just needed somewhere to put what needs to be dealt with later in the next year as too many are watching television and playing games so no one else has been planning the future like I have? As far as getting everything wanted for everyone it seems that the plan has already been laid out and is found in the origins of the letters or names of everything responding to me now? Careful where that leads? So far it has been seemingly what might come from our soul more than other stuff we left behind in some ways but there are always 101+ definitions of every word or name.

The artist who made the sculpture she prayed at  was Joseph Shemanski so that helped me to remember a dream that I had of the first naked woman I have ever seen who had the same birthmarks on her that I thought was dirt when I was a child... she was carrying an umbrella and was escorted from a horse carriage to a car and then finally a ski lift as if that were the most sophisticated method of travel? She told me that she had a craving to sleep with a young teenager when she turned thirty she told me as if her subconscious mind somehow knew that I had already met her in my sleep all the way into my childhood.

What is messed up is that what is found in his last name might be trying to wake me up to how I was drugged with a date rape drug? Ski has letters with the origins that mean measuring what is put in the body while handing something measuring...

She had an umbrella in this dream and what she did in these photos seems to be impossible how the ring will appear out of nature and everywhere else for her!?

Look at that ring in her hair as things point to which finger?

What is that mysterious light going to her ring finger???

Mary Poppins?

This shows some of her natural "dirt" that woke me up to her identity as I was just a child when I had first seen her naked in a dream as she was being escorted from horse buggy to a Ford to a ski lift... right before having her I was thinking about my ex before her and how I would not want her if she did not have pigmentation in her private area so when I found it I was so relieved.. I have not been feeling that way anymore so the echo is likely not as much coming from someone else?

I had created the Sixteen Scented Celebration so that she could go to the Goddess Statue that she always prays to and a line up of interested men may leave an object at her feet or on a stair then take turns pointing at an object but she was too scared to admit that she lied and tell the truth to her Mom because she used her to get money to avoid getting kicked out of her place by making me out to be a monster and then was scared of getting in trouble with the law as she was not familiar with it while I had fought her in court waking them up to her lying about it as she kept digging the regret deeper...

What IS odd though is that she is looking at red shoes!

She wore those before she got into an accident during a naked bike ride!

Is there something she is trying to warn me or another about maybe concerning the garbage or bacteria endangering us somehow through the photos as insects or maybe parasites find a way to ride the light and constantly tease me one step ahead and behind as its always faster by sending timed thoughts to people so that I would always FAIL until I ate of a certain plate of bacon or?

When she lied to get money from her Mother she made up a story about my grabbing her wrist in an abusive way at a supermarket which never happened and before this happened she sent me text messages letting me know she was going to lie to her Mother and block me until my birthday to get money because she could not afford it when I moved out so I am going to take a lie detector test during the next couple weeks to prove this on top of having the text records but also while with her the friends she had would contact me warning me of how she would be making up lies about me when we broke up while a bunch of people unfriended me such as Barnaby Felton when I changed my relationship status of being her boyfriend due to her history of making up lies about her ex boyfriends before me. I should not have to worry about the folks who work at Facebook reading messenger but that is not true because he told me this in person and that matters? How dumb when some people live a complete lie most especially with absolutely everything shared on social media. It is not effective for gathering data regarding the truth unless it is someone cheating maybe?

Perhaps a host for a colony of parasites or bacteria wants to call me the devil or something supernatural before my words convince another person to go on a DIET that stops another colony from spreading?

She was correct in that I grabbed her wrist though... WITH MY MIND ON THE OTHER SIDE OF THE PICTURES? MWAHAHAHA! No. Just kidding as I have possible given myself brain damage from the fear of thinking something that might be seen as offensive as I have been witnessing what appears to be telepathy from others constantly because of what their subconscious minds are aware found when measuring the timing of thoughts and how they relate with the actions of others as light is capable of giving us access to almost everything and it has been proven to me everyone has access to the memories of other minds?

I grabbed her wrist once while streaming out of instinct because she was taking my keys without permission while I was playing a game so it happened without thinking to stop her until she let me know what she wanted them for. 

Weird how the word 'ex' is shown on the yes side... which gave me so much motivation since this was yet another one of the very few photos that shows the blue behind her on the "no" side when using that ouiji-board shirt to measure.

Here are the stairs found.. my dead friend in the spot where he died before it happened came to my friend to 'possess' him while he said "you need Kathleen to go up the stairs" while trying to help me to patch things with her seemingly? He may have been trying to help her since he died before having children and well a woman may still be capable of having one even when she is 90 years old?

When this photo was taken it was night time so this mysterious light is so magical that is found and look at her face as she is staring into the light as if seeing something good?

Or maybe the stairs is not for a wedding ring but just a Cranberry.. the most beautiful one?

It depends on whether or not anyone wants to have the best experience possible by helping me with this Sixteen Scented Celebration or maybe just share share share this everywhere NOW!?

What if others find something very evil and dark though? They will survive or contact someone like me who would be glad to guide someone into a sane direction as no thought should be trustworthy because if we make it out of a potty thought zone everything will lead to "it is wrong to think outside of here"?

Fact remains that we are hosts for colonies of bacteria.. but how was I able to point this blue hilt to the blue found behind me in every picture that was taken of me?!? This led to me friend in Utah where I had moved after this was taken who lost her brother and he shown me that he also had a hilt and was pointing to where the blue was location but this girl responded much like the rest out of fear of the birds or maybe to save a colony of bacteria or parasites from bacon maybe as she was too scared to hear it?

When I found this out I was blocked on Facebook by her but I tried to share it on my wall with others and for whatever reason a bunch of women I did not know who were "friends" with me that lived in the area did not respond well and would not even take any time to look into the video that I had made or anything. They just assumed that it was crazy to think that someone could respond to me on the other side of a photograph but what really proved them wrong was when I came across pictures of my dead friends as they were obviously responding to my coming across them in a way that is impossibly synchronized to be a perfect answer to my last thought.

[Find all the hilt pictures and insert them here]

She posted this photo and if I had obeyed her instructions that she gave me in text messages I would have not fought her in court while accepting the delusion and then write her until my birthday came when she would unblock me was her plan she came up with (while drunk or!?)

"write back" dot dot dot dot (leave a trail for making it right...) and well I did try this but she was too scared to follow it... regarding ANYONE ELSE IN THE WORLD I would not try a second time but she and her friends were making it impossible for me to tell whether or not she was warned about what was ENDANGERING HER ABOUT THE PLACE THAT SHE LIVED IN!!!

When I had moved in with this woman and paid for our rent while asking her to just enjoy my paying for things for awhile to promote Darkfall and go on vacation together that happened it was great! I sure went through my savings fast. I should have done more to get back to work back then and marry the girl while she was pregnant... when we saw the band Rasputina they had changed the words from "life" to "wife" when she came with me as the silent angel and my friends at the goth event asked me not to get back at them for what they had arranged for us.

Suddenly about two or three dozen people seemed to unfriend me for the first time on Facebook when I had announced our relationship status and the reason they told me was because she made up lies about her ex boyfriend and now I have become a new one she tried to bury with lies until he was ruined?!

I was so dumb and duped by trusting her that the first time she lied to me I believed her and it was about something that she said that I did so that she could find a way to kick me out of Portland!?

She wants this to be used against me forever.. she wants me to be known as a stalker or a creep so that no other woman ever wins what she was too scared to accept.. but recently I woke up to the possibility that she had sex on top of my drugged body one night while we were together!?

Because of THAT the magic has been lost and now she knows it as I write this on the other side of those photos but still I believe that she will work to make things right in the future when brave enough?

She did not know how "famous" I was while I was with her so I timed everything on my side to make her out to be the most beautiful person in the world so that she would feel a better echo coming from here as hopefully she found another man out there that was capable of filling that awful hole I felt when we broke up and I went to her while she was alone in her apartment as I was asleep...

The part of her that is embarrassed about everything that happened and wants me to look bad makes all of these other women look bad when in reality what made me "go crazy" was a misdiagnosis as I was given medication that I should have never taken while Arabs gave me devil's breath and made me swallow tobacco when I lost my memory. Shows like Sopranos making my Father out to be a possible mafia guy as my name is AJ and the sister is meadow was potentially done to scare us straight since his youngest daughter lived in Rome and his 'goth phase' that encouraged drugs or alcohol should end as people had done a reverse psychology AA meeting to scare me straight using the help of famous people everywhere that were not only aware of it in some places but magically synchronized in others. I have never shown behavior of 'mental illness' outside of maybe living with a nurse where her daughter would not let me sleep for a week straight until I would hallucinate! I am working right now constantly and sure might have been disabled from what would be best described as PTSD I am definitely going to be getting paid a lot very soon while I am starting new businesses while finally able to pay back my debts from hospital visits and other people besides where they should be sued for seriously messing up with me. She was into vintage and only knew of the oldies while we were together so I did not bother waking her up to anything that had gone on or might have been going on outside that she was completely unaware of like why the show Killing Eve seemingly used her dress while letting me know she was drinking heavily when we broke up?

For many years I have stayed away from movies and television because of noticing them respond to me so I have favored Twitch and YouTube instead so that I do not feel as pressured to think perfectly for others while watching. This was around the time that I noticed a YouTube star seemingly responding to my thoughts in a way that let me know that she liked me. Her main interests included "vampires that the televisions watched" among other things so the possibility of her echo in my future seemed to be there?

From what I had witnessed the reason that the game Castlevania 2: Simon's Quest had a woman in a red dress was because of her wearing one I am absolutely convinced of this being real as I know everything we come across responds from our living once and in the game the guy who made it was seemingly trying to help me by doing things such as having one character say "I want to move in with you" and there was another game that seemingly made her the "bad guy" fought as she comes out if a tub and bleeds everywhere with an umbrella and you have to attack her dress to win which is so funny because I was trying to convince her to throw away some of her old clothes that might be embarrassing since the people in California were saying mean things about vintage when we went and I just knew what some people would do that might be mean from the future as I knew we would be famous if she stayed with me as I had goals. Because of my mind being so much more entertaining to live in than that of other people because of how science works whoever I am interested in becomes more famous in the subconscious minds of others echoed all over with or without their consciously knowing about it and the best example of this would be PB and Fork you will read about later on?

This was taken on my birthday where in my mind on the day this was taken I was obsessing about a green "v" which now means "flock" I have come to learn it means? I was obsessing about starting at her toe and finding my Goddess or who would be my next lover and I was praying at a jug of water that I kept in the passenger side of my car so she responded because in the future we would be together! The left foot first means, "wait for it and save yourself" which I did...

When my birthday came around I was supposed to be unblocked according to what my ex wrote when she told me her plan to create lies for getting money from her Mother but nothing changed and when the restraining order had ended I flew to Portland to try and connect with her to let her know everything that had happened as if felt like a huge discovery had been made! While there I went to our old place and saw her but she did not want to talk to me in person so I left then had a small chat over messenger online that really helped me get a feel for how she was never woken up by any of our mutual friends regarding what went on with me or what I had discovered. It took years until I figured out that she cheated and realized that she may have had sex on top of me while I was passed out because of being drugged one night when we had a male visitor. I woke up in the morning sobbing uncontrollably. This seems to be the main reason she refused to try and remain as friends. As if she knew that I would never forgive her if I knew everything that she had done?

Some of her pictures after being inserted into our sex videos started to wake me up to people somehow being able to see the observer from the other side of the picture or video seemingly!?

I was startled when these pictures were shown as the ladies seemed to be aware of what I was doing on my side as they would have seen something very "private" just below the picture to the left where they seem to have placed their interest.

How comical their faces are in these pictures!

As if they could see me naked on the other side?!

Below them to my right side I was playing with my what when I caught onto this?!?

My friend Linda Strawberry I used to go clubbing with who plays with the Smashing Pumpkins in their other band drew this right when I discovered that the lighter blue was always found on the "yes" side or the upper left

My pen is leaving the people on the other side of the picture? Does it appear on the left side? Wrong answer... this actress synchronized so much that I thought someone was showing her my posts or what I was doing who worked for Facebook because right after I had said that the women were calling themselves "vampire lovers" and the act of coming to me while asleep "levitating" she posted red and green on the "yes" side in the next post that came from her so that I would not feel totally stupid or too embarrassed but when her music perfectly synchronized while I was traveling the possibility that she was simply doing the same thing as them became more real! It might be extremely helpful for them to do the Sixteen Scented Celebration as they were who I made it for partially but I keep being reminded that it was mostly so that no one would feel rejected anywhere and that I would be able to help the rejected person found wherever with a tease of a line-up coming up asking for them? Famous people being able to find the ones coming to them while they sleep so that they can help the person GET OFF OF THEM might help a famous couple stay together more because if they are going to break up the echo of the NEW GUY will be coming from the future so in theory the most loyal partner should be able to find who the person could most likely be to see that their relationship is only going to rekindle again.

Embarrassing to say the least but this inspired me to be a lot more careful about what they are able to see as if I had to worry about what the people in the pictures or in videos could see so I stopped doing things like undress carelessly... for many years I have been more tidy than everyone else doing things like never using toilet paper and washing with soap every time instead.. typically if it is a public restroom I will bring in my own water and clean the toilet before using it so everywhere I go places are cleaned most especially picking up garbage or cigarette butts for squats to build my legs.

When I come across dead people it feels like being death as I witness being one who let's them know that they are dead. They are always looking at something meaningful on the other side of the picture by some miracle... like my friend Monica here who has died and she looks at where comments from friends should be found so it inspired me to write something long for her..

For her eyes on my second monitor I watched this for her to see... and then witnessed how they responded in the music video as if they knew that she was dead!?

...and then the next picture was her response to my letting her know that she died as if acknowledging it with a glowing white rectangle and I noticed she put on a hat showing a skull on it.. blue rhymes with "you" so she might have been noticing me choking up at the time?

Richard had just died before her by shooting himself who was like her husband so seeing a green to rectangles is not a good sign especially when she did not eat enough... oh.. I just now realized that in that song I showed her he mentioned being "sticking self in the neck" and well my friend Kelly (Simon) used to shoot up in the neck and this song seemingly was timed recently to wake me up to how dumb it was to think that it was good to want that kind of attention?

When I use my memory all of my friends who died would have remembered me timing things to warn them not to do what led to killing them as if I somehow knew? The one who had the most horrible death from drinking draino and dying in a hospital after three days without a stomach as they told her it would be impossible to survive I know she tripped and thought of me constantly as her last memory of me was suddenly crying for no reason at a party and held her for the rest of the night.

I lived with them for awhile... and her boyfriend was buying heroin through "Leeroy Jenkins" so I was the middle man for it feeling trapped in not being able to stop them as I knew it would ruin them if I were to give them their number and when I would cut them off they would find a way to get it through someone else.. at his place when he used for too many days in a row I cut him off and cried heavily while asking and begging him to simply accept being sober and just go through cravings but he threatened me because I needed a place to stay so was able to get his "fix" and start what became an actual habit instead of what was so "surprisingly harmless" at first.

Since he was a known hacker by the name of Sw1tch who once stole millions of dollars to be transferred to an account in Europe I have had concerns of his being killed after being tricked into doing something for another hacker but he was likely dope sick while missing Monica who likely cut him off as she was never using it or obeyed when it was time to stop.

So, I started to talk out loud to what seemed like proof she was here with me as I had asked her what's she thought that I should do about my discovery and the trash on the other side of the wall potentially endangering my girlfriend?

Then I came across this...

...and it seemed to me that she was warning me that I was running out of time?

Here she is making the same pose made by my ex girlfriend in a picture that I thought had meant she loved me even if the blue was on the "no" side... I guess it is found on the "no" side in this picture as well as she wears jeans..

I know my friend... I used to live with her.. this morning I woke up after dancing last night where I thought that I saw a woman that I had once left in bed sprawled out naked I was not allowed to touch who is back and looks much better than before! Why not go out with her? Because of the promise that I had made a twitch girl? One that she made without knowing it while sleeping? Once this same girl laughed and said out loud that she used me when another person told me this but I felt like this was going to turn into a disagreement before something else? 

She looks at me telling me that she would have loved if a guy did what I am doing to her... that most girls would freak out over it and love me for it! In reality, this girl may not be a good match for me without the courage to tell me? Maybe she wants to sell her body or become an Only Fans girl? Maybe my wanting to make a singer to tour and tell our story with was a totally dumb idea? Maybe she will not be willing to have one partner? Maybe she only wanted me to do this because of my kind and forgiving nature that another person would call stepping all over me?

All this time and what happened? Before true love is proven to be real using science maybe I should just wake up to what I had done for the story for myself because it was so romantic and realize that I had picked the WRONG GIRL?

I should find a place to live but I do not want to do this until I find a woman who I like that wants me to live in her city because it's ME and I am ridiculously picky while I do not want to do something like somewhere. have to pack my things right after settling down . Asking her on the other side of Twitch is not going to count. This girl would have to let me know personally that she wants me to stay so that we could date. What a beautiful story nonetheless and maybe I went through this misery and loneliness while being continuously dragged through the in mud by what could be an abusive jealous billionaire? Who wants to synchronize everything against me? Why would anyone do that to me? Without contacting me? I have been trying to be a "friend" to every hates 'billionaire' out there but in reality maybe they just stepped on me and used me? Making up excuses to do something to me because of my being a "psycho" or whatever else cannot be real when he  would know the truth of everything where he goes to sleep so everyone would think that it's jealousy? Or maybe a power trip coming from someone who assumes others hate him as much as he does. I was dumb enough to share things with him like he was some kind of friend while others were using services to be abusive to me. All over what? FEAR that I would tell regarding what happened to me?

"she NOSE the blue..." RIP I love you forever!

"You know we love you."

Thought that enters my head whenever I come across this... before and after..

Here they are seemingly reminding me of a picture of her that I found that almost spells "win"...

This inspired me to start documenting absolutely everything that happens to me whenever I come across others photos, videos, and even artwork as I find that it responds to my mind in a way that should be impossible!

After Monica and other dead friends that responded to me magically on the other side of photos in an impossible way such as Simon who was one of my favorite people and a secret crush I had... I could have tried when an opportunity opened possibly through who used to be my best friend and perhaps her?

Simon was shot in the back by a cop while unarmed for running away as they were afraid of her maybe because she looked so scary but also she had a bad side that most people did not know about capable of robbing stores with a gun and they thought that she was actually a man like I did the first time that I saw her. She painted something that seemed to show along with a message sent by a Pink Dots song warning her of what would happen in the future called 'Agape' that had shown her last moments of shock as she did not think they would shoot her. She owned her house so was conservative and the only friend of mine who would actually tell people that she believed in Jesus?

 RIP love you forever!

Like me, some of the most famous artists found in the goth scene made songs that sure is a shame she never knew as she was a huge fan and would have absolutely loved it as he spun records so would have used them a lot at parties! I think the main problem is the amount of content that they had so it was hard to be able to afford it as piracy did not exist yet as much but honestly when I downloaded all of the albums of theirs that I did not own before that it inspired me to want their "entire collection" which is absolutely impossible. How many 'Chemical Playschool' albums did they release? 25 now? I used to think that she was stronger than other people and it was one of the reasons that I felt very attracted to her because she was like my Dad or Grandma in the way that she was very tough and I cannot explain why but it made me feel safer maybe and more at home since she would let me know immediately if there was any problems instead of doing something behind my back?

Like my other dead friends her pictures were magically responding to my mind as if she knew everything and was able to answer questions!? The way that she did it was so poetic too! I wish that I was documenting everything at that point but it was right before I started to because of what she did and the others. I remember one of her responses was telling me how her friend's eyes were so beautiful. She was a lesbian and when I met her she had dreadlocks and I thought she was a man.

Simon is Stronger Than Us by Angels of Light (side project of the Swans)
{seems like the lady used in the picture for this music video was someone who died I used to know who lived in Portland? I did not know her but she was very nice and did a to help me that was out of the norm...}

Swamp Thing / Red Letters / Simone Is / Katha
I think that the red letters are words Jesus said in the bible... it is just a riddle?
Just weird coincidences or something more?! He has already proven to do things that have been magically synchronized without knowing consciously that he was doing it o try and help save his fans while I feel that the dream he had he described in one of his songs about being stuck may have happened because of Michael dying and his being blamed for it as well when it had nothing to do with him but his album that is very dark was the last one that he listened to? Simon is One (coded?) he always puts coded messages of letters like liuwbetsa.n found on his albums that have been impossibly magical when unscrambled leading me to thoughts of maybe his dreaming so knowing of things to come because of people visiting him from the future? This came out after he met me too but I am embarrassed from how I must have looked because the lights came on and I was not exactly ready for them while dressed in my own outfit I made that was pretty extreme (goth).

I want to take a moment to say "thank you!" to all of the artists out there most especially famous ones who have made "Easter eggs" for me or friends to find while thinking of us or those who have synchronized and responded to us while I may as well warn you now that if you are interested in dating me you would become famous for it even if I was only interested and did not follow through for some time.

For example, my ex girlfriend who I dated in Portland that is the creator of this channel we have witnessed seemingly Republica and Elastica respond to her where she was called Zelda because when we dated she was drinking too much and staying in bed so hopefully she knows that she is loved tremendously enough to be saved from actually becoming the scary old sick version that was seen in the mind of Stephen King. In the song Vaseline by Elastica it seemingly called her Zelda in the beginning to warn me about what would possibly make a porphyria baby much worse as it runs in my family and may come from too many generations of drinking so I need to make sure she is sober when we have one while the Republica song may be giving her hope because she knows that I do not lie or have not lied about what others would probably accuse me of? The reason this is significant is because Michael came to me in the spot before he died and when I woke up my friend sleeping next to me he said very clearly that I needed "Vaseline" to go up the stairs but recently I thought maybe he said Kathleen because the last word I was not sure about (while typing this just now a car just drove by and a rap song was playing that said "his friend did not know what to do and ____ {rhymed with died}). I thought that song is a joke because a woman would never need Vaseline if she was with the right man but it is maybe cleaner than spit when those moments happen but black and blue? It is possible that a fan of Elastica somewhere made the singer respond to wake up someone to how messed up her lover was? This always happens since mass bends time but since people can be mean or come to conclusions too fast I am grateful to know that some of these favorite stars of mine definitely knew me and have thought of us while making tunes so we're conscious of it and following my story as I was trying to figure it out.

So thankful that a legend such as Edward Ka-Spel is still alive and active as I let my friends know about how the show "Salute Your Shirts" seemingly was synchronized for my girlfriend named Anna who is mentioned in the paragraph above seemingly responded to what was going on as I was completely sober and got off of everything they were trying to help me while likely proud that I got off of Suboxone cold turkey with a month of withdrawals on my other monitor reminding me how she wanted children and was thinking about me still so the song "Camp Anna-wanna" brought on whole new meaning! I was off of all drugs and much more capable of having a healthy child! This is what happens for following the wiser good path. I had previously tagged her to a black widow song so he made this for her somewhere can you find the album with my face and hers? Previously he knew exactly what to say that would assist in saving his fans in ways that should have been impossible. One of his darkest songs found on "From Here You'll Watch The World Go By" it likely went to the brain of my friend with miraculous timing to try and stop him as well as scare him so that he would not take any of his pills. From what I have witnessed his music has always done this but in another album he shares a dream he had because of people accusing him of killing him because ofl the song being so dark but in reality they had accused me of this as well when the opposite was true as I was very excited to have him back in my life while I was told he was just released from the hospital after attempting to commit suicide but unfortunately they gave him back all of his pills.

I know he met her right before this point because she went to his concert and he was probably wanting to give something back because of the nice welcoming they had when they toured America... I used to think that my Dad was the Swamp Thing in this song but I do not know anymore!?

Thanks to creating the Sixteen Scented Celebration for myself I think that my male special place representing a sword may be only something of the past but some weapon that would be with names such as Kat & Anna... Katana?

Never again do I want to leave someone who is feeling a loss because of it... there is no good reason to cut ties or not do something such as help someone find another after we break up or whatever?

What I heard that happened after I left should not have gone on... thankfully, Anna probably had no hurt coming from me or being without.. 

My pen is seriously not supposed to be a weapon!

Few things that I should mention before I get into this... I am completely safe and have not even argued with a person since Elementary School maybe? I have never fought with a lover or girlfriend but have raised my voice once with two of them. I do not do things such as say anything bad about another without the person being around as it is not constructive.

I do not come to conclusions until out of time. I think that maybe the only way to be righteous is to look for ways that I have been wrong. I do not trust my own thoughts and doubt everything that enters and try to measure where they originated. I like to end every sentence with a question mark as much as possible so that a person is less likely to have anything to disagree with or want to counter as something false or wrong.

I have not lied about anything nor have I exaggerated while I am taking a lie detector test once I am completely done with the blog or story so that I pay less money since every question costs around 425$!? I try and show proof using scientific demonstrations such as recording myself coming across something while using a random number generator to prove that another is responding to my mind on the other side of everything shared with what should be impossible accurate synchronicity as if they know every thought that I have had?

I have not done things like share only certain videos I have recorded of myself when the synchronicity worked or of myself asking for something from another in the next thing posted or shared while find the occasions when things do not align perfectly perhaps a bit more convincing because of what the color or picture might mean or how much it made sense that it was important for us to ask why things turned out the way that it did since we lived once.

The most impressive facts shared here would be hundreds of hours showing myself coming across dating profiles while using rules that I had come up with in a pentagram to measure their photos and ask simple questions that is most obviously real where the fifth picture that I use to ask about children always matches what they put in their description but more than that might be the timing of the thoughts that I will have when coming across them as well as how I will almost always dream about them before and after it happens. Where the only profile did not match it seemed to be because of the person found in the pictures I would have likely been able to change their mind or it was very possible that the person did not actually want children but said that they did because of being open to date a Father? What was absolutely amazing was how they almost always put a tree or red and green in the top right asking me to be satisfied with the kids they already had.

I took a video of myself asking for a certain color in a specific location in the next post from the dream girl targeted a dozen times in a row and never failed!
